Home Categories contemporary fiction Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1)

Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty Seven

Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1) 柯云路 7427Words 2018-03-20
Hearing that the Beiqing University working group made a mistake in direction and route and was withdrawn. After more than ten days of detention, denunciation, and hunger strike, Lu Xiaolong was finally fine. He was relieved.For half a month, he has been worrying about Lu Xiaolong's fate, now that the rain is over and the situation is clear, he feels much calmer.Unexpectedly, however, a good thing brought him the greatest pain in his life: his position of authority in the family had obviously changed. When he was sitting in the living room talking with his daughter Lu Xiaohui, he began to feel this pain deeply.

Their houses consisted of two floors upstairs and downstairs. Two deputy ministers lived in one building, each with its own front entrance and each with its own back entrance. The so-called back door means that the living room on the first floor can go out directly.This side is full of glass windows and glass doors, and when you open it, you can see your own backyard, where grapes are planted.There is no wall in the backyard, just a low decorative bamboo fence.There are ministerial and deputy ministerial cadres living in the compound, with walls, gates and guards.The large courtyard is safe, while the small courtyard is slightly open.While smoking a cigarette and looking at the scenery outside the glass door, Lu Tiehan listened to Lu Xiaohui describe the situation of the 10,000-person meeting in the Great Hall of the People on July 29.

After he listened to the entire meeting process and the speeches of Deng Xiaoping, Zhou Enlai, and Liu Shaoqi, he knew that the central government had made a formal decision, and when he heard that Chairman Mao was also present at the meeting, all his doubts disappeared.He looked at the mimeographed leaflet in Lu Xiaohui's hand, and couldn't accept the fact that such an important political decision was not officially conveyed by red-headed documents, but was widely disseminated by students' mimeographed leaflets.As a ministerial leader, he had to rely on the gossip of his children to grasp the situation, which made him too uncomfortable.In the past, it was him, the deputy minister's father, who read all kinds of documents in the folder, and told his children about the situation in a subtle way, as a guide. Now, he listened to his daughter about the situation almost every day.It was through his daughter's "communication" that he learned of Chairman Mao's series of speeches on the Cultural Revolution these days: severely criticized the mistakes of the working group in suppressing the student movement, and severely criticized Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, who presided over the work of the Central Committee some time ago.The changes in the national political situation and his own status in the family made him feel adrift and unstable.

When Lu Xiaohui talked about the dispute between Lu Xiaolong and him dozens of days ago, he frowned even more and remained silent.Lu Xiaohui said: "Father, you should admit that my brother's decision at that time was correct." Lu Tiehan put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, and took the pipe from the coffee table to fill up the shredded tobacco.The daughter was used to his silent attitude, and continued, "You have to keep up with the situation." Lu Tiehan lit his pipe, took two puffs, and puffed out the smoke, showing his father's generosity and calmness. He looked at his daughter and said, "Show me the flyer you just read." Lu Xiaohui handed the flyer to in his hand.

The leaflets engraved on wax paper, the handwriting is not very neat, rough white paper, blue and black ink.Apparently the ink was rubbed off while it was still wet, making it blurry and typos.The fragrance of ink from the crude leaflets reminds you of the fanaticism of thousands of college and middle school students, who were fanatical about the Great Revolution.He clearly felt that the students' leaflets and the documents he read were two different worlds.He and printed documents are a stable, established, inviolable world of order and rules; and these leaflets, reminiscent of those sweaty, young arms blowing like the wind, are a restless, riotous world. A burning world without order and rules.

In the evening, the living room was a little dark, and the blue smoke lingered in the dim living room.Seeing the grape trellises shining brightly in the setting sun through the green smoke, he had an emotion consistent with the dim light inside the house.Hearing the sound of bicycles parked outside, his son Lu Xiaolong came in from the corridor at the main entrance.This is the first time I have seen my son in dozens of days. Although after more than ten days of hunger strike, my son did not appear particularly thin, probably recovered in the past few days.There was a friendly smile on his face, which was definitely a new phenomenon in Lu Tiehan's eyes.As soon as he entered the door, he called "Dad" affectionately, which also caused Lu Tiehan to have a complicated psychology.The usual attitude of sitting motionless in the living room, smoking a cigarette and facing his son has obviously been loosened today.Holding a pipe, he sat up from the posture of reclining on the sofa, and said, "Are you back? Is it hot? Do you want to wash your face first?" He never had such a trivial and short-tempered beginning.Lu Xiaolong didn't seem to be surprised by this. He went to the kitchen, turned on the tap, rinsed it with a snort, wiped his face with a towel, and went into the living room again, and said to Lu Xiaohui: "There is another update. Chairman Mao has written Big-character posters." The son's ease and casualness in front of him was unprecedented, but it started naturally.

