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Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Go, SWEET HEART!

teenage babylon 路内 16233Words 2018-03-20
In the year of the saccharin factory, the winter is the worst.The trees here are usually very sick, and they can't wait to die in winter. It seems that they can't bear this place and are willing to commit suicide.When I went to the factory this season, I saw that the vegetation was withered, all horses were silent, and the soil on the ground was colorful, and some were covered with a layer of salt frost.The waste water in the inspection well was emitting white steam, and people who didn't know it thought it was a precursor to a volcanic eruption.The worst part of this season is the workers on the third shift, especially in the saccharin workshop.The formaldehyde workshop still has a sealed C^AO studio, electronic program control, and a camera to monitor the internal operation of the reactor.However, the saccharin workshop is dilapidated and crumbling, completely relying on manual C^AO, if you want to monitor, you can only stick your head into the hole of the reactor to see.I have to go in and watch it several times a day. At first I thought it was dreamy, like a magma, similar to a sci-fi movie, but after watching too much, I felt horrible, and the hole was too small, and my jaw was often stuck, stretching out. not come out.There is only a small room in the break room of the saccharin workshop. Workers can eat melon seeds and chat in it, but they cannot smoke because it will be fried.In winter, a steam pipe passes through the lounge, and it is very warm inside, but you can’t always hide in the lounge, right? If you go to the workshop, the place is as cold as an ice cellar, and you can’t even wear two cotton jackets.

The saccharin workshop is very large. From pouring in the raw materials and mixing them until the white saccharin flows out, it takes several processes, and each process is divided into several steps, which are guarded by various teams.The section chief is the foreman here, a small official of Sesame Mung Bean, but he must not be offended, otherwise he will make your life worse than death. Before I went to work in the saccharin workshop, Changjiao and Xiaoli invited me to dinner.Changjiao cried and said, "Xiaolu, it's all my fault." I drank white wine and said, "None of your business?" Then you were sent to the third shift." I said, "You are crazy, I went to the third shift because I molested the little girl in the laboratory and was caught by the factory manager. It has nothing to do with you." Long legs still can't Don't worry, just cry.Later we were annoyed by his crying, and Xiao Li said, "Anyway, a large number of people will go to the saccharin workshop next year." I said, "I'll go ahead and wait for you there." Changjiao opened his eyes wide and said, "I don't know. Go! I'd rather resign than go!"

I raised my glass and said, "Here's to the sweet man I'm about to be." Neither of them could lift their glass, so I drank it down alone.We were all so drunk afterwards that we forgot how we got home. In winter, I went to report to the saccharin workshop, wearing the work clothes that were neither blue nor green.I ran to the workshop, and the workshop administrator said that I was assigned to the previous process.I don't know what the front process is. The administrator said: "The front process is the initial input of raw materials, and the subsequent process is the finished product." I asked her: "Is the front process better or the latter process?" She told me wisely Me: "The front is tired and dirty. But you won't be a sweet person. The back is easier, but you will be sweet. Which one do you like?" I said, "I don't care." She shook her head Said: "If you are not married yet, it is better to move forward. Although you are a little tired, you can still find a girlfriend."

I ran to the work section, and a section chief named Weng Dabaoya met me. He was wearing a denim shirt with patches everywhere, and the zipper was broken, so he tied it around his waist with a hemp rope. It's as miserable as it looks.Weng Da Baoya squatted on an iron stool, didn't ask my name, and didn't show me around the workshop. He said to me: "Little guy, go and carry twenty bags of sodium." I hated his tone very much. , I asked him: "What is sodium nitrite?" He said it was sodium nitrite, and blamed me for being uneducated, and I didn't even know sodium nitrite.I ran to the side of the driveway as he said, and carried two bags of sodium nitrite in a 20-kilogram bag at a time.Weng Dabaoya looked at me in the lounge, and when I finished carrying it, he said, "Unpack it and pour it all into the pot." I kept my composure, pulled out my electrician's knife, and pulled a hole in the snakeskin bag, Pour all twenty packages into it.Weng Da Baoya said, "Call me in two hours."

I asked him, "What should I do now?" "You just stand by and watch," he said. I stood there and looked around the saccharin workshop, all of which were dark reactors, with winding pipes like intestines, cold valves and flanges.There was a layer of black ash on the window panes of the workshop, and the place where there was no ash must be because the window panes had been smashed.I sat on top of a pile of ingredient bags and waited for those twenty bags of sodium nitrite to react into something else.Later, Weng Dabaoya ran out again and told me that I had to stick my head into the reactor to check.I said don't talk nonsense, I've seen this before, just put your face up to look at it, you don't have to stick your head in.Weng Da Baoya said: "If I tell you to stick it in, you can stick it out. If you have any nonsense, go back and tell your mother."

At that time, I often put my head into the reaction kettle, watching the paste-like raw materials react, steaming, and I couldn't check for a ghost.I know that Weng Dabaoya is trying to trick me, but I don't know who ordered it.The hole was so small that it was inconvenient for my head to get in and out, so I shaved my head.There was a worker named Simao in the workshop. This man often suffered from mental illness. When he saw me sticking my head in, he would stab my anus with a steel pipe.My head was in the reactor, and I had no power to resist. After I stuck it out, he laughed and ran away.I can't chase him, otherwise I will leave my post without authorization.Later, I took a cold breath and saw him and Weng Dabaoya in the lounge. I ran in, grabbed Si Mao's neck, and punched him three times in the face, on the mouth and eyes respectively. On the top, on the nose, the four hairs rolled on the ground.I stomped on his head a few more times with my labor leather shoes, and Simao whined.After I finished beating, I shaved my bald head and looked at Weng Dabao.Holding a toothpick in his mouth, he also looked at me without saying a word.

I once told myself that I am a person who has neither the talent of electrician nor the talent of fitter, but I know that making saccharin does not require talent.The only thing needed to make saccharine is physical strength and patience.Weng Da Baoya first tested my physical strength with twenty bags of sodium nitrate, and then asked Si Mao to test my patience.After I shaved my head and shaved my hair, a Y-shaped blood vessel burst out under my green scalp, but there was a smile on my face, and Weng Dabaoya never came to trouble me again. The things between Weng Dabaoya and I all happened during the day.You won't be able to see him on the night shift, so you can finally be a little cleaner.But I also hate the night shift. I go out in the middle of the night, work all night, and come home before dawn. If I were a ghost, I should live like this.

