Home Categories contemporary fiction Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1)

Chapter 30 Chapter Twenty Nine

Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1) 柯云路 5249Words 2018-03-20
After the Red Guards from Beiqing Middle School plastered the slogan "Resolutely Down with Li Haoran and Ru Zhen, the historical counter-revolutionaries and current counter-revolutionaries" all over Beiqing University, Ma Shengli hurriedly led a group of Beiqing University Red Guards to Li Daiyu's house. Home.The Red Guards of Beiqing University were established urgently after Chairman Mao received the Red Guards from the middle school on "8.18".Ma Shengli had to admire Wu Keqin's political sensitivity.She took the lead in calling for the establishment of the Red Guards of Beiqing University, and immediately started to set up the Red Guards Liaison Station of Beiqing University, and of course became the person in charge of the Liaison General Station.

Wu Keqin also proposed the revolutionization of the name. The person in charge of the liaison station is not called the commander-in-chief or the deputy commander-in-chief, but the chief steward and the deputy chief steward.Each department has successively set up liaison sub-stations, and the person in charge of the sub-stations is called an orderly or a deputy orderly.Wu Keqin naturally became the chief servant. Although Hu Changsheng was famous all over the world for his anti-working group, he could only be one of the deputy chief servants. Ma Shengli also became the deputy chief servant.He was very satisfied that he could become the third person on the same level as Hu Changsheng.

Today, when Wu Keqin gave him the task of capturing Li Haoran and Ru Zhen, he hesitated for a moment, but immediately accepted it very resolutely.It would be best for him to carry out this task.He could feel the strength of his heavy body stepping on the concrete road, and the ground trembled under his feet. When we arrived at the small courtyard where Li Daiyu's house was located, there were two Red Guards from Beiqing Middle School standing guard at the gate of the courtyard.He immediately arranged for several people to take over the sentry post, and then led ten or twenty people up to the second floor and rushed into Li Daiyu's house.Li Daiyu's house was already in a mess, all the boxes, cabinets and drawers were open, and there were piles of trampled papers on the ground: there were world maps and Chinese maps torn from the walls, old newspapers, and manuscript paper.The center of each house, especially the study room, is full of books.The family of three looked at the group of people who came in with trepidation.

Ma Shengli glanced at Li Daiyu, then at Li Daiyu's parents, then turned sideways, picked up the chest-high pile of books in front of him, and said, "Li Haoran, Ru Zhen, you two, get ready." "Prepare for what? "Ru Zhen's voice was trembling. "Accept criticism from the Red Guards and the majority of revolutionary teachers and students." Ma Shengli replied.Ru Zhen asked, "Both of you going?" Ma Shengli still didn't look at them, as if he was reviewing the books on the pile of books, and said, "Yes, hurry up, don't waste time." Then, he rushed a room full of men and women The Red Guard waved his hand and said, "Search again inside and out to see if there is any hidden evidence of counter-revolutionary crimes?"

The Red Guards immediately divided into various rooms and started rummaging through boxes and cabinets. Ma Shengli looked at Li Haoran and Ru Zhen, who were tying their shoelaces tremblingly, and Li Daiyu squatted down to help his father tie the shoelaces.Ma Shengli swung his big hand, patted piles of Chinese and foreign books, and said, "These are useless rubbish long ago, why are they still kept for so many years?" Li Haoran said obediently: "Yes, they should have been burned long ago. " Ma Shengli threw the few foreign books remaining on the empty bookshelf onto the pile of books.Ru Zhen carefully explained: "Those are dictionaries." Ma Shengli said: "There is no need to keep the dictionary." Ru Zhen nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes."

Ma Shengli picked out another "Xinhua Dictionary" from the pile of books, put it on the shelf in a big way, and said, "This can be kept." For a moment, he noticed that Li Daiyu, who was squatting on the ground, looked up at him, and her tame, scrutinizing eyes moved his heart.In the past, when he stepped into such a family, he would be embarrassed and ashamed, and he would feel that his dark and thick body violated a place that shouldn't be violated; when he stepped in today, he felt like being the master of the family.The deplorable status of Li Daiyu's parents and the pitiful situation of Li Daiyu herself made him develop a kinder affection for Li Daiyu.

