Home Categories contemporary fiction Canglang water

Chapter 36 Fifteen, for that sake

Canglang water 阎真 3404Words 2018-03-20
We are going to send a wave to Renmin Road Kindergarten at the beginning of September.The night before, Dong Liu went to Song Na with a wave in his arms, and wanted to make an appointment to go together tomorrow.After a while she came back and sat at the table without saying a word.I was sitting on the bed reading a book and didn't pay attention, when suddenly I heard the sound of water falling on something, once, again.I noticed that a large piece of newspaper on the table was wet, and when I looked up, I found that Dong Liu was crying.I panicked and said, "What's wrong?" She twisted her body, I turned her back, she twisted her body again, sniffed a few times, and then began to cry.Yi Bo said: "Mom, good mother." He stretched out his little hand to wipe her tears.Dong Liu hugged Yibo even tighter, crying and saying:

"My son, such a good son, you are suffering at such a young age, it is your mother who is sorry for you, sorry for you." I asked for a long time, but couldn't find out why, so I went upstairs and called my mother-in-law. After asking for a while, Dong Liu said, "We still want to ask someone to go with us. If we are not worthy, they won't come in." Kindergarten like that." When I heard it, my heart sank, my whole body felt cold, as if I had fallen into an ice cave, and I said for a long time: "The provincial government?" Dong Liu nodded with tears streaming down his face.

After a long time, I breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I never thought Ding Xiaohuai would have such great abilities!" Dong Liu said: "If you are in that position, you have some ability. If you are not in that role, you have great ability, but you just don't have it." I think about the children in the yard in recent years. Yes, as expected, they all entered the provincial government kindergarten, and those who were not in that position couldn't get in.No one draws a line, but the line is so clear.Don't look at everyone sitting there and going to work every day, for the sake of it or not, it's so different!It sounds like a mundane matter, but this mundane matter is now more urgent than any major event, the golden future, the erratic ultimate, and the future of mankind.Dong Liu said: "Chi Dawei, you are sorry for your son, you are not qualified to be a father, and you are not qualified to marry." Mother-in-law said: "Dong Liu, how do you say that!" Dong Liu said: "Then what do you want me to say? I was born inferior and stupid compared to others? I can’t make it through, I just can’t make it through in my heart! I haven’t even started yet, I’m already half a beat behind others, and there will be elementary school, middle school and university in the future, dare I think?”

I said, "It's not as serious as what you said. Chairman Mao went to kindergarten, and he became Chairman Mao. Li Shizhen and Cao Xueqin have never been to kindergarten. How many people in the provincial government kindergarten can compare with them?A good kindergarten is at most a little more toys. Dong Liu shrugged his nose disdainfully, and said: "It's fine if I don't have the ability, and I still use Chairman Mao to stand in front of me. How many Chairman Mao are there in the world?" "I said: "Yibo is not my son alone, I have thought of so many ways, you should also think of ways to try!" Dong Liu twisted his neck, scratched his face a few times with a finger and said: "Shame!Shame!This is what a man said, everyone listen!He's still a man who's a graduate student. Compare it with me, and forget about bumping into a zoomed-in painting on the wall! Trembling with anger, I rushed out the door. Dong Liu said, "Come back!" I stopped. She said, "I won't argue with you, it's useless."

Tonight, we will take me to Principal Chen's house and let her look at such a good child, shouldn't there be a good environment?I hugged me and knelt down to her, I am not afraid of losing face, my face doesn't matter, as long as I am not wronged, not to mention losing face, I am not afraid of losing my life. I said: "Good boy, does she see less?" "She said: "Is it so good, let her see it!" "I sighed, the woman lost control of her emotions, so don't expect her not to talk crazy. I said, "In the final analysis, it's useless for you to have calluses on your mouth, and it's useless to kneel for days and nights. The son went in, and it wasn't made by the skin of the mouth, let alone kneeling out." Dong Liu said. : "At the end of the day, you have to have good things in your hands. For that reason, why would people take care of you! If it's not for the sake of it, it's useless to tell the truth to the bone. Things in the world are simply not the same. Reasonable and unreasonable questions. What is the reason? No shit! You are a man, what hard thing do you have in your hand? Don’t open your mouth if you don’t have it.” Then he asked his mother-in-law: “Mom, how much money do you have?” The mother-in-law ran to Go downstairs and get a thousand dollars.Dong Liu looked at me and said, "What about you?" I said, "You don't know how much money I have?" She said, "It doesn't matter what you want, if I ask for a sum of money to save my life today, then just watch him-" ─” After hearing this, I slapped the table and jumped up, wanting to have a fit. I hugged Dong Liu tightly in a wave of fright, and turned my head and said, “Dad.” I sat down and sighed, not blaming others, but myself , I am sorry son.