The worker I worked with at that time was a big bald man with a beard.He is bald, I am bald, and the two of them walking in the factory together are very eye-catching.His nickname is Guo Dajiuguan, but I can't remember his real name.This person carried a bottle of Erguotou in his pocket all the year round, and appeared in the workshop all year round, drunk in a daze. He beat people very hard when he was awake, but the opposite was true when he was drunk. It didn't matter how anyone beat him.When he was drunk, he would be late and absent from work, but he would never leave early. He usually left work staggeringly when he woke up.In this case, I have to do all the work alone.Sometimes when he was sober, he would say sorry to me, "Brother, I'm sorry." Then he would take out the bottle from his pocket and want to share it with me.

During many middle and night shifts, I sat in the lounge and endured the smell of alcohol from his body.At one point, I wanted to beat him up to calm myself down, but I've never hit a drunk, it's not a man's job, but how easy is it to find him sober? One night in the middle of the night, a woman called into the break room, and I answered.The woman shouted on the phone: "Where is Guo Dajiu? He promised to marry me today, why didn't he come?" At this time Guo Dajiu was lying on the ground snoring, I kicked him, he I didn't move at all, and I could only say to the bride who stepped on the empty stairs: "He's drunk, I can't wake him up, wake him up yourself if you have the ability."

When he woke up later, I told him about it.He slapped himself and said, "Damn it, forgot about registering the marriage." Then he shook my hand and said, "Brother, you are so kind." Know what to say.Anyway, I never regarded him as a brother, I only regarded him as a talking wine vat. One day, Guo Dajiugang ran up to me soberly and said, "Xiaolu, I resigned." I said, "Are you fired?" He shook his head and said, "I really resigned, and I got rich. !” I was very puzzled, so he said, “You are my brother, I only tell you one person. My woman got rich buying stocks, and now I also get rich.” At that time, I heard that many people got rich buying stocks, His woman is in the clothing business, and she has a little money on hand. If she buys stocks, the little money will turn into big money.I asked him: "How much money did you make?" Guo Dajiu stretched out three fingers and said: "Three million." I was shocked, three million! Then I really don't have to come to work again.Later he patted me on the shoulder and said: "Brother, goodbye, come to me if you can't get along in the future." I thought to myself, C^AO, you bastard didn't even invite me to dinner, so you just ran away.

In 2004, I went back to Daicheng to visit my mother.I went out to do errands in the middle of the night, and on the way home, a drunk man was throwing up while holding a telephone pole.It was very windy that day, and I was a little distracted when I was walking, and his spit floated on my pants.I was furious, and pulled him over to see that it was Guo Da Wine Vat.At this time, a girl in a suit and skirt ran out of the restaurant, repeatedly said sorry to me, and then supported Guo Da's wine tank.Call him: "Mr. Guo! Mr. Guo!" Guo Dajiu was so drunk that he couldn't even speak.I asked the girl, "What Mr. Guo? What kind of company do you run?" The girl said, "A real estate company." I said, "I'm C^AO, and I've grown up. Let me ask you, are you his wife or his mistress?" The girl blushed and said, "I'm an assistant." I thought she was pretty, and she was shy, so I smiled and said, "I knew this bird man before. He was drunk every day, and now he still drinks Erguotou?" Mr. Guo seldom gets drunk. I’m really sorry, since I’m an old acquaintance, please leave a business card and I’ll pass it to him.” I said, “No need.” I straightened Guo’s wine tank.Lifting his face, he no longer recognizes me.I said, "That's right, the suit is from Armani, and what brand is the tie?" The girl said, "I don't know." Back then when I was in the mood of beating someone in the saccharin workshop, I slapped his face as if I had slapped his mouth.Beating someone is the same as having sex. Debts owed ten years ago must be written off ten years later, otherwise they are rapists and gangsters. Regarding my private life in 1994, I can express it in one sentence: my sex life was very tense, and I was in a severe drought after a severe flood.This feeling is very uncomfortable. It would be better if I was still a virgin, but unfortunately time cannot go back, even if I go back, I will still not be a virgin.Working three shifts reduced my libido to a certain extent, but I am not a eunuch after all. After adapting to this rhythm and spring coming in due time, I became a sexual depression again, but the content of the depression was different. It used to be imagination. Now it's memories. I was twenty-one years old that year. According to normal standards, I could find a girlfriend, but I couldn’t have sex with her in time. I could only walk on the street, watch movies, and talk about my ideals.This made me very