Home Categories contemporary fiction Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1)

Chapter 5 Chapter Four

Hibiscus Kingdom (Part 1) 柯云路 4672Words 2018-03-20
Heavy rain fell from the cloud-covered sky, and the huge Sun Moon Temple Park suddenly appeared empty and deserted.Under the wash of the torrential rain, Mina struggled to sit up. She leaned on the base of the cement lotus, supported the rough concrete slope with her hands, and raised her body little by little, like a child sliding to the bottom of a slide and falling again. I used my hands, feet and buttocks to go up the slide. Finally, my lower body was pulled out of the sewage, and it didn't matter that my feet and calves were soaked in the sewage.Even though she was covered in pain and bleeding, she still knew how to survive: she could not immerse the open wounds on her back and buttocks in the sewage, nor could she immerse her female lower body in the turbid black sewage.As for the rainwater from the sky pouring on you, it doesn't matter, the water in the sky is always clean.

The rain washed her like a shower, and she felt the pain of the wounds all over her body.At this moment, she closed her eyes and let the rain wash away, which might wash away the mud from the wound.Her hair was damp against her cheeks as the rain poured down her head, and the trail of pain traced the pattern of her wounds to her.The two oblique stripes from the corner of the left eye to the corner of the right mouth obviously block the rainwater flowing down the face, especially the upper diagonal stripe guides the rainwater to flow down from the corner of the mouth on the right.When the oblique stripes cannot hold back, the rainwater will overflow the wound and flow down vertically, and then part of it will be guided away at the second oblique stripes, and the rest of the rainwater will flow vertically. A ditch that retains water and soil.Then, she noticed the three vertical lines on the face. They may not be as thick as the diagonal lines, but they intersect with the two lines.

She tried to lift her hands, but the pain in her shoulders and arms made it difficult.Finally lifted to the face, she gently touched the wound on her face to verify her feelings.The touch, and the pain it caused, told her exactly how badly she was hurt.Especially the first diagonal line, from the corner of the left eye to the corner of the mouth on the right, the skin and flesh turned up, like a deep furrow plowed, her fingers touched the depth of the wound.Her first reaction was: she was disfigured.At this moment, life and death are not so important, pain is not so important, her reputation and political life are not so important, what matters is that she is disfigured.

With difficulty, she took off the big, humiliating plaque that was still hanging around her neck, and pushed it as far away as possible. The sewage pool was bubbling like a boiling pot, bubbling with thick, smelly heat from the scorching sun.She closed her eyes and let the world become blurred and dark.Hear the various sounds of heavy rain falling on the ground: the sound of falling on the woods, the sound of falling on the ground, the sound of falling on the edge of the cement pool, the sound of falling in the sewage, and the sound of falling on his own body.Her head was buzzing by the rain, and her chest, abdomen and thighs were also making different sounds. The summer rain was warm and cool, and the cement lotus base scalded by the scorching sun was gradually being washed by the rain. Cooling down, the feet stretched obliquely in the pool water felt the heat of the scorching sun accumulated in a pool of sewage.These vague feelings made her hypnotized. Just now she was in pain because of being disfigured, but now she became indifferent. A kind of submissive and resigned numbness soaked her together with the heavy rain. A half memory half longing smile.

It was a broken smile that caused pain on her face, and she saw her once alive self in it.She has a petite and plump body, a pair of bright Danfeng eyes, and a beautiful Russian nose.She likes to be fulfilled and honored. From middle school to university, she studies desperately, pursues progress desperately, and strives to be popular and professional.She will revolve with all the glory, happiness and passion that attracts her.She has endless energy, and her young life is full of elasticity and impulsiveness.She is like a bird in the spring breeze, flitting happily across the treetops.She will raise her hands to flick the weeping willows by the roadside, and run forward happily.Later, she stepped into the dance floor and met him.

He was the deputy minister, which aroused enough admiration from her.He was a man of great style, and caused her enough admiration.He was also a stalwart and strong man, who gave her a warm feeling to rely on.He was tall and tall, with a high hairline and a high forehead that looked like the top of a white marble column.His face is rough, his eyes are large and powerful, and his nose is more fruitful.His lips are thick and wide, and his voice is deep and powerful, and the resonance of his voice also conveys the strength of his body.His hands are strong, and his small hands are placed in these big hands, making him feel even more petite and soft.His dancing steps were steady and sluggish, so that at first he felt like he was dancing with a stone statue, his body might fall down at any time and crush himself into a meatloaf; soon, he discovered that he was actually very gentle, and the gentleness revealed in his thickness was especially for himself. A kind of paternal love.Further down, I found that his gentleness was a little cautious.He never stepped on her when he was dancing, and his big rough hand always held her little hand warmly, and the hand on her back always gave her the pressure of caressing and caring very kindly.Through the clothes, she could feel the presence of a big hand on her back, and at the same time, she could feel how flexible her back was.She also had a picture of a naked baby bathing in a large rough basin that did no harm to the baby.The warm breath from his burly body reminded her of a bird's nest.

