Home Categories contemporary fiction white dog swing

Chapter 24 airship

white dog swing 莫言 9093Words 2018-03-20
My mother always wakes up my sister and me early in the morning.On the morning of the twelfth lunar month, the ground was cracked with frost, and the dead branches of the apricot tree in the yard were rattling.The wind poured in sharply through the cracks in the wall, and frost blossoms formed on my face. The festering chilblains on my cheeks leaked some powder every night, which looked very much like white frost blossoms. "Get up, get up, Lan Man, Jin Dou," the mother called out in annoyance, "Go early and come back early, don't hurry up." My mother urged my sister and I to go to Nanshan to beg for food.I forgot what year it was.I am six years old and my sister is eighteen.My sister took me to Nanshan to beg for food, which was the most memorable thing in my past life.When the airship fell from the sky and landed on the east embankment of our village, it was a morning in the twelfth lunar month—when I thought of the colder climate at that time than it is now, my thoughts became confused, and I couldn’t speak or write articles. It's because the preface doesn't match the end, one sentence in the head, one sentence in the back, thinking about things while talking, this is a problem that developed from freezing when I was a child, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to cure.

At that time, all the children in our village went to Nanshan to beg for food, not only children, but also wives and eldest daughters.As soon as the sun turned red, the army of beggars in our village marched towards Nanshan. They formed a cluster as soon as they left the village. Half a mile away, they looked like sheep shitting, sparsely scattered all over the road.My sister and I are always at the forefront.We run, we use running to resist the cold; once we don't run, the sweat will stop, and the hollow padded jacket will rattle like iron armor, it's cold, it's cold!We are frozen, and we hate the cold.I yelled: "Cold, cold, fuck your mother!" Everyone in the company was amused by me.

Mr. Fang Qi's wife bared her teeth and said, "This kid, you are so hot, you fucking cold mother, I froze the head of your dick off!" Everyone laughed even more, all sighing, with clear snot hanging from the tip of their noses. A group of children around my age shouted together with me: "Leng Leng Leng, fuck your mother!" We shouted and cursed, and declared war on the boundless cold.We're like a pack of dogs barking at the moon.But the cold is a bit shrinking after all, and the golden red sun shines on our frozen cheeks and ears, like countless red needles pricking gently.

I have experienced melting pain many times.The cold first turned my face and ears into icicles, and the sun came to melt these icicles.I am not afraid of freezing but more afraid of melting.Freezing, it hurts a little at first, about ten minutes, and after ten minutes, the pain is gone, and I can't feel whether my ears and cheeks exist.Melting is uncomfortable, of course there is some pain, the most uncomfortable thing is the itching, itching and itching, a hundred times more uncomfortable than pain.Later, I once thought about the tortures in the world, such as cutting feet, splitting cars, sticking bamboo sticks between nails, wearing linen and wearing mourning, walking with red-hot iron bars, bullets pushing ribs, skinning alive... It sounds staggering. , shuddering, but it seems to be bearable, pain, as long as you can bear the first wave, you can bear the rest; but itching is different, itching is a continuous nerve war, which can make people crazy.Back then, the secret agents of SACO invented so many kinds of torture, but they didn't invent the extremely itchy criminal law. What a pity!

My face, my hands, and my ears all melted under the sun, the yellow water gurgled, the smell of carrion diffused in the cool air, and thousands of ants crawled and burrowed on the surface of my chilblains.I think it would be very comfortable if I had a sharp knife to remove the flesh from my head. Of course, the flesh from the back of my hand should also be removed, and the toes and feet should be pricked to let blood.My hand raised itself to scratch my face.My sister yelled: "Golden Dou, don't scratch your face, scratching will cause purple scars!" My sister also has frostbite on her face, but it hasn't festered yet. One red bean, one purple bean, dozens of red bean and purple bean are distributed on my sister's cheeks. My sister's face is like a sweet potato that is starting to go bad.