sad. Once there was a severe flood, and several relatives wanted to introduce me to a girlfriend, but I rejected them all.I'm not in the mood to go shopping with the girl, I've had enough.My mother was very anxious and asked me if I was so tired after working the third shift that I couldn't even talk about my girlfriend.I said I wasn't tired, but I had to work three shifts and go to night college, so I didn't have enough time to allocate.My mother was very moved, thinking that I began to know how to cherish time. Her support for me was to wash my underwear until it was extremely dirty, and she would not call me dirty, because this is the price of not talking about girlfriends. In the spring of 1994, I worked the third shift in the factory. I ate a bowl of noodles in the cafeteria for dinner and supper. It wasn’t that I liked noodles, but the rice was inedible. It was leftovers from the day, and it was tough. It's cold and stomach cramps after eating.In fact, the noodle is also very poor. They are all rolled out by the noodle rolling machine in the cafeteria. The thick part is like chopsticks, and the thin part is like fishing line. And bring some soup. One evening, I went to eat noodles in the cafeteria, surrounded by a few mid-shift workers.I threw the enamel basin into the window, and threw in a few plastic meal tickets. After a while, a bowl of steaming hot noodles came out.I sat there and ate the noodles, and when I was halfway through eating, I found that there was a spare rib in the soup.I felt very puzzled, looked at the ribs for a long time, and then ate it.The next evening, it was still the same, there was a spare rib hidden under a bowl of noodles, I didn't hesitate any longer, and killed it cleanly.On the third day, I finished eating the ribs and was just about to leave with the basin when Aunt Qin appeared in front of me. Aunt Qin said: "Lu Xiaolu, are the ribs delicious?" As soon as I heard this, I knew it was over. Aunt Qin didn't know what kind of partner she had found for me.Aunt Qin said: "Do you know the little girl down there?" I said I didn't recognize the girl down there.I don't recognize the above either.Aunt Qin said: "It's not the top and bottom, it's the little girl with the bottom noodles." I continued to shake my head, I don't know the bottom noodles, but I only know your C^AO noodles, and I will never forget them until I die. Aunt Qin said: "It's the fat one with short hair and freckles on her face. Her name is Kuai Li." I held my head and thought about it, and it seemed that there was a girl standing next to the stove making noodles, and her whole body was covered with bruises. Surrounded by heat.There's no way I can see her freckles.Aunt Qin said: "That's her! The little girl treats you very well and gives you ribs for free." I said, "Oh, she put the ribs in. I thought they fell from the sky." Aunt Qin said : "Don't pretend to be stupid, let me tell you, Kuai Li is a flower in our cafeteria, she has taken a fancy to you. What about you? You are a saccharin maker..." I said, "Yes, I am a saccharin maker Yes, why did she take a fancy to me?" Aunt Qin leaned close to my ear and said, "That time you made a big fuss at the venue, Kuai Li saw it, and she likes you very much." Girl, it was unexpected.Aunt Qin said: "I also persuaded her, she just likes your type, there is no way, green vegetables and radishes have their own love." I can only say perfunctorily: "Yes, daring to love and hate is also an advantage. But It all happened last year, why did you ask you to make a deal this year?" Aunt Qin said, "She had a boyfriend last year, but she was dumped this year." After hearing this, I closed my eyes and felt miserable . Aunt Qin said: "Lu Xiaolu, please be calm and give me an explanation." I thought to myself, what an idiot, is there a matchmaker for an old woman like you? Apparently Aunt Qin has a very bad impression of me, and she doesn't treat me as a matchmaker at all. Even for a girl like Kuai Li, she thinks I'm not good enough to be a green onion.If it is six.In 2010, I also recognized the girl in the cafeteria. Unfortunately, in 1994, the country's food reserves were very rich. It was really unreasonable to send myself to the cafeteria to be a son-in-law just to eat a spare rib.I kept all these harsh words in my stomach and didn't tell her.I just told Aunt Qin, "I already have a girlfriend." Aunt Qin said, "Huh? Which workshop?" I was furious, and said, "She is a graduate student in Shanghai." After saying this, I felt It was desolate, and he left with the rice bowl in his hand. Later, when I went to eat noodles again, the ribs were gone, and the cafeteria treated me very badly.I put the rice bowl in, and after a while, it was thrown out of the window with a bang whistle, with a few noodles in it, not even a little bit of garlic.Holding this bowl of noodles, I remembered that Kuai Li was a girl who dared to love and hate. If this girl put a handful of rat poison in my rice bowl, I would die hard, without any suspense at all.At that time, I could only go outside the factory to eat biscuits. I couldn’t