Home Categories Internet fantasy Dragon Knight 1·Dragon God of War
Dragon Knight 1·Dragon God of War

Dragon Knight 1·Dragon God of War


  • Internet fantasy

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 181334

© www.3gbook.com

Chapter 1 Translator's Preface

There are often rumbling roars in the silent night sky, maybe you don’t care, but if someone tells you that it’s a dragon knight driving a dragon flying by, don’t you think it’s unbelievable? Don't be surprised, Naomi Novick's "Dragon Knight" has created such a world for us that borders on reality but transcends it.This is the battlefield of the Great War between Britain and France during the Napoleonic period. There are grand war scenes, thrilling storylines, and bizarre fates of characters, but obviously the author is not satisfied with just depicting a picture of war, so the extraordinary air force—Dragon Cavalry Regiment Then it appeared.What miracles will happen when dragons join the battle?

There are three books in the "Dragon Knight" series of novels. The author who can complete such a magical masterpiece is also full of curiosity.Naomi Novik is an authentic American, but she studied at Brown University in the UK and received a bachelor's degree in English literature, which gave her a wild imagination, rich knowledge of European classical culture and a profound literary foundation. In addition, she studied computer science at Columbia University and worked in the development and design of computer games, which made her language more vivid and full of magic and legend.

"War God of Dragon Control" is the first novel in the "Dragon Knight" series, giving people a feeling of "Hollywood blockbuster".By mistake, Captain Lawrence of the British Navy became a knight of Temeraire, a Chinese king dragon. Since then, his life trajectory has changed. After rejection, adaptation, and mutual sympathy, he finally became the God of War guarding Britain in the war.This book is not just a story about a hero, but the love and responsibility revealed between the lines is what the author really wants to express and what the readers want to pursue.

The translation of this book is quite a challenge for the translator. While the author's active imagination impressed the translator, it also made the translator worry that he could not perfectly display the magical world imagined by the author to the readers.The translator can only do his best to restore the style and appearance of the work for the readers. Due to the limited time and level, there will inevitably be some problems and defects in the book. Readers and friends are welcome to give their understanding. translator
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