Home Categories contemporary fiction Right Bank of Ergun River

Chapter 6 noon-2

Right Bank of Ergun River 迟子建 13364Words 2018-03-20
Grandpa finally hit upon an idea.He called both Link and Nidu Shaman, and told them first, you are all my lovely sons, since the girl you are looking for is the same, and the girl said that any of you can be her groom, then One of you has to make a concession.He first asked the Nidu shaman, would you like to let Damara be with Link? The Nidu shaman shook his head and said, unless the lightning turns into a rope and binds Damara in front of Link, otherwise I will I won't agree.The grandfather asked Link again, would you like Damara to be married by your brother? Link said, unless the world is flooded and the flood sweeps me away and washes Damara and her brother to an island, I will not. will agree.The grandfather said, well, I beg God, God let you use your own arrows to speak.

It was the rainy season at that time, and there was a kind of white mushroom growing on the trees in the forest, which would appear during this season. We called it "hericium".It's the size of a fist and fluffy.If Hericium erinaceus and pheasant are stewed together, even the most tricky people will praise its deliciousness.Hericium erinaceus grows on oak trees. It is an interesting mushroom, usually twins. If you find it on a tree, there is often another one opposite it near this tree. Grandfather found two facing Hericium erinaceus in the forest by the Yogusgen River, and asked Link and Nidu Shaman to compete in archery.That is to say, whoever shoots Hericium erinaceus will marry Damara.If both sides hit the target, find another pair of Hericium erinaceus as targets. In short, it is necessary to decide the winner.Evelyn said that the two oak trees growing Hericium erinaceus were in a line, separated by a distance as long as a Xilen column, and they looked like a pair of brothers.When Link and Nidu Shaman came to the two trees with their bows and arrows, the two people from Wuli Leng came to see them.But Damara didn't come, she was wearing a skirt and dancing by the river alone.When they were young, they were all good archers.Those two Hericium erinaceus were bright white and crystal clear by the sun, just like ears growing from a tree.When Link and Nidu Shaman shot their arrows at the same time under the command of their grandfather, Evelyn said that she covered her eyes.Only two "swipes" sounds were heard, like two gusts of wind blowing, it was the sound of two off-string arrows walking, but the sound changed instantly, the "swipe" sound split into " After the two sounds of "cha--" and "du--", it disappeared.It was very quiet.Evelyn said that when she opened her eyes, she found that the Hericium erinaceus that Link was facing was wearing an arrow, and the Nidu shaman shot the arrow sideways, and it stuck on the tree, and the Hericium erinaceus on it was intact .And just like that, Link wins Damara in full view.Since then, Nidu Shaman has rarely been accurate in archery or gun shooting. In fact, before that, he was an excellent archer.

Evelyn said that she has always suspected that the Nidu shaman deliberately gave way to Link.Because when Nidu Shaman looked at his failed arrow, his gaze was so calm.But I don't think so, since he told his grandfather that he can't give up on Damara, and agreed to fight Link with an arrow, he will definitely do his best.If he changed his mind, it must have been at the last moment.Maybe he couldn't bear to see Link's disappointed eyes.When everyone reported the news that Link had won Damara to herself, Damara was sitting on the bank of the river, holding two black ants in her palm and watching them fight.When she knew she was going to be Link's bride, she stood up, dropped the ants, patted her skirt, and smiled.Her smile convinced everyone that deep down she wanted to marry Link.

In the season of sawing velvet for the reindeer in the second year, Link married Damara to our Wuli Leng.Damara brought a fire and fifteen reindeer.When they got married, the Nidu shaman cut his finger with a knife, and people saw the blood flow down drop by drop. When Evelyn wanted to get him deer grazing to stop the bleeding, the Nidu shaman stopped him.He raised his bleeding finger, put it in front of his mouth and blew, and the blood miraculously stopped. A long time ago, a hunter met a deer in the forest. He shot two arrows, but both missed.The deer was bleeding as it walked and fled.The hunter followed it along the trail of blood.Thinking that it had been seriously injured and had lost all of its blood, naturally it couldn't move anymore.However, after chasing after him, the hunter found that the blood had disappeared, and the deer escaped smoothly.It turned out that this was a divine deer, and it used the grass under its body to heal its wounds while fleeing.The hunter picked the kind of grass that can stop the bleeding, it is "deer eating grass".Evelyn said that when everyone saw that Nidu shaman used his own breath to stop the blood instead of deer grazing, they were more frightened than seeing the blood itself.Since then, Evelyn said, Nidu shamans have behaved more and more differently from ordinary people.He didn't eat or drink for several days and nights, but he was still able to walk through the day with energy.When he walked through the thorn bushes with bare feet, his feet were not scratched at all, and he didn't even pierce a thorn.One day, he tripped over a stone on the river bank and kicked it angrily. Unexpectedly, the boulder flew up like a bird, ran all