Standing in front of the pile of books with his hands behind his back, he appeared magnanimous and authoritative and issued instructions to Li Haoran and Ru Zhen behind him: "You must bow your head and confess your guilt, accept criticism from the Red Guards and the broad revolutionary masses, be honest, and confess your crimes seriously." Don’t play tricks and deny it.” After he said these words word by word, he kicked the pile of books and said, “If you don’t have time to deal with these, I can send someone to deal with them.” The Red Guards gathered from all the houses with dusty faces Said: "The search is over, and nothing else was found." He waved his hand in a very dignified manner, and said, "Get out." The Red Guards rushed up, and cut Li Haoran's and Ru Zhen's arms backwards, one on the left and one on the right.At this moment, Ma Shengli felt that his physique was extremely majestic: his big face, protruding cheekbones and forehead all showed steel-like authority.He frowned slightly like a chief and commanded: "We must fight with words, not fight with force, and implement the "Sixteen Points". Alright, let's go."

The Red Guards carried Li Daiyu's parents down the stairs.Ma Shengli glanced at Li Daiyu with his hands behind his back, turned his gaze and asked in a dignified manner: "Are you going to criticize the meeting today?" Li Daiyu bit her lip and shook her head. She is like a poor willow leaf, hanging alone in the air. Ma Shengli walked back and forth by the pile of books with his hands behind his back, stopped, and glanced at Li Daiyu again, feeling that his body as wide as a door could fit Li Daiyu in.He really likes the feeling that he is very strong and the other party is very weak.

Li Daiyu's slender neck and protruding collarbone exposed by her neckline made him feel very moving, and the messy hair covering her face was even more adorable.He said: "You don't have to go, just listen to the radio at home." He pointed to the window, "Your home is not far from the playground, and the playground has added tweeters, so you can receive education at home." He picked up a small book called "Hegel and Marx" from the stack of books, looked at it, and said authoritatively, "This book can be kept," then put it on the shelf, turned around and walked with his hands behind his back. He walked quickly with heavy steps.

Li Daiyu collapsed on the chair.The nanny was so frightened yesterday that she forgot her wages and fled this counter-revolutionary family.Now, she is the only one in the messy home. Ma Shengli hit the latch hard when he went downstairs just now.In this "cave", she was panting weakly, with sticky sweat sticking to her clothes and pants.The slogan of the Criticism Conference was sounded from the tweeter outside the window.These sounds are as strong as searchlights at night, shining directly into the house, and all the walls seem to hum with this sound.I could tell that it wasn't just the parents who were being criticized today. Judging from the names mentioned and the slogans shouted, it seemed that there were dozens of people who were picked out by the Red Guards in the past two days.

