Home Categories contemporary fiction Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1)

Chapter 11 chapter Ten

Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1) 柯云路 5515Words 2018-03-20
After the Cultural Revolution began, Wu Keqin, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Department of International Politics at Beiqing University, increasingly understood the meaning of politics.Politics is the struggle between different interest groups, whether it is international politics or domestic politics.Once fighting, it must be very cruel. Yesterday's criticism meeting at Beiqing University was stopped by the working group.After hearing the news, the working group rushed to the scene and pointed out to the tens of thousands of people in the audience that this kind of criticism did not conform to the spirit of the Party Central Committee.That night, the working group announced to all the teachers and students in the school that the criticism in the afternoon would be a new trend in class struggle.

Having received reliable information this morning, the working group has come to a clear conclusion: yesterday's criticism meeting was a serious counter-revolutionary event. Wu Keqin walked up and down the room. She was not tall, not fat, and with a pair of ordinary cloth-soled shoes, she didn't show much weight when she walked around the room. She was a burly and tall man. Some style.Her weight lies in this ordinary walking, and she is thinking about something important.She stopped, looked at the world map on the wall, and thought that after all, she was a famous figure in the National Cultural Revolution, which gave her a very important sense of self.After being fully aware of his political weight, he took steps without any weight, especially showing his self-confidence without revealing himself.She stared at the night scene outside the window with her hands behind her back. The lights were dim, which more or less showed the tranquility of the dormitory area of ​​Beiqing University at night. The big-character poster area must still be crowded with people. The temporary big-character poster tents have already been put up with strings of electric lights, and there is still a faint humming and noise from a long distance away.She suddenly realized that her posture of standing with her hands behind her back was very embarrassing. Since becoming a pioneer of the Cultural Revolution, she has been standing with her hands behind her back more and more. She smiled mockingly at herself, put her hands on her hips and stopped After observing for a while, he realized that this posture overlooking the night scene was also new, so he smiled mockingly again.

Although the current situation is relatively serious, she doesn't feel too nervous, because she is more or less confident.She looked up at the newly mounted banner on the wall, and there were two words written in vigorous pen and ink: "Think more".It looks like two strange stones stand tall in the clouds, and the inscription below is "Kang Sheng's left hand".This is the calligraphy she just got through Kang Sheng's wife Cao Yiou.This act of asking for calligraphy is the most appropriate form of allegiance.She was able to turn from Beiqing University's situation of being suppressed by the school's party committee for many years to become a figure of the world, all related to this consultant of the Central Cultural Revolution.It was he who sent someone to find her and encouraged her to ignite the fire of the Cultural Revolution in Beiqing University.

After she sat down at the desk and thought about it, she dialed Kang Sheng's phone number. The person who answered the phone was a kind female voice, and it was Cao Yiou, who seemed very affectionate on the phone.Wu Keqin made a brief report on the movement of Beiqing University, and Cao Yiou said on the phone very caringly: "Comrade Keqin, you can report directly to Comrade Kang Sheng, and I will ask him to answer the phone in person." Kang Sheng's voice was slightly muddy and hoarse.Wu Keqin first expressed his gratitude to the chief minister for presenting the banner on the phone. Kang Sheng said on the phone: "That just makes you think." The development made a very concise report.Kang Sheng obviously paid attention to all the reactions and decisions of the working group to the criticism meeting, and said: "I know the situation, you have to be steady and think more. The working group was dispatched by the central government, and I am inconvenient for some internal situations. Let me tell you more, Chairman Mao is still out of town. I will report to him at any time about the situation of the Cultural Revolution in Beiqing University. You can also call Comrade Boda and report to him. He is a member of the Central Cultural Revolution Group Long." After the phone call, Wu Keqin stared at the banner of "Duosi" for a long time, and the vigorous ink marks reminded her of a New Year painting of "Zhong Kui Fighting Ghosts".