the way to the river, and sank to the bottom of the water with a "boom..." .From this extraordinary power, everyone knew that he was going to be a shaman.At that time, the shaman of our clan had passed away for three years, and the new shaman had not yet been born.Generally speaking, a new shaman will be born in the third year after the death of the old shaman.He must be a member of this clan, but it is uncertain which Wuli Leng he was born in.Unexpectedly, my Ergedu Ama became a shaman.Evelyn said that when people handed Ergeduamma the sacred clothes, hats, drums, skirts and other ritual tools for dancing gods, he cried for a whole day and night, and everyone around the camp cried. The birds all flew away.Later, a shaman from another clan came to Ulileng to preside over the shaman ceremony for the Nidu shaman. They danced to the gods for three days.My grandfather died at the moment when they danced to the gods.Victor was born, and a new image of Nidu Shaman was born in my heart.I started to feel sorry for him and Damara.I think fate has returned to him the arrow that he himself missed, and he has every right to let it be the arrow of happiness.I no longer resent Damara unfurling that feathered skirt, and I no longer resent Nidu shaman following her mother on the way to relocation.But what he got was always her back.If the lightning turned into a sharp arrow and took Link away, then the arrow obtained by the Nidu shaman was already rusted due to the old rules of the clan. Facing such an arrow, Damara and The withering and madness of Nidu shamans is natural.When Victor was three years old, Rooney married Nihao, which was probably Kant's fifth year.By the ashes of the wedding bonfire, at dawn, Damara was gone forever.She danced away wearing the feather skirt that Nidu shaman sewed for her.Rooney knew Nihao and was related to Ivan.Najeshka's departure made Ivan a silent person.After only a few years, he bald.Evelyn tried to find another woman for Ivan. Once she asked a matchmaker, and Ivan found out, and he lost his temper with Evelyn.He said that there was only one woman in his life, Najeshka; there was only one pair of children in his life, Gilante and Nora, and no one could change it.

Evelyn always made others cry, but Ivan made her cry that time.Ivan is our blacksmith in Ulileng.In the spring, he often built a fire in the camp and made tools for everyone.It usually takes four or five days to forge iron, and at this time the fire of forging must not be extinguished.While he was forging, Gilante, Nora, Rooney and I liked to run and watch.Once the naughty Rooney urinated on the roe-skin bellows used for blacksmithing. Ivan was very jealous, saying that the iron tools he punched must be cursed and it would not be good.As a result, all the tools were lacking: the handle of the tree cutter was broken by the hammer, the tip of the harpoon was blunt, and the tip of the spear was bent like the head of a white crane.From then on, when we were blacksmithing again, Ivan saw us coming, and told us to stand in the distance and watch us, absolutely not to come forward.It is even more forbidden to touch hammers, bellows, pliers, horns, stoves and other iron-smithing utensils.When forging iron, not only can we not move forward, women can't move forward even more.It's as if a woman is water, and as soon as she leans forward, she will extinguish the flame in the furnace.Other people in Wulilan knew that Ivan was good at blacksmithing. In spring, they often followed the tree to find our camp and begged Ivan to blacksmith.They bring Ivan wine or meat as payment.Ivan never let them down, his hands that can crush stones seem to be born for forging iron.So comers always leave our camp with their tools to their heart's content.After Natyshka left, Ivan changed the blacksmithing time to autumn.The fallen leaves fluttering in the forest were like a flock of yellow butterflies, falling on the roe-skin bellows as well as on Ivan's body.He is still so powerful in forging iron, and every piece of tempered utensil is still so delicate, so there are still many people who ask him to forge iron.In the autumn of this year, a hunter named Alek came to our camp with his daughter on a reindeer, and begged Ivan to give him two machetes.Aleck's daughter is about thirteen or fourteen years old. Although she follows the flat face of women of our nation, her chin is slightly pointed out, making her look playful.Her high cheekbones were hidden by two locks of bangs, and her slender eyes were dark and bright.She is wearing a braid, with a few purple wild chrysanthemums inserted in the braid, and she has a sweet smile.She is Nihao.Evelyn just took one look at her, and fell in love with this little girl, saying that one day, she must marry her to our Wuli Leng, and be her son Jinde's wife.At that time, Rooney had reached the age of starting a family. Like Evelyn, he also fell in love with Nihao at first sight.He originally wanted Evelyn to be his matchmaker. When he heard that Evelyn wanted Nihao to marry Jin De, Rooney took the initiative. When Nihao was about to leave, he stood in front of all Wuli Someone proposed to Nihao.He said to Nihao, I like your smile, I will keep you in my heart and protect you like my heart, please marry me.Alek didn't expect that when he asked Ivan to hit the tree knife, he hit his son-in-law.He knew Link, he saw Link's handsomeness and bravery from Rooney, and of course he would like Nihao to marry Rooney.But he said that Nihao is still young, and it will take another two years before they can get married.