She finally fell into this nest. ... The heavy rain poured down relentlessly, the sky rolled over with dull thunder, and the vague memories and longings caused by an incomplete smile passed by. She opened her eyes and looked at the environment she was in.By the pool, willow trees were silent in the heavy rain.She turned her head and saw Jia Kun lying motionless in the bubbling sewage watered by the heavy rain, like a rotten tree lying down in the river, only his head was resting on the base of the cement lotus, and the water had already flooded his chin , If he submerged again, his breath would be cut off.For a moment, he vaguely remembered that someone said that Jia Kun was dead during the criticism just now.She woke up, blinked vigorously in the pouring rain, clarified her vision, and tried her best to make herself clear about the experience of the day and the reality she faced at this moment.Maybe Jaqen didn't die, he was just temporarily unconscious, but as the water continued to rise, he might be drowned.He didn't deserve to die.Mina struggled to prop up her upper body and tried to stand up, but a burst of dizziness told her that she didn't have the strength.She knelt in the rain, closed her eyes and waited for the dizziness to pass slowly. Then, holding on to the slope of the concrete lotus, she crawled forward through the sewage.

She crawled to Jaqen's side, with a thin and haggard face, sleeping peacefully.It was the first time for Mina to observe the male teacher from the same school so closely.At first, I knew that he was a very talented student of the Academy of Fine Arts.Later, when I heard that he was gay, I couldn't help but feel great disgust and contempt from the bottom of my heart.When they meet each other on campus, they always pretend not to see each other and hurriedly escape.Even now, it is still difficult for her to get rid of this antipathy, but she just feels that no matter what, she is not guilty enough to die.

She first took off the plaque hanging around his neck, then, knelt and pulled Jaqen out of the sewage with both hands, trying to make him lie on the cement lotus base.She pulled his chest out of the water and left him lying there with his upper body exposed.At this time, she thought again: Is Jia Kun alive?When she bumped and pulled him, Jaqen was unconscious. However, she always felt that he was not dead yet, so she shook his shoulder vigorously.He remained as unresponsive as a dead man.She lifted his eyelids again, and those eyes were as scary as dead fish eyes, without any luster.Mina knelt in the pouring rain, not knowing what to do.

Maybe we should call each other?So, what should you call each other?In the past, she called him Teacher Jia, and the other party naturally called herself Teacher Mi. Later, when he was punished for being "homosexual", she stopped greeting him.Now, in desperation, she didn't want to think too much, and could only shout loudly: "Teacher Jia! Teacher Jia! Teacher Jia!" In the pouring rain, this Jia Kun, who had no reaction to bumps and bumps, Hearing the call, the eyelids slowly squirmed.Mina felt the blood-curdling terror that made her skin crawl.In a dead silence where the heartbeat stopped, Jia Kun slowly opened his eyelids, and his eyes shot straight over, as if he recognized Mina in an extremely ancient memory, and the hazy and terrifying eyes fixed on After a while, his lips moved slightly, as if to say something.Mina was dumbfounded at this moment.Jia Kun seemed to be making the last effort. With weak breathing, his lips moved and he made a sound: "...Mr. Mi." Although the voice was extremely weak, he heard every word clearly.For a whole day, she had been denounced as a "counter-revolutionary hooligan". At this moment, hearing this title, Mina's eyes overflowed with tears, and at the same time she understood why her cry opened the eyes of this dying man.Mina met the other party's gaze, nodded slightly, indicating that she heard the other party's address, and thanked the other party for the address.After getting an accurate judgment, Jaqen tilted his head to one side.After that, no matter how Mina called, there was no response anymore.

