Home Categories contemporary fiction Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1)

Chapter 26 Chapter Twenty-Five

Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1) 柯云路 8571Words 2018-03-20
A Hongqi car escorted and guided by an ordinary car drove out of Zhongnanhai, passed Chang'an Street, turned to Muxidi, went north, slowed down at the east gate of Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, and turned left to enter the gate.The guards on either side raised their hands in salute.There are four cars parked in the yard: one is for Jiang Qing, deputy head of the Central Cultural Revolution group, one is for Chen Boda, the head of the Central Cultural Revolution group, one is for Kang Sheng, an advisor to the Central Cultural Revolution group, and the other is for the deputy head of the Central Cultural Revolution group. Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan, a member of the Central Cultural Revolution.The main members of the Central Cultural Revolution are here.After the red flag car came to a complete stop, the guard on the passenger seat quickly got out of the car and opened the rear door. Zhou Enlai, vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Premier of the State Council, got out of the car. He waved at the four cars and said, "Let's go now." Bar."

Jiang Qing opened the car window, poked his head out, beckoned and said, "Let's go." Zhou Enlai got into the car, and just as the guard was about to close the car door, Jiang Qing stuck his head out of the car window again and shouted, "Wait a minute, I and Sitting with the Prime Minister." She got out of the car and ran towards Zhou Enlai's car.The guard closed the right side door, opened the left side door, helped Jiang Qing get into the car, sat next to the driver at a very light and agile speed, and closed the door.The convoy started. Zhou Enlai has the habit of commuting by car, and there is often a stack of documents beside him.At this time, Jiang Qing took the place, so he put the documents away and put them on his lap.Jiang Qing said: "It affects the Prime Minister's work." Zhou Enlai said in his usual humorous yet serious tone: "Talking about the Cultural Revolution with Comrade Jiang Qing is the biggest work." Jiang Qing smiled, she always likes to be appreciated by men And compliments, especially the appreciation and compliments from those outstanding and status men.Zhou Enlai pulled out a soft, smooth and cool straw mat with a certain thickness from behind him, and put it behind Jiang Qing's waist. Jiang Qing was very satisfied with such care.

Since she arrived in Yan'an 30 years ago, few high-ranking figures in the party have given her the feeling of caring for her like Zhou Enlai. It is difficult to find fault with Zhou Enlai's decent and thoughtful treatment of anyone and everything.I remember that when she had a conflict with Mao Zedong in Yan'an, she had no one to talk to, so she went to Zhou Enlai.Zhou Enlai always listened patiently, persuaded kindly, and criticized seriously.When she calmed down and expressed her gratitude to Zhou Enlai, Zhou Enlai would say very solemnly: "I am the chairman's housekeeper, and I should help the chairman solve these small matters. If you say I am considerate, my surname is Zhou Enlai, so I should be considerate in doing things." At this time, He will laugh in a humorous but serious, hearty and restrained way just like before.

Jiang Qing noticed that Zhou Enlai was wearing a white shirt today, and he was carrying a thin gray tunic suit with him. He put it on the back seat with his documents just now, but now he put it on his lap.Presumably, you will wear it when you get off the car and appear in public in full outfit.Jiang Qing has had a different attitude towards this prime minister who is meticulous about major and minor matters since the Yan'an period. She has vivid memories of that period in her life. She was a girl born in Shandong in 1914. In 1929, she went to the Shandong Experimental Theater to study opera and became involved in the new trend. Her name at that time was Li Yunhe, and she was tall and slender, fair and clean.Later, after working hard like a whirlpool, she became a film actress Lan Ping, active in Shanghai, and starred in the famous drama "Nara".The story of Nora's departure was quite in line with her state of mind at the time. At that time, she was firmly opposed to marriage and boldly pursued love. She was both devoted and affordable and experienced four or five men.She also threw herself into the tide of left-wing culture and got involved in the politics of the Communist Party. Later, because of the danger, because of chasing her lover, and because of the political tendency infected with the tide of left-wing culture, she ran to Yan'an in August 1937.