Evelyn had already whispered to Jin De that she wanted to marry Nihao for him, and Jin De also fell in love with Nihao.So Rooney's public proposal made Jinde cry in despair.But Evelyn was very calm, she agreed with Alek, saying that Nihao was indeed too young to get married so early.Even if it is an engagement, the matchmaker has to make a formal agreement. For such a good girl, the marriage must not be hasty. The night Niho left our camp, Evelyn tied Kim to a tree and whipped him with a stick.She thinks he is a spineless person, why did he shed tears in public? Doesn't that mean that he admits defeat to Rooney? What is the future of a man who weeps for a woman?! Jin De is indeed worthless, and Evelyn hit him After a while, he yelled "Ouch, Ouch", which aroused her anger even more, she beat him more violently, and cursed Jin De, like his father Kun De, for being an ant under a woman's feet, who could only bend over The waist is alive, and the cheap bones and soft bones of the whole body deserve to be trampled by women.She kept pulling the twig off, and then she stopped.The sound of Evelyn whipping Jinde spread throughout the camp, and no one stepped forward to stop it. Everyone knew Evelyn's temper, and dissuading her would only make her punish Jinde harder.

Evelyn's behavior made Rooney feel that the wolf chasing him was in sight, and he stood on the edge of the cliff, and he made a bolder move.He left camp the day after Evelyn whipped Kinder, saying he was going hunting and would not be back for three days. Rooney really came back three days later, and the prey he brought was Nihao.His prey was escorted by Alek, and he brought a procession to see off the relatives, and a group of people came to our Wuli Leng beamingly.How Rooney persuaded Alec to willingly marry his daughter to him when Nihao was not yet a full-grown adult, we don't know.What we saw was little Nihao who was dressed up beautifully. Her shy smile made people feel the joy in her heart. She must like being with Rooney very much.

Nidu Shaman presided over the wedding of Rooney and Nihao.He glanced at Damara who was still shivering while sitting by the campfire, and said meaningfully to Rooney, from today on, Nihao is your woman.A man's love is a flame. You must make the girl you love never feel cold, and let her live happily in your warm embrace! He turned his head to Nihao again and said to her, from today on, Rooney is you man.You have to love him well, your love will make him strong forever, and God will give you the best sons and daughters in this world! Nidu Shaman’s words changed the expressions of several women. Nihao smiled, Evelyn pursed her lips, Maria nodded in admiration, and Damara, she no longer shivered, her eyes were wet Looking at Nidu Shaman from the wetland, Page 69's face seemed to reflect the setting sun, showing a long-lost gentle expression.

As the sun went down, when people held hands and danced around the bonfire, Damara suddenly appeared with Elayne, who was already old and blind.Elayne is listless, but Damara is in high spirits, which is too unexpected. I will never forget what my mother was wearing that day. She wore a beige buckskin jacket, a feather skirt given to her by Nidu shaman, and a pair of high-waisted roe-skin boots.She tucked her gray bangs and sideburns into her hair, combed them back, and tied them high behind her head, making her face extraordinarily clean.As soon as she appeared on the stage, everyone exclaimed in unison.Those unfamiliar with her sendoff marvel at her beauty, while we marvel at her temperament.She used to hunched over, bent her neck, and buried her head deeply in her bosom like a sinner.But at that moment, Damara held her head high, her back was straight, and her eyes were bright, making us think that we saw another person.Rather than saying that she is wearing a feather skirt, it is better to say that there is a piece of autumn under her body. Those colors seem to have been baptized by wind and frost, and they are colorful.

Damara began to dance, and she danced with the same lightness.She danced and laughed, and I never heard her laugh so freely.Elaine, who was already old, was lying beside the campfire, tilting her head, looking at its owner with infinite love.Seeing that Elan was so honest, naughty little Victor took it as a leather cushion and sat on it.As soon as he sat on it, he yelled to Rajda, Ama, Ama, this leather cushion is hot! Victor picked up a straw stick, poked Elan's eyes with it, and said, tomorrow you Your eyes will light up, and if I give you more meat, you will be able to see it! It turned out that one day Victor threw a piece of meat at Elan, but he ignored it and walked away with his head down.I understand that it doesn't want to eat meat anymore, and wants to use up the heat in its body as soon as possible, but Little Victor thinks that Elan's eyes are not working well.

