Home Categories contemporary fiction how far is happiness

Chapter 44 Section VII

how far is happiness 石钟山 495Words 2018-03-20
At the entrance of Baogaishan Tunnel, a large boring machine rumbled out of the tunnel.A man stood on the running board of the boring machine, came out of the tunnel, and jumped down.His body was so stained with mud, as was his face, that it was almost impossible to make out who it was.Several mixers loaded with cement drove past him and "rumbled" into the tunnel.Two soldiers passed by him and raised their hands in salute: "Director Wu!" Wu Tianliang, who was covered in mud, walked into the headquarters office.After washing my face, I washed it once, and then I washed it again, and only then did I reveal my "true face".

When the rainy season arrives, the difficulty of construction increases, and dangerous situations occur frequently.Quliang Mountain, where the political commissar went last night, also caught up with the water coming out of the tunnel; Huangwa Mountain, where the group leader went, the bridge pier that had just been watered was washed away.Fortunately, after a night of hard work, the water from the Baogaishan Tunnel has now been blocked. Zheng Junzai was also covered in mud.He said to Wu Tianliang: "Let the bride stay alone in the empty room on the wedding night, it's a lifelong sin! Whenever you quarrel in the future, she will use this to block you. You owe your wife! Pack up and go home I’m here to watch!” Wu Tianliang said: “Then I won’t be polite, I’ve been thinking about Li Ping all the time, she’s afraid of thunder.” Just as he was talking, the phone rang.After Zheng Jun listened to the call, he said to Wu Tianliang sympathetically: "We have to leave together. The division commander will come to check tomorrow, and the political commissar told us to go back to the regiment headquarters." "Go back? What about here?" Zheng Jun Said: "The leaking water has been blocked, just ask the commander to keep an eye on it. Wait for a while, I will go to the tunnel and explain to him..."

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