Before entering Yan'an, she first arrived in Xi'an and went to the Eighth Route Army's office in Xi'an.Among the people who received her was a simple and plain woman named Deng Yingchao.When Deng Yingchao saw some stills of her acting, she exclaimed, "Oh, she's a movie star." Jiang Qing came to Yan'an smoothly.As soon as she arrived in Yan'an, she knew that Zhou Enlai, who was particularly handsome, gentle and capable at the top of the Communist Party, was the husband of Deng Yingchao from the Xi'an office.This stimulated and inspired her. In her eyes, Deng Yingchao was an ordinary woman, and she was able to become the second and third wife of the Communist Party. She witnessed Deng Yingchao's respected status in the Xi'an office, which must have something to do with her being Mrs. Zhou Enlai.

It was then that she swiftly moved into the role she naturally entered: in the pursuit of revolution, prominently pursuing the leader of the revolution.Yan'an is definitely not Shanghai, where it is absolutely impossible to oppose marriage and pursue love.She devoted all her youthful enthusiasm to the highest leader in Yan'an, the greatest man Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong's first wife Yang Kaihui died long ago.The second wife had a bad relationship with Mao Zedong and went to the Soviet Union to recuperate. This is a great opportunity for her.She was not very bold at first, because Mao Zedong was still as tall as a god in her mind.Her idea of ​​pursuing the leader also gradually sprouted and grew up, because she soon discovered that the great revolutionary leader is no different from other men in liking beautiful and lovely women.From the time when she didn't dare to think about it at first, then she had the idea of ​​pursuing the leader, and then she had the impulsiveness and self-confidence to act. She found that she was already by the side of the revolutionary leader without a few contacts.

In the second year in Yan'an, she married Mao Zedong.At that time, if she couldn't marry Mao Zedong, she would definitely marry some other upper-level leader of the Communist Party of China. With Mao Zedong, you have to show all the tricks and cunning of a woman.You have to know what he likes and what he doesn't like, what makes him proud and what irritates him.You have to appreciate his politics, his talent, his calligraphy, and his poetry.You will be innocent, always amazed, you will be filled with fresh adoration.These are the things that move him the most.When he is irritable, you have to let him lose his temper and be his punching bag willingly.Whoever can really be his punching bag is his closest person.When he is furious, you can only be careful to contradict him a little bit, never too much, and then you will feel wronged, bow your head, remain silent, and sit on the sidelines and weep.When he continues to beat things in anger, you should squat down without making a sound, and pick up the books and papers he threw on the ground one by one, page by page.At that time, he was still staring at you angrily with his hips crossed, and he was having a fit. You should stop your tears and arrange the books and papers you picked up and put them on the desk bit by bit.Then duck aside and let him continue the epilogue of his temper.

After a period of silence, when the sound of restless pacing and slapping of books and papers on the table sounded again in the room over there, you walked gently to his door with a low eyebrow and stood there.At this moment, the leader will stop angrily, and reprimand: "Where have you been?" You should say: "I was afraid that you would annoy me, so I ran away. What do you want me to do now?" His burly body sat on the chair, ignored you without any anger, and said: "I don't need you to do anything." At this time, you must never leave again, but lean quietly at the door for a while, and then, Respectfully and cautiously walked over, stood behind him and gently patted his shoulders and back.Leaders often stay up late to review documents, and their shoulders and backs are prone to soreness.After you have punched a few times, the leader will wave his hand impatiently and say, "You don't need to punch." You stop your hands and then stay still until the other party puts down the raised Erlang leg and changes the other leg. , you try to beat him up again.

At this time, he seemed to accept it with anger and impatience.You continue to beat, and then start to pinch his shoulders. After a long time, the leader would sigh, raise his big hand, pat the table in front of him, and say, "Why are you so stupid?" At this time, you can cry, and you might as well cry so hard that you are out of breath and choked up. At this time, the leader will also show rare tenderness.He will stand up and go to the washstand, pick up a towel and come over, put it in your hand and say, "It's not that heroes don't cry, okay, our hero. If you shed too many tears, it will be Lin Daiyu's." At that time, you should smile through your tears, and then put your head on the leader's broad chest and beat him.The leader will also pat you on the back and say, "Okay, the smoke is gone. Unite through struggle and survive together." Then, the leader may sit down and write at his desk, and you can grind ink, sharpen pencils, Organize paper.It is also possible that the leader will sit down and pick his toes, and you will bring a basin of water to wash his feet.The leader will say, "I'll stand on my own feet." You'll say, "Give me a chance to make amends." And then there will be a night of love.

