Home Categories contemporary fiction Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1)

Chapter 41 Chapter Forty

Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1) 柯云路 7163Words 2018-03-20
Lin Biao paced up and down in the large and plain room by himself.A thin layer of gauze curtain was drawn on the window, and outside the window was a quiet courtyard.Maojiawan is shrouded in a daily and solemn tranquility.He stopped and walked, stood with his hands behind his back, and he was looking for his own train of thought. Beginning on October 9, Mao Zedong presided over a work conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The heads of the major military regions, the heads of the party committees of the provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, and the heads of the party organizations of the central ministries and commissions all attended the meeting.The conference centered on "criticizing the bourgeois reactionary line".The meeting was originally scheduled to last for seven days, but now it has been held for more than ten days.He looked at the calendar on the table. Today is October 24, 1966. Tomorrow, October 25, as the deputy commander of the party and the successor established by Mao Zedong, he will speak at this central working conference.The task he has to complete at the moment is to prepare his own speech outline.He never asked his secretary to prepare basic materials, and he drafted the content of the speech himself.This is also like commanding a war, it is very interesting.

He stood in the middle of the room, once again feeling what he was facing.The room is very plain and simple, with white walls and clean, only a writing desk, a few chairs and a sofa.On one wall hangs a picture of Mao Zedong sitting in a rattan chair, and a globe sits on a writing desk.Other than that, nothing of ornament disturbed his quiet thoughts.He walked around the room again, feeling that the room was a little hot and cold.He looked at the thermometer on the wall and on the writing desk, both of which were steadily pointing at 21 degrees Celsius, which was exactly the room temperature he requested.I looked at the white gauze curtains again, but there was no trace of floating.The temperature was stable, the air was stable, and his mentality gradually stabilized.

He is always both in and out of the world.He has always felt that he is a character who goes straight into the world and leaves it.When he fought in the past, he made war his life.As for the other battles in the world, he watched thinly through the curtain.Now, in the political struggle in peacetime, he is also straight-forward and simple in thinking and firmly grasps the general context directly related to political struggle.No matter how colorful and diverse the world is, and no matter how complicated various things are, he always keeps things simple and simple, grasping the simplest and most important things related to his actions, leaving the rest Let the world be filled with oceans and oceans.One does not have the energy to observe every aspect of the world.A person who really achieves great things should simply focus on the few things related to his behavior.Seeing that there are many people in the world who are bombarding the sky blindly, he often shakes his head contemptuously.

He walked slowly in the room for a few steps and stopped, feeling his thinness and frivolity, as well as his weakness. He felt like a vulture, covering the sky while flying in the air, not much weight on the ground, even a little light. His own face also looks like a vulture's. He has a hooked nose, a pair of sharp eagle eyes, protruding cheekbones, and sunken cheeks are as gloomy and powerful as an eagle.He often stops motionless on a high cliff like an eagle, overlooking the world.The way he squints to look at the world, and the forward thrust of the nose between the eyes, is also like an eagle's beak, which is usually not a bad feeling.He didn't need to swim the Yangtze River like Mao Zedong, tour the southern countries, and make various speeches with great momentum, nor did he need to fly all over the world like Zhou Enlai, and he didn't need to be as impassioned, domineering, and tight-lipped as Jiang Qing. Tentatively open up.Even if he sat quietly, occasionally stood up and walked around, a kind of tranquility was still precipitated.When a person does not have excess energy, as long as you are good at recuperating, you can enter a very concise and clear state of mind.He slowly sat down on the soft chair, the whole room was silent and empty.He likes the quiet and empty environment, and often completes the necessary and important thinking in this environment.

He picked up a stack of white paper on his lap, picked up a thick fountain pen, and started to do unique conceptual work.He first wrote a line of large characters on a piece of paper "Speech at the Work Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on October 25", which was the general topic he wanted to complete.He floated the piece of paper on the ground.He wrote "Speech at the Central Working Conference on August 13, 1966" on the second piece of paper, and he also dropped this piece of paper to the ground.I once gave an important speech on the Cultural Revolution at the Central Work Conference on August 13, 1966. This speech has been printed and distributed to the participating members as the current meeting document.He reminded himself that the speeches he had made in the past should be deepened, improved and advanced on that basis.He wrote another line on a piece of paper, "beat the old world to pieces", which was actually one of the reference materials (fourth) printed and distributed at the central meeting, and it talked about the great achievements of the red guards in destroying the four olds.This material was actually prepared by Xie Fuzhi in advance.