Knowing that she didn't specifically criticize her parents, Li Daiyu felt a little relieved.However, the slogan of "resolutely defeat the counter-revolutionaries Li Haoran and Ru Zhen" that was heard all afternoon kept hitting her.In the evening, the conference was over, and after not seeing her parents back for a long time, Li Daiyu almost collapsed. Finally, there was a loud sound of footsteps and a heavy knock on the door.Holding on to the wall, she hurried across the corridor to open the door.A group of Red Guards escorted the parents back.Seeing her parents, Li Daiyu trembled with horror.Both father and mother were shaved into yin and yang heads. Half of the scalp was white and the other half was gray hair, like counter-revolutionary criminals who were sentenced to death. The mother stared straight at her eyes. Her white scalp, which had been shaved more than half, was very ugly, and the remaining half of her gray hair hung on her head like ghost hair, making you dare not look straight at it.The father must have suffered a devastating blow. He lowered his head and dared not meet his daughter's eyes.Ma Shengli did not come, but the group of Red Guards who came to raid the house at noon escorted his parents.Among them was a thin Red Guard who looked like a Cantonese with high browbones and sunken eyes. He said, "This was shaved by the Red Guards in Beiqing Middle School. Today we are all Wendou." After finishing speaking, he waved his hand. Take people away. Li Daiyu helped her parents to sit down on the chair.The mother rested her elbows on her thighs, her chin in her hands, her eyes staring blankly. Father covered his face and leaned back in the chair.The room was dead silent, and Li Daiyu couldn't find words to comfort her parents. At night, Li Haoran lay on the bed tossing and turning, finally figured it out, he got up and found two bottles of sleeping pills in the cabinet. Ruzhen, who had been raped for a whole day, lay on the bed and fell into a drowsy sleep, when she suddenly woke up, tilted her head on the pillow, stared at her husband in a daze, and said, "What are you holding in your hand?" Li Haoran said: "I can't sleep, I'm taking two pills." Ru Zhen sat up from the bed, her fluffy hair on one side said weakly and seriously, "You can't cut yourself off from the people." Li Haoran sat on the chair next to the bed and said: "I know that committing suicide in fear of crime means cutting oneself off from the people." Ru Zhen leaned forward, sat with cloudy eyes, grabbed her feet with both hands and paused for a while, then said, "Why did you take out two bottles of sleeping pills?" Li Haoran put the sleeping pills back into the drawer of the bedside table "I took it by hand." Ru Zhen stared blankly at the bed sheet beside her feet, as if she was trying to wake herself up.After a while, she raised her eyes to look at her husband and said, "Are you feeling unbearable?" Li Haoran said, "A little bit. Starting tomorrow, each department will take turns criticizing and fighting. I really feel a little unbearable." Ru Zhen thought for a while and said "If you can't bear it, you have to bear it," she touched her toes with both hands, walked away for a while, then lay down again, and said, "You can't do irresponsible things." Li Haoran said, "I know, that will hurt you." You and the child." Ruzhen looked at her husband, closed her eyes, and said, "You just need to know." Then she fell into a drowsy sleep again. Seeing that his wife was fast asleep, Li Haoran opened the bedside table again, gently took out the two bottles of sleeping pills, walked to the study, and sat down on the sofa.Facing the pile of books like a hill in front of him, he felt that he had a kind of peace.It seems that from this moment, he has been relieved.He took out a stack of manuscript paper and started writing on his lap.He first wrote a "statement of guilt" to the Red Guards Liaison Center of Beiqing University, confessing that the reason why he had hidden Soong Meiling's counter-revolutionary photos for many years was to prepare for the counter-revolutionary restoration.He specifically stated that this is a proof of loyalty to the counter-revolutionaries at that time.He also explained that this matter was done by him alone and had nothing to do with Ru Zhen, because Ru Zhen and his political stance had always been different.He wrote at the end: "I know that the crime is heinous, the crime is heinous, and the crime is unforgivable, so I commit suicide in fear of crime. The broad revolutionary masses are completely correct in criticizing me, and they have implemented the policy of fighting with words and not fighting with violence." After the "confession" was finished, he wrote another letter to his wife Ruzhen: After finishing writing the letter, he read it and felt that his eyes were a little moist.He followed it up with a brief note: He put the "statement of guilt" in a kraft paper envelope, on which he wrote "Submit to the Red Guard Liaison Station of Beiqing University", and put the letter to his wife Ruzhen in a snow-white envelope, on which was written " My wife Ruzhen accepts", and then pinned the last written note to the top of the white envelope with paper clips.After finishing all this, he took a deep breath, stood up, poured water into the teacup, opened the bottle of sleeping pills, poured two bottles of sleeping pills on a piece of manuscript paper, and swallowed them pinch by pinch in his mouth Keep it until it's all gone. At this point, he knew that there was no hesitation or retreat, and his mood was extremely determined and down-to-earth.He decided to take a look at the home where he had lived for more than ten years, and also decided to take another look at Ruzhen and his daughter. This is a four-bedroom house, a large single room, which is the study where he is now, with high bookshelves on both walls, and it is now empty, with only a few remaining books standing, which are "The Complete Works of Marx and Engels" , "The Complete Works of Lenin", "The Complete Works of Stalin" and "Selected Works of Mao Zedong", and several Beijing atlases.The writing desk was also in a