Home Categories contemporary fiction tumultuous autumn

Chapter 20 Chapter Nineteen

tumultuous autumn 刘玉民 8303Words 2018-03-19
Because Mrs. Xiao Yun's condition was unstable for several days, her blood pressure fluctuated, her heartbeat fluctuated from time to time, and her mood sometimes became dull and sometimes excited. Xiaoyu stayed by her side all the time.The construction of Leiguan's factory is at a critical moment. During the day, he runs around non-stop, and at night he has to replace and accompany Xiaoyu to take care of Mrs. Xiao Yun.But within a few days, the two of them were like eagles that had swallowed a cushion, the greasy layer on their faces was scraped off vigorously. In the afternoon, after accompanying the two engineers who had been invited to inspect the construction site, Leiguan hurried into the small courtyard on the other side of the Maya River.According to Lei Guan's meaning, this small courtyard and everything in the small courtyard.It should have been scrapped and rebuilt long ago, or moved to a small building on the other side of the river after losing everything.But Mrs. Xiao Yun refused.Said that she had come here from thatched cottage all her life, and she didn't want to find that comfortable trouble and inconvenient freshness when someone was about to die.Xiaoyu was never willing to disobey her grandma's wishes, so of course Leiguan had no choice but to give up.

Mrs. Xiao Yun took medicine and was resting.Xiaoyu leaned on the edge of the kang with her tired head propped up, and when she saw the officer entering the room, she moved her butt inward. "Is grandma feeling better?" "The heart rate has finally stabilized, but the blood pressure is still high. Thanks to the Huoxin Pill." Xiaoyu gave her a grateful glance.The Huoxin Pill was bought by Lei Guan from the high-ranking ward of the Provincial Hospital two days ago. "I'm here, you go and lie down for a while." Lei Guan said. Xiaoyu didn't answer, just stretched a limp hand into the palm of the official, and put half of her body and head on the official's shoulder.Lei Guan immediately supported her, and at the same time turned his body to the side, stirring up his other arm, so that Xiaoyu almost lay in his arms.Then, he kissed her tired eyes lightly.

Xiaoyu was so tired that when she closed her eyes, she immediately fell asleep.In this world, for this poor and pure girl, what kind of palace and Simmons can make her feel more safe, comfortable and comfortable than the embrace of her "bad boy" brother Leiguan! Suddenly, Mrs. Xiao Yun let out a sleepy moan, which was light and short.Xiaoyu woke up immediately, rubbed her eyes, leaned in front of Mrs. Xiao Yun, listened to her breathing, and called softly: "Grandma, grandma." Mrs. Xiao Yun came here after sleeping.The elderly feel short, especially the elderly who have been ill for a long time.Her still puffy eyelids were lifted a few times, revealing a slit.She saw a ray of golden yellow on the face of Lei Guan, which was full of years of hard work.

"Still busy at the factory, little official?" "The venue has been decided, and we will try to start work early." "Okay, let's start work early. Where are you studying? Are you busy?" "Nothing, grandma." Xiao Yun's wife has always been most concerned about learning: Xiaoyu's homework and Lei Guan's study of Chairman Mao's works. "That's good, that's good. No matter what anyone says, no matter how things change, Chairman Mao's words cannot be violated. Are you right, little official? " "Yes, Grandma Xiao."

What can Lei Guan say to this revolutionary old man who has been ill for many years?Mrs. Xiao Yun's historical achievements have always been admired by him.But when it comes to actual reform and work, he and Xiaoyu have their own set of rules and regulations, and make an appointment in advance, so as to minimize the worries and concerns of the elderly. "Grandma, you're just fine, you'd better rest." Xiaoyu dragged Lei Guan into the back room.She was afraid of causing Mrs. Xiao Yun's excitement or excitement.She knew exactly what excitement and excitement meant to Mrs. Xiao Yun.