He also dropped the white paper on the ground, which was also the basic situation he had to face when he was preparing to speak.On the fourth piece of paper, he wrote "A briefing and briefing on the raids on the families of the five types of members by the Red Guards of the cultural and educational departments of the State Council", which was one of the reference materials issued at this meeting (5).He also dropped the blank paper on the ground, which was also the basic situation that he needed to consider when preparing his speech.Then, he wrote "Chen Boda: "Two Lines in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution—Speech at the Central Work Conference"" on a blank sheet of paper.He also dropped the white paper to the ground.This was a speech made by Chen Boda at the plenary meeting in the East Hall of the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of October 16 a few days ago.This speech systematically criticized the bourgeois reactionary line and was appreciated by Mao Zedong.He has seen the speech script, and this is also the basic situation he has to face in preparing his own speech.

Sheets of blank paper fell from his knees to the ground and spread out, making him face all the basic situations he had to face.The words "Zhou Enlai" are written on some white paper, which means Zhou Enlai's speech at this Central Work Conference.The word "Tao Zhu" was written on some white paper, which indicated Tao Zhu's speech at the Central Work Conference.On a piece of white paper was written the word "Liu Shaoqi", and on the white paper adjacent to it was written the word "Deng Xiaoping". These two pieces of paper were next to my left foot. Inspection done at yesterday's meeting.There are also some white papers on which are written the titles of the important editorials of "People's Daily" and "Red Flag" magazines in the past few months.When the white paper with large characters was spread all around him, he quietly looked down at everything and felt everything.He had to face all the important situations of the Cultural Revolution, and finally formed a powerful conception of his speech.His speech should never be red tape, never sloppy, and never be as eloquent and comprehensive as masters like Chen Boda.He wants to hit the nail on the head, outline the key points, and speak amazing words.

He wrote a few more blank sheets of paper.On a piece of paper, I wrote five words "Bombard the Headquarters", added a big exclamation point, and floated it to a place closer to myself.That was to remind him of Mao Zedong's point of view."Struggle between the proletarian revolutionary line and the bourgeois reactionary line" was written on a blank piece of paper, and a big exclamation mark was also drawn, which floated to a place nearer to him.This sentence reminds me of the speech I gave at Tiananmen Square on October 1, the National Day, and the central content of that speech was the struggle between the two lines.It doesn't matter if there is some overlap between the paper and the paper, as long as the words fall on the paper, they are clear to him.When the room was full of blank papers, he knew that the basic situation he had to face was in front of him, just like when commanding a war, what he needed now was a battle plan.

He wrote "1. The situation during the Cultural Revolution" on a piece of paper, and at the bottom wrote the words "very strong at both ends, not enough at the middle".He put the paper on a nearby bench, and this was the first question he was going to address.He wrote "Second, the necessity of the Cultural Revolution" on a blank piece of paper. This was the second question he was going to talk about.Under this headline, he wrote three more lines of characters, "First, the superstructure adapts to the economic base. Second, we must pay attention to the class struggle in ideology. Third, destroy the private and establish the public." He also wrote this paper Put it on the bench, parallel to the half-overlapping piece of paper just now.Then, he wrote on a piece of white paper "Three, how to start the Cultural Revolution?" A piece of paper was also placed on the stool beside him.He closed his eyes quietly and thought for a while, then wrote one or another simple word on the pile of white paper on his lap, and inserted it under the three pages of paper on the bench.These are the main points he listed for each of the three questions he spoke about.

When his thoughts froze, he took a pen in one hand and a stack of white paper in the other hand and walked a few steps on the white paper like heavy snow on the ground, patrolling, picked up some papers to have a look, and then fell to the ground, Make an adjustment to the position between some papers. Then, I would get some inspiration again, go back to the soft chair and sit down, write some words, and insert them under the three pages of paper on the bench.In the end, each of the three questions he was going to talk about had a stack of blank paper with some simple hints of one kind or another written on it.He picked up the stacks one by one, flipped through them, and summarized his thoughts on the three issues into the simplest outline on a new piece of white paper.This should be a straight-to-the-point speech, a concise and powerful speech, a speech that outlines the main points, a speech that is far above the level of masters like Chen Boda, and a speech that respectfully follows Mao Zedong.

