Home Categories contemporary fiction Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1)

Chapter 8 Chapter VII

Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1) 柯云路 3307Words 2018-03-20
The first thing Lu Tiehan does after waking up in the morning is to go to the toilet. In Li's words, he goes to the "Five Grain Reincarnation Institute", which is light clothing before going to work.When he sat down on the toilet with his elbows propped on his thighs, the headlines of the "People's Daily" column in his hand were all vigorous and vigorous cultural revolutions.Because his stomach was bloated and the excrement path was blocked, he temporarily stopped reading the newspaper, held back his energy and exerted all his strength.After breaking through the difficulty, the spirit will start to move in a trance again. Matter is really the foundation of spirit.He thought of what his son had said last night.

Mina from Beiqing Middle School was picked out as a "counter-revolutionary hooligan". It is said that after being criticized for a while, she became a little mentally disturbed.Hearing the news, his head buzzed at that moment.He sat back on the sofa and smoked a cigarette, seeming to be thinking about the situation of the entire Cultural Revolution, and pretending to have nothing to do with it, he asked, "What class does this teacher named Mina teach?" Lu Xiaolong glanced at him at the time, and replied: "Foreign language teachers." Lu Tiehan nodded slightly, expressing that as a parent concerned about the political situation, he was kindly and caringly listening to his son's school situation, and perhaps he could give his son some kind of education. political teaching.When he puffed out smoke and enveloped the living room in thick smoke, he also felt that his father's authority ruled the family.The air was filled with the smell of his smoke, mixed with the heat from his chest and the breath from his whole body.He is taller and taller than his son, and his smell is stronger and stronger than his son. He smokes, but his son does not smoke, which is an absolute advantage.His profound thoughts and fatherly authority are all-encompassing, and when he stretches out his big blunt hand and slowly gestures, the smoky living room is his fatherly world.He could feel his son's taciturn obedience, and he could also feel that under his control, his son was like a bean sprouts that had just stood up in the sun, fragile and immature.While puffing and puffing, he lowered his eyes and said admonishingly: "Observe more, think more, learn more." Then he closed his eyes and smoked slowly and continuously again and again. This is his announcement Consistent practice at the end of the conversation with the son.The son stood up without making a sound, left the living room and went back to his room.

From that moment on, what Lu Tiehan thought about the most was whether Mina would implicate himself.From the son's account, this does not seem to have happened, however, it cannot be categorically ruled out.For this reason, he lost his appetite last night. Seeing this, his wife Fan Lizhen made him a pot of cornmeal paste from his hometown in Shanxi.Whenever he is tired, in a bad mood, and doesn't feel like eating, he doesn't like big fish and meat, and it's easier to eat rustic meals.The cornmeal is mixed with shredded potatoes and shredded radish, and it is boiled while stirring in the pot until it becomes thick. It is served with half porridge and half rice, dipped in Shanxi vinegar and garlic chili, and it tastes like a steady stream of mouthfuls.What you eat is food, and what you swallow is your mind full of melancholy. As a result, things go in the opposite direction, from being unable to eat to eating too much.The smooth-mouthed hometown meal accompanied by non-stop thinking, ate myself up, and even walked in the living room with my hands behind my back for a long time all night.When he sat on the toilet early in the morning to relieve the bloating in his stomach, his thoughts were in disarray.Will it be unacceptable to eat home-grown rice and foreign rice in the capital?

As the deputy minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry, I have always cared about land issues.Manure is the most effective fertilizer for the soil. In the mountain village of my hometown, every family has its own latrine, and when they go out to visit, they always rush home to defecate when they have feces.The walls of the latrines of each family are at chest height, and they are shielded when they squat down, and look around when they stand up.When you stand up suddenly, and someone in the toilet next door also stands up loudly, while wearing their belts, they chatted about the big world across the mountain, and even asked each other about the day's news without hesitation. eat.However, that kind of primitive agricultural life is far away from him. He participated in the revolution at a young age, fought it out, and now uses the city to lead the countryside.Thinking in this way, he thought about the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry where he was, and the Cultural Revolution. He glanced at the "People's Daily" on the side stool, and thought of his wife's once handsome but now aging photo. Yellow face with oval seeds.Pretty is the look of the past, aging is the look of the present.Don't talk about people, it's just a steel seal, and after a long time, it will turn the fresh appearance into a blurry old one.

