Home Categories contemporary fiction Dream of wild dust

Chapter 12 Chapter 9 Crossing the Tongtian River

Dream of wild dust 陈渠珍 4127Words 2018-03-20
Tongtian River, also known as the Muluus River, is the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, which originates from the Bayan Har Mountains, and is known as the key city of Qinghai.Now it is a piece of yellow sand, with no trace of people.On that day, I asked the lama again: "How many days will it take to go to Gangtian?"The public is responsible for the contradictions in their language.Lama is silent.Xingwu said: "It's not too far to go to the hill to cut the sky. But the cattle have been killed, and the horses can only provide food for a few days. There are many diseases, and the walking is faltering. If you go astray, you will have no physiology. It is better to go first. Choose a few able-bodied people and go forward to investigate. The rest will stay here to hunt, and store more wild meat as food, so it's okay." The crowd commented.It was decided to Xingwu to select ten people to go ahead and leave the rest for later.A period of about ten days will be paid immediately.Agreed.That night, Xingwu fed the rest with a cup of tsampa, weighing about two taels.Yu then boiled two pots of water and invited everyone to share and drink, so as to spend the year.Hu Lama has not been here for a long time, so I don't doubt that there is another one at the beginning.The next morning, Xingwu and others set off to look for the lama again, but they didn't know where he was.Only then did I realize that I had died last night.It is extremely difficult to flee far away in the plain.Those who wanted to, fearing the tyranny of the soldiers, fled by night.There are many wolves in the wilderness, and the lama walks alone in his old age, and he must be the belly of the pack.For those who sigh again.Yu and the others are in a desperate situation and have lost their mentor again, so they can only wait for the good news of Xingwu.