The outline of the speech is roughly out.He put them down again, walked slowly in the room a few steps, and then pressed the paging bell, and the security cadres came in quickly and quietly.He waved his hand as a signal, and the other party immediately squatted down and picked up the white papers that were covered with snow, and stacked them on the corner of the desk.He waved his hand again, and the other party retreated silently. Inside the house was a clean floor, with snow-white and solemn walls. He stopped and thought for a moment, then slowly sat down on the soft chair. He put another stack of blank paper on his knees, and wrote a few lines on a new page: "One, maintain the leadership position. Two, control the cadre team. Three, call on the masses. Four, theoretical height. Five , a clear goal. Six, the significance of history." He quietly put the piece of paper on the ground in front of him.The so-called "maintaining the leader's position" means that his speech must further safeguard Mao Zedong's authority. This is an unswerving principle. "Control the cadre team", that is to say, his speech must create a shock among the party, government and military cadres, and at the same time inspire the cadre foundation that he will rely on.The so-called "calling on the masses" means that his speech must indeed become the banner and slogan of hundreds of millions of people throughout the country.The so-called "theoretical height" means that we must have a direct understanding of Marxism-Leninism in theory, and there must be some deafening theoretical formulations.The so-called "clear goal" means that like a battle, it must contain the goal of the battle, otherwise, general theoretical statements will never form an appeal.A clear goal of action is sometimes better than a dozen theoretical programs.The so-called "historical status" means that every sentence of my speech must have great significance in history. Facing the "six principles" he designed, he thought about it again, and then put the roughly drafted speech outline on his lap to review it from beginning to end, made some adjustments and changes, and then made it neat and simple. Simply copy on three blank sheets of paper.After reading the three blank papers several times, he stood up, put the three blank papers on the glass plate of the writing desk, and lightly pressed a red and blue pencil on it.Then, he slowly tore up the scraps of paper picked up from the floor in the corner of the desk, and threw them into the wastebasket. He also tore up the draft of the speech outline on the bench next to the soft chair, and threw them into the wastebasket. The world is silent again.I will make an impromptu speech tomorrow based on this outline, and I will continue the past and usher in the future. He sat down on the soft chair, feeling cold sweat on his forehead and back.He sat there motionless, letting the cold sweat slowly evaporate in the steady air.He was waiting for the slight positive yang energy in his body to gradually rise from his back, slowly dispel the coolness on his back, and make his whole body full of energy and blood.Sitting alone day after day made him realize that when a person's thoughts are anxiously traveling in the north and south, the whole spirit and soul are scattered outside the body.At that time, a person's body is like a country without army guards and strong border defenses. The slightest cool breeze may invade, making you feel that your body is fragmented.When you settle down and focus on your body, you will feel more fulfilled and firmer.This experience often reminds him of the practice of Buddhism and Taoism in ancient China. He casually pressed another summon button on the armrest of the soft chair, and soon, an internal service soldier gently opened the door and looked at him asking for instructions.He stretched out his index finger and pointed upwards, and the other party immediately understood, took out a stick of fine green incense from the pen container of the writing desk, lit the incense, inserted it into a small bronze incense burner like a small wine cup, and placed it on the corner of the writing desk.Lin Biao waved his hand again, and the other party retreated conveniently.The door of the house was closed tightly again, and the green smoke from the green fine incense curled up to the snow-white roof, and then spiraled and spread out again.Lin Biao stared at the rising smoke with narrowed eyes, and sat quietly on the soft chair.Due to injuries during the war, his central nervous system was damaged, and he was afraid of light, wind, and water. Burning an incense stick in the living room is the most sensitive instrument for testing whether there is wind or not.Everyone in the family exaggerated his fear of light, wind, and water, and he himself was immersed in the atmosphere of fear of light, wind, and water under such careful guards.He could have been