After thinking for a while, she called Chen Boda again.The moment she dialed the phone, she thought that she actually had the qualification to talk directly with important upper-level figures such as Kang Sheng and Chen Boda, which was really different from what it used to be.Chen Boda spoke with a strong Fujian accent, which was difficult to understand, but she still did not miss a single word.Chen Boda's words were very simple: the report of the working group of Beiqing University was sent to the central government overnight, and the central government has issued instructions.He also saw the report, and the central government's instructions will be communicated to the working group and the teachers and students of the school.Chen Boda finally said: "The nature of the denunciation meeting held by Beiqing University yesterday is indeed serious." Wu Keqin put down the phone.If Kang Sheng's phone call gave her some kind of comfort from being favored, Chen Boda's serious and cautious tone, even a little impatient, made her feel uncertain about the future.For the upper echelons of China, she is mostly still ambiguous, and can only guess and judge the situation based on the most limited clues.The allusion of the blind man touching the elephant can't help floating in his mind.

The husband walked slowly from his room wearing slippers, holding a teacup in his left hand and shaking a cattail fan in his right.There are three people in the family. The couple and one daughter live in a three-bedroom house, with each person sharing a room.He patted his thigh lightly with a cattail fan and asked, "Did you call Comrade Kang Sheng and Comrade Boda?" The husband's name is Lu Husband, which is a perfect husband's name, but he is wearing a small vest and shorts at the moment, showing his skinny legs and arms, and wearing a pair of large white-rimmed glasses, especially showing his cheekbones Protruding and sunken cheeks, not manly.Wu Keqin looked at her husband's thin neck and slumped chest, and replied impatiently: "Beat it." Husband Lu sat down on the bamboo chair opposite with a creaking sound, stretched With two thin and long legs, he asked again: "How is the situation?" Wu Keqin tidied up the books and papers on the desk with lowered eyes, and said, "I don't know." Husband Lu took a sip from his teacup and asked again: " What did they actually say?"

Wu Keqin was reluctant to say it, because her husband was not qualified to listen to her talk about these things; but she had to say it, because she had no one else to talk to other than her husband about some things.Over the years, her conversations with her husband seemed to have this ambivalence in them.The husband is an associate professor in the Department of International Politics at Beiqing University, and it doesn't feel good to be a wife when a man works under his wife's jurisdiction.And how can there be a man's charm in such a situation as a husband? The contradiction between wanting to speak and being unwilling to speak lasted for two or three seconds, and then ended with a sigh.She looked at the pen in her hand, and recounted the phone calls with Kang Sheng and Chen Boda according to the rules, showing the indifference and impatience of being forced to speak.The room was silent for a few seconds. Husband Lu patted his legs with a cattail fan, straightened his legs together, lowered his head and thought absently.

As usual, he had to overcome his inferiority complex and anxiety every time he talked with his wife, and raised his head and said, "Keqin, this is a major strategic issue that you have to solve." Seeing his wife's indifferent expression, Husband Lu felt that he should hurry up and say something that would inspire her. deep insights.He said: "You should think more about the French Revolution." Wu Keqin paid a little attention to this sentence, she glanced at Husband Lu, who was immediately encouraged, and continued as if grasping at straws: "Any A great revolution must go through a process of repeated struggles and repeated changes among different political forces. A great revolution will have many stages, and the leaders and heroes of this stage may be sent to the guillotine in the next stage.”

Wu Keqin blinked his eyes and looked at his slender shrimp-like husband, feeling that the words seemed correct but did not conform to the current reality. In an instant, she felt contempt for him again, as if she saw a white prawn fall on the chopping board, at most it struggled twice, and it didn't even have the strength to jump.Dreamlike memories flashed through my mind. …It was an embarrassing scene that happened many years ago. She was lying on her back, and her husband was riding on her, pinching and scratching her hysterically, and finally hurt her.She pushed his body up and asked unhappily: "What are you doing?" That night, the moonlight slanted in through the window screen, and the bed was covered with white light, and in the white light stood Bai Shengsheng's husband, who was kneeling and panting, his skinny bones His chest was heaving, and his face was full of shame and resentment.Looking at the past from the pillow, I can still see the sign of the sluggish man, like the flag of the defeated army drooping.Husband Lu sat on the bed with his arms around his knees, feeling the shame under the moonlight, and moved his body again to avoid the moonlight and sat on the corner of the bed.Wu Keqin was in an indescribable state of mind, not knowing how to comfort himself and the other party.For quite a period of time, her husband's clumsy performance in bed finally made her lose the patience to make things right.She also wanted to sit up and put her arms around her husband's shoulders to comfort him, but she didn't do that, and there was another vague emotion that froze her there.She was lying on her side with her head propped on her hands, looking at the failed man at her feet.The slanting moonlight divided the room into light and dark halves: she was in the light and her husband was in the dark.That seemed to be a symbol of mystery.Afterwards, she had thought many times that if she mustered her warmth to comfort her husband that night, maybe her life would be different later. However, she failed to do that, and she lacked the power to comfort her.People are often in a state of subtle contradictions. At this time, the opposite choice of one yes and one no is often only a slightly detectable nuance, and this nuance sometimes determines everything that follows.