Nihao liked Damara's skirt very much. Like a butterfly circling a flower, she circled around Damara, and then circled around again, looking at the skirt enviously.Rooney probably thought it was not dignified for my mother to dance in front of everyone wearing a feather skirt, so he asked me to find a way to call her away.But I can't bear to do that.She looked so full of life, and I didn't want to dispel that life.What's more, except for Evelyn and Jin De, everyone is happy about Rooney and Nihao.When you are happy, you can indulge your feelings. The bonfire gradually faded, and there were fewer and fewer people dancing.Those who saw off their relatives went to Ivan's place to rest.Only Damara, still spinning around the campfire.At first I was with her, but later I was too sleepy to hold back, so I went back to Xilenzhu.When I left, my mother was accompanied only by the sleeping Elayne, the bleak campfire and the waning moon in the sky. I was a little worried about Rooney, afraid that he would be too reckless, Nihao couldn't bear it, and would hurt her, because she was really too young.I didn't go back to my Xilenzhu, but went to Rooney's place to hear the movement.But before they got there, Ni Hao ran out.She was crying, and when she saw me, she threw herself into my arms, saying that Rooney was a bad guy, that he had an arrow on his body, and wanted to assassinate her.Made me laugh.While comforting Nihao, I blamed Rooney and promised Nihao that if Rooney dared to hurt her with an arrow again, I would punish him, and Nihao went back.As she walked, she muttered that marrying a man was a pain.Rooney looked at me with some embarrassment, and I said to him, you are in a hurry to snatch her away, she is yours, but she is too young, you can play with her for two years first, and then become the groom.Rooney sighed and nodded at me.So in the first two years, although Rooney and Nihao lived together, their relationship was as pure as brother and sister. I went back to Xilenzhu, thinking of my mother dancing alone, I felt cold all over my body.My teeth chattered as Rajda pulled me into his warm embrace in the dark.But I still felt cold, no matter how tightly he held me, I was still shivering.I couldn't sleep, and my mother dancing was always flashing in front of my eyes. When dawn appeared in the sky, I put on my clothes and walked to the place where everyone gathered happily last night.In the end, I saw three kinds of ashes: one was from a campfire, which was dead; one was from a hound, and Elayne was motionless; Those eyes have froze.Only her feather skirt and her gray hair trembled slightly in the morning breeze.The simultaneous appearance of these three kinds of ashes is unforgettable to me. Link is gone, and so is Mother.One of my parents belongs to thunder and the other belongs to dance.We buried our mother in a tree. Unlike my father, the tree we chose for her burial was not a pine tree but a birch tree.It was the feather skirt that made the mother's burial clothes.When the Nidu shaman presided over the funeral for Damara, the wild geese flying from the south flew through the air, and their shape was like a tree fork, more like lightning.The difference is that lightning shows white light in dark clouds, while geese show black lines in clear sky.Nidu Shaman sang a funeral song for Damara. This song related to "Blood River" made me see Nidu Shaman's deep love for his mother. Our ancestors believed that when people left this world, they went to another world.That world is happier than the one we've ever lived in.On the way to the happy world, you have to pass through a very deep river of blood. This river of blood is a place to test the behavior and character of the deceased during his lifetime.If a kind person comes here, a bridge will naturally appear on the blood river for you to cross safely; if a wicked person comes here, there will be no bridge in the blood river, but a stone jumping out Come.If you have the intention of repenting for your bad behavior during your lifetime, you will jump over this stone, otherwise, you will be submerged in a river of blood and your soul will die completely. Page 71 Did the Nidu shaman sing for his mother because he was afraid that he would not be able to cross this river of blood? Please build a bridge, It is a kind woman who walks in front of you! If