mess, with paper spread all over the place, the pen barrel overturned, and pens, brushes, and pencils spilled all over the table.A small tea table is sandwiched between two wooden armrest sofas, on which a pot of crabapple grows.Begonias are blooming, facing the mountain of books standing in front of the wall, a bit lonely living alone in the deep mountains and valleys, reminding people of an old tree in front of the barren hills.He stood up and looked at the pile of books in front of him, whether Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schelling, Feuerbach, Heidegger, Sartre, Nietzsche, Bergson, They will all die with him. He came to the adjoining suite.Outside the suite is the dining room with a dining table and a camp bed in the corner, where the nanny sleeps at night.Looking at this square table for eating, touching the old and greasy tabletop soaked in soup and oil for many years, reminded him of his homely life.For a moment, I couldn't help feeling a little nostalgia for Ruzhen.He gently pushed open the door of the inner room of the suite, which was the couple's bedroom.As soon as you enter the door, there is a screen made of green silk. After walking through the screen, you will find the double bed that you have slept with for many years.Ruzhen was like a tired child, lying crookedly on her stomach and sleeping soundly.She didn't lie straight, her body was bent into an arc, her head was bent at ninety degrees and sunk in the pillow, her hands were raised up, and her pale, swollen and tired face could be seen.Because this half happens to have hair, and the other half is sunken in the pillow, so the effect of the yin and yang head cannot be seen.Overlooking her shape, it reminds you of a lizard lying on a wall.He placed the two envelopes with the note pinned to them gently on the bedside table.In order for Ruzhen to find out in time, he pressed Ruzhen's watch beside the pillow on the envelope.She has the habit of looking at her watch as soon as she wakes up before dawn. The late-night heat in Beijing has passed, and cool breeze blows in through the screened windows through the open balcony door.Thinking of saying goodbye to this woman who had tortured him for decades, he felt a little pity.He picked up the rolled towel quilt at the foot of the bed, placed it neatly on the bed, pulled out a corner and gently covered Ruzhen's back.Ruzhen slept very hard, and the saliva from the corner of her mouth wetted the pillow and mat.Thinking that she might not be able to escape the criticism tomorrow, and would have to go to one conference after another in rotation, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed for her.For a moment, he even doubted the decision he made tonight.However, when he raised his head and saw his well-defined yin and yang head in the dressing mirror of the closet, he immediately drove away the melancholy of life and death.He lightly turned off the lamp on the bedside table, and walked out of the bedroom lightly with the moonlight shining in from the window. In the corner behind the bedroom door, there is a foldable stroller that Dede sat on when she was a child.Bringing it back from abroad is to keep Dai Dai as a souvenir when she was a baby.He touched the stainless steel push handle with both hands, and he felt infinite emotion in his heart. He lightly lifted the trolley in his hands, walked out of the bedroom, closed the door, and walked out of the suite, the opposite door was Dede's cabin. Because it was a farewell, he pushed open the door of his daughter's room without knocking for the first time. The lamp on the desk next to the daughter's bed was still on, illuminating the daughter who fell asleep while sitting with her back leaning against the pillow.The daughter must have fallen asleep while sitting there thinking about something, with one hand resting on the desk and her head resting on her shoulder.The daughter had already taken off her coat, and she was wearing a white undershirt and shorts, with her legs stretched out.It was the first time he saw his grown-up daughter lying on the bed with only her underwear on, and when he thought of the pudgy, kitten-sized life growing up to such a big size today, he felt even more vicissitudes of life. He felt that the sleeping pills were already working, and his head became dizzy like a cloud floating.He didn't think about it any more, and gently opened the folding trolley in his hand, the four small wheels immediately hit the ground, the small seat was straightened, and the small canopy covered the seat.He pushed the small cart and slid a few times on the concrete floor, the wheels creaked slightly and rolled relatively smoothly. He put the stroller in front of his daughter's bed, and the roof of the stroller with the pattern of green leaves and red roses reminds you of a very cute little girl sitting underneath.The daughter slid her body again and turned her head towards the window.The hand resting on the desk was dangling, looking very uncomfortable.He gently picked up the hand and put it away.This hand is relatively thin, a little damp and hot. It was the flesh and blood contact between this hand and his hand that made him instantly feel the relationship between himself and this life. He also thought of the letter he wrote to Ruzhen and the gift he gave his daughter. Bad luck. He turned off the desk lamp and walked out gently.The daughter's room was facing the moonlight, and the room looked very dark.He thought for a while, then turned around and turned on the lamp lightly.He remembered that his daughter had been timid and afraid of the dark since she was a child, so let her sleep in the light tonight! He closed the door, walked out, and returned to the study, with cloud and mist in front of him.He quickly walked to the sofa and sat down, facing the mountain of books as high as his head, and adjusted his sitting posture.He made himself sit upright and comfortable, put his hands on the armrests of the sofa, rest his head on the back of the sofa, and transcended himself to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.
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