Thereafter, when they lay side by side in bed each night, there was often an awkward silence.Later, they try to avoid going to bed at the same time as much as possible, always one after the other, and the person who goes to bed later always goes to bed when the person who goes to bed first has fallen asleep or is about to fall asleep. Light and darkness separate the two again. The first person naturally goes to bed with the light on, and the second person often goes to bed with the light off. In the dark, it seems that the sleeper can be kept peaceful without waking up the sleeper.When the early sleepers could not avoid embarrassment by pretending to be asleep, they would lie there side by side, looking at the moonlight outside the window, or looking at the dark ceiling, talking about major international and domestic events or trivial matters at home and on campus.

After some time, and with a suitable reason, they slept in separate rooms.Fortunately, it was two single beds joined together at the beginning, and it was very convenient to separate them.Many years later, thinking of this period of historical changes, Wu Keqin still has an association: combining two single beds into a double bed has laid the groundwork for dividing it into two... Husband Lu still grasped his train of thought as firmly as possible and continued: "Of course, some great revolutions also had people and forces who insisted on victory from the beginning to the end." A person who insisted on victory from the beginning to the end during the Great Revolution?" Husband Lu adjusted his glasses, touched his sunken cheeks, and said, "The Cultural Revolution will definitely be like many other great revolutions, with great figures coming and going." Wu Keqin asked: " Has anyone persisted until the end and won?" Husband Lu said: "In China, there is only one kind of person or only one person who will win from the beginning to the end." Wu Keqin asked: "Who?" Husband Lu replied: "Mao Zedong." Wu Keqin pushed aside the pile of materials in front of him and said, "That's up to you?" Husband Lu said: "So, your strategy is to always stand with Chairman Mao. Stand with someone who is always victorious, and you will be able to win forever." Wu Keqin glanced at her husband and said, "Easier said than done?" The husband said: "As a derived principle of this strategy, you must always stand with those who stand with Chairman Mao." The other party's words somewhat aroused her a little respect, or somewhat weakened her deep-rooted prejudice against her husband.Over the years, her contempt for her husband has continued to grow. The reason why the relationship between husband and wife has survived is not only the consideration of various circumstances, inertia, and public opinion, but also a reason that is difficult to be noticed by others. There can be some remarks that catch her attention. Husband Lu went on to say: "So, during the Cultural Revolution, you must find out who really stood with Chairman Mao, and who stood with him from the beginning to the end." Wu Keqin asked: "Then the current What's the situation?" Husband Lu finally stood up and stood up and said, "Who is closer to Chairman Mao, Chen Boda or Kang Sheng? Also, who is closer to Chairman Mao, Chen Boda or Kang Sheng, or other leaders of the Central Committee?" Wu Keqin said: "Now the central government is in charge of the work of Liu Shaoqi. Judging from the signs since the beginning of the movement, Kang Sheng and Chen Boda are of course closer to Chairman Mao than Liu Shaoqi. As for Chen Boda or Kang Sheng, who is closer to Chairman Mao, I still can't see Come out, but the attitudes of the two of them on the phone today are different.” Husband Lu stretched out his slender arm holding the cattail fan, pointed at Wu Keqin and said in a serious manner: “Whenever you can see clearly, you must devote yourself to it; When you can’t see clearly, you’d rather stay behind.” To emphasize his tone, he waved his cattail fan like a knife, cutting through the hot summer air.It is rare for him to win such a good atmosphere. He wants to grasp the topic and continue to express it. Tonight, he had long wanted to come over to discuss state affairs with Wu Keqin, but after hesitating for a long time, he couldn't make up his mind.When he picked up the teacup and walked into Wu Keqin's room, Wu Keqin's indifference and Wu Keqin's aura filled the room all put pressure on him.Bearing these pressures and walking in, he could feel the barrenness of his slender body.Now, like a prawn that was dying of drought, he