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Chapter 19 Dwelling 19

Dwelling 六六 2073Words 2018-03-20
Haizao came to Haiping on weekends and brought a bunch of keys.Haiping asked, "What is this?" "The house you live in temporarily. A friend doesn't live temporarily. It's vacant. You live in it for a while. In case someone wants it, move again!" "How much is it a month?" "No money. Live for nothing." Haiping was overjoyed when she found out, but she suddenly became suspicious, and asked Haizao: "What are you up to lately? What kind of friend is helping you so much? Is it borrowing money for nothing, or living in a house for nothing? And introduce me to a job? This friend Who is it? Why haven't I heard from you?"

Seaweed replied lightly: "The friends I met at work have business contacts. If you ask our company for help in business, you will curry favor with me." Haiping said anxiously: "No way! If it's a business matter, if you get involved in private matters, if the business fails, isn't it difficult for you to do it? You take this key back, I can't take it." Seaweed stuffed it back and said, "Don't worry, it's a personal relationship that arose after getting acquainted with the business. It won't affect the work." "Male and female?"

"male." "No, seaweed, I don't think it's safe. A man who is courteous for nothing has absolutely no good intentions." Seaweed looked at her sister mischievously and said: "Then tell me, a man who has no kindness towards a woman like me who has no ability, no backing, and is not beautiful, and gives me a house and money, should I hurry up?" Pretending to faint and throwing himself into his arms? Don’t pass this village and lose this shop?” "I think your state is dangerous. If Xiaobei finds out, what will you do?" "Who is Xiaobei to me? I didn't marry him, so it seems that I don't need to be responsible to him, right?"

"Seaweed?! Why have you become so cynical lately? You have to live seriously! You are going to get married this year!" "What about getting married? What about living a serious life? Dig your own grave first, and then bury love? It was you who said that love is more important than a house. At least there is a place to put your body." "You! You! My angry words! How did you listen to it? You are fooling around! You return things to others! Cut off the relationship with him! I warn you! Don't play with fire and burn yourself! In this life, you can It's not easy to find someone you love. You have to cherish Xiaobei's feelings." Haiping threw the key back heavily.

"Then do you still cherish the relationship with Su Chun? Do you think the current life is what you want?" Haizao's tone was infinitely bleak. Haiping was speechless, now Haizao was poking her own shield with her own spear.I had to sigh: "It's really self-inflicted! I won't live in your house, I don't want you to be restrained by a temporary house." "No, sister. He won't hold me down. Don't worry about that. I'm an adult and I can handle my own affairs. It's the end of the month soon, so hurry up and move! The location is very good, very close to MARK." Haizao Put the key on the table and go.

Haiping took Su Chun to see the new house, and was overwhelmed as soon as he entered the community.A hinterland in the city center, suitable for movement and stillness, with small bridges and flowing water in the area, and a children's playground in the clubhouse.Open the door of the room, complete fine decoration, spacious living room, bright bedroom, you can move in with your clothes on your back. Su Chun stood barefoot at the door and dared not go in. He poked his head a few times and clicked his tongue like an old farmer entering a city: "Oh my God! This house can't be bought without five million yuan, right?" Haiping smiled wryly.

"Seaweed's ability has been extraordinary recently. What kind of God of Wealth has she encountered?" "You really moved here? Can you be steadfast? Don't you think seaweed is a problem?" "I've asked her. I can't take care of her affairs anymore. She's not a child. She talks about it. She's much better than me." "Do you really live here? I think it's fine. I'd better rent it myself and be assured of insurance." Haiping gave Su Chun a disdainful look: "You have taken all the money from others, and you are afraid of staying in the house for a few days? Let's rent for a short time, and move as soon as I find a suitable house! However, I have an idea." .The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I want to take my baby and my parents here and enjoy it for a while. Maybe we will never have the chance to live in such a nice house in this life.”

Xiaobei lay on the bed holding the seaweed by the hand, and said, "Let's go out to eat! I'm too tired, I don't want to burn it." Seaweed said, "Okay. What to eat?" "Yonghe soy milk?" "Ok!" Xiaobei took the seaweed and went to Huaihai Road again for Dunyong and Soymilk. Every time she had an excuse to go out for a stroll, it was really good.Yonghe Soy Milk is still full! Wait for a long time to get a seat. Seaweed asked Xiaobei: "I want to drink soy milk, what do you drink?" Xiao Bei looked at the menu and said, then I will also have a cup of soy milk.

Haizao pouted and said, "Everyone is ordering soy milk, so you should too. Brother, can you change it?" Xiao Bei couldn't make up his mind when he looked at the menu, and said, "Okay, okay, seaweed, what do I eat? I will eat whatever you say I eat." Seaweed said: "You drink Milo!" Xiao Bei said to the waiter: "She drinks soy milk, I want Milo." The waiter asked, "Ice or hot?" Seaweed said: "I want ice." The waiter looked at Beckham.Xiaobei looked at the seaweed and asked again: "Seaweed, tell me, should I drink it hot or iced?"

Seaweed said: "It's hot. I ordered ice." Xiao Bei turned to the waiter and said, "Hot Milo." Xiaobei held up the hot Milo and handed it to the seaweed, saying: "Seaweed, you drink first. I will drink what you have left." The seaweed did its part. Suddenly a ten-year-old girl stood next to her and shouted into the distance: "Mom, here! Here! They are almost finished eating." After a while, a middle-aged woman also came over and said with a smile: "Eat slowly, we Don't worry. We'll just wait for you!" Haizao ignored him, lowered his head and continued to share buns with Xiao Bei.How can there be such a thing?If you say you are not in a hurry, people will just stand in front of your table and watch, and let them eat it?

The woman called out to the door suddenly: "Siming, here! Here!" Haizao suddenly froze and looked up at the door. Song Siming walked over with his head down and his hands in his pockets.When he looked up, he was startled by the seaweed in front of him! "Seaweed?!" Seaweed smiled embarrassingly, and said, "What a coincidence? I've finished eating. I'll leave this place to you." After speaking, he pulled Xiao Bei who was still drinking the last sip of soy milk, and quickly left. Song Siming's wife asked, "Who? Do you know him?" Song looked at Haizao's figure holding Xiaobei's hand in the distance, unable to recover for a long time. "Oh! A planner of a real estate company, I have dealt with it before." Xiao Bei asked Haizao, "Do you know that man?" Seaweed said: "I've seen it once or twice." "Then he called you Seaweed? Isn't that something?" "How can you let your boss call you Seaweed? I'll give him advice, and let him call you Xiao Guo in the future. Seaza, that's what I called you." "You're crazy again. Come on!"
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