Jiang Qing couldn't help sighing slightly in her heart as these reminiscences passed by like clouds in a flash, and this mood was also revealed in her body, Zhou Enlai said with a smile: "What is our Comrade Jiang Qing lamenting? "The car went north all the way, passed Ganjiakou and Baiwanzhuang, and faced the T-junction, which was the granite wall of the zoo.The convoy turns left here, then turns right and goes north.Jiang Qing pointed to the wall and said, "The Cultural Revolution has not yet developed, and it will be huge in the future when even the wall is covered with big-character posters." Zhou Enlai nodded: "It will develop and grow, but it is best not to have traffic on the main roads and on both sides of the road. Put up big-character posters, and the driver will not be able to concentrate on driving, and accidents will happen.” He smiled happily as he spoke.Zhou Enlai's laughter is very vigorous. He is not tall, but his thick sword eyebrows, piercing eyes, deep voice and that unique standing posture with his left arm in his hand all show the appearance of a man. stalwart.

While thoughts were floating, the image of Mao Zedong stood upright in front of his eyes again.Career, ideas and power are the best decorations for a man. In this regard, Jiang Qing has always felt satisfied with her self-esteem.She became, after all, the wife of the greatest man in China, and as a woman she achieved brilliant success in that regard.It is also because of this that she can look down on all men and all women with the same superior gaze.When all the men and women in the world adore Mao Zedong's greatness, she has a sense of superiority.Especially when she saw some very remarkable men bow their heads and ears in front of Mao Zedong, as Mao Zedong's wife, her pride arose spontaneously.She even despised them from the bottom of her heart, and this contempt was doubled when these men showed her contempt. She knew that most senior members of the upper echelons of the Communist Party did not take her seriously. Since Yan'an and Mao Zedong got married, they had made a "three chapters of the agreement": restricting her from being a wife before He Zizhen and Mao Zedong formally divorced; restricting her You can only take care of Mao Zedong in your life; restrict her from interfering in politics forever.In order not to offend his colleagues, Mao Zedong accepted this "three chapters of the contract".And in order to get Mao Zedong, she had no other choice at all.When she was in Yan'an, no matter who came to Mao Zedong's cave, Liu Shaoqi, Peng Dehuai, Zhu De, she just served tea, poured water, and took cigarettes. After finishing, she quietly retreated to her room. She still remembers that once some people sat in Mao Zedong’s cave and smoked and talked. The caves were connected to each other.Jiang Qing had already made tea, poured water, and took cigarettes, and retreated to his room. Suddenly, he thought that the "Communist Manifesto" he was reading was in Mao Zedong's room, so he walked over cautiously, passing through the crowd , go get the booklet from the windowsill.At that time, Zhu De, the commander-in-chief, was sitting on a chair talking with Mao Zedong, when he raised his eyes and gave her a very distrustful look.Although it was just a glance, it made Jiang Qing feel chills all over.Zhu De's white and black eyes still pierced her, which she will never forget.In the following years, she often encountered such gazes.That day, after taking back the "Communist Manifesto" from Mao Zedong's room, she sat in her own room, touching the "Communist Manifesto", and gasping for a long time with her eyes straight.When she took the book from the window sill across the table and turned around, she found that not only Zhu De, but also several other leaders were looking at her with similar eyes. exclusion. After entering Zhongnanhai, she often encountered similar things.Once, Foreign Minister Chen Yi came to see Mao Zedong.She greeted him at the door of Zhongnanhai's residence, and told him with a very friendly and polite smile: "The chairman is waiting for you inside." But Chen Yi just nodded to show that he understood, and walked in with big strides.At that time, Chen Yi's arrogance that didn't take her seriously really made her grit her teeth with hatred.Looking at Chen Yi's rounded figure, she seemed to have made up her mind.In this world, those who hurt others can't remember the history of hurting others, but those who have been hurt will never forget everything. Over the years, her heart has been filled with such gazes, such faces, and such backs. Now, it is finally her turn to take the stage of history. Mao Zedong's face appeared in front of him again.That face also became a little impatient later, and he often sat on the sofa and looked at himself with indifferent eyes.Whenever this happens, she will recall very bitterly the experience of the Yan'an period, although there were thunder and fury from time to time, but still intimate.She knows that the greatest enemy of love is boredom.In this regard, she is facing unequal treatment.Mao Zedong had the right to tire of her, but she did not have the right to tire of Mao Zedong.At