even eat biscuits on night shifts, so I had to bring my own dry food. After a few months, I lost a lot of weight. I later learned that a miserable life is often unknowing, and I have to tell you through some specific people and things. These are equivalent to mirrors, and misery is reflected in mirrors.Of course, there are many people in the world who are miserable than me, and I have no reason to worry about them.When I was young, misery and misery were separate, sometimes tragic but not miserable, sometimes miserable but not tragic, only in Kuai Li and Aunt Qin, I saw myself both miserable and miserable.Why are they telling me the tragic truth? Is my god attached to them? This is really strange, and I have been wondering for a long time. I also met a girl in 1994 at a poetry reading.First, a classmate from Ye University gave me a mimeographed leaflet, saying it was a Daicheng Poetry Youth Gathering. The leaflet contained a list of poets’ names, time and place, and a very lyrical passage, which I can’t remember. .My classmate works in the Fourth People's Hospital, but he is not a doctor, but a gardener. His usual job is to mash soybeans into fertilizer and water them under the flowers and trees.He also taught me many ways to make fertilizer, regardless of whether I like to learn it or not.The students of Yeda come from all walks of life, including salespersons, butchers, flight attendants, workers and small staff, but he is the only gardener.My gardener classmate usually writes some poems, which are also published in the supplement of the evening paper. He often takes out a piece of "Daicheng Evening News", and then points to a small string of words on it and says that this is his poem.Since he used a pseudonym, and more than one, his credibility was very low, and everyone just thought he was bragging. One day the gardener-poet said to me: "I'm going to attend a recital soon." Then he took out the leaflet and waved it in front of me.He offered to take me there, and I agreed.I'd love to see what a poetry reading would be like, never seen one.In the afternoon of that day, he called me in the workshop, saying that he had a bad stomach from eating, and his legs were weak due to diarrhea, so he had to let me go alone. In the evening I went alone to a factory club on the west side of the city, which was a dance hall, and I'd been to it before.I ran in and found many young men with long hair sitting there, and many young women, smoking and drinking beer together.The room is dimly lit, with many candles lit, and someone on the stage is holding a microphone and reading aloud. This scene is very familiar. If you plug your ears, you will almost think it is singing karaoke.I looked around ghostly, but I didn't find the Haiyan in our factory, so I found a corner and leaned against the wall, but no one paid me any attention. Then I met a girl and she was standing next to me.She said to me: "Could you please take care of my clothes?" I haven't met such a polite girl for a long time, her face flushed slightly, so I nodded and took her coat and purse.This is a red camel hair coat, which feels very comfortable, and the neckline is a bit torn.Later she went to the stage, took out a piece of paper from behind, finished reading her poem in a very soft voice, bowed, and stepped down.There was no applause below, and I didn't applaud either. I watched her walk over there and return the clothes to her.She stuck out her tongue and said, "Is it poorly written?" I said, "Your voice is too soft, no one can hear you." She said, "I'll pay attention next time." The atmosphere of the poetry reading was very lively that day. A man ran up and recited a dozen poems, each of which was as long as "The Divine Comedy".Everyone waited for him to finish reading the poems like waiting for a bus, and then another person ran up, read a few poems, took out a lighter and burned the manuscripts.The people below applauded loudly, and some scolded their mothers, making a mess.Later, the host jumped onto the stage and said to the following: "Let's show your youth!" At this time, the laser light ball began to spin, and violent disco music came from the speakers, and the group all jumped onto the dance floor.I looked at the shadowy crowd and was resurrected by the lights like a group of demons. At that time, I was still leaning against the wall, not to pretend to be cool, but because I really didn't know how to dance disco. That girl has been standing beside me. At first she was very excited, pointing to the poet on the stage and said, this is old K! I asked her, is there any preserved eggs? She laughed and said, "You must have sneaked in, even the old K K doesn’t even know, he’s a famous poet.” Then she pointed to another person and said, “This is Feng Ma, he’s been to Tibet!” I thought to myself, if it wasn’t for the third shift, I would Also in Tibet.I feel bored thinking about it.The girl said: "I want to go to Tibet so much!" I was very worried at the time, don't meet another person who wants to drag me to Tibet, that would be too teasing. Then the poets started dancing, and I said