It's very itchy, but I can't scratch it. I don't need my sister to remind me to know that my face can no longer be scratched.It's almost like rotten eggplants and rotten tomatoes.I am like a lively little monkey jumping on the ground.I could have cried, but for whom?There is a saying in our place: It is better to see a bitch pee than to see a man cry. In our begging team, I was not the only one with sores on my head and face.A group of boys, like me, jumped and shouted into a group of lively little male monkeys in the pain of thawing. We just scolded the cold, and now we are going to scold the warmth again.

I am still the first to start, and then everyone develops together. "Ran Nuan Nuan, fuck your dear father!" "Hot, hot, hot, fuck your own daddy!" my friends chanted with me. "Leng Leng Leng, fuck your mother; hot hot, fuck your father!" We shouted, facing the fiery red sun, we ran towards Nanshan. The seventh mother of the Fang family pouted and said, "This group of poor children, you scold them for being cold, and scold them for being hot. It's not easy being a god!" The seventh mother of the Fang family was in her fifties at the time. When I visited the house last year, I heard from my mother that she had died not long ago.At this time, it had been more than twenty years since the airship was stuck on the embankment.

In my impression, the seventh mother of the Fang family always wears a large black coat with one side of the front, on which her snot and the snot of her children are smeared brightly.Her cotton-padded jacket is a treasure, which protects against the cold wind in winter and rain in summer.Moreover, in my impression, Mother Seven will always hold a nursing child in her arms.It seems that the mother monkey in the clay toys in our hometown is always carrying a little monkey.The Seventh Mother did not have enough food and clothing to keep warm, but she maintained a strong reproductive ability.How many children she has given birth to in her life, and whether she has made it clear is also worth studying.This may be a job requirement.It is more sympathetic to hold a child and beg for food.As the saying goes: "Everything brings out the champion, and the seventh mother is the champion in the begging industry."She grew up eating hundreds of meals.She is an elder who eats hundreds of meals.She has never been sick in her life.

In 1969, a complaint meeting was held in the production team.The sky is full of stars, and the crescent moon is shining brightly. The production team holds a meeting to complain about their grievances and avenge their grievances.The evil old society, the blood and tears of the poor, a myriad of thoughts, my heart filled with unstoppable bitter tears.We sang this popular song and waited for a meal of memory.I am especially looking forward to the conference of memory of bitterness and the meal of memory of bitterness.Eating bitter meals was the greatest joy among the countless joys in my youth.In fact, every bitterness memory meeting is full of laughter and laughter, and there is a happy atmosphere from the beginning to the end. Eating bitterness memory food has undoubtedly become a grand ceremony for the whole village.

The bottom line is that Yiku rice is much more delicious than the happy rice in our family. Whenever there is a meal of memory of bitterness, almost all the women in the village, except the family members of landlords, rich, counter-revolutionaries, bad, and rightists, are dispatched together.They washed the dried carrot tassels and dried sweet potato leaves in the river water and chopped them into pieces with sharp knives.The custodian takes out soybeans, wheat, and corn from the warehouse, puts them on a stone mill, mixes them and grinds them.Stir multigrain noodles with minced vegetables, remove salt, pour soy sauce—sometimes a few catties of soybean oil, and steam in a large pot.We sang Yiku songs and rushed into the cauldron to escape the aroma of Yiku rice.