has returned to the water, and he can stretch his long beard and wave it around.He wants to fight for the qualification and power to advise his wife. He said: "You should keep as far away as possible from yesterday's criticism meeting. You are the vanguard of the National Cultural Revolution. You have already stood with Chairman Mao. Don't hurt yourself easily." Old Ben." Wu Keqin had a thoughtful look on his face, which made Husband Lu feel particularly comfortable.He could only draw his wife's attention through his uninterrupted incisive arguments. Since the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, he has been reading newspapers, listening to editorials, reading big-character posters, and looking up history. He aspires to become Wu Keqin's military adviser. He was about to continue talking when his daughter Lu Wenlin and her undisclosed boyfriend Jiang Xiaocai came and entered Wu Keqin's room talking and yelling.Seeing Husband Lu sitting here, her first words were: "Dad, you are also in Mom's room." Then he reached out and took the cattail fan in his father's hand, fanned it on his own, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief with the other hand.She is tall and thin like her father, and her face is more like her mother. As for wearing glasses, she is no different from her parents.Because of the excitement and the heat, she blushed and said, "You all know the decision of the working group, right? Mom, you have to think about it carefully and make a correct judgment. I was discussing with Jiang Xiaocai just now, Xiaocai, tell me your opinion." Jiang Xiaocai was not tall, he was a boy from Jiangxi. He and Lu Wenlin were both studying in the Philosophy Department of Beiqing University.Jiang Xiaocai has a fair face, with a wide forehead and a pointed chin shaped like a sunflower seed.Standing beside Lu Wenlin, he was cramped, especially showing his special proportions of long body and short legs, as if his knees were bent.Wu Keqin didn't know why his daughter fell in love with this unattractive young man. He only knew that Jiang Xiaocai was a talented student who was admitted to Beiqing University with the highest score in the same class.Jiang Xiaocai shyly scratched the back of his head, smiled and said, "I have to think again." Although Husband Lu's high-spirited talk was interrupted, although he was a little unhappy, he was still happy to see his daughter, who has always been a peace messenger to relieve his daily depression at home.Wu Keqin looked at his daughter who was more than half a head taller than him, and asked calmly, "What are the discussions and trends in the school?" Lu Wenlin pulled Jiang Xiaocai to sit on an old sofa near the door. While shaking the cattail fan, she kept blinking behind the glasses and said, "I think the general direction of criticizing gangsters and reactionary academic authorities is definitely right, but It is definitely not right to beat people with a steel sign." Wu Keqin asked again: "Is this what conservatives say?" Lu Wenlin said: "Jiang Xiaocai and I are both rebels, so I don't agree with beating people. It is said that the steel sign has two Ten catties, hanging around the neck with a thin wire, who can bear it?" She poked Jiang Xiaocai beside her, and said, "Didn't Professor Li Haoran have a heart attack?" Wu Keqin exchanged glances with Husband Lu.Li Haoran is an old professor in the Department of Philosophy. He came back from Europe in the early 1950s and is well-known in China.Lu Wenlin went on to say: "Yesterday at the scene, Li Haoran's daughter fainted on the spot and was trampled." Wu Keqin asked: "Li Haoran's daughter also attended the meeting?" Lu Wenlin said: "Her daughter is from Beiqing Middle School. Student, I think his name is Li Daiyu." She turned to Jiang Xiaocai, "Is that so?" Jiang Xiaocai nodded and said, "Yes." Wu Keqin looked at the young couple without saying anything.She knew that Jiang Xiaocai was Li Haoran's graduate student, so she was naturally familiar with the situation in Li Haoran's home. Husband Lu looked at the two young men and asked, "No one died yesterday, right?" Lu Wenlin shook her head and said, "I haven't heard of that yet." Husband Lu turned to Wu Keqin and said, "That's nothing. Any great revolution is bound to go too far, and politicians don't need to be virtuous." His words undoubtedly carried some weight at this moment. Wu Keqin was in the trance of recalling the phone calls with Kang Sheng and Chen Boda. Who made the sacrifice."
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