there is blood on her feet, Then what she treads is her own blood; If there are tears in her heart, Then she took in, Also my own tears! if you don't like a woman blood on feet and tears from the bottom of my heart, And the words to raise a stone for her Please also let her, Jump over safely. You are to blame, Just blame me! As long as she reaches the other shore of happiness, even if I will be melted in the river of blood in the future I won't whimper either! When the Nidu shaman sang, Nihao kept trembling, as if every word in the song turned into a wasp, stinging her one after another.We didn't know at that time that her previous life was related to such divine songs. She was actually like a fish, living in an invisible river. Nidu Shaman's divine songs were bait, She hit.But at that time we thought she was frightened by death, and Rooney felt sorry for her and kept holding her hand.When Nihao left her mother's wind burial place, she said: Her bones will fall from the tree one day—the bones that fall into the soil will also germinate. After Damara's death, the Nidu shaman was even less bothered about daily life.He doesn't care when it's hunting, when Page 72 is sawing the reindeer velvet, or when it's time to move.He was losing weight faster and faster.Everyone felt that he was no longer suitable to be the patriarch, so they elected Rajda as the new patriarch. The first thing Rajda did when he became the head of the clan was to divide the big family of Wuli Leng into several small families. It belongs to Wuli Leng, and in exchange for the daily necessities we need, the animal meat should be distributed equally based on the number of people in each family.This means that before the festival, people no longer gather together to eat, but eat their own food.The most supportive of this decision is Rooney.I understand that he doesn't want to hear Evelyn mocking the naive Nihao in front of everyone again; he doesn't even want to see Jin De's greedy and hateful eyes on Nihao.Evelyn resolutely opposed this. He said that what Rajda did was inhumane and was causing division. He said that Ivan and Nidu Shaman were the loneliest people in the world. There is no chance to eat together, who are they going to talk to? Could it be that Nidu Shaman only talks to Maru God every day, and Ivan only talks to reindeer every day? I know very well that Evelyn is borrowing Nidu The loneliness of Shaman and Ivan came to tell her own loneliness, because she didn't like to sit and eat with Kun De and Jin De.She often showed her dislike for their father and son.But I don't know where the source of this distaste lies.I asked Maria, and she helped me solve the mystery. Maria said that Kunde was originally a heroic man. One year he went to the market by the Aba River to exchange hunting and fell in love with a Mongolian girl, but Kunde's father disagreed, because he and I Her grandfather has arranged a marriage for Kunde and Evelyn.After Kunde had no choice but to marry Evelyn, she was depressed all day long.Evelyn despises men with low spirits the most. She often scolds Kunde and makes him useless.Kunde's father was very disgusted, and once said to Evelyn, if I knew that you treated Kunde like this, I might as well let him retire and marry a Mongolian girl back! Only then did Evelyn understand why Kunde was with her Always listless in front of you.The strong-tempered Evelyn was furious, and in a fit of rage, she ran back to our Wuli Leng, vowing never to return to Kunde's place again. She was pregnant at that time.Kunde was ordered by her father to ask her to go back several times, but she always scolded her back.After Evelyn gave birth to Jin De, she thought that the child could not live without a father, so she accepted Kun De, but she proposed to let him come to our Wuli Leng.When Kunde of our Wulilan lived a life of low eyebrows and pleasing to the eye, Evelyn would take it out on him if she was even slightly unhappy.Kun De has been swallowing his breath for Jin De.But no one thought that Evelyn never slept with him in order to punish Kunde.Maria said that once when Kunde and Haxie went hunting, Kunde drank too much wine and told Haxie in tears that he did not live like a man at all. I have never accepted his courtship once, saying that it is enough to give birth to an evil seed for him.Maria felt that Evelyn's