By the time they reached Tongtianhe, more than ten people had died.After Xingwu left, there were only more than 30 people left.They are dispatched to hunt in groups every day.Xiyuan strongly wanted to go with him, hoping to gain something so as to prolong his last breath.Yu also listened to it.At the end of the day, the master came back with nothing. Xiyuan said: "It has been snowing for days, and the wild beasts will hide in the valley. I will go back tomorrow, and I will get something." Yu Jizhi said: "You can rest, the soldiers will go out separately. , If I get something, I can share the food. Why do you take risks like this." Nishihara cried and said: "How much will the soldiers be divided into? Their lives are at stake. What are you afraid of? If you are willing to do it, how about going together tomorrow?" I saw him The meaning is very strong, it is promised.The next morning, before the soldiers got up, Xiyuan called Yu and went out together.Go obliquely for about two miles and enter the valley.Xiyuan travels very fast.Hearing a bang, Yu Qian looked at it and killed a wild mule.Xi Yuanfang took a knife and cut the flesh of his leg.Yu Zhizhi said: "It's better to take the two legs and drag it back after cutting the flesh." Xi Yuanji said yes.But cut off the two legs, tie them with belts, and drag them back.On the way, several soldiers came and ordered them to rush to the valley to get the rest of the meat, so as not to be devoured by wolves.Both return.Nishihara was already dripping with sweat.Ask Yu to watch carefully and leave in a hurry.Negative cow dung pack to.Cut the meat with a knife, make it into several squares, pierce it with a cleaning rod, and burn it to heat it up.Said Yu and said: "There is such a dried meat that can be eaten for ten days." On that day, the soldiers also obtained a lot of wild mules, wild sheep, and mountain rabbits.They are all dried in imitation of the Western original method.The next day, heavy snow fell again.The soldiers went out hunting for days without success.From then on, the snow became heavier, about two feet deep, and the wild meat stored there was about to run out.Soldiers die every day, and ten days pass in a blink of an eye.Xingwu has no sound consumption yet.The next day, the snow lived, and the sky suddenly opened.Yu said: "The future is full of good news, but I'm afraid it won't be expected. What's the benefit of staying for a long time, it's better to move forward." Everyone agreed.Resume the next day.Beasts disappeared along the way, and there was nothing to encounter all day long.There are only a lot of hares, and they go back to the original place, spending a lot of time, and only get four or five, which is not enough.It has been two days since I fasted, and I am very hungry.There is only a small piece of dried meat left.Take half of it and eat it from Xiyuan.Nishihara refused to eat.Strong again, wept and said: "I can endure hunger, but I can go without food for a few days. You can't go without food for a day. And if you follow you for thousands of miles, you can't live without me, and you can't live without you. If you die, I can escape to death." The rest wept. The saying "There can be no floods in the world, but there must be no fairness" is also seen among Butuzi Tibetan women.It hurts.The soldiers were also starving and unable to walk due to exhaustion.Take another day off.At noon the next day, I heard the noise of soldiers, and I went to watch it.Then soldier Yang died by the side of the road last night.Today, people are so hungry that they look for their remains to eat.Shu had already been devoured by wolves last night, leaving only two hands and one foot.The crowd took back the burnt ones, and because they fought for food, they cursed.I burst into tears after hearing this, and continued to persuade him, but he said, "I have already got a wild mule in front of me. Why do you want to fight for it?"At that time, everyone was dying of hunger.As a result, refreshed, they all jumped up and followed.At the end of the day, the pack of wolves will compete for food, and half of them will be gone.All the people rushed to shoot, killed a wolf, and returned home together.Everyone had a full meal, especially some leftover meat, and shared it with them for the next day's needs.After all the buffaloes had a full meal, they moved forward again, and walked for another two days without encountering any wild animals.The meat they carried the day before yesterday was exhausted, and everyone panicked again.Stay overnight in the afternoon and get a wild sheep.It's hard to be half full if you share the food.There was Liu X, over fifty years old, native of Hunan, who served as the Secretary of Jiangda's Army Food Office, and hurriedly followed him back to Sichuan, and also attached other trips.At that time, the ice and snow were getting worse day by day, and the soldiers went on a hunger strike for two days, and went hunting in all directions, but all returned empty-handed.He was very hungry and had nothing to do, so he secretly planned to kill Yu's Tibetan baby with him in order to prolong his life.Ask Liu for a word.Yu said: "Killing one person to save everyone, I don't care about it. It's just that the baby's flesh is gone, and it's hard to share a piece of the pie. It will only hurt your companions, and you will die." At night, everyone returned to ride the moonlight , Pick up a gun and go hunting in the mountains.Returning late at night, I caught four wild sheep and seven hares, divided