"Chairman Mao wrote the big-character poster? Where was it written?" Lu Xiaohui asked.After Lu Xiaolong wiped his face, he carelessly wiped his arms and underarms again. Then, he picked up the cup on the tea table and drank two cups of cold boiled water. He stood up and said to Lu Xiaohui: "The Eleventh Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee is going on these two days. It started on August 1, and I heard that Chairman Mao wrote a big-character poster the day before yesterday, called "Bombarding the Headquarters." "Who will be bombarded?" Lu Xiaohui asked.Lu Xiaolong said, "I'll read it to you when I sit down."

Lu Tiehan was shocked by this major political development.At the same time, almost as shocking as he was, was the sea change in his son's relationship to him.His dignity as a father was greatly weakened when the son changed his usual restraint and talked and behaved cheerfully.Now the son can say whatever he wants, and he doesn't have to watch his face cautiously anymore. This is something that makes him very uncomfortable.In fact, he was also very concerned about the news his son just said. However, the son only cared about talking to his sister, and the father could only listen in. This made him feel a sense of isolation and humiliation of being excluded.

The son sat down on the sofa, took out a diary from the schoolbag behind him, opened it, cleared his throat, and began to read: ""Bombard the Headquarters——My Big-Character Poster", this is the title. "At this moment, the son thought of his father. He turned to look at Lu Tiehan, "Dad, this is a big-character poster written by Chairman Mao during the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee. It will be printed and distributed to all Those who attended the meeting." Lu Tiehan smoked a cigarette and nodded slightly, showing his father's solemnity and tolerance, but he felt a little unhappy in his heart.He is not a member of the Central Committee, so he is not qualified to participate in this plenary session, but he has to listen to his son's message.

In the past, he could have said with sufficient dignity: "It is very dangerous to spread gossip like this, and it is not serious politically." But now everything is different, and he must face up to and accept another order. Looking at his son's sweaty head and his freshly washed face, Lu Tiehan thought of the scene when he was first brought out of the countryside.The first time I took him to the bathhouse to take a bath, my son was naked and thin, with ribs, several scars on his buttocks, a willow leaf-shaped scar on his shoulder, and some scars on his head.The son stood timidly under the nozzle, wondering how to take a bath.He pulled his son out of the shower, made him close his eyes, lathered his head with soap, and taught him how to lather up his head with both hands, then pulled him into the shower to rinse.The son was not used to the hot shower water, and he screamed while washing, as if he was scalding.After washing his head, teach him to scrub his arms, chest, stomach, back, buttocks, genitals, legs, knees and feet.The son from the countryside had never taken a bath like this before, and his timid appearance made him feel pity and love, as well as a faint dislike that he didn't want to admit.He asked his son: How did the scars on his head and body come about?The son said one by one: Some fell on the well platform, some fell on the soil slope, some fell on the tree, and some were broken in fights... The son has grown up now.