The singing stopped, and the team leader came onto the stage, asking the seventh mother of the Fang family to come on stage to remember her suffering.Mother Seven hugged her monkey-like baby, covered her mouth with one sleeve, and came onto the stage howling. Seventh mother’s complaint is a strange text in the world: "Folks, since I married Fang Laoqi, I haven't had a full meal. A few years ago, when I went to Nanshan to beg for food, I could get a basket of dried melons in a morning. These years, I can't even get half a basket in a morning... ..." The captain coughed under the stage. "There are too many beggars. This group of little bastards fucked their cold mothers and hot fathers as soon as they left the village. They ran faster than rabbits. When I got there, they would have already taken the first water fish." The team leader said, "Mom Seven, tell me about what happened before liberation." Mother Seven said: "What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Before liberation, I went to Nanshan to beg for food. Holding a child in my arms, I walked home step by step. On the twenty-second day of the twelfth lunar month, I saw that it was the new year. Long-term workers and short-term workers all rushed home. The children kept crying from the cold, and I also left I stopped moving. I went to a village and found a mill house to live in. The dilapidated house was better than an open field. The children stopped crying. I took out dried sweet potatoes from my noodle pocket and ate them. In the middle of the night, I I felt that my stomach was not good, so I asked the two older children to pull hay on the haystack. The children did not come back after pulling the grass, and my little five fell to the ground. When the children saw my blood, they cried and screamed in fright A kind-hearted elder brother came in to have a look, and brought a pot of hot soup home for our girls to drink. I said, kind-hearted elder brother, I will never forget you..." Whenever the seventh mother of the Fang family talked about the mill giving birth, she would cover her nose and cry.The soft-hearted women in the audience also sighed. The captain raised his arms and shouted: "Don't forget class suffering! Remember blood and tears!" People followed suit and shouted: "Don't forget the suffering of class, remember the hatred of blood and tears." Fang Jiaqi's mother never stopped talking about her giving birth in the mill house.Say it the other way around, and say it the other way around.The aroma of Yiku rice makes my mouth water.I don't know about others, all I know is that I wish I had a gun to knock down Fang Jiaqi's mother who was nagging endlessly from the stage. The captain was also obviously impatient, he interrupted Mama Qi's conversation and said, "Mom Qi, tell me about the future!" Mother Seven raised her coat sleeves and wiped her eyes, then pinched the baby in her arms, and said with confused eyes: "What happened later? Communism and wife, house and land..." The team leader ran up to the stage, held the arm of the Seventh Mother of the Fang family, and said, "Mom, Mom, you can go down and have a rest, and you will have a meal of memory after you rest." The seventh mother of the Fang family squinted her eyes and said, "It's because of this meal of memory of bitterness, why don't someone tell you about these old eggplants and rotten sesame seeds! Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I'm looking forward to this meal of memory of bitterness!" " The cauldron was opened, and people gathered around it. The captain and the custodian each held a big shovel and shoveled bitter rice into people's bowls.The captain's eyes were half-closed from the steam.The captain said: "The poor brothers who are suffering, eat more, eat more, eat the meal of memory of suffering, and think of the suffering of the past..." There is no need for the captain to ask.The captain also knew, or else he would be in charge of distributing them himself.Fang Jiaqi's mother had two blue eyes, blue eyes like an innocent puppy.She has two hobbies, one is to suck hair, and the other is to lick kerosene. On the morning when the airship hit the embankment, my mother called my sister and me up early.When we go to Nanshan to beg for food, we must leave early. "Nanshan" is our collective name for a series of villages 40 miles south of our village.God knows why it is rich there, it looks like heaven compared to ours.People in Nanshan can eat dried sweet potatoes. Before my sister went to Nanshan to beg for food, she was making complicated preparations. She combs her hair, washes her face, and looks in the mirror.Facing the mirror, she scraped off the yellow stains on her teeth with scissors, until her gums were bleeding red.She also put cream on her face.I admit that my sister is a good-looking big girl after some tidying up.Mother often scolded her: "What to pack is to beg for food, not to ask you to visit relatives!" I agree with mother's point of view.My sister retorted: "What's wrong with begging? Unkempt, who wants to give you alms!" I agree with my sister's point of view. As soon as we left the village, we