Mrs. Xiao Yun grabbed Lei Guan's hand and didn't let go: "Grandma is bored and uncomfortable, it doesn't matter if you talk to your little official brother, ah!" Xiaoyu had no choice but to back away, and at the same time gave a wink to Lei Guan.Lei Guan knew that meant that he was not allowed to speak more. "Where is your grandfather? What has your grandfather been busy these days when he came back?" "Busy about making a report about tradition." When Yue Rui came back, Lei Guan only went back to visit him once.The second time I went home, I didn't meet again.The grandfather and grandson did not talk in detail.One is that they didn't get together alone, and the other is that the official is unwilling to dig out the old sesame seeds and rotten millet with Yue Pengcheng, which will only increase the troubles of the old man.

"What did he say to your father?" Lei Guan didn't know, but in order to comfort the old man, he said: "My grandfather said, the career must be done, and you can't go against the rules and regulations." Mrs. Xiao Yun closed her eyes in satisfaction, as if drunk.She got the news the day after Yue Rui came back, but she didn't allow Leiguan and Xiaoyu to tell Yue Rui anything about herself.For what reason, she herself didn't seem to be able to explain clearly.Maybe because of his own situation, Yue Rui's son was involved?Perhaps she wanted to see the current Yue Rui, or the "Commander Yue" that she loved and nostalgic back then?

Yes, it is indeed the "Commander Yue" she loves and misses! More than forty years ago, when Mrs. Xiao Yun carried Yue Rui home at great risk, apart from her hatred for the devils and support for the anti-Japanese armed forces, she also loved the handsome and mighty "Commander Yue" .Although this kind of love is just a kind of joy from the heart without a certain goal.When she lost her "lifeblood", why didn't she quietly regard "Commander Yue" as her "lifeblood".This feeling seemed to be discovered suddenly when seeing off the deputy head of the regular army.It was the season when the persimmon trees lit up the lanterns all over the mountain, and she and him stood on that dreamlike and picturesque hillside without saying a word.When the bugle sounded and Yue Rui solemnly raised his right hand to say goodbye, she hardly lost control and almost didn't throw herself into the long-awaited embrace. …Later, when she received a letter from the deputy head of the regular army that was almost undisguised, she, a young woman in her twenties, hadn’t had many sleepless nights disturbed by storms ! ... That is indeed a rare and rare good boy!But what is that?Do you want people to be grateful and repay virtue?Do you want to hold back your team?Do you want people to laugh at my sister-in-law Xiao Yun for giving up her child to find a man? ... The inner contradictions and repetitions, firmness and wavering tormented Mrs. Xiao Yun's face.But it finally turned into a kind of burial and sublimation: what was buried was personal love and happiness, and what was sublimated was a kind of noble and pure deep friendship for comrades-in-arms and comrades.That friendship is far and long, like the clouds in Li Longshan, like the water in the Maya River, like the endless waves of the Yellow Sea. ... That friendship touched and touched Mrs. Xiao Yun's heart again.She closed her eyelids and fell into a peaceful reverie; her lips moved from time to time, making a faint raving sound.

"Grandma is calling Grandpa Yue's name." Xiaoyu listened and said. "I'll look for it right away." Lei Guan stood up.Indeed, Grandpa has been back for a few days, how could Grandma Xiao not miss him.The friendship between this pair of old people is incomparable to any human friendship! Before Lei Guan could go out, Yue Rui's slightly hunched figure unexpectedly appeared in the yard. After Yue Rui returned home from the mountains that day, he looked for Yue Pengcheng everywhere.Yue Pengcheng couldn't find it, so he asked Shuzhen for interrogation, but Shuzhen just wept.Look for Yinping again.From Shi Boding'er's sarcasm and fragments of words on the silver screen, he roughly figured out the evolution of the relationship between Yue Pengcheng and Xiao Yun's wife, as well as Xiao Yun's current situation.He has no face to see Mrs. Xiao Yun!He wanted to find Yue Pengcheng, teach him a lesson, and let him go with him to apologize to Mrs. Xiao Yun!The son dared to say no, his father would never forgive him!But where to find that goddam son?The door of his house was not opened, and he came and went without a trace. The gang under his command seemed to have received an order, and they didn't know what to ask, pointing at the mandarin ducks and ordering troops randomly.