Lu Xiaolong read the big-character poster aloud sentence by sentence: "How well written is the first Marxist-Leninist big-character poster in the country and the comments of the commentators of the People's Daily! Comrades, please read this big-character poster and this comment again. But in For more than 50 days, some leading comrades from the central government to the localities have done the opposite, standing on the stand of the reactionary bourgeoisie, implementing the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, smashing down the vigorous Cultural Revolution movement of the proletariat, and turning the country upside down. Right and wrong, confusing black and white, besieging revolutionaries, suppressing different opinions, practicing white terror, self-satisfied, growing the prestige of the bourgeoisie, destroying the aspirations of the proletariat, and how poisonous it is! It is related to the right deviation in 1962 and the "left" in 1964. ’ And the erroneous tendency of Shiyou, isn’t it a wake-up call?” The big-character poster was finished.Lu Xiaohui asked: "Who is this aimed at?" Lu Xiaolong closed the purple leather diary and said, "Of course it refers to Liu Shaoqi." "Is it possible?" Lu Xiaohui asked.Lu Xiaolong said: "If you ask Dad, he will definitely be able to judge." Lu Tiehan felt a little flattered by his son's kindness and friendliness to his father. He still nodded his head slowly and solemnly, and said, "The last sentence is right-leaning in 1962 and left-wing in 1964." 'It's true, it's probably aimed at Liu Shaoqi." He felt precious for this opportunity to express his opinion.The layout of the home changed completely unexpectedly.When he had to accept the new situation, he realized that his son had become a prominent figure in the national Cultural Revolution, and he seemed to start looking at his son with new eyes.He knows what that means politically. In the vigorous and vigorous Cultural Revolution, I may still rely on this son.Thinking of this, he was angry and painful. Lu Xiaohui said to Lu Xiaolong: "Just now I was talking to my father, that time you had an argument with my father, you insisted against the decision of the working group, and in the end you were right and my father was wrong." Lu Xiaolong immediately said with a smile: " Can’t say that, didn’t Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, and Premier Zhou all say that ‘the old revolution has encountered new problems’? Apart from Chairman Mao, how many people in China can consciously see the Cultural Revolution clearly?” Lu Xiaohui said: “Then how do you see it clearly? ?” Lu Xiaolong said: “I just resist when I’m under pressure, and I’m taking risks in doing so.” Lu Tiehan smoked cigarettes one after another, and his son’s lenient attitude towards his father reminded him of a motto: the winner Always forgiving. Fan Lizhen came back from shopping outside.As soon as she saw Lu Xiaolong, she showed a flattering smile on her face. She put the vegetable basket in the corner and asked, "I heard that Jiang Qing has received you?" Lu Xiaolong nodded, "Yes." Fan Lizhen was wearing a short jacket today. She was wearing a blue shirt with a white background, and while patting the dust on the shirt with a dry towel, she asked, "What did she talk about?" Lu Xiaolong smiled honestly: "Let me do it well." Lu Xiaohui looked at With his long face, wide chin, big mouth, and protruding forehead, he felt very much like his father.The mother continued to ask: "I heard that the chairman also said that you are a student leader?" Lu Xiaolong smiled a little awkwardly: "Yes." Fan Lizhen said: "Then you are really amazing!" Lu Xiaohui said: "Of course." At this moment, Lu Tiehan raised his hand holding the pipe, pointed to the kitchen, and said, "Get ready for dinner." Fan Lizhen looked at her husband through the smoke, put away her amazed smile, picked up the vegetable basket leaning against the corner, and was about to She went into the kitchen and put it down again, and said, "What am I afraid of if I say a few more words? It's not too late to eat breakfast and dinner." She stood in the middle of the living room and looked at Lu Xiaolong and asked, "I heard that you have been on a hunger strike for twelve days. Are you uncomfortable? Are you afraid? Xiaohui went to Beiqing University several times, but she couldn't find out where you were locked up. Your father worries about you every day." Lu Xiaolong smiled a little embarrassedly, Jian Jianjian simply answered.Lu Tiehan was smoking his pipe in the ashtray and glanced at his wife.Fan Lizhen also glanced at him, ignored him, and continued talking to Lu Xiaolong. At this time, Lu Xiaohui looked at Lu Xiaolong, then at her father, then at her father, and then at Lu Xiaolong.The mother was surprised: "Xiaohui, what are you looking at?" Lu Xiaohui said: "I am comparing my brother and father." The mother asked: "What did you find out?" Lu Xiaohui said: "I just found out today that my elder brother looks very much like my father, only one size smaller than my father." Fan Lizhen smiled, looked at the father and son, and said, "Of course my son looks like my father." Lu Xiaolong lowered his head Smiling and silent.Lu Tiehan lit his pipe again, took a puff, exhaled the smoke, and said, "That's not necessarily the case, some sons are not like their fathers." In the evening, Lu Xiaolong sat alone in front of the desk, arranging the things in his schoolbag.He took out a photo from his notebook, a recent photo of Mina.She stood there neatly like a prisoner, with two horizontal and three vertical scars on her face.Lu Xiaolong looked at this photo thoughtfully, and his younger sister Lu Xiaohui opened the door and came in. He clipped the photo into his notebook, Lu