to the girl, "I'm leaving." She said, "Let's go, I don't like dancing either." We walked out along the dark road, which was a metal In the processing factory, the ground is full of iron filings and wires. When I walked out, she held my hand slightly, and my fingers were pinched by her little hands. When I reached the place with street lights, she put her hands back in her pockets.I noticed again that there was a small hole in her neckline, as if all her tenderness had been concentrated there. I took her home that day.She said that her name was Xiao Jin, and she was a clerk in a flour mill.She asked me about my situation, and I said that I was a small worker in a saccharin factory making saccharin, but I didn't come to poetry readings to watch the excitement, I also wrote a little myself.She said, "Show me your poems." I said I didn't bring them, so I'll show you later.She said: "You can recite one and listen to it." I took a breath, and finally said: "If you can't recite it, forget it." I dropped her off at the door all the way.Her home is far away, in a new village in the suburbs.We exchanged correspondence addresses, and she said, "Thank you for sending me." I said you're welcome, and watched her sneak into the building like a kitten.It took me an hour to ride home that day, and the distance was too long.The flour mill is near my home, and I feel a little sad when I think of such a gentle girl who spends two hours commuting to and from get off work every day. About a week later, I received a letter from Xiao Jin, which was a portfolio containing her poems written on several pieces of letter paper with carbon paper.The girl's handwriting is beautiful.Next to a certain poem, she specially marked it with a red pen: This poem was published in "Star Poetry Journal".I held her poems and read them for a long time, and then I put them in a drawer. I never wrote back to her. In the spring of 1994, I got off the morning shift and it was two o'clock in the afternoon.I saw a large group of people surrounding the bulletin board in the factory, where photos of advanced workers are usually posted to make people laugh, but there were many people sighing and crying that day.So I stopped my bike and ran over to watch the excitement.I saw a bright red promotional paper with a long list of names written on it. After asking, I found out that this was a list of employees who were about to be sent to make saccharin.In the spring of 1994, the brand-new saccharin workshop was almost completed, and the list of the first batch of workshops was announced on this red paper.Oddly enough, it also read: "This ranking is in no particular order." There was almost a death toll about this list.A female warehouse worker said she was pregnant and refused to work the third shift.The factory refused to agree, and she would be laid off if she didn't work the third shift. When the female worker heard this, she bumped her head into the arms of the person in charge of the factory office, which upset him.A bifurcation won't kill anyone, but she herself suffered a miscarriage because of it.At that time, the slogan in the factory was also replaced with a new one. It used to be "go to work happily and go home safely", but now it has been replaced with "obey the overall situation and strive for excellence".There are also things like "If you don't work hard today, you will work hard to find a job tomorrow", which is short of "one person is laid off, and the whole family is honored".The workers were terrified to death when they saw this kind of slogan. Seeing that the slogan "The working class leads everything" is still on the Little Red Building a few years ago, it is really like a dream. There were still fights that day.On the red paper is written a name called "Zhang Wei". There are five Zhang Weis in our factory, three of whom work in the third shift, and the remaining two, one cooks in the cafeteria and the other drives in the auto shift. Neither should go to the third shift.The two Zhang Wei stood there, saying to each other that the other had gotten a red paper, and ended up fighting.Later, people from the security department came over and said that the beatings are not allowed, and if they are beaten again, they will be sent to the third shift together, and they will stop beating them.Working the third shift is like a mantra, and it works the hell out of it. That day I also watched it together. I was the person with the least psychological burden, and I had already fallen under the spell.I didn't see Changjiao's name, and I was very happy. Later, Xiao Li came to me, his face pale and pale.I asked him, "Have you been transferred?" Xiao Li shook his head, and whispered in my ear, "Xiao Pout has left the workshop." I was a little confused. Little Pout is a member of the Labor and Management Department, and she has always performed well. How could she be sent to the third shift? We had dinner together in the evening, and Little Pout was also pale. After two mouthfuls of food, she put down Chopsticks, cried with a wow.Changjiao and I were at a loss, Xiao Li persuaded me for a long