Home Categories contemporary fiction how far is happiness

Chapter 67 Section 30

how far is happiness 石钟山 1394Words 2018-03-20
There have been rumors of layoffs in the army's barracks recently, but no one has dared to talk about it publicly.To put it seriously, whoever spreads this news will be charged with disturbing the morale of the army. Li Ping was reading the "Song of Youth" she had brought with her at home, when she heard a knock on the door, she got up and opened the door, and it was Mrs. Zheng who came over. Mrs. Zheng was very anxious: "It's a big deal! It's a big deal! Oh...are you listening to the radio?" "What's the matter?" Mrs. Zheng went over and turned on the radio.

The announcer's voice came from the radio: "...According to the announcement issued by the Central Military Commission, this one-million-dollar disarmament involves various arms. The railway engineering corps will bear the brunt and will all be abolished..." Li Ping looked at Mrs. Zheng in surprise .Mrs. Zheng said: "Old Zheng, Lao Wu and the others are going to take off their military uniforms and change jobs. Hey! They will change jobs collectively! They will definitely be sad, but for us family members, it is a good thing! If you change jobs, you will be able to enter the city!" In the temporary office , Wu Tianliang, Zheng Jun, and several officers and others were also listening to the radio together.

"...The Chinese People's Liberation Army's initiative to reduce its military by one million is not only the need for the modernization of national defense, but also demonstrates to the world the determination and courage of the Chinese people to love peace..." A soldier turned off the radio, somewhat in disbelief: "Changed jobs, us?" Then he looked at Wu Tianliang and then at Zheng Jun, still shaking his military uniform in disbelief: "In the future, this military uniform will be taken off?" Wu Tianliang asked Zheng Jun: "Has the order been sent to the division headquarters?" Zheng Jun nodded and said, "The political commissar went to the division headquarters for a meeting yesterday, and he specially called from the division headquarters to ask us to pay attention to the emotions of the officers and soldiers and keep them stable." , to avoid radical incidents... He also asked me to tell you that the Political Department should do more persuasion work." "Who should be persuaded? I have emotions first!" Wu Tianliang was a little excited, "Take off this military uniform as soon as you say it?" Zheng Jun comforted him and said: "Old Wu, Lao Wu...who wants to take off? I don't want to either! But an order is an order, can you disobey? Besides...taking off the military uniform is very difficult for a family like you and me. , It may not be a bad thing. Now you can enter the city!" "Entered the city? Yes, it is good to enter the city, and I have an explanation for the family! But what about the railway? It will not be repaired?" Wu Tianliang slapped the table angrily.

"Even if it is repaired again, there will be arrangements from above." "Who will be arranged? Who is better than us? We changed jobs and left, so what about this tunnel? We won't fight it, leave it here?!" A group of soldiers crowded in the tunnel Listening to the semiconductor radio together, "...the Chinese people will never seek hegemony, and will never bow to world hegemony..." The soldiers were a little impulsive: "We have all been laid off, what should we do after this?" "That's it Retired from the army? But I have been in the army for less than a year..." The tunnel has stopped digging, all kinds of machines have stopped, and the engineers are scattered everywhere, listless and depressed...

At this time, a group of people came from the entrance of the tunnel.The leader was the political commissar of the regiment, who walked with a typical soldier's pace and a stern look.Wu Tianliang, Zheng Jun, Wang Xiaomao and others followed him.While walking, the political commissar looked at the slack engineers, and when he was about to reach the excavation face of the tunnel, he stopped and shouted loudly: "All gather!" The engineering soldiers immediately seemed to be awakened, cheered up, ran and lined up in front of the political commissar.Wu Tianliang, Zheng Jun, Wang Xiaomao and others also stood upright in the queue.

One, two, three, four... The sound of counting came one after another. The political commissar looked at the team in front of him and said, "Has a disarmament order knocked you down? Huh? Even if we take off this military uniform, we must remember that we were once soldiers! We were once soldiers with no honor! No matter what time it is, the spirit of the soldiers must not be lost! The style of the soldiers must not be lost! The traditions of the soldiers must not be lost! Everyone sing with me and sing our military song! One, two, three!" Everyone sang with the political commissar Get up: "Forward, forward, our team to the sun..." The singing echoed in the tunnel, buzzing...

A few days later, Li Ping and other family members, together with the troops, packed up their luggage, boarded a caravan, and drove to Guiyang.The caravan was bumping and bumping on the mountain road.Li Ping looked up and saw steep and winding hills on both sides, with green trees pointing straight to the clouds.She thought, what will life be like after arriving in Guiyang?What kind of arrangement will fate have waiting for me?What my brother said is right, you can’t give up hope if you give up, happiness is still ahead...
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