Xiaohui saw it, and asked with a smile: "Whose photo do you see?" Lu Xiaolong said, "Nobody else." "No, it's not." "Is that a man or a woman?" Lu Xiaohui asked.Lu Xiaolong said: "Female, but it has nothing to do with me." Lu Xiaohui looked at her brother and smiled: "Huh, it must have something to do with you." Lu Xiaolong was a little annoyed: "It's not that it has something to do with me, it has something to do with me It’s related to the people. I won’t explain it, you can see.” He pulled the photo out of his notebook and put it on the table.Lu Xiaohui took the photo, looked at it under the light, and opened her eyes wide: "Is this Mina?" Lu Xiaolong said: "Yes." Lu Xiaohui said: "The scars on her face are terrible, she is completely disfigured .” Lu Xiaolong looked at her, but didn’t speak.Lu Xiaohui looked at the photo again and said, "Mina looks really pretty!" Lu Xiaolong said coldly: "Of course." Lu Xiaohui glanced at her brother, and felt the criticism of her father contained in the words. She touched Mina's face in the photo with her hand, as if she wanted to feel the scars: "Why do you have a photo of her? Why is she still willing to take pictures when she is like this?" Lu Xiaolong said: "This is the photo of those students in the school. Yes. In the past two months or so, Beiqing Middle School has uncovered a lot of ghosts and monsters, dozens of numbers, and listed them on a list of crimes, and everyone on the list of crimes must have a photo." Lu Xiaohui asked: "The sports activities in your school Who is in power now?" Lu Xiaolong said: "There are a group of students and a few young teachers." Lu Xiaohui asked: "Aren't you going back to take charge?" Lu Xiaolong said: "I want to take charge, maybe I want to take more power. " Lu Xiaohui sat down beside the writing desk, she pushed the desk lamp in, looked at Lu Xiaolong from the side of the writing desk and said, "Are you going to show this photo to Dad?" He watched it." "What about now?" Lu Xiaohui asked.Lu Xiaolong said: "I don't really think about it for the time being, I'm afraid he will be under pressure after reading it." Lu Xiaohui looked at him: "You were going to let him see it, so you are not afraid that he will be under pressure?" Lu Xiaolong took the photo and looked at it. , clipped it into his notebook, and said, "So I think he must be a little stressed." He saw that his sister would continue to ask, so he said, "Let's not talk about this topic." For a moment, he became aware of his psychological changes. He realized that when he returned home today, his relationship with his father had changed a lot. It was this change that weakened his potential hostility towards his father.He originally planned to use a seemingly unintentional method to let his father see this photo and bear the moral responsibility he should bear, but now, he felt that the aggression against his father in his heart had weakened. Lu Xiaohui looked mischievously at Lu Xiaolong, who had a blank expression, and said, "What are you thinking, are you still criticizing Dad's actions?" Guan said: "A good man is a good man when he does something, and he has to be responsible for what he does." At this moment, the hostility towards his father seemed to emerge again.Lu Xiaohui lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then said: "Father still has something to understand." Don't you care?" Lu Xiaolong said, with cold anger in his eyes. "Brother, why did you react so strongly to Dad?" Lu Xiaohui asked.Lu Xiaolong was being filled with his awe-inspiring justice, when his sister asked her this question, and her bright eyes sizing him up, a memory deep in his heart was touched, and the back of his neck felt hot.He became angry with his sister, and said, "Why do I have a strong reaction? I am just an objective evaluation. If it is really going to be exposed, and then put up a big-character poster, shouldn't the ministers and vice-ministers have to stand aside?" Lu Xiaolong also felt at this moment that his aggressiveness towards his father still existed strongly in the depths of his heart. It was a plant with deep roots and luxuriant leaves, which had grown in his heart for a long time. He opened the drawer and closed it again, as if this action could aggravate his tone: "You keep saying that he understands, and you still sympathize with him." Lu Xiaohui played with a pencil sharpener on the table with both hands, staring at the one in her hand. He moved and said: "Yes." "What is it?" Lu Xiaolong asked a little angrily.Lu Xiaohui said: "He has no relationship with his mother for a long time." As she spoke, she looked up at Lu Xiaolong.Lu Xiaolong was stunned for a moment: "I don't have feelings, why did you get married in the first place?" Lu Xiaohui said: "I got married back then, I had it back then. I had it back then, it doesn't mean I have it now." Conceptual existence, his thinking short-circuited at this moment.Lu Xiaohui said: "Didn't you see that when Dad pays his salary every month, he gives it all to Mom? Mom keeps the money tight, and she even buys cigarettes." Lu Xiaolong's gaze met his sister's, He knew about his father's financial difficulties.In the past, he always thought it was a normal family "custom", but now it seems that it has other meanings. Lu Xiaohui looked at the pencil sharpener in her hand and said, "Don't talk about Dad's business, let's talk about your business. Brother, are you thinking about these things now?" "What things?" Lu Xiaolong asked a little angrily. "Do you have a female classmate you like now?" Lu Xiaolong said: "No. I don't think about it." "Why don't you think about it?" "I never think about it." Lao Di said, "Stop talking nonsense." The back of Lu Xiaolong's neck felt hot again for a moment.That was when