this time, she was hostile to all women who might come into contact with Mao Zedong.Those little nurses who took care of Mao Zedong's daily life by Mao Zedong's side, especially the object of her jealousy.They were able to surround Mao Zedong all day long, but she had fewer and fewer opportunities to see Mao Zedong.Mao Zedong's little nurse, Li Xiuzhi, appeared in front of her eyes. Her kind and submissive appearance must have been much more pleasing to Mao Zedong's eyes.Back then, when Li Xiuzhi first entered Zhongnanhai, she still had to give her advice and introduce the chairman's life habits. How careful and obedient Li Xiuzhi was back then!It's different now. If I want to see Mao Zedong, I have to go through her arrangement.She could only swallow her anger, because what she was facing was the power of the leader.In this world, her entire existence depends on her relationship with Mao Zedong.Mao Zedong can decide everything about her, but she has no possibility of disobedience. The old saying "the one who obeys prospers, and the one who opposes perishes" is very suitable here. She wants to hone her character even more.She has to learn to hold her breath.She must carefully observe and understand Mao Zedong's thoughts. She wants to cater to his slightest intentions.He does not allow himself to interfere in politics, but it is man-made.She started from the ideological class struggle, grasped the dynamics, carried out the reform of Peking opera, and held symposiums.By doing so, she had a little more chance to see Mao Zedong, and Mao Zedong's cold and impatient eyes became more peaceful.When she went to Shanghai to work with Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan on "Comment on the Newly Edited Historical Drama "Hai Rui Dismissed from Office"", the relationship between her and Mao Zedong entered a hotline state.No one knew the bitterness and bitterness in her heart, and no one knew that she was more hostile, looked up to, and feared Mao Zedong's authority more than anyone else.When she finally catered to her leader politically, she once again found meaning in her life.The sense of accomplishment, excitement and intoxication she gained from here surpassed that of marrying Mao Zedong during Yan'an. In Yan'an, she became Mao Zedong's wife in one step, which made her offend almost all the men and women in Yan'an.She doesn't care, she always goes straight for the highest goal.Today, she appeared next to Mao Zedong again. It is not what it used to be. Even if she offends all the men and women in Beijing and Zhongnanhai, she has no scruples.She couldn't take care of it, she still went straight to the highest goal.She has been studying drama since she was 15 years old and knows that everyone is an actor in life.The talent for living is the talent for acting.Talent in political life is talent in political acting. All the way through the dusk and twilight, talking with Zhou Enlai about the Cultural Revolution, the motorcade filed into Beiqing University.Because of the advance notice, the roads in the campus were smooth, and the convoy passed through the teaching area and dormitory area very smoothly, and arrived at the playground of Beiqing University.This place has long been crowded with nearly 20,000 teachers and students.Around the big playground, seven or eight tweeters are playing loud and clear revolutionary songs.In the twilight, when the motorcade headed towards the rostrum with its headlights on, there was warm applause from the audience.The song on the loudspeaker stopped, and someone took the lead in shouting slogans on the stage: "Warmly welcome the head of the Central Committee to Beiqing University!" "Salute to the head!" "Long live Chairman Mao!" "Continue the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to the end! "Several spotlights illuminated the rostrum brightly. Zhou Enlai had already put on the gray tunic suit and stepped out of the car calmly.Jiang Qing, Kang Sheng, Chen Boda, Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan also got out of the car respectively.Zhou Enlai, who always had a sense of unity and organization, stretched out his hand and asked Kang Sheng, Chen Boda, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan and others to follow Jiang Qing to the rostrum.When these people connected back and forth, he walked steadily behind Jiang Qing.Zhou Enlai looked at the situation on and off the rostrum with very calm eyes while walking, and the situation of Kang Sheng and others coming up behind. The pattern on the rostrum is very clear. The two rows of tables are connected by long tables covered with red cloth.Several microphones were placed on the first row of tables, several microphones were standing in front of the tables, and many red flags hung behind the rostrum, and there were student pickets at the four corners of the rostrum.A circle of picket students and workers wearing red armbands under the rostrum.Dense crowds gathered on the big playground, the lights gradually dimmed from near to far, and at the very edge of the crowd, people from all directions gathered here.In the distance, guards standing equidistant one by one could be vaguely seen. In