time, but she still cried.I asked him: "Isn't Little Pout a cadre? Cadres also work on the third shift?" Xiao Li said: "This time the transfer is huge. There is not enough labor in the factory. In addition, in order to appease people's hearts, a group of grassroots cadres were specially transferred to the workshop to set an example." Little pouted with tears all over his face, and said, "Nonsense! The relatives of the factory manager's family wanted to come to the labor and management department, so they transferred me out!" Xiao Li said: "This is also a reason." Since it was the factory manager who asked her to leave the workshop, there was nothing more to say.I can only persuade her, think about it, I also work three shifts, and I will get used to it after a long time.The little girl pouted and said, "I'm different from you!" I was a little angry when I heard this, and she continued, "I offended so many workers in the labor management department before, and I haven't been beaten to death by them?" I thought to myself, You finally have some self-knowledge.Changjiao said: "Then resign, if I'm transferred to the third shift, I'll resign." The little pout burst into tears again, and said: "You can at least repair pipes, but I can't do anything. !" Xiao Li said that Xiao Pout is studying business management, and he has a diploma from a technical secondary school. This kind of education and major is actually a fart in the factory, and it is useless for anything.If you go to a foreign-funded enterprise, where even college students are doing assembly lines in the workshop, it is not as good as our factory. That day, Xiao Li and I went out to pee, and we stood at the base of the wall, and he said to me, "If Xiao Pout married a section chief, she wouldn't be sent to the workshop." I said, "You are Nonsense, there are no assumptions in life." He said: "This is not an assumption, but something that is easy to do." At that time, I think, I also often have some daydreams, such as pretending that I am a desperado, assuming that I have money.Suppose Bai Lan didn't leave me, suppose I fell in love with Xiao Jin.These things can be thought about, can be happy or painful for it.But I will not assume that I do not work three shifts, this assumption does not make any sense.The ideal should not be so high as to save all human beings, and the ideal should not be so low as not to want to work three shifts.People can not pursue, but they can't just wait for it, and go after some shit and come back to offer it.That's my bottom line, I don't bother with this kind of stuff. Little Pout went to the saccharin workshop and worked as a workshop administrator. In fact, he just read meters and answered the phone. He was very leisurely.The only hard part is that she has to work three shifts, but she doesn't need to make saccharine.Downstairs in the workshop, there is a dirty scheduling room, which is dedicated to administrators. The desks inside are all dark. If you stick out your tongue to lick it, you will find that everything there has a sweet smell.The little pout quickly turned into a sweetie too, I called her sWeet Hean and she laughed.Little Pout seemed to be a different person at that time, and he no longer had the pretense of the labor department. When he saw me, he called me "Master Lu", making it look like the real thing.At that time, I asked her if she had thought about breaking up with Xiao Li, marrying a section chief or something.The little pouted and said, ha, marry a mayor, and I will transfer the factory manager to make saccharin.I like the tone of her speech very much. It reminds me of a factory doctor who used to be like this. We all found it strange that Little Pout suddenly turned into a fierce girl. I thought she would shed a string of tears every day like a Xianglin wife.Later I learned that after some people are stimulated, the pituitary gland secretes abnormal hormones, and their personality will undergo earth-shaking changes. Little Pout herself didn't care about this change, she rode her bicycle into the production area at a fast speed, her short hair on the temples was stumped like pine needles.The production area is not allowed to ride a bicycle, she doesn't care, sometimes she sees me walking on the road, and she calls me: "Master Lu, I will give you a ride!" I jumped on the schoolbag rack, and she said after riding for a while: You are too heavy, you step on the feet, and I will support the faucet." The two of us rode into the workshop like a circus.When Xiao Li found out about this, he was quite jealous and asked me, "Whose girlfriend is she?" I said to Xiao Li, "Your is still yours. She not only took me, but also took her long legs. If you don’t believe me, you can ask!” Xiao Li said, “Forget it, I can’t control her.” Little Pout not only rode a bicycle to show off in the production area, but also secretly learned to drive a forklift. The forklift master gave her a thumbs up when he saw her.She doesn't have a forklift driver's license, which is also illegal, but no one in the production area cares about it, and the cadres are all in