behavior was too much, so she comforted her privately, but Evelyn was furious, and she said that Evelyn would never sleep with someone who didn't like her. In the dark night, Kunde might treat her as someone else and feel disgusted.Maria said that Kunde was like a green grass with rich sap when she was young, but after being rubbed by Evelyn for a long time, it has become a dry grass.Only then did I understand why Evelyn showed a certain envy and contempt for other people's happiness and true feelings.I sympathize with Kunde, but I also sympathize with Evelyn, because they, like Nidu Shaman and Damara, are people who suffer for love. I told Rajda that since Evelyn has something to hide, and Nidushaman and Ivan are really lonely, everyone should sit and eat together as in the past.Rajda told me that if you let lonely people sit with happy people, they will feel more lonely. It is better to let them stay alone, so that they will have good memories to accompany them.Because in this world, there is no other woman who can firmly occupy the hearts of Ivan and Nidu Shaman like Najeshka and Damara.As for Evelyn, since she loathed Kund and they had to live together, the only way to remove the barrier between them was to leave them alone more often.Rajda said that if two people sit together for a long time, they will grow older as they sit.They looked at each other's aging faces, and their hearts softened. Thus, the new patriarch's decision was implemented amidst Evelyn's curses and protests.Evelyn often made a campfire at the campsite at dinner time and sat alone eating.Sometimes she even cursed at the hovering crows who missed the food in her hand.Everyone knew that when she scolded the crow, she was scolding Rajda.Rajda didn't care. He said that after a long time, Evelyn thought it was boring to do so, so she would sit with Kun De and Jin De.Sure enough, when the snowflakes came, Evelyn no longer made a bonfire in the camp, and she began to learn to eat around the firepit in her own Shilenzhu.But she was still dissatisfied with Rajda, always finding fault with him, either because the amount of meat allocated to her family was less, or that there were too many bones in the meat.Rajda didn't make any distinctions. The next time he distributed the prey, he called Evelyn and asked her to pick first.In the beginning, Evelyn always took the best part of the meat confidently. After a few times, she found that Rajda always kept the worst part of the meat for herself, so she felt embarrassed and stopped being picky. From summer to winter that year, Turukov never came to our camp.We are already short of flour.When Rajda and Haxie were about to go to Zhuergan to exchange food, a short and fat Han man riding a Sanhe horse came to the camp. His name was Xu Caifa, a native of Shandong, and he opened two shops in Zhuergan. Go up and look kind.He was acquainted with Rajda's eldest brother, and he came to the mountain to deliver things for him.Rajda's elder brother was thinking about his younger brother, so he distributed some flour, salt and wine, and asked Xu Cai to send them to Ulileng.He told us that in the original Zhuorgan, which is now Uqirov, the Japanese established the "Manchuria Livestock Co., Ltd."But the Japanese are very good at defrauding people. Taking squirrel skins as an example, one squirrel skin can only be exchanged for a box of matches, three squirrel skins can be exchanged for one cartridge case, six squirrel skins can be exchanged for a bottle of wine, and seven squirrel skins can be exchanged for a bottle of wine. The skin is only exchanged for a small box of tea.Many Anda saw that the business could not be done, and they all slipped away. Evelyn said, this Japanese is more black-hearted than Turukov? Xu Caifa knew about Turukov. He said that Turukov had already gone back to the Soviet Union. When black-hearted people meet black-hearted people, only more black-hearted people will be left behind! I was thinking about Rawlinsky, so I asked Xu Caifa about him.Xu Caifa said that Rawlinsky is a good man, but his fate is not good! He has fallen in love with alcohol these years. Last winter, he transported a batch of goods from Zhalantun to Uqirov, and encountered wolves and horses. Surprised, he ran all the way, the goods were fine, but he was dragged to death by the horse. Evelyn snorted and