Jaqen is dead. Mina knelt in the pool for a long time, she had no energy left to mourn the death of this life.He shouldn't have died, but died.All she had left at the moment was the numb thought that she must live. She climbed to the edge of the pool and struggled to stand up while holding on to the straight pool wall, which was higher than her head. She could grasp the upper edge of the pool wall with her hands raised, but she had no strength to climb up.This is something that a healthy man can easily do, but it is beyond the reach of a woman like her who is covered in bruises.The rain is still falling relentlessly, and the sky seems to be getting dark little by little. If it gets dark and you can't leave here, it's hard to say whether you can persevere.The wound on his body was still bleeding, and the blood seeped through the mottled and broken shirt and skirt, and scattered into the dirty pool water along with the rain, forming an indistinct mosaic.She held on to the wall of the pool, waded through the sewage, and walked around the pool step by step, hoping to find a place that was easy to climb. However, she turned around and returned to the original place.The pool has become a cliff, and she can't leave like a wild beast in captivity.She looked up at the willow trees hanging down by the pool, hoping that the willow branches would hang lower and provide her with ropes for climbing. However, they were all too stingy and there was no possibility at all.She waded through the water again and walked towards the cement lotus in the center of the pool. Her legs gave way and she knelt down in the sewage.She climbed to the side of the lotus and stood up, shaking the cement lotus petals, hoping to shake off a few pieces of cement as stepping stones to climb out of the pool.However, she quickly abandoned this hopeless endeavor. She knelt there, her eyes fell on Jaqen, watching him sleep soundly in another world.She thought about it, and a thought came to her, and she shook her head slightly, feeling guilty again.After countless struggles in her heart, she finally bit her lip, put her hand under Jia Kun's armpit, and dragged him to the edge of the pool.Jia Kun's body was already a little stiff, and it was very strenuous to drag.At this moment, Mina shuddered to understand the commonly used word "death and heavy", there is nothing heavier than a dead person. When she dragged a dead man kneeling and crawling in the pouring rain, it was like falling into a bottomless hell.In order to climb out of hell, she must hold the dead body forward, and she must use the dead body as a ladder to climb to the exit of hell.The tunnel from death to life is terrifying, and the only way to survive is to be desperate.In the desperate tug and crawl, she felt like a mad witch. Finally, panting, she climbed to the edge of the pool. First of all, she tried to bend Jaqen's body and let him sit against the wall of the pool, so that she could climb out of the sewage pool by stepping on his body and shoulders. However, when she trembled When he barely bent Jia Kun's body, he didn't dare to climb up.In the first step, she had to step on Jia Kun's thigh, and she had to keep her balance, try not to step on Jia Kun, and then find a way to step on his abdomen to step on his shoulders, and finally she could grab the edge of the pool with both hands and climb. go out.As soon as her feet were placed on Jaqen's lap, the dead body tilted like a rock, startling her.She found that she didn't have the psychological strength to crawl out of hell by stepping on the dead, and she wasn't that evil.Although she repeatedly said to Jia Kun in her heart: I will step on you to climb up, and I will ask someone to pull you up too.However, she couldn't help her legs trembling, and she dared not step on it again. Leaning against the wall of the pool, she wept sadly in the pouring rain. After crying for a while, she stopped. She raised her face and looked around. She thought, is there anyone coming nearby?So she shouted loudly: "Come here! Come here!" no respond. The heavy rain poured on Jaqen, who was sitting against the wall of the pool, his hair covered his face in a mess like a soaked hen.She reached out and straightened his hair.In hell, she no longer fears the dead.Combing Jaqen's hair, she even felt some pity for him.She continued to comb his wet hair with her hands, and finally straightened it into the most appropriate hairstyle. Now Jia Kunan, whose face was scorched, sat there quietly. He must be indifferent to everything at this time, and there was a certain detached tranquility on his face, which moved Mina.Mina put her left arm against the wall of the pool, leaned her head on her left arm and looked down at Jia Kun, her right hand continued to caress his hair carelessly, feeling a caring affection for the deceased inexplicably in her heart.This man's death was too unjust, and his little incident was not considered a serious crime. It's a pity that he died like this at a young age.It was this little care for him that enabled Mina to break through various obstacles set up by society and truly understand this poor man. She now feels that the dead are not scary, but some living people are truly scary.She leaned against the pool wall and squatted down.In this way, she not only smoothed Jaqen's hair at a closer distance, but also straightened his tattered top as much as possible. She sighed, in the rain, staring at a man who died suddenly from such a close distance, she felt her kindness and sympathy as a woman, and then thought of the only thought that haunted her during today's beating, that is, Even death cannot confess to the man who associates with her like a warm stone statue.At this moment, she felt the grievance and pity of this kindness, and tears flowed out. In the rain that was pouring all over her face, she could still feel that the tears were hotter than the rain.She supported the wall of the pool again and stood up - she couldn't die, she wanted to live! She shouted again with all her strength: "Come here! Come here!" He heard footsteps and voices from afar, both men and women.The man said: "Someone is shouting!" The woman said: "Let's go and have a look!"
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