he was in elementary school, the third year after he came to Beijing from the countryside. He fell in love with a female classmate in the same class named Xu An'an, she was the prettiest girl in the class, and the story he wove started from then on.The story I made up at that time was ridiculous. I imagined that I became the commander-in-chief, and Xu An'an would follow as the deputy commander-in-chief.One day, the two bumped into each other on the way in and out of the classroom, and he still remembers the intense feeling at that time.The warmth, softness, and elasticity of the girl's body and the bright, fragrant breath rushing towards him thrilled him immensely.He still remembers a summer vacation when Xu Anan came to his home to inform him of the time to return to school.That day, because of the hot weather, he was only wearing a pair of shorts.Xu An'an didn't seem to mind and left after speaking, but he was annoyed for a long time.He regrets his thin upper body and the scars on his shoulders.During the last two years of elementary school, Xu An'an had been entrenched in his heart, but this secret was accidentally discovered by his younger sister. It was a scene in winter. One day when there was no one at home, he couldn't restrain himself, and wrote five words with his fingers on the window covered with frost and fog: I love Xu An'an.He looked at these five words for a long time, the windowpane was covered with snow and mist, only these five words were shining brightly from the outside light.He wanted to keep these five characters on the glass for a while, and wipe them off before his family came back.But he forgot about it.Until the younger sister in the second grade of elementary school asked: "Brother, who is Xu An'an?" He blushed and ran to wipe off the handwriting on the glass.The glass was cool, and my hand was warm, after wiping it, the glass was wet and shiny.The younger sister blinked and asked, "Brother, do you really like her?" He was annoyed at the time. Later, my sister seemed to have forgotten about it and didn't mention it anymore, but today, she vaguely hinted at it again. Lu Xiaolong was a little annoyed, he couldn't understand why his sister always remembered this incident?Lu Xiaohui looked at her brother's face flushed and angry, but she couldn't understand why her brother reacted so strongly to this matter?Lu Xiaolong waved his hand: "Let's stop talking." Lu Xiaohui lowered her eyes and thought for a while, she understood her brother's psychology, and said: "If you don't want to talk, it's over if you don't. There's no need to get so angry." Lu Xiaolong looked at The circular base of the desk lamp, said: "I am not angry." Lu Xiaohui said: "I know you don't think about such things, but it is human nature to think about it." Apologizing, he said thoughtfully: "I really don't want to, and I don't have time to think about it." While saying this, I also had a little self-awareness about myself. For those who are unwilling to reveal this, this is his dark secret. Lu Xiaohui said: "You are not interested in others, but others are interested in you." "Who is interested in me?" Lu Xiaolong said disapprovingly. "Hua Jun and Tian Xiaoli from your school are very special to you." Lu Xiaohui said. "That's a comrade-in-arms relationship." Lu Xiaolong said. "I don't think so." Lu Xiaohui said. "It would be too boring for them to think that way." Lu Xiaolong waved his hand disdainfully.Tian Xiaoli's handsome face was justified, that Huajun was too ugly, he felt displeased to associate such a person with him. "When you criticized you that day, the two of them rushed to the picket line and were very loyal to you." Lu Xiaohui said. "I don't want to talk about this topic." Lu Xiaolong said impatiently. Lu Xiaohui suddenly thought of the amazing and beautiful girl she met that day. In fact, when she said those words just now, she was always thinking of her. She said: "That day there was a student from the music school who cared about you very much." Lu Xiaolong said for a moment Some attention.During the criticism meeting, he noticed the girl who was talking to his younger sister. He was sure that she was the girl he met by the fountain of the Sun Moon Altar. He asked, "How do you know that she is from the Conservatory of Music?" "She told me." Lu Xiaohui replied. "What did she tell you?" Lu Xiaolong asked. "She asked about your situation." Lu Xiaohui looked at her brother carefully, "Are you interested in her?" Lu Xiaolong blushed a little: "What do you mean?" Did she make contact?" Lu Xiaolong asked: "How do I contact her? Where is she?" Lu Xiaohui lowered her eyes and remembered something, then smiled reassuringly, and said, "I don't care if you don't tell the truth." Lu Xiaolong looked at his sister, a little She smiled embarrassingly: "Don't worry about it, what can I do?" Lu Xiaohui said: "That's the most beautiful girl I've met in so many years, and she cares about you very much, I really want to miss this opportunity, I It's a pity." Lu Xiaolong asked a question that jumped to the top of his mind: "How old is she this year?" Lu Xiaohui said: "She told me that she has graduated from the Conservatory of Music, maybe a little older than you, maybe not too old." Ask: "Do you know where she lives?" Lu Xiaohui said: "I didn't have time to ask." Lu Xiaolong said: "Then how to find her?" Lu Xiaohui said: "Of course I have a way." "Then..." Lu Xiaolong scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to say for a while.Lu Xiaohui smiled teasingly: "Then you were angry with me just now, right?" "Of course it's wrong to be angry." Lu Xiaolong admitted obediently. "Then are you wrong?" Lu Xiaohui asked. "Wrong." Lu Xiaolong replied.
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