a building far away.Since she learned this, I also had itchy hands, jumped on the forklift and drove a small half-turn, and broke a small tree.The little poout said: "Master Lu, you can't do it, you don't have this talent." I said, "So your talent is to be a driver, I really didn't see it." The little poout said: "Believe it or not, I five Learn to drive a forklift in minutes." As for talent, as I said, I can neither fix a water pump nor climb a utility pole, and now it has been proven that I can't drive a forklift.I can only say with a shy face that my talent is writing poetry, but to say this to a female forklift driver is tantamount to humiliating myself.I said to Little Pout, it’s enough for you to be my Sweet Heart, what a forklift! At that time, she and I were on the same shift. Although we couldn't go to work together, we could leave work together.At first, Xiao Li from middle shift and night shift would come to pick her up.Xiao Li had to go to work during the day and had to come out at night, which resulted in a nervous breakdown. Once when he went out to repair the circuit, he touched the switch in a daze and almost died.Later, Xiao Li invited us to dinner and said to me: "My wife, please excuse me to see you off after get off work. You happened to be on the way. I will bow to you." I said no problem, and I will protect your wife as my own. words, was beaten facelessly by the three of them. At that time, there was a pervert near our factory. This man rode a twenty-eight-inch bicycle, and he specially followed the female workers after middle shift.The female workers are all bicycles with small wheels. They can’t outrun him, and he doesn’t do bad things. You ride fast and he rides fast. When you get tired, he slows down. He always follows the female worker one meter behind.The most frightening thing is that when he did this, he neither spoke nor made fun of him, and was very serious.This is not a hooligan, but a pervert, and the female workers are scared to death.Although Little Pout is fierce, she is still a bit afraid of perverts. I would go downstairs to her house first when I go to work, pick her up and go to work in the factory together, and even escort her downstairs after get off work.After doing this for a long time, I suspected that I would like her, and then I really liked her, but I didn't say it. Xiao Pout didn't meet that pervert, but another pervert appeared beside her, and Weng Da Baoya fell in love with her.Weng Da Baoya is a widower, and no one can figure out how his wife died. Some people say that he killed her, and some people say that she couldn't stand him, so she committed suicide.In short, these rumors all suggest that he is a pervert.Weng Da Baoya worked on the day shift, and there were many people in the day shift, so it was not easy to start, so he took the initiative to work overtime for free. During the middle shift, when there was no one in the office, he went to Xiao Zuizui, squatted in front of her, and held a stick in his mouth. Toothpick, smiling slyly at her.Little Pout hated him very much, so he ran into the workshop with an excuse and stood beside me.Weng Dabaoya followed her, pointed at him with a small pout, and said to me: "He bullied me." At this time, I picked up a crowbar, rounded it and smashed it on the reaction kettle, and knocked out the crowbar. A string of Mars.Sparks are the same as cigarette butts, they will explode, and Weng Dabaoya didn't dare to come over, pointed at me with his finger, and left.The worker at the back asked: "Lu Xiaolu, who are you to her? Show her off?" I was still hesitating, but Xiao Pout put his arms around me and announced loudly: "He is my boyfriend!" I didn't guard against her Being so unrestrained, I could only bite the bullet and shout: "Weng Dabaoya, if you bully me again, I'll find ten people to break your front teeth off!" Afterwards, I said to Xiao Pout, this is very bad, one is that Xiao Li will misunderstand and think that I really want to steal his girlfriend, and the other is that my reputation is too bad, and the factory knows that I am in love with you, so I will definitely let you know. You made saccharine with me.小噘嘴说:“你还当真了。实话说吧,我下个月就要调走了。”我愣了片刻,问她:“调去哪里?”小噘嘴说:“去水务局。”我说:“那就好。” 小噘嘴说:“小路,你挺好的。谢谢你这么多天一直接送我。”我说:“我这叫有情有义,不能对不起哥们。”小噘嘴说:“你不能光把小李和长脚当哥们,你也得把我当哥们。”我说:“我一辈子把你当哥们。” 那时候我就觉得,小噘嘴特别可爱。人的可爱是一时的,不可能一辈子都可爱,我能在她最可爱的时候做她的哥们,是很幸福的。我很想看到她和小李结婚,我是伴郎,长脚可以做伴娘,这样的场景在我脑子里像一幅画,如果永远都能如此,那我们就会永远可爱下去,仿佛不存在于这个世界上一样。 九四年夏天,小噘嘴快要调走的一个夜晚,我在澡堂洗澡,洗得浑身发红。洗完之后我觉得很舒服,拎着毛巾肥皂往车棚方向走,忽然看见有一辆救护车开进厂门。这是下中班的时候,都在交接班,这个时候出工伤事故是很少见的。后来有个糖精车间的阿姨对我喊:“路小路,你还不过去看看,你女朋友出事了!”我先是没反应过来,随后想起她指的是小噘嘴。我扔下毛巾,顺着她指的方向狂奔过去。救护车先于我到达了出事地点,我跑到那里的时候,只见一群人七手八脚把一个人抬上了车子,车门砰地关上,随即呼啸而去。 那天小噘嘴下中班,她骑着自行车往澡堂方向去,路上有一个窨井没上盖。那个窨井平时都有盖的,正好白天有个农民工疏通了一下,他就忘记盖上了。窨井很浅,口也很小,像我这么一条大汉就是想钻都钻不进去。那天小噘嘴骑着自行车经过,前轮正磕在窨井上,她翻落在地,然后就掉了进去。她太娇小,那个窨井的直径仿佛就是为她量身定做的。那么小的姑娘掉到了窨井里,下面流的都是从车间里排放出来的摄氏八十度以上的沸水。小嚼嘴就这么掉进了沸水里。 那时候所有人都说,小噘嘴太倒霉了,假如她没骑自行车,假如民工把盖子盖上,假如她不是那么娇小,假如这是冬天(冬天沸水会冒出热气)。假如假如,人生没有假如。 她掉进去以后,大声惨叫,有几个过路的师傅把她从水里捞了上来。上来之后已经完全不像样子了。有人告诉我:“脸上没事,但胸口以下全完了。”我看着那个黑沉沉的井口,假如它是一根烟囱,我会用锤子砸了它,但它是个窨井,它深陷于地表,我除了拿一堆土去填平它,别无办法。