Home Categories contemporary fiction annual ring

Chapter 12 2

annual ring 梁晓声 2347Words 2018-03-19
Night fell on this uninhabited grassland, and the temporary tent was finally set up, but, who knows, there was a real panic on the first day, a snake got into the tent of the female educated youth, and bit the most afraid of snakes. Hao Mei (I don't know what happened, it is said that Hao Mei was bitten by a snake, which is related to Zhang Meng).Fortunately, soldiers from the veteran regiment arrived upon hearing the sound, killed the snake, and treated Hao Mei's snakebite in time. The next day, the company commander wrapped gauze around Hao Mei's leg, and said after wrapping it up, "Lie down for me tomorrow, and absolutely don't get the wound dirty or wet. Getting infected in this place is no joke!"

The company commander looked at the educated youths and said: "Starting tomorrow, I will give you two days off first. Wash your clothes and beautify our surrounding environment. I will make you a three-starch soup myself!" A female educated youth asked: "Which three delicacies?" The company commander said: "The fish, the frog, and the snake. You just stick to the pot and 'build' it. That's called mending." All the educated youths seem to believe it or not...
Loud trumpets. In the tent, the educated youths woke up one after another. Han Debao rubbed his eyes and muttered: "Didn't you say you have two days off?"

Tsui Hark said: "Having a holiday is equivalent to lying in bed and sleeping late, right? Wake up! If you are a soldier, you have to move when you hear the call." The educated youths got out of the tent one by one with washbasins in their hands. Zhang Meng was the last one who wanted to get out of the tent. She seemed to have remembered something, stopped at the entrance of the tent, and looked back at Hao Mei——Hao Mei lowered her head to tie her shoelaces. When Hao Mei raised her head, their eyes met. Zhang Meng looked aside immediately, and said in a low voice, "It's all my fault..."

Hao Mei asked, "What's your fault?" "You wouldn't have been bitten by a snake if I hadn't opened the tent a crack!" "How can I blame you, you didn't expect the snake to get into the tent." Seeing Hao Mei stand up and hold the washbasin, Zhang Meng said, "Don't go out, I'll bring you back the washing water." "I'm not... I don't want to be alone in a tent all day."
The educated youths by the small river are washing up.Zhang Meng said to Hao Mei: "You must not touch the water, it will be serious if you get the wound wet." As he spoke, he picked up Hao Mei's basin, fetched a basin of water from the river, brought it to Hao Mei and put it down in front of Hao Mei.

Wu Zhenqing, Wang Xiaosong, Tsui Hark, and Han Debao washed up together. Tsui Hark said, "Look, look." Han Debao asked: "What are you looking at?" "That proud princess, now she has fallen to the point of serving people." Not far away, Zhang Meng squatted on the ground, wrung out a wet towel, and handed it to Hao Mei. Hao Mei said, "I didn't expect that it would hurt a little when I squatted down." While squeezing toothpaste on her toothbrush, Zhang Meng said, "Don't be shy, serving you is the task assigned to me by the company commander."

Hao Mei was wiping her face. When she heard this, she looked at Zhang Meng and said, "The company commander's original words were to ask you to take care of me." Zhang Meng didn't look at her on purpose, and said flatly, "It's the same thing anyway." "It's not the same thing!" "Okay, okay, it's not the same thing, then please brush your teeth and rinse your mouth!" Zhang Meng handed the tooth jar and toothbrush to Hao Mei. Hao Mei was angry, but she didn't know what to say, she just stared at her. Han Debao saw it and said: "That's what it means, the body of the lady, the life of the maid! She should receive this kind of re-education the most!"

Wu Zhenqing spat out a mouthful of mouthwash and said sternly: "If I hear anyone say such things again in the future, I will be rude to them!" Wang Xiaosong said: "Zhenqing..." "Call the monitor!" "Squad leader...I see...I think..." "I see what I think, just say what you have to say!" "Say it straight!" Wang Xiaosong said, "Let's not isolate Zhang Meng, she's too pitiful." Wu Zhenqing stared at Tsui Hark and Han Debao: "Did you hear that?" Tsui Hark yelled, "I heard it!" Wang Xiaosong said: "Let Zhang Meng join us too!"