Feeling awkward, I watched Dong Liu change Yibo into nice clothes, I hugged him up, and followed Dong Liu to the home of Principal Chen.I didn't speak along the way, and neither did Dong Liu.Yibo pointed to the moon and asked: "Dad, does the moon have feet?" I said: "No." He said: "How can you follow us without feet?" I said: "It will follow if it wants to, and you can't stop it." After a while, Bobo said: "Next time I go to Huayun Park to see the palace, I will take my hat with me, I will be the emperor, my mother will be the princess, and you will be the guard. "Dong Liu said: "When I first turned three years old, I knew what was good and what was bad. Some people didn't know when they were in their thirties." "I went up and listened to someone talking by the door, so I came down.We stood by the fence and waited, and soon a man and a woman came down with a child in their arms. The man said, "I've never seen such a stubborn person." I can't wait to grab her flat face with five fingers and tear a piece of skin off." He said and walked towards a small car not far away.The driver got out, picked up the child, and got into the car together.Dong Liu looked at the car going away and said, "Forget it, go back." I said:

"It's all here." She said: "It's useless to squeeze out a few laughs when I go up, it's meaningless, and it's useless to squeeze." She also said: "I'm so angry that I really want to be angry, but it's a pity that people can't die .” On the way back, Dong Liu didn’t say a word, and I didn’t say a word, even a wave was strangely silent. When I entered the compound, I saw Ren Zhiqiang's car parked downstairs, and I said, "Dong Hui is here." Ren Zhiqiang called "Sister" when they met, and asked, "What's wrong with my sister?" Dong Liu said, "No What’s the most satisfying thing.” I said, “It’s nothing to worry about.” Dong Liu immediately said, “It’s nothing to worry about! What do you want to do?” The mother-in-law said, “It’s not just for a wave of things.” The thing is said.Dong Hui hugged Yibo and said:

"Ren Zhiqiang, your cowhide is usually so big, blow it again and show it to my sister." Ren Zhiqiang said: "Dong Hui, don't block me, maybe I will blow up the cowhide. People always do things, people always do things. If he is fleshy, there is a solution, I’m afraid he is not fleshy.” Dong Liu said: “Zhiqiang, don’t make me hope again. Once I hope, I will die a lot of nerves.” I said, "You don't know those two directors, so you can't talk about oil and salt." Ren Zhiqiang said: "Oil and salt can definitely be talked about. It depends on who is going to talk about it and how it is said. If the director of their agency affairs bureau talks about it, do you think it can be talked about?" After telling him about the matter, Dong Liu immediately left.The mother-in-law said: "Ren Zhiqiang, you have done this, and your sister will thank you for the rest of your life."

Dong Hui said: "Even my aunt will thank you for the rest of my life." Ren Zhiqiang said: "Since it is such a big deal, I will give it a try. I don't know anyone, I think I can always find someone who does. .” Dong Liu said: "Originally, I was going to send a wave to Renmin Road tomorrow, so I will delay it for a few days." Ren Zhiqiang asked me who I knew in the provincial government, and said: "If you know someone, you can follow the vine, and you can always find out if you make a few more turns." It’s me.” I said I didn’t know him. He thought for a while and said, "Give me a few days."

Ren Zhiqiang left, and I said to Dong Liu: "Ren Zhiqiang didn't know his surname when he drove a car, so he ran here and patted his breasts loudly." If you don’t cut off a piece of your chest, what if the filming is successful? I’ll hold a hopeless hope.” I went to sleep and turned off the lights, and I said, “Actually, Renmin Road is not as bad as you think. Kindergarten, when I was four or five years old, I took the cows to graze, and I will be very promising when I grow up." Dong Liu said: "Then you mean to ask me to herd the cows? You buy a cow tomorrow, and I will do it once. Let’s herd cattle.” I said, “It’s not such a scary thing to herd cattle, did Chairman Mao let cattle go when he was a child?”

She said: "Others are so sensitive to their own interests, they don't take advantage of big or small losses, take advantage of big or small gains, and sweep away all good things. no. Others are fighting for every inch of land, but we can't even fight for an inch of land, and I still need to herd cattle!What is that person doing in this world? " I said, "What are you doing? Become a pig, eat and sleep. Then become a dog, with white teeth ready to jump up and bite." She said, "You don't want to be a pig or a dog, you have Pursue, you catch something and show me! I have been married for four or five years, what have I seen!" I said, "You don't have to see what you really see to have something!" She said, "If you can't see anything, you have nothing!" I sat up angrily and said, "I can't talk to you." She said: "I have never considered myself so noble, just grasp the few things in front of my nose. I don't believe in nobility either, even Elizabeth has to sit on her ass. "I said: "Everyone becomes a pig and a dog. She said: "It doesn't matter who you become, the important thing is to solve the problem."Who let me go to a good kindergarten, don't talk about pigs and dogs, it doesn't matter if he says I'm a bastard. "And said: "I am anxious, anxious for my wave, anxious for you, and anxious for myself.Others say that marrying someone is a second reincarnation, and that's true.My first birth was cast wrongly, and I voted in the countryside, and it has been several years since I voted for my second birth. " I said, "Bullshit!" I got out of bed in the dark, found another blanket and fell asleep by myself against the wall.Unable to fall asleep, he took what Dong Liu said into his heart and thought, thinking that the world has really changed, and if he really grasped something, it would be true.Everyone is going to be well-off, but I am still standing still. I am really sorry for my son. Three days later, Ren Zhiqiang still hadn't come.This is something I expected a long time ago, a taciturn person, can he always cheat things?I regretted that he couldn't do it, and seemed a little pleased.It can't be done, it proves that things are so difficult, it's not that I'm incapable, I won't be ashamed, but the one who suffers is my son.After thinking about it, I still hope that Ren Zhiqiang, like a god, can get things done in an incredible way.It can really be done well, let alone a face of dust, a face of cow dung is nothing!
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