the meat and ate raw, and began to eat a little.Restarting the next day, except for those who died along the way, there were only more than 20 people left.I was exhausted again.The eyes were blown by the wind and sand again, they were red and swollen, and they couldn't see clearly.After traveling more than 30 miles a day, I will stay in Yan.It was late at night when I returned from hunting last night, so I woke up very late in the morning.When setting off, Yu Yin ordered everyone to go first, and Yu went later.At the beginning, I still saw soldiers advancing far away, turning around the hill, that is, the shadows of people were faint.After traveling for more than ten miles, the traces continued.That is to say, Zhang Min and Zang Wa also went forward without a trace.Only Xiyuan was alone with the rest, walking alone.After another seven or eight miles, the sky is already dusk, and the surroundings are boundless, so I can't go further.So he stayed in the ditch.Then the wind howled, and countless wild wolves howled very urgently, sometimes near and far.Xi Yuan trembled and wanted to cry, please avoid him.Yu Zhi is also expected to die.Because he tried his best to comfort him, he said: "The night is blurred, the road is unclear, what will happen. I am afraid that if you make a move, the wolves will see the shadow of the person and gather together to devour them, and you will die right now. It is better to lie quietly in the ditch, the wolf may not come immediately. If this body responds If you are full of wolves, how can you avoid it by yourself." Naibu sat on the ground with Xiyuan.Covered with a thin quilt.Xiyuan held a continuous spear, and Yu held a short knife to wait for him, because he warned Xiyuan, "Be careful not to shoot if the wolf is not within ten paces."I vaguely saw a pack of wolves approaching, howling and howling, but they were within a few feet of each other.At that time, Yu and Xiyuan were extremely hungry and exhausted. I don't know when they fell asleep together.In the early morning, Nishihara Huyu woke up, and it was already twilight.Fortunately, the knife and gun are in hand, Yu Xiao said: "It's dangerous, this night!" Xi Yuan said: "I dreamed that I was in the back mountain at home, and I was chased by wolves. I broke my foot, and my mother ran away with me. I woke up in horror. It's better than being shocked overnight." Yu said, "This suspicion has caused a dream!" So they got up together, packed the bedding, went out of the ditch, and followed the original road.But seeing the future is boundless, I don't know where is the way.Walking and stopping, I said silently: "Xingwu has gone and never returned, and now he is lost with everyone. I am alone with Xiyuan, walking alone. There is nothing long except for a spear and a dagger. Fortunately, I met a wild beast, neither human can take it. Unfortunately, I will not be able to eat for one more day, and I will not meet people, but I will be hungry and lie in the desert, and I will die.” Xi Yuan knew what he meant, and sighed: “From now on, the farther and farther we travel, the future is boundless, and there is no place for us to die. "Yu said: "Yesterday's journey was not far away, so it is not difficult to find. Don't worry about it." Then, suddenly there was a bullet beside the road, which was covered with mud and sand, like a long-lost thing.Because he told Xiyuan, he said: "Yang Xingwu must follow this path. Otherwise, there would be no such thing." Xiyuan was also happy.Going forward for a few miles, Xiyuan looked back from time to time. If he couldn't bear to go, he suddenly shouted, "Someone is coming from behind!"After waiting for a long time, I saw two people walking slowly and gradually approaching. They were Zhang Min, the groom.Yu couldn't help being ecstatic. Zhang Min picked up a cloth bag. When he saw Yu, he cried and said, "I met more than a hundred mules on the way and drove them into the ravine. I have been waiting for the public for a long time, and I have sent people to look for them, but none of them have been found. I am here now." Before dawn, I will come to find you." After speaking, he choked up his voice.With a cloth bag in hand, a piece of hot meat weighs about two or three catties. He said: "Eat this at a high speed, and we will return together." Asked: "Where are the people?" Said: "That's right." Yu Xiguan's appearance was only three miles away.Yu Zheng was suffering from hunger, and when he got meat, he shared it with Xi Yuan, and immediately exhausted it.But they returned together.When it comes, everyone will cut meat and stir-fry it. Seeing Yu Zhi, there are mixed feelings of sadness and joy.Yu saw that there was a lot of old animal meat on the ground, so he inquired and learned that he got seven wild mules yesterday, enough for ten days' food.It was a discussion with the public: such mule meat is hard to carry.It's better to rest for a day and bake it into dry meat.Then one person can bear the food for several days.Still hunting along the way.If you can get something every day, it's better to keep it for emergencies. "Everyone thought so. So they went out to fetch cow dung and baked mule meat, thinking of it as food. The next day, they had a day off. After checking at night, each person had about ten catties of dried meat. So they decided to continue their journey tomorrow. Rest overnight. The next day, Jie set off early. After a full meal, they rested again, and the spirits of the people recovered, not as depressed as before.