Wu Zhenqing said: "Why are you not in the same group! You started a small group when you first came here?" "That's not what I mean. What I mean is—just like your father told you, from now on...you should also care about Zhang Meng." "That depends on how she treats me first." "No matter how she treats you, you should care more about her." "I'm your squad leader, please remember, don't talk to me like this in the future!" After Wu Zhenqing said that, he carried the basin and walked away. Han Debao said: "Did you see that? He became an addict just after he was named the squad leader!"

Tsui Hark said: "Xiaoyue child smacks his fingers, he still doesn't understand the word taste!" At this time, the company commander's call came - "Dinner is ready..." In front of the tent with a long apron tied around his waist, he held a spoon in one hand and guarded two large pots on the left and right. The ones that were dug up were cut squarely.There are willow baskets on the temporary board table, and pancakes are in the baskets. The male educated youths and veterans took the cakes, let the company commander fill the soup with lunch boxes, jars, and bowls, and then left, eating alone or in groups.

The female educated youths staggered forward. The company commander asked: "What's the matter with you? Do you doubt my level? Don't you want to give me face?" Hao Mei said, "It's not the company commander, we dare not eat snake meat." "Where is there any snake meat? The meat is boiled 'flying', and the soup has become soup..." "Then... we don't dare to drink anymore." The company commander said: "I expected this a long time ago. Didn't you see that there are two pots of soup here? This one is made for you, and there is nothing but fish!"

"real?" "Of course! I'm the company commander, can I make fun of prestige?" Hao Mei stepped forward dubiously, and the company commander filled her lunch box with soup. "Take a lead, taste it, it's not good, and I won't force you!" Hao Mei took a sip of the soup and said to the female educated youths, "It's fresh, it's really fresh! Come and drink it with confidence, it's gone!" Only then did the female educated youths rush forward one after another. After Xu Ke finished drinking the soup, he said to Han Debao, Wang Xiaosong and Wu Zhenqing: "Let's also taste the soup made for the female compatriots!" He went to put a bowl of soup in another pot, took a sip, and said to himself: "It's the same taste!" He took the bowl and walked to the group of female educated youths: "Hey, is your drink good?" Hao Mei: "It's delicious!" Xu Hark glanced at the company commander, and said in a low voice, "You guys have been fooled! It's all a pot of soup, which was divided into two pots by the company commander. However, snake soup really nourishes the body." Zhang Meng stared blankly at him, at the soup, and suddenly put down the lunch box, and ran to throw up. Several female educated youths also ran to throw up. The old soldier driving the tractor noticed this situation and winked at the company commander. The company commander turned his head and shouted loudly: "Xu Hark, come here!" The company commander stood up and reprimanded: "Good boy, you betrayed the company commander!" "Company commander, don't be angry, I didn't mean it." "Hmph!" The company commander walked towards the female educated youths. The female educated youths stared at him dissatisfied. The company commander bowed his head and smoked with a smile. Hao Mei looked at the company commander and said angrily: "How can you be like this, you are still the company commander!" The company commander said: "I said girls, I admit my mistake first. However, you have to listen to me to explain a few words-from today, you all have to change, what will you become? If you want to become like this- ——I can endure any suffering, I can do any kind of work, I can sleep on my back under any circumstances, and if I run out of food one day, as long as it is non-toxic and edible, I don’t care what it is eat." Zhang Meng asked: "Will there be... no food?" "That's not guaranteed. Today, let's consider it a small test for you." He finished and left. The female educated youths looked at his back—and then at each other. Hao Mei picked up her own bowl, closed her eyes, and finished the soup in one gulp. The female educated youths were surprised... Hao Mei: "I've been bitten by a snake since I first came here, and I'm afraid of drinking snake soup! I have to cherish my body—I was squeezed out so much blood last night, I need to make up for it!"
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