Home Categories contemporary fiction how far is happiness

Chapter 79 Section 12

how far is happiness 石钟山 755Words 2018-03-20
In the small courtyard, the green leaves climbed so high on the grape trellis, blown by the wind, like green soldiers in high spirits, looking at the two people under the vines. "In a few days, it's time to produce grapes." Wang Xiaomao said while watering. "I'm looking forward to it. I don't know how much it will produce." Li Ping looked at the vines happily, with a handsome smile. "You don't need too much, just enough for your sister-in-law to eat." Wang Xiaomao looked up at Li Ping, "By the way, sister-in-law, how old are you this year?" "It's nothing... I want to know who is older between us. You are older than me, so I should call you sister. From now on, I will call you sister, right?" Li Ping nodded, "Okay, I have older brothers and sisters, but I lack a younger brother. " "From now on, I'll be your younger brother..." Wang Xiaomao looked at Li Ping for a moment, but he seemed a little embarrassed, and hurriedly dodged away.

Li Ping also noticed it, and changed the subject: "Xiao Mao... the books you borrowed, I think your name is on the borrowing card, have you read them all?" I read it two or three times. When I was in school, I was very good at Chinese. The teacher asked me to write an essay, and others wrote one. I wrote two, sometimes three. I had an ideal in high school, and I wanted to grow up to be a writer. "When Wang Xiaomao said this, his eyes lit up. "The two of us are the same. I also like writing essays. At that time, I also thought about becoming a writer." Li Ping said happily, and then became a little depressed. Think about it again." "I also really want to go to college. Before I changed my career, I wanted to go to a military academy! Be a soldier for the rest of my life! But now, I want to go to the Railway Academy and study railway engineering." Li Ping looked at it in approval Wang Xiaomao, they both had college dreams in their hearts, so Li Ping knew how strongly Wang Xiaomao wanted to go to college.She encouraged her and said: "The best thing is to go to college. You work hard and you must go to college if you find an opportunity." Since Wang Xiaomao had a meeting in the afternoon, he had to leave after staying for a while.Before leaving, Li Ping asked him to change some books.Wang Xiaomao picked up the books, with a nervous expression, and said to Li Ping worriedly: "In the future... I will really call you sister?" Li Ping said with a smile: "Call me, I am older than you, so I should be called sister." "Then...sister, I'm leaving." Wang Xiaomao said goodbye excitedly, holding the book, walked out of the small courtyard, couldn't hide his excitement, jumped up high suddenly, and reached for the branches with his hands...

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