the process of greeting each other back and forth, Zhou Enlai had already seen everyone in the group.Jiang Qing wore a pair of black-browed glasses, and his fair and slightly swollen face had a proud, impassioned expression. It was an expression of preparing a passionate speech.Chen Boda wore a pair of square-rimmed glasses, thick lips, and a fat short face. The way he looked at the venue showed that he was wholeheartedly fulfilling a political mission. He was a master who never had real insight into the political background. On Kang Sheng's long wrinkled face, there was a kind of composure in his chest, but his eyes undoubtedly showed sincere excitement and joy as he looked at the boiling venue.From this, you can see that this veteran of the political struggle in the city is also elated and forgetful.From Kang Sheng's happy expression at this time, you seem to be able to find some mischievous mischief in his childhood. Zhang Chunqiao's gloomy face, which looks like an eagle and a wolf dog, wears glasses, and looks calmer than everyone else. He is a person who is always looking at the surrounding environment and making judgments and responses.When Jiang Qing was completely immersed in the self-arrangement of preparing the speech, and put on an artificial and friendly smile on her face, Zhou Enlai knew that she had no spare time to observe other people now, and she was just preparing her lines while everyone was staring at her.Only Zhang Chunqiao glanced not only at the audience, but also occasionally at Jiang Qing, Kang Sheng, Chen Boda and others on the stage. This is a person who really pays attention to studying himself and others.Yao Wenyuan followed at the end and clapped up to the rostrum with everyone. His chubby round face and big protruding eyes looked at the vast crowd on the playground with a half-demented smile. A person without clear insight. Zhou Enlai saw all this clearly, but he seemed to have no observations.He's always gracious, kind, approachable and at the same time serious in his role.He always knows that he is facing thousands of people, and he always pays attention to the group of people around him. A group of people took their seats, and the shouting of slogans and continuous applause slowly subsided, and now the voice from the tweeter was "Warmly welcome Premier Zhou and the head of the Central Cultural Revolution to speak to us", and the audience burst into warm applause.Zhou Enlai signaled Chen Boda, Kang Sheng, and Jiang Qing to speak first, but they gave way and signaled Zhou Enlai to speak first.At this time, a warm voice sounded from the loudspeaker: "Let's first invite our beloved Premier Zhou to speak", and the audience applauded thunderously. Zhou Enlai stood up very calmly and walked to the microphone at the front of the rostrum.Standing up and speaking like this is an expression of sufficient respect and support for the teachers and students.His words were simple: "Hello, comrades." There was warm applause from the audience. "Today, Comrades Jiang Qing, Comrade Kang Sheng, Comrade Chen Boda, Comrade Zhang Chunqiao, and Comrade Yao Wenyuan are here to visit you." There was another warm applause from the audience, shouting "Salute to Premier Zhou!" Zhou Enlai continued: "We are here today. Visiting everyone is to announce an important decision to everyone. Now I invite Comrade Chen Boda, the leader of the Central Cultural Revolution Group, to announce this decision." Zhou Enlai's speech ended simply like this.Then, Chen Boda walked to the microphone a little bloatedly, and after saying some greetings and salutes to the revolutionary teachers and students of Beiqing University, he said: "With the approval of the great leader Chairman Mao, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has decided to abolish Beiqing University from today. In the working group, the revolutionary teachers and students of Beiqing University themselves will control the fate of the Cultural Revolution.” There was wild applause and cheers from the audience. During the speeches of Zhou Enlai and Chen Boda, Jiang Qing gained a little calmness to observe the venue.This calmness exacerbated her inner tension. She crossed her hands and fingers on the table, and seemed to be sitting there calmly, but in fact she couldn't help holding them tightly.She is preparing her own performance, and she is the real protagonist today.She cherishes every opportunity to perform, and she wants to shape her image in the hearts of the people across the country.She is passionate about finally appearing in China's public politics.This is the first time she has appeared in front of the people as a central leader. Chen Boda's speech ended amid warm applause. Zhou Enlai turned his eyes to look over. Jiang Qing pointed to Kang Sheng and said softly: "Comrade Kang Sheng please speak first." Zhou Enlai picked up the microphone on the table and said: "Comrade Kang Sheng is welcome to speak now." .” There was another warm applause from the audience, and the slogan “Salute to Comrade Kang Sheng”.Kang Sheng started talking leisurely, talking about the great significance of the Cultural Revolution, Chairman Mao's great thought, and the working group's mistakes in direction and line. Applause and slogans. After Kang Sheng finished speaking, Jiang Qing signaled Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan to speak again.Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan shook their heads and said they would stop talking.Jiang Qing stood up from her seat, walked around the long table, and walked to the microphone at the front of the rostrum.Amidst the warm applause, she stretched out her hand and waved a gesture that had been brewing for a long time, and then said the most enthusiastic response in this era: "Chairman Mao sent me to visit everyone." Amidst the applause, someone led the audience in front of the microphone to shout the slogan "Long live Chairman Mao" for a long time.This upsurge lasted for a minute or two, and Jiang Qing knew that it was a success.Now, Zhou Enlai, Chen Boda, Kang Sheng, Zhang Chunqiao, and Yao Wenyuan have all become her foils, and she is the real central figure. The applause and slogans finally subsided. She looked at the thousands of faces under the stage illuminated by the bright lights, and said a very emotional sentence. This sentence was something she had just sat there thinking over and over again. Said: "Young Red Guards have stood here long ago, waiting for our arrival. We came late and let you be oppressed and oppressed by the wrong line." There was another warm applause from the audience, "Learn from Comrade Jiang Qing. Salute to Comrade Jiang Qing!" Slogans followed one after another.Jiang Qing stood there affectionately.She knows that standing at the front of the brightly lit rostrum in the dark sky is like standing on a stage. Every word and every expression of her will leave a deep impression on people. Said: "Just now I was very uneasy sitting there." She waved her finger to the crowd in the audience: "Students are standing here to revolutionize, why do we sit here? We are already late, we should ask you Study and pay tribute to you!" There was a very long applause from the audience.Amid the shouts of "Learn from Comrade Jiang Qing! Salute to Comrade Jiang Qing!", many young people burst into tears, and a few girls standing in the first row burst into tears. At this time, Zhou Enlai stood up from his seat. He waved his hand to move the table in front of him away, and then pulled up the tablecloth on the table himself.Chen Boda, Kang Sheng, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan also stood up and followed suit.The students on the podium immediately removed the first row of long tables.Under Zhou Enlai's signal, Kang Sheng, Chen Boda, Zhang Chunqiao, and Yao Wenyuan all stepped forward and stood on both sides of Jiang Qing.There was a longer and warmer applause from the audience. Jiang Qing was excited by his success.Today, her actions clearly establish the image of the revolutionary standard bearer.When Zhou Enlai, Kang Sheng, Chen Boda, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan and other extraordinary men were standing behind her, she was advancing surrounded by men, and that feeling was really good.She began to give eloquent speeches, talking about her understanding of the Cultural Revolution and how she cooperated with Chairman Mao in launching the Cultural Revolution. It was now raining, a cool shower brewing in the gloom of the evening.Someone sent several umbrellas for the chiefs. The first umbrella covered Zhou Enlai first, and Zhou Enlai waved his hand to express his disapproval.That umbrella rushed over to protect Jiang Qing, and then more umbrellas covered all the heads of the first row.This time, it was Jiang Qing who took the lead in pushing the umbrella on his head, exposing himself to the rain and light.Zhou Enlai also waved his hand again to make all the umbrellas back away. In the increasingly heavy rain, Jiang Qing spoke impassionedly. She waved her hand and led the audience to shout: "Smash all the old chains!" Jiang Qing was excited by her success.Today, her actions clearly establish the image of the revolutionary standard bearer.When Zhou Enlai, Kang Sheng, Chen Boda, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan and other extraordinary men were standing behind her, she was advancing surrounded by men, and that feeling was really good.She began to give eloquent speeches, talking about her understanding of the Cultural Revolution and how she cooperated with Chairman Mao in launching the Cultural Revolution. It was now raining, a cool shower brewing in the gloom of the evening.Someone sent several umbrellas for the chiefs. The first umbrella covered Zhou Enlai first, and Zhou Enlai waved his hand to express his disapproval.That umbrella rushed over to protect Jiang Qing, and then more umbrellas covered all the heads of the first row.This time, it was Jiang Qing who took the lead in pushing the umbrella on his head, exposing himself to the rain and light.Zhou Enlai also waved his hand again to make all the umbrellas back away. In the increasingly heavy rain, Jiang Qing spoke impassionedly. She waved her hand and led the audience to shout: "Smash all the old chains!"
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