saw the airship flying out from the south.The sun has just risen, and it looks like a large storehouse of food. The color of blood is red, staining the horizon and the clouds in the low sky.On the withered grass stems all over the field, there are thorny and downy hoarfrost.The road is cracked with multi-forked lines.The airship made a thunderous roar far away and rolled over the field.When approaching our village, there was suddenly no sound.At that time, we were all standing on the gray road leading to Nanshan at the head of the village, carrying begging baskets and dog-beating sticks (dog scaring sticks, you must never hit other dogs), and saw the silver-gray airship coming from several It suddenly fell from a hundred meters in the air, and when it fell to a height of fifty or sixty meters above the ground, it slanted its wings and flew forward tremblingly, not flying, but gliding!I heard the sound of crackling in the belly of the airship, and two thick black smoke came out from behind the wings of the airship, dragging very long, like two big tails.The airship slid past the tops of poplar trees on the side of the road, heading straight for our village.Although the machine was silent, there was still a sharp whistling sound, the dead branches on the poplar tree rattled, and the magpies and crows on the tree flew up in surprise.The strong wind ruffled our tattered clothes.The seventh mother of the Fang family walked forward and then fell backwards, as if she was about to fall to the ground at any time.The airship passed by like a huge shadow.The huge shadow of the airship flitted across the ground.We were all terrified and everyone showed their ugliest faces.Even my sister's creamed face was horrible.My sister opened her mouth wide in astonishment, her forehead was covered with horizontal and vertical wrinkles.I was expecting the airship to land in our village, but it didn't. It went straight towards our village. Its belly broke the top of a poplar tree in Master Fang Liu's house. A cute thing as thick as a threshing-floor, black and shining blue, with little wings growing on its butt, fell on the threshing floor of our production team.It turned out later that it was a big bomb.The airship tore down a tree, raised its head sharply again, made a creaking turn, wobbled, trembled, looked more like a drunk, and turned back towards the east.The wings of the airship were painted with sunlight, as if flowing with blood.At this time, it flew lower, faster, and bigger, and even the three people in the airship could see clearly, their faces were all blood red.We covered our heads as the giant wings of the airship sliced ​​past our heads like sharp swords, and no one felt safe under the circumstances. The seventh mother of the Fang family sat on the ground with her legs looped.The child in her arms meowed like an old cat.I may be taking the lead, or I may be following the crowd.We couldn't help making strange noises from our mouths. The accurate description should be: a group of beggars in ragged clothes are crying and howling under the black wings of the god of death.Some of us carried begging baskets, some threw away begging baskets; some dragged dog-beating sticks, and some threw away dog-beating sticks.At this moment, we heard a loud bang behind us. Fang Jiaqi's mother watched the airship hit the embankment.Two hundred meters to the east of our village is the high sandy embankment, on which grow some mulberry trees that were peeled by the hungry.As soon as the airship left the village, it lowered its head, and the sharp wind sounded like the howling of a mad wolf, stirring up the frivolous loess on the ground.The airship is half blue and half red.Mother Seven saw with her own eyes that the head of the airship slowly entered the embankment.The embankment suddenly rose for a section, and the black soil splashed like a group of old ravens. How the head of the airship slowly slipped into the embankment, Fang Jiaqi's mother saw it with her own eyes, but she couldn't explain it clearly.According to what she said, based on the astonished and mysterious look on her face when she described the head of the airship slowly slipping into the river bank, you can probably imagine that it is just like what I saw with my own eyes: the rough shape of the airship And the round head slowly but powerfully drilled into the river bank, as if a qigong master pushed his fist full of air on a puddle of mud.At that time the sun was very bright and red, and the airship's thick head was coated with the majestic brilliance of heaven. As soon as it got into the river bank, the river bank immediately arched its waist, and at that moment a sandy cloud formed on the river bank. arc bridge.The embankment arched its back like a giant snake.Later, large and small pieces of sand and sand flew into the air at a very fast speed, but seemed to be very slow, flying straight up and falling down in an arc. I saw the explosion of the airship with my own eyes.When we heard a loud noise, we all looked back urgently or looked up at the river embankment. At this time, the airship had not yet exploded, and the sand hit by the