less frightened, but exaggerating it to be so frightened also has a kind of anesthesia power.Sitting quietly in an undisturbed environment, observing and thinking about the world that is not quiet, sometimes makes you develop a cold and calm state of mind. The green smoke in front of him rose lightly and gracefully, and the fluttering of this kind of blue smoke could induce him to fall into a state of tranquility, a half-asleep and half-awake state.From the height of the desk top to the roof is the route of Qingyan's "Long March".At the top, the height is limited, and it can only expand in breadth. Then, it will be diffuse, winding, and undulating in a circle. Finally, the winding green smoke will become a huge existence with complex patterns in a large space.He saw a small mosquito flying hastily in the lingering green smoke. In the eyes of this mosquito, the lingering green smoke is an inexhaustible world.If it wants to study the structure of this world clearly, and figure out how the thousands of strands of smoke move and change with each other, it is extremely difficult.In fact, the origin of this Great Thousand World is the burning incense head, which continuously conveys everything to the Great Thousand World surrounded by green smoke.Many people in the world are like that little mosquito, unable to see the fundamentals of things.When they were racking their brains for the smog that filled the sky, they didn't know that as long as they reached out and cut off the cigarette butt, everything would disappear.A smoky world comes from a little red and bright incense head, and that little red and bright incense head will create a smoky world to adorn itself. He thought of Mao Zedong and the "Cultural Revolution" launched by Mao Zedong.When the whole country was surrounded by the smoke of the Great Revolution, he focused on the bright red cigarette butt.He slowly closed his eyes, and his speech was also a wisp of green smoke rising into the sky, and it would also linger and permeate into a vast influence. However, he knew the source of all this burning.In a trance, he knows that a person's actions are rooted in real motives and purposes.Starting from his true motivation and purpose, he burns and releases his energy, enveloping himself in a pervasive cloud of smoke. Suddenly, the door opened.Lin Biao was startled in a trance, cold sweat broke out on his back, and his heart beat faster.Just as he was about to get angry, he realized and thought that it was his wife Ye Qun who came in.In an instant, he not only felt the wind blowing in, but also felt the urgency to urinate uncontrollably and to urinate on his pants.He let out a breath, settled his mind, his body remained motionless, his eyes opened slightly, and it was indeed Ye Qun standing in front of him half arrogantly and half gracefully.In Yan'an, she was a good-looking young lady who defected to the revolution, but now she looks more and more like herself, showing a little bit of a man.The cheekbones are also raised, and the chin is a bit pointed.Women look like him, but they are very unattractive.Men's hawks are brave, but women's hawks are very cold and disgusting.He glanced at the disturbed rising plume of smoke on the desk, but didn't speak.Ye Qun also saw the green smoke on the table swaying unsteadily, knowing that he had bumped into a state of silence, he immediately closed the door cautiously and hesitantly.Lin Biao asked impatiently: "What's the matter?" He was afraid that Ye Qun would make a long story.Ye Qun acted as if he would leave the door as soon as he finished speaking, and said, "I don't want to disturb you, but I have to. Everyone you want to meet will be here soon." Lin Biao remembered that today he was going to meet several cadres from the military medical system.He said in a majestic manner, "Isn't it time yet?" Ye Qun said, "They arrived on time at 4:30, and it's already 4:10, so you should get ready too." Lin Biao said, "What preparations do I have?" Ye Qun looked at him, hesitated and said, "You can't suddenly go to meet people half awake and half asleep. Besides, I also want to know about these people. Let me briefly introduce you in advance. Besides, you should have time to go to the toilet and change your clothes." Lin Biao closed his eyes unhappily and did not speak.Before every event, whether it is a meeting or a meeting, he always has to go to the toilet repeatedly, as if he has to urinate all the water in his body before he can go to the event with peace of mind.At this time, he waved his hand and said: "I see. They are here, so you can tell me." Ye Qun thought for a while, and then said: "There is one more thing, I have been wanting to discuss with you, I hope you have a Decide." Lin Biao opened his eyes unhappily, and looked at Ye Qun like an old Taoist who lived in seclusion in the mountains. Ye Qun said: "I want to talk about tigers." Lin Biao cheered