"Go to Mrs. Xiao Yun first! At least I'll apologize first! At least check on her condition first!" Yue Rui had to change his original mind. Mrs. Xiao Yun made Yue Rui almost unrecognizable.Is this Mrs. Xiao Yun who gave her life to support the anti-Japanese armed forces and the revolution?Is this Mrs. Xiao Yun who drank corn balls and built a new life building with flesh and blood?Is this Xiao Yun's sister-in-law who left her endless love and longing, as well as regrets that are hard to repay in her life? ... However, if it's not her, who is it? "Grandma, Grandpa Yue is here!" Xiaoyu leaned into Mrs. Xiao Yun's ear.

There was no response, and the squirming of lips and the faint sound ceased. "Sister Yun, I'm Yue Rui. Yue Rui sees you coming!" Suddenly, breathing stopped; suddenly, a thin hand stretched out and grabbed the other hand that was stretched out; suddenly, two sunny eyes opened, and Mrs. Xiao Yun stood up and sat up. "Yue Rui, it's you, is it you?" Sister Yun, it's me, I'm Yue Rui! " Two hands, tightly together; two pairs of tearful eyes, silently looking at each other, pouring out. "Sister-in-law Yun, I knew it too late, I knew it too late! My unworthy son, my unworthy son! I came here to apologize to you!..." Yue Rui lowered his head heavily, which had never been lowered at any moment. "Look, how do you say this, how do you say this!" Mrs. Xiao Yun burst into tears, "Yue Rui, I have to thank you. Thanks to your grandson, Xiaoguanzi, and Xiaoyu! Yu, Hurry up and call me Lord! This is your grandfather, the grandfather of both of you? "Grandpa." "Little official, you can call me too, you can call me too." "Grandpa..." Yue Rui learned that Mrs. Xiao Yun had adopted a little granddaughter at the provincial commendation meeting for learning from Dazhai ten years ago.It's the first time seeing people.He looked at the shy Xiaoyu and Lei Guan standing behind Xiaoyu, and his heart brightened immediately. Originally, he had always disapproved of Lei Guan's break with Yue Pengcheng.In the past few days since I came back, I have tried to ask Lei Guan to criticize and persuade me several times. At this time, I not only understand, but also full of joy and gratitude.He lost the official.Xiaoyu pulled to her side, her voice trembling: "Good boy! Grandpa thank you! Thank you." There were only two people left in the house.Mrs. Xiao Yun took out a stack of written materials from beside the pillow and handed it to Yue Rui.This is a letter addressed to the county party committee, the city party committee, the provincial party committee, and the Party Central Committee.In the letter, as an old Communist Party member, he pointed out the various dangerous tendencies of a group of party cadres and party members deteriorating in recent years, and drew the attention of the higher-level party committee and the central government. "Reform is good. It's good to make the people rich and the country strong. I support it. But if cadres and party members are allowed to become corrupt and lawless for this reason, then they will lose their fundamentals. If the Communist Party becomes the Kuomintang, and socialism becomes capitalism, No matter how the economy develops, I don't support it, and Chairman Mao will cry even in the spirit of heaven..." At the end of the letter, Mrs. Xiao Yun said this. "Well said, well said, Mrs. Yun! Do you want me to be your correspondent?" "I think in a few days, my body will be stronger, and I will let Yu'er and the little official push me to the county committee." "Okay, good Mrs. Yun!..." "Yue Rui, haven't we seen each other for several years?" "How many years? From the meeting in the province!" "Do you still remember the scene of the provincial meeting that year?" "I remember, how can I not remember! At that time, the 'criticism of Lin Biao Confucius' had just passed, and I, an 'old rightist', had just been released. When I received your call, I almost went crazy with joy!" "Remember what I said that day?" "Why don't you remember! You said that if you continue to do this, there will be hope for communism!" "That's what I said? I said that for many years in our big mulberry garden, the people's belts were tightly tied, and they dared not stand up to eat. Now the belts have finally been loosened, and no one scolded them for standing up to eat. Not counting abundant clothing, but also sufficient food, and if we continue to work on the axis like this, the common people will have hope, and communism