[School Note 50] When people walk in the snow for a long time, too much sunlight reflected from the snow will cause temporary blindness, which is called "snow blindness".This said: "The eyes are blown by the wind and sand, they are red and swollen, they can't see clearly, and they are blinded by the snow. Xiyuan is a Tibetan. He is physically healthy and can bear it a little. Therefore, he can see Zhang Houxing coming. After seven or eight days of meditation, the dried meat will be exhausted, and there will be no beasts.Then the crowd panicked again.Recalling the Lama's words, I walked across the Tongtian River for more than ten days, and then I reached Gang Tianqie.So I hang in my mind every day.When I saw Xiaofu, I thought it was the end.Myopia is not.Seeing a small mountain, I thought it was the end.It's close but not close, day after day, looking at the eyes is wearing.There are almost no mountains and mounds in the mainland.As soon as you enter the desert, you can look for a mountain and a monastery, which are as insignificant as the three islands of Penglai and Lingshan in India.It is imaginable but unattainable.sad.

After walking for another two days, I suddenly saw a mountain, more than ten feet high, shaped like a palm.There is a clear spring at the bottom, which flows along the mountain.Small trees grow in clusters by the water, only about a foot high, with thin leaves and thick stems, which are velvety and cute.Fan people call it oil residue, which can be taken as salary.I stared at it for a long time, but it was not what the lama said that the sky was cut.Quite disappointed, especially fortunately there are mountains and rivers here, so it is not far to go to Gangtian to cut the land.The rest of the people stopped here.After entering the Jiangtong Great Desert, there is a piece of yellow sand, thousands of years of white snow, the sky is freezing, and the wind and wolves howl. At this point, there are mountains and waters, which are not like caves.It is sheltered by the mountains and can be inhabited.It is cutting firewood to keep warm, hunting animals to heal hunger.At that time, there was only one match left, and only sixteen soldiers survived.It is divided into three groups, hunting in the morning and evening.At that time, the people were very hungry and eager for food.Until the middle of the day, it began to return to one, and it was empty.Everyone sat and sighed in sorrow.Yu Weizhi said: "There are still two groups that haven't returned. How can they get nothing?" After a while, the other two groups returned one after another, and only got four hares.All living beings eat it, just to satisfy their hunger.The next day, the crowd came back to hunt.The remaining soldier Yang Zhengqi guarded the luggage.It is strange to see Yu Ming sitting silently, as if he could not overcome his sorrow.With tears in his eyes, he said to Yu Yan: "The road to Chang'an is far away, the Yumen Pass is far away, the blind people are exhausted, and the pool is deep in the middle of the night, our companions are in danger here." It's already spring, the weather is getting warmer, and although there are many deaths, our generation is still alive, and the sky will never end. Besides, the journey in three months has already lasted for five months. Those who have not reached it will fall short. If we can Jia Yu is brave, but it is difficult to reach the other shore. My life and death depend on my destiny. Why should I be discouraged like this!" Yu Wenxi's original language felt quite ashamed.Is it true that women are not as good as Jesus?So he rose up.Suddenly, I feel open-minded, and my worries are relieved.Whether the cover is extremely peaceful or not, the machine has already moved first.Although it is still not a smooth road, it is also a good omen.At noon in the pavilion, all the hunters returned, but nothing was found.I had no choice but to climb the mountain and look around, hoping to see something.It was burning with hunger, and it was very difficult to walk, but it was strong and re-boarded.After watching for a long time, I suddenly saw something standing in the plain a few miles away, and I was quite suspicious.Go down the mountain in a hurry, so that everyone can look for it.They are all exhausted and do not want to go.Yu Qiang's trip, when he came to this place, he was like a giant bison's head that had been frozen for a long time.It is about five feet high, and as big as it is.Its death also did not know how many thousands of years it took.The desert is extremely cold, and it will not rot for a long time.The wind blows and the sun burns, so it becomes stiff and withered.Although the wolf teeth are sharp, they can't damage the indestructible body of this vajra, so they stand alone.I will probably keep it here for the rest of the poor to chew on.However, its head is bulky and difficult to shake.In a hurry and unable to split.Exhausting the strength of more than ten people, they pushed and pulled to the foot of the mountain, piled up firewood and burned it.And uncle watering.After three hours, the lip skin is separated from the bone.There is still no way out.And with several people, they were naughty and peeled, and they got eight or nine yuan, which was as big as a palm.Simmer it over a high fire, and after two days and nights, if it is a little soft, you can use a knife and axe.The skin is about two inches thick.For golden yellow.If you are hungry, you will not choose to eat, and the taste is better than fresh meat.Fortunately, in the past three days, they have also obtained a bison and a horse.Everyone has had a full meal, especially the remaining meat, and they are about to simmer the lip meat and save it as food for food.The next morning, still moving forward.

[School Note 51] If the bison's head is so big and Ge Jian is so big, whoever will cut it down here.It's hard to believe.Yu once read Tibetan historical records, and Buroulieji Biography said: "Long Ang usurped the throne and used the queen as horse herds. Later, at the horse herding place, he dreamed of meeting with Yela Xianglabo Mountain, and gave birth to a big blood ball, which was slightly shaken. There is no mouth or eyes. So I put it into the warm wild ox horn, and put the trousers on the feet to cover it. I looked at it for a few days, and a baby was born. "At the beginning, I suspected that An in Jiaodong could have a baby.Thought the Tibetan meaning, or have a different interpretation.Repeatedly, the meaning is the same.It shows that there are really giant bison head horns.Zha Sihu's Si character is different from rhinoceros, but it belongs to the same type of cattle. It has a huge body and thick leather. It has been passed down in ancient times.And I once saw a certain note (like the diary of the Western Expedition) that said that in Azan Haizi, I once saw Si, whose body was extremely huge.Rhinoceros is a product of tropical swamps, and Si is a product of plateau swamps.What Mrs. Chen saw was the head of the cover, which was obtained by hunters in the past. After taking it away, the head was left here.Because of its thick leather, it is not swallowed by wolves, and the ground is cold, and the ears have not rotted.

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