said, of course the cargo will be fine, the cargo is dead! Xu Caifa said that they will not dare to rush into the mountains to deliver goods in the future. If the Japanese find out, I am afraid there will be no good fruit to eat.After unloading the goods, he only drank a few sips of wine, ate two pieces of meat, and went down the mountain.Rajda sent him some squirrel and roe deer skins. Not long after Xu Caifa left, on a snowy day, three men on horseback came.One is a Japanese named Yoshida, who is a captain; the other is a Japanese interpreter, a Chinese named Wang Lu; and there is an Evenki hunter named Luther who is their guide.It was the first time I heard someone speak Japanese, and the voice sounded like a person talking with a short tongue. Not only was I amused, but so was Little Darcy and Victor.Seeing us laughing, Yoshida frowned, looking very unhappy.Wang Lu is a kind person. Seeing that Yoshida showed hostility to our ridicule, he made up a lie and told Yoshida that when Ewenki hunters like a person's speech, they will laugh at him.Yoshida's brows relaxed.Yoshida said that the year before last, most of the hunters were summoned to the foot of the mountain, held a meeting, and re-elected their clan chiefs.You are left behind.But we will not forget you, we come, you will live a happy life.He said that the Soviets are all bad people, and you are not allowed to deal with them in the future. The Japanese are your most reliable friends.Knowing that he couldn’t understand us, so as soon as Wang Lu finished translating Yoshida’s words, Evelyn said, when wolves want to eat rabbits, they always say that rabbits are beautiful! Ha Xie also said, it’s our friend’s words, Why did Zhang squirrel hide only exchange one box of matches? Rawlinski can at least give us five boxes! Rajda said that what these Japanese brought seemed to be pots, and they were waiting for our meat to go into the pot! Rooney said , Their tongues are so short, I don't think it's so easy to eat meat! Rooney's words made everyone laugh.But Ivan, who kept his head down, didn't smile. He looked at his big hands absent-mindedly, like looking at two rusted iron tools, with a dazed expression on his face.Seeing that the translator and guide also laughed, Yoshida thought he was agreeing with his words, so he also laughed and gave everyone a thumbs up. When we were called together to listen to Yoshida speak, Nidu Shaman did not come.When Ji Tian asked Wang Lu if there was anyone in Wuli Leng who was not present, Nidu Shaman came in.He holds a divine drum, wears a divine robe, a divine skirt, and does not wear a divine hat, letting his thin, gray hair hang loose.His strange appearance made Yoshida tremble with fright.He took a step back, pointing at the Nidu shaman and asked Wang Lu, who is he? Wang Lu said, he is a shaman, that is, a god! Yoshida asked, what does a god do? I told him that God can make Drying up the river can also make the dry water flow freely; it can make the mountains and forests full of deer and roe deer, and it can also make the wild animals disappear; but what Wang Lu translated is that God heals people.Yoshida's eyes lit up, and he said, then he is a doctor? Wang Lu said, yes.Yoshida lifted up his trousers, pointed to a bloodstain on his leg that had just been scratched by a branch, and asked Nidu Shaman, can you make this scar disappear immediately? Wang Lu showed panic, but Nidu Shaman was very concerned. Calm, he asked Wang Lu to tell Jitian that if he wanted his wound to disappear, he would have to sacrifice the horse he was riding.When he said this, he changed his usual madness and depression, so calm and composed.Yoshida thought Nidu Shaman was going to kill his horse. He got angry and said that the horse was a war horse, which was selected from hundreds of horses. It was his good partner and must not be killed! Nidu Shaman said , if you want your steed to survive, you won't see scabbing wounds.And he said that his Nidu shaman let the horse die, he would not use a knife, but ended its life with a dance.Yoshida laughed. He didn't believe that Nidu Shaman had such supernatural power at all, so he said happily that if Nidu Shaman could really make his wounds disappear without a trace by dancing, he would offer his war horse.But if he fails, the Nidu shaman will burn his magic weapon and robe in public, kneel