will have hope!" "Yes, that's what you said. At that time, I loosened my belt and ate a meal standing up!" "Do you still remember the day when the award was given out?" "Remember! Read out the list, and the first one is your sister-in-law Yun. I watched you walk up to the rostrum, stepping on the beat of the music and applause from the audience, as if dancing. Looking at the awards awarded to you by the provincial leaders The big red pennant!..." "Why is it bright red? How dare you feel dazzled! It's also trimmed with gold!... Jade, Jade!" "grandmother." "Bring that box, grandma." "Grandma, don't..." "This kid said it! Go!" "Grandma, the boxes are here." "Open it, let your father and the little official take a look... Yue Rui, look, look what this is." "Pennants? So many!" "So much? Do you know whose it is?" "Sister Yun, it's yours! Who else can get a box!" "Really! You, Yue Rui, know! You, Yue Rui, know! I have been a politician for thirty-two years, and here are fifty-four pennants, not counting the certificates!" "It's amazing, it's amazing, Mrs. Yun!..." "Yu, take out the big one!..." "Grandma, you are tired, I will take it after a while." "Look at your childish way of speaking! Obedient, take the side issued by the province, the side embroidered with gold silk and big characters on the bowl!...Little official, hold it up for your grandfather to see! Yue Rui, look, you Behold." "Sister-in-law Yun, I saw it! 'Award, give, Chen, Yong, Gui, Shi, De, Hao, Gan, Ministry'. This is the side that was posted at that meeting!" "Have you seen clearly?" "See clearly!" "I almost fell when I got off the rostrum, did you see clearly?" "Why didn't you see clearly? It was the provincial leaders who helped you down from the stage!" "Oh! You saw it all! But you didn't see the banquet on the night after the prizes were distributed! It's a big and big banquet hall, with more than twenty tables in a row. My old woman and the provincial leaders are at the same table. Provincial leaders Let me say a few words as well after the leader of the village has finished speaking. I said: I have nothing else to say, just one sentence: In order to let the common people live a better life and let the east wind of socialism overwhelm the west wind of capitalism, many lives have been lost. We These living people don't risk their lives to do it. I am sorry to Chairman Mao and his old man, and I am sorry to the conscience of heaven and earth! The provincial leader said: "Sister Xiao Yun, just your words are worth 10,000 taels of gold! When toasting, the provincial leader first One came in front of me. I drank it, sip by sip, sip by sip! The reporters who took pictures clattered and clicked the camera, shaking me so much that I couldn’t keep my eyes open. So many people in the banquet hall applauded me, It's like flooding the Maya River. The more they shine, the more they applaud, the more I drink! One sip at a time! One mouthful, one cup..." The narration was interrupted.Sister Xiao Yun smiled and closed her eyes peacefully.Yue Rui, who was moved by Mrs. Xiao Yun's narration, was also immersed in the intoxicating vortex of the past. "Grandma." Xiaoyu called out. Mrs. Xiao Yun wore an eternal smile and remained motionless. Xiaoyu skillfully felt Mrs. Xiao Yun's pulse, her eyes fixed on the hands of the watch.But she let go immediately, and put her hands on Mrs. Xiao Yun's nose and chest.She froze, and suddenly let out a heart-piercing cry: "Grandma!—" After hearing the news of Mrs. Xiao Yun's death, Yue Pengcheng was attending the signing ceremony of the Crescent Island Contract Agreement.He remained silent for a while, and made up his mind to hold a funeral for Mrs. Xiao Yun in a decent manner.It can be regarded as showing a little friendship to Mrs. Xiao Yun, saving a little influence for herself, and at the same time making an explanation to the old man.But another news came soon: Xiao Sangyuan decided to hold a funeral for Mrs. Xiao Yun with great fanfare in accordance with the standards of revolutionary heroes and revolutionary martyrs.While Yue Pengcheng was shocked, he also felt a severe challenge.Immediately called Qi Xiuliang, asking him to go to Qiu Ling immediately, and make sure to take care of Xiao Yun's funeral. After experiencing a stormy emotional crisis, Qiu Ling's heart seems to have sailed into a peaceful harbor. In a few days, going to work, leaving get off work, holding meetings, receiving guests, urging my younger brother