我无法发泄我的仇恨。后来我用脚把窨井盖子踢到它本该在的位置上,我骑上自行车去小李家报信。 有关小噘嘴的事情,厂里最终是这么判定的:她在生产区骑自行车,所以这起工伤的责任由她自己承担。厂里没有赔一毛钱。那次小噘嘴的妈妈哭到厂里来,说好歹求厂里给她买一台空调吧。她浑身烫伤,为了治病,七月天穿着一件橡皮衣服,把身上都绑了起来,那种滋味不是一个正常人能想得出来的,她又疼又热又痒,天天哭着说不想活了。厂里说,那就照顾你一次,把劳资科的那台旧空调拆回去吧。 她妈妈就哭着走了。 假如让我回忆我的一九九四年,我会说,那一年仿佛世界末日,所有心爱的事物都化为尘土,而我孤零零地站在尘土之上,好像一个傻逼。我年轻的时候不是什么好东西,结了很多私仇,冤有头债有主。这些私仇都可以用砖头木棍去解决,可是到了白蓝和小噘嘴这里,你就算送我一挺机关枪,我都不知道该去射谁。那时候我想,人活在世界上,找不到所爱的人,尚且能爱爱这个世界,可是找不到所恨的人,要去空泛地恨这个世界,这件事太荒谬。 二OO四年,我去戴城的一家网吧,进门之后我就看见一根电线杆子戳在座位上,玩的是CS。此人用一把AK47,枪法极烂,但他就是不死,闪转腾挪,东躲西藏,三个人围捕他都没用。我看得好笑,从前他在厂里被师傅们围捕,这手功夫在十年之后居然还没忘。后来他跑到了一个死胡同里,想回头也来不及了,被人用机关枪打成了筛子。我又想起他从前的样子,被逮住以后,一脸愁容好像堂吉诃德,管工班的师傅们看见这种表情,淫心大发,十几个巴掌在他头上乱拍。跟他玩cs,我也会有一种把他打成筛子的冲动。 后来他扭头看我,第一眼没把我认出来,再后来,他从座位上跳起来,要和我拥抱。我说:“长脚。他妈的,你不要在我身上摸来摸去。”长脚说:“你不要叫我长脚,好多年都没人这么叫我了。” 长脚把我拖到账台前面,我把账台拍得山响,女掌柜从后面探出头来,她还是像从前一样,小小的脸蛋,细细的眼眉,但嘴巴却不噘了。她一看见我就发出一声尖叫,跑出账台挎着我的胳膊。她戴着一副黑手套,我注意到了。她说:“Sweet Heart!喝酒去!” 那天在饭馆里喝酒,他们说我来得不巧,小李带着儿子去南京了。我问小噘嘴:“你怎么嘴巴不噘了?整容了?”说完“整容”我就想抽自己嘴巴,她却不生气,说:“都三十岁了,还噘着嘴,成尖嘴婆了。” 我说:“这下麻烦了,我喊你'小噘嘴'都喊习惯了,你现在既不小也不噘嘴。”她说:“你叫我SweetHeart啊,你现在天天嘴里夹着英语说话吧?”我说:“别取笑我了,我现在天天夹着C^AO他妈说话。” 我故意问长脚:“长脚,你现在还在修管子?”长脚说:“去你的,我现在是网吧的投资人,电脑公司的老板。”我说:“还是修管子好,外国叫水喉工,到人家家里去修水管,经常能有艳遇。”长脚说:“我不要艳遇,有了艳遇就拿不到工钱了。”我说:“你可以跟她们在家里捉迷藏,肯定逮不住你。” 小噘嘴说:“你不要欺负长脚了。他刚刚遭受了人生第一次失恋。”我说:“三十岁的人才第一次失恋?”长脚说:“C^AO,讨厌!”小噘嘴说:“长脚爱上了隔壁服装店的女老板,正使劲追呢,人家忽然拎了个小孩在他面前,说是自己的儿子,长脚要娶她还得搭上做小孩的爸爸。”我说:“这不挺好吗?”长脚说:“你看我像是做爸爸的人吗?我得衡量衡量,我没有失恋!” 后来我们都喝醉了,长脚率先溜到桌子底下。我和小噘嘴呆头呆脑地看着对方,小噘嘴忽然说:“你太不够哥们了,我出了事以后,你都没来看过我。” 我说:“我那时候心肠软,见不得你的样子。你们结婚都没请我嘛。” “压根就没办喜事,他爹妈不同意。”小噘嘴说,“后来我们去上海治病,再回到厂里一看,你已经跑了。” “你得原谅我。我呆不下去了。” “我呀,我知道你那时候喜欢的是白蓝,我还以为你去找她了。” “我去了。她走了。” “她去哪里了?” “外国。”我说。我不想再谈白蓝,我对小噘嘴说:“我那时候想,要是李光南不肯娶你,我就娶你算了。可惜这混蛋不松口。” 小噘嘴说:“我才不要嫁给你!”说完,她也溜到了桌子底下。 九四年的时候,由于担心厂里买断工龄,我爸爸早早地退休了,拿五百块钱一个月,每天在麻将桌上度过他的无聊光阴。他很快长出了白头发,陈年的腰伤发作,渐渐变成一个佝偻着身体的老人。我没想到他会老得如此迅速,好像一棵秋天的乔木,一夜之间就改变了面目。我想我到老了也会如此,或者如白蓝所说,未老先衰,那样就不必忍受突如其来的衰老的煎熬了。我爸爸以前揍过我,后来我跟他对打。再后来我就没有碰过他。我再也不会去揍我的爸爸了,这件事情是我年轻时候唯一的耻辱,而且永远洗刷不掉。 我爸爸退休之前,托人找到糖精厂的保卫科长,他们是老同事。保卫科长答应把我调到门房里去做厂警,这事情我没同意。我听白蓝说过:“小路,将来你无论做什么,都不要去做看大门的。”我问她为什么,她说:“那样你就真的未老先衰了,我会伤心的。” 后来保卫科长说,不做厂警也可以,把路小路借调到联防队去,那儿更清闲。我也没答应,众所周知,在某些年份里,联防队的名声很难听。 那一年,我抽空去上海找白蓝,我手里只有一个地址而已。我坐上火车,沿着沪宁线往东,到上海的时候已经是中午。我坐上公共汽车,到医学院去找白蓝。宿舍的人告诉我,白蓝上个星期就走了,去哪里不知道。我失去了目标,也不知道该去哪里,只能一个人在医学院里逛。这是真正的大学,不是我读的野鸡大学,也不是戴城那种小家子气的大学。我在里面逛了很久,每一条道路仿佛都很熟悉,地上的落叶也很熟悉,我想起她说过的,每一片枯叶都只能踩出一声咔嚓,这是夏天的风声所留下的遗响。我想你是一个多么诗意的人,可惜诗意对人们来说近乎是一种缺陷。我好像已经有几辈子没见到她了。 后来我走进了一条黑暗的走廊,一个人都没有,两旁放着很多瓶子,瓶子里全是人体器官标本。再往前走,有很多怪胎标本,都是被扭曲得目不忍睹的胎儿。一切都是那么地怪异,好像是有人在召唤我往前走。一直走到一扇门前,门锁着,我通过小窗向里面张望,看见几具尸体摆放在那里,用布盖着,如此安静,我好像是走到了人世尽头。猛然之间,我毛骨悚然,返身狂奔而去,那寂静之中的笑声告诉我,所谓奇异的旅程在此已经画上句号。 那天晚上我回到火车站,打算回戴城,在北广场上遇到了三个人,发生了一点口角,这三个人不由分说围着我就打。我被他们揪住,无法脱身,当时我听见其中一个人竟然C^AO着戴城口音,真是气不打一处来,在对打中我的一个槽牙掉在了地上,脸上全是血。后来这三个人扬长而去,我也不敢去追,只能跑进火车站,在厕所里洗了把脸,免得警察把我请进去。我对着镜子照了照,发现自己的半边脸肿得跟猪头一样,完全失去了从前的潇洒风采,与我在医学院看到的怪胎相去无几。 那天我上了火车,是站票,火车非常拥挤。我被打得昏头昏脑,实在站不动了,就跑到餐车那里,要了一杯十八块钱的绿茶,然后我就可以坐在餐车上了。我非常想睡觉,头晕得像在坐旋转木马,但我又不敢睡,怕坐过站。后来,对面有一个女孩问我:“你去哪里?” 我说:“去戴城。” 她说:“你睡一会儿吧,到站我叫你。” 我睁着一只眼睛看着她(另一只眼睛肿着),她对我笑笑,这是一个微胖的女孩,眼睛很大。我心想,只要老子不死,我一定找你做我的女朋友。后来我倒在桌子上就睡着了。不知过了多久,她拍我的肩膀,说:“戴城到了。”我醒来觉得头痛欲裂,站起身打算下车,见她不动弹,我问她:“你不下车?” 她说:“我去南京,我是南京人。” 那天我跌跌撞撞下车,心乱如麻,我想我就这么失去了最爱的人,这个南京的姑娘,我也要记住她一辈子。 很多年以后,我坐在上海的马路牙子上,我对着张小尹讲这些故事。后来她成了我老婆,我讲这些故事的时候她很开心,我决定每天给她讲一点,但有关工厂的故事已经被我讲完了。所有的故事都应该有一个结尾,即使你有一个式的开头,那个结尾也有可能很烂,但总比没有结尾好。 我对张小尹说,我确实做过很多坏事,那年我在上海火车站被人打,回去就加入了联防队。我真他妈想找一群人来揍揍,甚至是拿电警棍往人身上戳。结果联防队发给我一根手电筒,虽然也是用电的,但效果相差太大。我拎着手电筒在街上晃悠,心里很不爽。那时我妈很担心,让我不要太卖命,真的把命卖掉了就要不回来了。我对我妈说:“怕什么?联防队专门欺负好人的。” 张小尹问我:“那么你后来为什么决定辞职了呢?” I said, yes.有一天黄昏,化工厂附近来了一条野狗,有户人家的小孩把那只狗叫了过来,它以为有吃的,就凑了过去,结果那小孩用铁签捅进了野狗的肛门。那狗当场就疯了,一口咬过去,从小孩屁股上啃下了一块肉。当时我正在值班,叼着香烟在街上闲晃。小孩的妈跑了过来,一把将我揪了过去。那小孩趴在地上大哭。小孩的妈说:“你是联防队,你去打那条疯狗,疯狗咬人啦!”我顺着她手指的方向看去,那条狗正冲着我龇牙,非常吓人。小孩的妈对我说:“你到底管不管?你不是联防队吗?”我咬了咬牙,抄起一根枯树枝,那狗非常聪明,返身就逃。小孩的妈说:“追它!追它!” 我沿着河追去,那条狗跑得飞快。我追不上了,它就停了下来,好像在等我。我追过去时,它又拔腿逃跑。我追它的时候经过了糖精厂的大门,几个工人正蹲在门口抽烟,大声叫好,“路小路,追狗啊?今天晚上吃狗肉?”我不理他们,闷头追去,跑了半里地,那狗被我逼到了一个小码头上,除非它跳河。否则跑不掉。我冲着它狞笑,想把它赶到河里去,据说疯狗都怕水。那狗朝我看了一眼,其实它不是疯狗,至少在那一刻还不是。但它显然也不想下水,河水太脏,下去会得皮肤病。它嚎叫一声,竟然向我扑来,照着我的小腿就啃。 那天我是心惊胆寒,被疯狗咬伤了,自己也会变成个疯狗。我拔腿就跑,那条狗在我身后狂追。这时我们又经过了化工厂的大门,工人们都笑岔了气,对我喊:“路小路,你和它到底谁是联防队啊?”我还是不理他们,继续跑我的。跑到小孩那边,小孩的妈对我说:“你个辰卵,怎么被狗追回来了?”我回头望去,那狗也累了,蹲在远处朝我看呢。 我从附近的修车摊上抄起一根钢管,说:“C^AO他妈,我今天非把你打死不可。”那狗真是聪明,见我抄起钢管,返身就跑。这他妈哪里是条疯狗?我扬着钢管,尾追它追去,我们再次经过糖精厂的大门,这时候已经围了四五十个人在看我追狗。这回它不往码头上跑了,而是沿着街道小跑,还回过头来看我。那一瞬间,我与这条野狗心意相通,它在问我:“你他妈到底想干什么?”我对它说,老子就是要打死你。后来我觉得,它问了我一个更深奥的问题:“你他妈到底为什么活着?”我回答不上来。这个问题由一条疯狗向我提出,也不知道究竟是谁得了狂犬病。我扔下钢管,我也不明白自己为什么活着,如此荒谬地,在这个世界上跑过来跑过去。有关我辞职,其实也是一件可笑的事情。我跑到劳资科,拍出一张小纸片,这就是我的辞职书。结果他们告诉我,我是合同工,跟厂里签了五年合同,我这不叫“辞职”,而是违约,我必须写一份“违约申请书”,然后由厂里裁度。假如厂里不批准,我也可以不来上班,那就等着被开除。 很遗憾,我在劳资科没遇到胡得力。后来我拎着一把三角刮刀,闯进车棚,找到了胡得力的自行车。我用刮刀在他的自行车轮胎上捅了几个洞,心里还觉得不过瘾,就把轮胎整个地剥了下来,只剩下两个钢圈。干完这些,我就回家了,第二天我再去劳资科,他们就同意我违约了,而且讲话也很客气。我一直没见到胡得力。 我回家以后,躺在床上,我妈坐在床边问我:“以后你打算怎么办?” 我说:“先混着吧。让我歇一阵子。” 我妈叹了口气,我以为她要抱怨,不料她说:“你以后洗澡成问题了。” 我说:“什么?” 我妈说:“你以前天天在厂里洗澡,现在辞职了,只能到澡堂里去洗了。洗一个澡五块钱,你又不可能天天去洗。” 我说:“那怎么办呢?” 我妈说:“你每天洗屁股洗脚吧,跟你上学时候一样。个人卫生最重要,脏了吧唧的,姑娘看不上你的。” 我听了这话,哈哈大笑。我研究过一点星相学,我妈是射手座,这就是十足的傻大妞,而且一辈子都很乐观。因为有了她,我看这个世界犹如喜剧。这是我命中注定的好运。后来过了些年,我独自去上海谋生,我妈送我到家门口,我还挺伤感的,我妈说:“你不要去占人家小姑娘便宜。”我一句话都说不出来,她说:“当然,也不要让人家占你便宜!”她就用这句话把我打发走了。她养儿子如同养狗,就怕我身上长跳蚤,就怕我出去招惹异性。我爱她犹如爱这世上的一切鲜花和白云。
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