before him, and beg him for forgiveness.When Wang Lu finished translating these words, there was a dead silence in Xilenzhu.It was dusk at that time, and the sun never set. The Nidu shaman said that he could not start dancing until the night fell.Yoshida said meaningfully, what you are waiting for must be your dark night.After Wang Lu finished translating this sentence, he said to the Nidu shaman, or he would not dance, but said that he was not physically strong today, and he would dance again at another day.Nidu shaman sighed, and said to Wang Lu, I want to let him know that I will bring a night, but that night is not mine, but his! God drum, start dancing.We huddled around Xilenzhu, worried about him.Since the events of Plague of the Reindeer, we've all had doubts about his powers.Sometimes he looked up to the sky and laughed, and sometimes he bowed his head and pondered.When he approached the firepit, I saw the cigarette bag hanging from his waist, which was sewn by his mother for him.He is not as old as usual, his waist miraculously straightened up, he made the drum beat fiercely, and his feet are so light, I can hardly believe that a person is dancing Page 76 will change into another posture.他看上去是那么的充满活力,就像我年幼的时候看到的尼都萨满。 那时我正怀着安道尔,还不到临产的日子,但我心惊肉跳地看尼都萨满跳了一阵神后,开始觉得肚子一阵一阵地绞痛。我的手心和额头频频出汗,我把手伸向拉吉达,他以为那汗是被吓出来的,就在我的耳朵旁悄悄吻了一下,安抚我。就这样,我忍着剧痛,看完了尼都萨满跳神。我怎么也没有想到,与母亲在鲁尼婚礼上的舞蹈一样,那也是尼都萨满最后一次的舞蹈。舞蹈停止的时候,吉田凑近火塘,把他的腿撩起,这时我们听到了他发出的怪叫声,因为他腿上的伤痕真的不见了!那伤痕刚才还像一朵鲜艳的花,可如今它却凋零在尼都萨满制造的风中。 我们跟在尼都萨满身后,走出希楞柱,去看马。在星光映照的雪地上,在营地的松林中,我们只看到两匹伫立的马,吉田的那匹战马,已经倒在地上,没有一丝气息。这匹战马让我想起我开始有记忆的那个时刻,倒在夏日营地的那只灰色的驯鹿仔。吉田抚摩着那匹死去的、身上没有一道伤痕的战马,冲尼都萨满叽哩哇啦地大叫着。王录说,吉田说的是,神人,神人,我们需要你!神人神人,你跟着我走,为日本效力吧! 尼都萨满咳嗽了几声,返身离开我们。他的腰又佝偻起来了。他边走边扔着东西,先是鼓槌,然后是神鼓,接着是神衣、神裙。神衣上缀着许多金属的图腾,所以它们落在雪地的时候,发出“嚓嚓”的声响。除了妮浩,我们都围聚在死去的战马身边,就像守着一块从天而降的巨石,呆呆地看着尼都萨满的背影,谁也没有起身。我们看着他在前面扔东西,而妮浩慢慢地跟在他身后拾捡着。尼都萨满扔一件,她就拾起一件。当他的身体上已没有一件法器和神衣的时候,他倒在了地上。 就在那个夜晚,因为来不及搭建一座专为生产的亚塔珠,我来到尼都萨满的希楞柱里,生下了安道尔。我知道,尼都萨满走了,可我们的玛鲁神还在,神会帮我渡过早产的难关的。我没有让依芙琳留在身边,在尼都萨满住过的希楞柱里,我觉得光明和勇气就像我的双腿一样,支撑着我。当安道尔啼哭着来到这个冰雪世界时,我从希楞柱的尖顶看见了一颗很亮的发出蓝光的星星,我相信,那是尼都萨满发出的光芒。Page 77 吉田离开我们营地了。他骑着战马来,返回时却是徒步。他把另外两匹马送给我们了。他无精打采的,就像一个拥有锐利武器的人与一个赤手空拳的人格斗,却吃了败仗,满怀沮丧。 达西喜欢这两匹马,他成了它们的主人。那个冬天,他每天都要把马放在向阳的山坡上,让它们能够吃到枯草。背阴山坡的草,都被厚厚的积雪掩埋了。因为坤得以前换来的一匹瘦马没有养活,依芙琳对马是最反感的。她说既然来到我们乌力楞的第一匹马没有给我们带来幸运,这两匹日本人留下的马只会带来灾祸。 第二年的春天来得似乎格外早。安道尔还不会走路呢,我就把他吊在营地的摇车里,让维克特看着他,我和拉吉达去做碱场。 堪达罕和鹿喜欢舔舐碱土,猎人们掌握了这个习惯,就在它们经常出没的地方,先把地面的土挖出一尺来深,然后再用木楔钻出一个个坑,把盐放进去,再把挖出的土培上,使土地碱化。这样鹿经过这里时,就喜欢停下来舔碱土吃。我们只需隐蔽在碱场外的树林中,就能把它们打死。所以从某种程度上说,碱场就是鹿的墓地。 我们乌力楞有一大一小两片碱场,但连续两年,在雨后的夜晚我们去蹲碱场,都毫无收获。拉吉达说我们的碱场做的位置不太理想,太靠近水源丁。他说堪达罕和鹿都喜欢在向阳山坡活动,碱场应该做在那里。拉吉达偷着下了一次山,到乌启罗夫的许财发那里换来两袋盐,做了一片碱场。 我们用了两天时间,把新碱场做成了。拉吉达趴在我耳边说,这片松软的碱土就是最好的铺,我们应该在这里要一个女儿。他的话让我激动起来,我仿佛看见了像花蝴蝶一样围绕着我们的女孩,我说,这真是个好主意。春日的阳光是那么和煦,它们照耀着新碱场,那丝丝白光就像入了土的盐发出的芽,鲜润明媚。我们无所顾忌地拥抱在一起,为这春光注入一股清风。那是最缠绵的一次亲昵,也是最长久的一次亲昵,我的身下是温热的碱土,上面是我爱的男人,而我爱的男人上面,就是蓝天。在那个动人的缠绵的过程中,我一直看着天上的云。有一片白云连绵在一起,由东向西飘荡着,看上去就像一条天河。而我的身下,也流淌着一条河流,那是女人身下独有的一条暗河,它只为所爱的男人涌流。 夏日来临的时候,有一天清晨起来,我去给驯鹿挤奶,突然晕倒在地。等我醒来的时候,拉吉达笑眯眯地看着我,温存地说,那块新碱场真是不错,看来你Page 78的肚子已经守到一只小梅花鹿了。我想了起来,在怀安道尔的时候,我也曾晕倒在地,那次拉吉达被吓坏了。 就在我们给驯鹿锯茸的时候,营地来了三个人,其中的两个是我们的熟人了:向导路德,翻译王录。另一个也是日本人,不过他不是吉田,而是铃木秀男。他又矮又瘦,留着一撇八字胡,穿着军服,背着枪,一到营地就要酒要肉,酒肉落肚后又让我们给他唱歌跳舞,很嚣张。王录说,日本人在乌启罗夫的东部成立了“关东军栖林训练营”,也就是后来人们所说的“东大营”。铃木秀男这次来,就是召集男猎民下山接受训练的。凡是十四岁以上的男人,都必须接受训练。拉吉达说,我们是山上的猎民,为什么要下山呢?王录说,反正下山也就一个来月,现在是日本人的天下,违抗他们只能是自讨苦吃,不如跟着下山去摆摆样子,喊喊号子,练练枪法,权当是去逛风景。拉吉达说,那不是让我们充军吗?我们就是充军的话,也不能做日本人的兵啊。 王录说,这哪是充军啊,就是受训,又不打仗,很快就会回来。 拉吉达叹了口气,说,真要是充军的话,我们就当海兰察那样的兵。 海兰察的故事,我还是听父亲讲的。 海兰察是鄂温克人,他幼年丧父,母亲早逝。他很小的时候就去海拉尔给一个商号放马。他没去放马前,那个商号的马常遭狼害,他去了以后,狼都不敢靠前了。据说他睡觉的时候,会发出虎一样的啸声,声音能传到几里之外。狼群自然是远远地避开他放牧着的马群了。乾隆年间,海兰察应征入伍,出征新疆,参加了平定准噶尔的叛乱,活捉了一名叛军将领,从此声名大振。乾隆帝很赏识他,又先后让海兰察率兵出征缅甸、台湾、西藏等地,他成了赫赫有名的鄂温克将领。父亲说,海兰察不仅勇猛过人,而且英俊健壮,他对我说,你将来要找男人,就找海兰察那样的!我还记得当时我就摇着头对父亲说,那可不行,他睡觉时发出跟老虎一样的叫声,把我的耳朵震聋了可怎么办哪?我的话让父亲笑弯了腰。 依芙琳“哼”了一声,说,要是海兰察活到今天,日本人敢来我们这里吗?海兰察赶跑过高鼻子的英国人,他还怕矮鼻子的小日本?他不把他们的肠子打得流出来才怪呢! 王录吓得嘴都哆嗦了,他对依芙琳说,这个日本人现在能听懂一点鄂温克语,千万不能当着他瞎说,要掉脑袋的。Page 79 依芙琳说,人就一个脑袋,别人不砍的话,它自己最后也得像熟透的果子烂在地上,早掉晚掉有什么? 铃木秀男感觉到谈话的气氛有点紧张,他就追问王录,这些“野人”在说什么?他不像吉田管我们叫“山民”,他称我们为“野人”。王录告诉他,野人们在说,下山受训是好事情,他们很愿意跟着去呀。 铃木秀男狐疑地指着依芙琳说,那为什么这个女人看上去不高兴? 王录随机应变地说,这个女人嫌受训的都是男人,她说山上的女人跟男人一样强壮,为什么不让女人去? 铃木秀男笑了,他连连说着,这个女人好呀,这个女人好呀,她的鼻子要是不歪就更好了。当王录把这话完整地翻译完时、大家都笑了。依芙琳也笑了。依芙琳说,你告诉他,我要是鼻子不歪,他就不会在山中看见我了,我就当皇后去了!说完,她叹了一口气,扫了一眼坤得和金得,说,我乐得他们离开,让我清净清净。他们要是在兵营里把骨头锤炼硬了,也算我依芙琳有福气!
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