to study, and taking care of my father's food and clothing, everything seemed to be back to normal.But the girls at the reception desk all watched her with amazement, not understanding how their director could suddenly change from an "eighteen girl" to an "eighty old woman". smiling face. Yue Pengcheng agreed to marry Qiuling, which nourished Qiuling's hard-working heart.But no matter how hard it was for her to get excited, her heart always seemed to be soaked in saturated salt water with bloodstains.He didn't mention when Yue Pengcheng planned to divorce his wife, and when he and her could formally go through the marriage formalities, and she didn't ask or urge her. After calming down, the idea of ​​revenge against Shuzhen became weaker?Or was it Yue Pengcheng's hesitation when he agreed to get married that caused her to doubt his sincerity?Or did the relationship with He Zilei generate some new guesses and hopes?Qiu Ling herself couldn't figure it out.She just felt that these few days were spent in a trance. It wasn't until Qi Xiuliang came to convey Yue Pengcheng's order that Qiu Ling suddenly woke up from that trance. "Who are you talking about? Mrs. Xiao Yun? Which Mrs. Xiao Yun died?" "You don't know yet. Who else is Mrs. Xiao Yun, that's..." "Ah!..." Qiu Ling felt a kind of pity and sadness that she had never felt before. Qiu Ling has a special feeling for Mrs. Xiao Yun.Once when she was a child, because she expressed her dissatisfaction with some rambunctious boys who bullied her father, Qiu Ling was pushed off a stone platform several feet high, her face was bruised and swollen, and there was a burst of obscenities and stones.Attack of the earth.It was Xiao Yun's wife who heard the news and rushed over to apply medicine to Qiu Ling's wound, and then forced the rascals to apologize to Qiu Ling and admit their mistakes in front of everyone.Qiu Ling will never forget what Xiao Yun’s wife said when she reprimanded those rascals: “You are not afraid of hurting the world when you bully other people’s children! If you are capable, go to Vietnam to fight the American devils! If you dare to bully her again in the future, I will call the militia company The boss will send you to prison! If you don’t believe me, try it!” When Qiu Ling’s mother died, the family couldn’t even get a mat, and no one in the street was willing to help with the funeral.It was Xiao Yun's sister-in-law who uncovered her kang mat again, and took her mother away with her own people.When Qiu Ling was a child, she regarded Mrs. Xiao Yun as a benefactor.Although she only visited Sister Xiao Yun twice during her illness in the past few years, deep in her heart, there was still deep love and respect for Sister Xiao Yun. The death of Mrs. Xiao Yun made Qiuling's emotions pour out.Standing in front of Mrs. Xiao Yun's body, which was covered with a white sheet, she cried bitterly.This moved Xiaoyu who was waiting in front of the spirit in coarse filial piety.The grievances and estrangement formed in the hearts of the two because of the poor official disappeared in an instant. The group led by Wu Zhengshan and Wu Haijiang had obviously been busy for a while.The inside and outside of the house were neatly tidied up, and flowers, pines and cypresses were being placed on the temporary coffin Siguo set up with camp beds in the courtyard.Everything happened quickly and quietly.Qi Xiuliang and Qiu Ling came in, but no one greeted them. "Secretary Wu, Secretary Wu." Qi Xiuliang called Wu Zhengshan in a low voice. Wu Zhengshan didn't look directly at him, he just raised his hand: "Fuck! Didn't you see I'm busy?" "That's what happened, Secretary Wu." Qi Xiuliang had no choice but to hold him back, "The town committee informed that we will be responsible for Mrs. Xiao Yun's funeral. Are you..." The so-called town committee notice was just a sign Yue Pengcheng asked Qi Xiuliang to show.Leiguan and Xiao Sangyuan have always been very particular about the organization and discipline of the town committee. "Yeah?" Wu Zhengshan rolled his eyes, "Xiaoyu is our employee, so we shouldn't care about the funeral of the employee's family?" "That's not what you mean, Secretary Wu. This is the decision of the town committee. If you have opinions, you can express them, but you can't disobey them, right?" Throw it out. "The town committee decided?..." Wu Zhengshan thought for a while effortlessly, and beckoned to Wu Haijiang, "Hey Haijiang, Manager Qi said that the