bow was falling. The two giant wings of the airship and the raised tail of the airship were shaking wildly.Then the airship exploded. We first saw a mass of emerald green light protruding from the river bank, so green that even the red light from the sun was forced to bend.With the bulge of the green light, half of the embankment suddenly twisted.Tons of black soil were thrown into the sky.Only then did we hear a dull roar, not very loud, like a lion's roar from a distant wilderness.It was only later that I learned the truth of "big sound and rare sound".The explosion could be heard in a radius of forty miles, and the window paper of many people's houses was blown apart.Almost at the same time as I heard the boom, I felt the road beating under my feet.The poplar branches on the side of the road were rattling, and Fang Jiaqi's mother was jumping like a goddess. The beggar basket we threw away was also rolling on the ground.I saw our team of beggars overturned like a millet. While feeling the scenes above, I felt as if I was pushed hard by an invisible giant palm on my chest.In a trance, I saw the color of irises flowing on the boundless sky, beautiful and fresh, beautiful and gentle. A few minutes later, I got up from behind a clump of amorpha.There was a layer of loess scattered on the ground, and the loess was mixed with black, silver gray, and dark red airship wreckage. The sound of the loess and airship wreckage colliding with tree branches and hitting the ground was still dancing in the air, unwilling to disappear.A fire tens of meters high had already burned in the airship.The center of the fire is bright white, the surrounding is golden, and the black smoke column bravely rises up to the sky.The tangy smell of gasoline and the burnt aroma of grilled animal carcasses permeated the air.The sun became thin and light, like a piece of paper-cut with faded color after a long period of weather. We all got up dejectedly, staring blankly at the fire, the embankment was burning, and I smelled the smell of scorched earth.The mulberry trees on the embankment trembled on the blazing fire curtain, like chicken feet dancing wildly.Those of us boys with chilblains have entered the melting period earlier than in the past. On the cheeks and ears, yellow water gurgled and flowed, not like tears, but better than tears.But none of us cared about the pain of thawing.None of us thought to insult Hot Daddy. After the fire, no, after the airship got into the embankment, we little beggars made up our march, and we sang the march and ran to Nanshan to beg for food.Decades have passed, and I still memorize the lyrics verbatim, and my childhood creations are even more unforgettable! Leng Leng Leng Fuck Your Mother, The airship is stuck on the embankment! hot hot fuck your dear daddy The airship is stuck on the embankment! The airship is stuck on the embankment, A piece of white bark mulberry was burnt to death. The airship is stuck on the embankment, Fang Jiaqi's mother is so heartbroken, A piece of gray iron, Killed Xiao Erlang in his arms, He bled half a catty of red blood, Drool half a catty from the brain, Mother Seven is so heartbroken! Airship, airship, fuck your mother! We stood far away, and no one dared to take a step forward.The flames were buzzing, and waves of scorching heat came over us one after another, almost drying the yellow water on our faces. Later, all the people in the village came to the village.Although the one-legged dog-skinned master walked here on crutches, his heart was also running towards the village. The captain stood at the head of the crowd, and the flames made his eyes water with tears.After half an hour, the fire did not slow down. The captain greeted the two young men and walked forward with their waists bowed. People looked at them in fear. When they were seventy or eighty meters away from the fire, they stopped and watched carefully.Their hair fluttered on their heads like fine cow hair. The fire swelled a few more times, and the ground trembled again.The sound of people scratching like knives on bamboo resounded in the air.There was a clank on the trunk of the poplar tree behind me, loud and piercing.Everyone hurriedly turned their heads and saw a palm-sized piece of tile-blue steel wedged deeply into the tree trunk.The steel sheet is scorching hot, and the dry and rough bark of the poplar tree is scalded to produce wisps of snow-white smoke.It was only later that I found out that it was a bomb skin.There were two big bombs hanging under the belly of the airship, one fell on the threshing ground of the production team, and the other exploded.Bombs scattered the wreckage of the airship in all directions.Some are farther away, some are closer; some are bigger, some are smaller; some are planted in the overwintering wheat seedling field, the wheat seedlings are covered with hoarfrost, the black wheat leaves are stiff, and the frozen soil on the wheat ridge is clanging, It was smashed by the wreckage of the airship; some smashed on the solid green ice in the embankment, which made the ice board creak and melt. Whether it was the first explosion or the second