The image of Mina flashed in front of my eyes again, and I danced around at the weekend dance with my arms around her.He also took her to dance in Zhongnanhai. There were Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, and Zhou Enlai at the ball that day, which really made the petite Mina glow with excitement.Memories of being at the ball evoked sensations throughout the body, the huge body of the naked man leaning over the nudity of the petite woman.At this time, his body was exuding a man's breath, and at the same time he felt that the woman's body was right under his body, the body hadn't touched yet, and the heat from both sides was already fumigation.He gently and cautiously lay down little by little, and the other person raised her smooth duck face to meet him. Finally, his body was pressed on the petite woman's body, and he put the weight of his body on it little by little, grasping her tolerable level.The opponent's body was aroused to move softly and impulsively, making him feel how unshakable and great the man's oppression he imposed was. He let the opponent's smooth and petite body writhe like a little baby under his huge body He was twisting and writhing like a loach caught in his hand, all these soft bumps were comfortably borne by his strong body like an iron bull, and he felt the fundamental rights of a man.However, these flickering memories now appear blurred and fragmented, just like the sharply shifted melody in a record player that is spinning fast. One of the most basic problems always exists like a haunting background, that is, Mina's life. What threat does the status quo pose to you?What trouble will it cause me?This is a question that is difficult to deduce logically, because there is no more information and information, and we can only wait for the further clarification of the situation.Although I have always been more cautious, there are still some letters and gifts left in Mina's hands.Will they copy Mina's house?Does Mina know how to destroy or hide these things?What would happen to Mina under the pressure of criticism if they got those letters?A series of very annoying problems bothered him, and the annoying problems could not be clearly thought about, but could only be allowed to linger and exist in a vague way.

My blank eyes moved around, and I found seven or eight palm-sized spider webs between the bathroom's water pipes, heaters, and corners.Staring carefully, one or two small mosquitoes are bound on each net.How did the spider climb up such a tall building?How do you know that there are mosquitoes that can be used as food?The food chain of animals is really pervasive.He searched for the creator of the web along the plumbing going up and down, and found it on a tiled wall beside him.It was a thin-looking small animal, with almost nothing in the middle of its body, and its splayed paws stuck to the wall like a few hairs.He stretched out his middle finger and poked it lightly, and pressed it out of shape. Looking again, there were a little more stains on the wall, and only one or two spider legs were still writhing incompletely like hairs, indicating that this The insignificant life is struggling at the last line before withdrawing from the stage of history.He couldn't help but think that in such a big society, facing such a movement, Mina is just like this little spider, an insignificant existence, and it is difficult for you to take care of it.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Hearing Fan Lizhen hurrying past the door of the bathroom, he said, "Why is the door open again, you stinky family?" As he pushed the door that was a crack wide open, he heard her unforgiving footsteps After going downstairs to the living room, Lu Tiehan stretched out his hand and pushed the bathroom open a narrow gap.This bitch is always ignorant of his rules, this bathroom has no windows on all sides, only a small air intake in the high corner, and if there is an outlet, there must be an intake.It stands to reason that there should be a louvered air intake at the lower end of the bathroom door, so that the smell can be pulled out, but the door of this bathroom is a solid piece.Facing unreasonable design and production, the only way to solve the problem is to open the door a crack.He sighed heavily, picked up the Peony brand cigarettes on the small square stool, took out one, and struck a match.When the thick smoke spewed out, he looked up at the vent, and the smoke didn't show a clear trajectory to go there, so he smoked one after another.The thick smoke finally permeated the bathroom, the existence of the light smoke, after all, brilliantly covered up the invisible but smoky smell.

When Lu Tiehan finished a series of operations in the morning, when he passed the door of the bathroom again, he saw that it still maintained the pattern of wide slits that he intentionally made when he left, so he picked up the file bag, and stepped down heavily. Upstairs, walked through the living room, walked out the door, and boarded the black Volga sedan that was already waiting there.The driver had already dusted the car clean, and when he sat on it, he could feel the car body sinking slightly under his own weight, and he could also feel that he had a certain identity in this city.This sense of identity is exactly what revolution feels like when cars navigate streets where there are many buses, many bicycles, and few cars.

When the fast-moving street scene explained this sense of revolution, he came to the austere and solemn building of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock. As usual, he stepped up the marble steps and nodded slightly to the soldiers on guard. He walked into the spacious hall, and found that a poster on the large screen wall facing him was covered with a big-character poster with the title: "Why did the Ministry leaders suppress us to visit Beiqing University to learn Buddhist scriptures?" "" Are we revolutionaries or royalists? "What did the Cultural Revolution of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry revolutionize?" ".Many people gathered in front of the big-character poster.Seeing Lu Tiehan, secretary Su Xiaozhong turned around to meet him. This is a dark and thin young man who looks a bit like the Monkey King in the movie: a swarthy face, a swarthy forehead, a pair of smart and flexible big eyes, and a Cantonese smiling face. style.

He came over to Lu Tiehan and said: "Minister Lu, you go up first, and I will report to you about the big-character poster later." Lu Tiehan nodded calmly, turned around and walked towards the elevator. On Su Xiaozhong's always loyal and obedient face, Lu Tiehan faintly read a trace of unnaturalness.
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