town committee would not allow us to hold a funeral for Xiaoyu's grandma, why didn't you say so earlier One sound?" "The telephone line in our village has been broken for three days." Wu Haijiang said in a slippery tone. Qi Xiuliang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Secretary Wu, I mean, we should take the lead in Xiao Yun's funeral." "Okay! If you are the master, then you are the assistant. We can't explain if we are not ready for the farewell ceremony!" Wu Haijiang bared his teeth and pulled Wu Zhengshan to make arrangements. Qi Xiuliang saw that Xiao Sangyuan had already planned and arranged, and had already taken the lead, so he knew that it would be useless to waste any more words.At the same time, he knew in his heart that what Yue Pengcheng had done in regard to Mrs. Xiao Yun's matter was indeed contrary to human nature. If it was even more unreasonable to make a fuss over the funeral, he would have to be scolded and embarrassed, so he came up with a neat move: go back to the office I went to report to Yue Pengcheng. Qiu Ling just wanted to express her thoughts, and she didn't want to get involved in the dispute and helped to tidy up the sundries in the yard.When she was walking towards the wing with a used broom, she accidentally bumped into the official who walked in from the courtyard. Qiu Ling hasn't seen Lei Guan for a long time.Not to mention standing close together.The lean official has grown taller and firmer, and his shoulders, which were originally sharp and unable to support the frame, have become flat and broad; his lips are curled up and down with a circle of mustache. Appearance; On the face full of vitality and confidence, it shows maturity and calmness at the same time.Because he walked in a hurry, Lei Guan barely bumped into Qiu Ling. "You? Are you here too?" The sudden situation, and a dazzling cloud of beautiful shadows in front of him suddenly pushed Lei Guan into a soul-stirring maze.His voice was unexpectedly soft, even he couldn't imagine that it came from his own mouth. That gentleness brought Qiu Ling a burst of panic.The bat shirt that was cut to pieces left Qiuling not only with the loss of love, but also with guilt and horror in her heart.She concluded that Lei Guan was full of deep-rooted hatred for herself.Therefore, when meeting Lei Guan in the past, he either turned a blind eye or avoided it from afar.She had never expected that Lei Guan would greet her with such an affectionate look and tone when they met suddenly.Her heart couldn't help beating violently, and there was a wave of blood on the top of her forehead. "Yeah. You're here too?" Qiu Ling replied with the same gentleness.The answer was accompanied by a grateful, fiery glance. The two pairs of passionate and clear eyes suddenly collided, and a black piercing electric light suddenly pierced through the thick clouds, instantly filling up the deep chasm formed in the hearts of the two people by old man Time's resentment and hatred.It was four years of separation--a whole long four years!The first words spoken between Lei Guan and Qiu Ling, the first glances they cast on each other. This sentence and a look of gaze, like a fierce wind of magic, dragged the two of them into a magical and blurred state at the same time. In Lei Guan's eyes, Qiu Ling became the pure and beautiful Angel back then.But in Qiu Ling's mind, all her affection and love suddenly shifted positions: it turned out that her heart really belonged to this resolute and brave young man who was hurt by herself!Even if she died for a greeting or a look from the young man, she would still feel honored and happy! From a short distance away, with their eyes facing each other, both Lei Guan and Qiu Ling could clearly hear each other's heartbeat. However, it only lasted a few seconds, when a vague question came from one side of the yard, and Qiu Ling turned her trembling and greedy eyes to the opposite side again, the bright and beautiful sky opposite had already been changed by the sudden rise of dark clouds Appearance: It is a haze of coldness, contempt, and hatred, a very thick haze. What a change!What a dreadful haze! Qiu Ling shuddered deeply.The trembling went straight into the internal organs. Voices came from outside the courtyard, and Qiu Ling hurriedly entered the wing room. It was Yue Rui and Shuzhen who entered the hospital.Shuzhen was supported by Yinping, still looking haggard and thin. "Mom!" Lei Guan yelled in protest as he