explosion that burst out tile-gray steel and hit the olive-like head of the baby in the arms of Fang Jiaqi's mother is still a mystery.Doing everything possible to prove the problem is a thankless business.After the bomb exploded, steel fragments flew all over the sky like migratory locusts, and everyone fell to the ground. The captain lay between the two ridges of wheat seedlings, covering his head and sticking his butt like a swan goose stealing wheat seedlings.Everyone didn't move for a long time, everyone fell on the ground, heard the dead gray birds chirping in the blue blue sky, heard the huge planet creaking and spinning along its oil-starved axis, everyone crawled tremblingly from the ground When he got up, a sharp-eyed person saw the layer of red blood and white brains stained on the ragged jacket of Fang Jiaqi's mother. "Mom Seven, your child!" the man pointed at the baby in Mother Seven's arms. Mother Seven lowered her head, let out a yelp, and pulled the placket of her cotton-padded jacket to shake herself. The skinny cat-like naked baby floated to the ground like a leaf.Seventh Mother's cotton-padded jacket was drooping, slanted over her legs, half of her dark chest was exposed, and her 30-centimeter-long pouch-shaped breasts hung down to the navel.She grinned, stared, howled dryly, and cursed: "Airship, airship, fuck your mother to death." The child who was thrown on the ground was completely dead, such a big piece of iron was dealt with such a small head.Mother Seven knelt on the ground, pulled out the tile gray iron from the baby's head, and then tried to pinch the baby's open head, but it was still an empty shell, not to mention that it couldn't be pinched.Fang Jiaqi's mother didn't look very sad either.She continued to curse the airship while pinching the baby's head. The great blazes had been blown out, leaving clusters of small flames burning in the fields.The captain and the three bold men got up, still bowed their waists, and continued to move closer to the airship embankment.Then we saw the big black hole in the embankment, and a huge wing of the airship was inserted obliquely into the embankment, and green smoke curled up from the slope of the wing. The captain and the others came back from the embankment and said sternly: "Folks, go home and hide. Don't go out for a walk if you have nothing to do. No one is allowed to touch the things on the airship. This is the wealth of the country. Whoever touches it will be in bad luck." .” Fang Jiaqi's mother said: "Captain, who can I ask for compensation for my child?" The captain said: "You can pay whoever you want to pay." Someone reminded: "Fang's seventh mother, this airship is from Madian Airport, you can go to the air force at the airport to pay for it, the insurance will cost you more than a trip to Nanshan!" The seventh mother of the Fang family picked up the child, blinking her blue eyes, unable to make up her mind. The seventh master of the Fang family came out from nowhere, and said flatly: "What are you still doing here? Take it home and find a piece of mat to bury. A one-year-old or two-year-old child is not considered a child in the first place. .” Mother Seven nodded like a puppet, and followed Master Seven to the village. The crowd squirmed lazily, most of them were going home, and half of them were still staying at the head of the village, thinking about the new scene. My sister said, "Jin Dou, are you going home?" Of course I didn’t want to go home, the sun was two poles high at this time, and the airship was stuck on the embankment, which delayed our going to Nanshan to beg for food. What did we go to see at home?From the head of the village, you can see the green smoke from the boat, and the wings of the airship pointing obliquely at the sky like a cannon barrel. What are you going to see? At mid-sun, several big green trucks drove over from the south, and a group of airmen in yellow padded jackets and fur hats jumped out of the trucks.They rushed towards the wings of the airship without avoiding life and death. When the villagers heard the sound of the car, they ran to the head of the village together. A man who looked like an officer approached the captain and said a few words to him. The officer probably asked about the situation when the airship crashed, but the captain couldn't tell.The captain dragged me out and said, "This kid saw it." The officer asked me kindly: "Student, did you see the scene where the airship hit the embankment?" I saw the shining gold tooth in his mouth, and forgot to speak for a moment. The officer asked me again.I said: "I saw it, and everyone we went to Nanshan to beg for food saw it." My sister slapped me from behind and said, "Jindou, don't talk too much!" The captain said: "You let him talk!" I told the officer what I saw that morning. The officer nodded thoughtfully and turned to report to a fatter and bigger officer. After staying for a while, the gold-teethed officer approached the captain again, saying that the chief hoped that comrades in the commune could help recover the wreckage of the plane.The captain readily agreed. Dozens of men, led by