up at once. Tiger is the nickname of his only son Lin Liguo.Ye Qun said: "Always make an arrangement for the tiger. Now that the schools are closed for revolution, he is wasting his time if he is idle like this." Lin Biao took Ye Qun's words seriously. His nickname is Doudou, and his son Lin Liguo is nicknamed Tiger.Lin Liguo is now a first-year student in the Physics Department of Peking University, and he is very fond of him.He said: "Then make an arrangement. However, if you make an arrangement, let him go out and exercise by himself." Ye Qun said: "Of course. But if you don't make an arrangement, he won't have the opportunity to go out and exercise." I want him to go to the Air Force Command." Lin Biao looked up at Ye Qun, and Ye Qun added: "Before that, you can go to the military area below for a transition and exercise at the grassroots level." Lin Biao nodded and said: "Just Let’s do it this way. What is the tiger doing these two days?” Ye Qun said, “I’m working on your bicycle wartime transportation subject.” Lin Biao was happy when he heard that, so he stood up and said, “I’ll go and have a look.” Not long ago, when he was driving around the streets of Beijing in a car, he saw the mighty traffic of bicycles on the street, and he had a whim. In the past war years, the unicycle was a major means of wartime transportation. Now, China has hundreds of millions of bicycles. Once a war breaks out, can two bicycles be temporarily assembled into a four-wheel transport vehicle?This must be a powerful transportation force for the people's war in the new era.Two people are pedaling a four-wheeled transport vehicle, one on the left and the other on the right, which is flexible and maneuverable, and can be broken into parts and divided into two bicycles when needed.As soon as he came back, he gave this plan to Lin Liguo to experiment.He often prides himself on his whimsy. He and Ye Qun turned around and came to a big house. His son Lin Liguo was busy with oily hands next to two dismantled bicycles. There were also many steel pipes, steel bars, wrenches, pliers and other tools piled up around him.Seeing Lin Biao coming in, Lin Liguo stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm.Lin Biao asked with a smile, "Is it going to work?" Lin Liguo stepped on his feet a little uneasy, and replied, "In theory, it will definitely work. It must be a great idea. In fact, it depends on my design and production capabilities." Already." Lin Biao nodded with a smile.His mood improved, and he seemed to have forgotten his fear of light, wind, and water, and the sense of urgency he had just had to urinate disappeared.He leaned down, took a rough look at the design plan that his son had made, and said, "After a while, I will make some arrangements for you, and you should take good exercise." The young soldier walked in quickly and steadily, and said to Ye Qun: "Director, they are all here." Ye Qun waved his hand and said: "The chief will go in a while." Lin Biao waved his hand and said: "Go now Bar." Watching the soldier leave the room, Ye Qun asked cautiously, "Aren't you going to the toilet?" Lin Biao gave her an angry look, waved his hand, and walked out.Ye Qun immediately followed a few steps and said, "Let me introduce you to these people." Lin Biao said, "Don't I know all of them?" Ye Qun said, "One of them is Zhu Yanming, who has been to our house for several times in the past Once, he took off his military uniform and went to the Ministry of Health. He also came today, I am not afraid that you will forget him.” Lin Biao remembered Ye Qun’s introduction.He himself doesn't memorize many people's names. However, before each meeting, he would listen to Ye Qun's introduction to show the friendly image of a chief who never forgets his subordinates many years ago. Seeing Lin Biao appear in the living room, several people in military uniform and those without military uniform stood up respectfully and joyfully. Lin Biao shook hands with them one by one.When he caught the only cadre in casual clothes with a straight Chinese character face, he directly said the other party's name with dignity and kindness: "Zhu Yanming." The other party was flattered and said: "Vice Chairman Lin also remember me." After seeing Lin Biao sitting down on the sofa in the middle, everyone sat down one after another, greeted him with respectful and reserved smiles and gave the simplest report in a few words.When it was Zhu Yanming's turn to speak, his daughter Zhu Lihong who came with him also introduced: "This is my daughter Honghong. She has seen the photos of me and you. She has been looking forward to seeing Vice Chairman Lin since she was a child." Looking at the short and fat girl sitting next to Zhu Yanming, she raised her hand with a smile and said, "Very good, young people should work hard and have a bright future."
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