walked to the gate of the courtyard. Qiu Ling clearly felt that the shout was like a bloody sharp knife flying towards her heart. Xiaoyu greeted Yue Rui and Shuzhen, and there was a sigh of relief and comfort in the small courtyard.Qiu Ling, who hid in the wing room, was shocked by the sadness and despair in her heart, suddenly covered her face with her hands, and staggered out of the courtyard. Everything was ready in the temporary mourning hall, Xiao Yun's wife was placed on an army bed, and a brilliant sickle and ax flag was covered on her body as an exception. At ten o'clock, the county civil affairs bureau chief and the secretary of the town committee came.Proposed by the office meeting of the town committee and approved by Zu Yuan, secretary of the county party committee, after Xiao Yunsao's body was cremated, the ashes were stored in the Memorial Hall of the Martyrs Cemetery.The director of civil affairs and the secretary of the town committee came to bid farewell to Mrs. Xiao Yun.Wu Zhengshan and Leiguan came with all the party members of Xiaosangyuan, Chu Shengli, Zhang Ren and more than a dozen branch secretaries from neighboring villages.Yue Pengcheng and several members of the Dasangyuan Party branch also came.For the first time, he did not walk in front, but was sandwiched among the crowd.He kept his head down, didn't glance at Xiao Yun's wife's body, and didn't lean in front of Xiaoyu and Yue Rui, who were guarding Xiao Yun's wife's body like a guard, and hurried out of the courtyard gate. An ambulance wrapped in black gauze stopped at the intersection of the street, and dirge music was playing in the car.Many neighbors from the street crowded in Mrs. Xiao Yun's yard, standing outside the yard at the entrance of the alley and the intersection where the hearse stopped.The most people who come are the elderly and children.The old people recalled Mrs. Xiao Yun's personality and all the benefits of the past, and felt sorry for Mrs. Xiao Yun's experience and death.The young man seemed to suddenly realize that beside him, there was such a respectable person as Mrs. Xiao Yun.The women and children were more affected by the atmosphere, weeping silently or crying softly. Mrs. Xiao Yun's body was carried out of the hospital.A "military band" composed of students and young people from Xiaosangyuan suddenly beat the bronze drums and snare drums and blew the horns.The drums were high-spirited.Majesty, mourning and joy have become lifeless. When Mrs. Xiao Yun's body came to the crowded intersection, Shi Boding'er and another young pioneer stepped forward to greet her, raised their hands in a team salute, and tied two red collars on both sides of the camp bed where Mrs. Xiao Yun was sleeping. Amidst the sound of drums resounding through the sky, and guided by the red collar waving like battle flags, Mrs. Xiao Yun boarded the hearse together with her fifty-four pennants, which symbolized the glory of a lifetime.It was arranged according to Yue Rui's opinion. He couldn't bear to watch those honors condensed with blood and sweat become dusty "cultural relics". With the bang of the hearse closing, the crowd heard the first cry.Immediately, suppressed cries, shouts, and beatings were drowned out.Even Peng Biaozi, who rarely showed his face on such occasions, squatted on the dirt wall behind the crowd, wiping the tears from his swollen eyes with his dirty hands and sleeves.Twenty years ago, if Mrs. Xiao Yun hadn't taken care of him, how could he have a family, and how could Qiu Ling's mother have married into his family! Xiaoyu felt extremely excited and satisfied.After Mrs. Xiao Yun fell ill, especially after she broke up with Yue Pengcheng, very few people visited her.Occasionally, some derogatory remarks were heard.She thought that grandma had been forgotten by people along with that era.The sad yet exciting scene in front of her made Xiaoyu truly feel the eternity of her grandma.Grandma, your soul in heaven knows, you can rest in peace! The hearse started with a whimper.Yue Rui, supported by Yinping, followed closely behind.Behind him are the Director of Civil Affairs, Secretary of the Town Committee, Leiguan, Shuzhen, Wu Zhengshan, and Chu Shengli.Zhang Ren... Yinping experienced the baptism of the soul for the first time.The fifteen-year-old girl's chest was puffed out, her bright eyes were full of sincerity, and she seemed to have grown up by many years.
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