the team leader, picked up the wreckage of the plane scattered in the wheat fields and glaciers, and threw it on the truck with a clatter.The wing of the airship that had been stuck in the embankment had to be pulled out with great difficulty, and it was carried with great difficulty to the truck. It is said that there were three people on the airship, but we only found a fat butt from the wreckage of the airship.The ass was burnt black and exuded a tangy burnt aroma. The officer discussed with the captain, and it was decided that the captain would send eight strong men to tie up a stretcher and carry the scorched buttocks to the airport.The captain readily agreed again. The seventh master of the Fang family had participated in the stretcher team in the Huaihai War, so he knew how to tie a stretcher very well. The two big trucks drove away slowly and the stretcher was strapped.The men carefully carried the piece of butt onto the stretcher, which was covered with another sheet. The stretcher team followed the ruts.The gold-toothed officer followed the stretcher. We, a group of little beggars, followed the stretcher reluctantly, like a group of hungry wolf cubs who are nostalgic for the smell of roasted human meat. When we approached the Mo River Stone Bridge, the captain sent us all back. We stood on the ink river embankment and watched the cars and stretchers go like hare-like shadows.Cars and stretchers walked on the dirt road we went to Nanshan to beg for food. The butt delivery people came back in the evening, all of them were beaming, belching a series of times, their stomachs were eating like spiders, and it was difficult for them to walk.We sourly listened to them talk about how to eat a basket of white flour steamed buns, how to eat a pot of stewed pork with tofu, and wished to open their stomachs to let those steamed buns, tofu, and pork flow out.I can smell pork from the captain's full belch - not unlike that piece of ass. The captain said: "Folks, the director of the airport said that all the things found on the airship will be sent to them, and a reward is indispensable." I suddenly thought of that cute thing that was as thick as a lumberjack, black and shining blue, with little wings growing on its buttocks that fell down over the threshing floor when the airship headed straight for the village.My heart was shaking with excitement. I shouted: "Captain, I saw it!" "What did you see?" said the captain. I said, "You take me to eat steamed buns, tofu and pork, and I'll tell you." The captain said: "Take you there, tell me!" I said, "I don't want to cheat children." The captain said: "You child, who is afraid of you? Tell me now!" I said, "There's a blue thing as thick as a melon falling on the threshing floor!" The crowd rushed to the threshing floor like a tide. It is true that there are more than a dozen rolling pads lying on the side of the threshing floor, but there is no such thing as the blue one I mentioned.People looked at me suspiciously. I said, "I saw it fall with my own eyes." People keep looking. Hundreds of bundles of corn stalks towered on the west side of the threshing floor. People pulled the bundles of corn stalks apart and pulled, and the big blue guy rolled out.The impatient person was about to rush forward to grab it, when he heard the seventh master of the Fang family shout: "Get down! Don't move! It's a bomb!" People lay down in unison, waiting for the bomb to explode.After waiting for a long time, there was no movement.Just as he was about to raise his head, he heard rustling in the grass, and quickly lowered his head.It was another half an hour, and there was still a sound in the grass.Someone boldly looked up and saw a mouse crawling in the corn stalks. Everyone got up and stepped back. A man who had just eaten steamed buns, tofu, and fatty pork asked, "Maybe it's a stink bomb?" The Seventh Master of the Fang family said: "No, the corn stalks cushioned it, so it didn't ring." The captain said, "Master Seven, what should we do?" Master Seven said, "You can do whatever you want!" The captain said, "Shall we carry it to the airport?" The seventh master said: "Anyone who wants to lift it can lift it. Anyway, I don't lift it. I saw this kind of bomb in the Huaihai Campaign. It was made in the United States. Once it is bombed, it will become a big bay. The water in the bay is blue." The captain said, "Let's lift it carefully." The seventh master said: "How to be careful? One out of ten bombs in the United States must be timed. There is a small clock in the belly of the bomb, and it will explode when the time comes. There is no way to prevent it!" Hearing this, everyone felt that Lord Yan stretched out his green-haired hand to them, and the hairs on everyone's body were frightened. At first, everyone backed away slowly, to the sidelines, and no one knew who was angry. With a cry, they ran together, for fear of being overtaken by the bomb leather. That night, the whole village heard a clicking sound similar to that of a running clock. Everyone was restless and hopeful, waiting for a loud noise.
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