Home Categories Internet fantasy Tavern No. 10 Judge

Chapter 42 Forty-two, you are one of us

Tavern No. 10 Judge 白饭如霜 5147Words 2018-03-12
The prison guards on duty at Witty Wolf were fortunate enough to witness the most rampant and luxurious prison robbery in history: eleven B2 gunships with a cost of more than 40 million U.S. dollars alone, and four helicopters loaded with FLW-100/200 light remote control weapon stations. The Australian Dingo armored vehicle, covering the well-trained eight 12-member heavy tactical team, rescued the four core members of the board of directors of the Qiwu Association from Witty Wolf, and drove away in four Rolls-Royce "Silver Phantoms". All the cameras were kept intentionally. Those who watched the video afterwards would see three people getting on the bus wearing their iconic white suits and various red handkerchiefs on their chests. They were triumphant and waved goodbye to the cameras. Another He looked wretched, stupefied, and was wearing a standard prison uniform—not to mention dusty, and suspicious oil stains dripping everywhere.

The place where the three men in suits were imprisoned was the three top-secret and separate cells that were set up at the beginning of the design of the Witty Wolf Prison Building. At the highest point of the building, there is no other functional area on the entire floor.The entrance to the stairs leading to the three cells must use the double fingerprints of the warden and the special administrator as a password. After reaching the outside of the cell, the mechanism will be turned on, and the entire wall will be turned upside down to become the floor. The child will be frightened so that the anorectum will not contract effectively—of course, as time goes on, he may get used to being frightened.

In addition, there are no doors and windows, and the pipes are sealed by low-alloy high-density Q460 steel pipes, and the gaps do not allow flies to pass through.All the necessary supplies in the cell are made of special rubber, which can neither be used for self-mutilation, nor can it be used to make attack tools-unless the person in prison is willing to eat a rubber bed to kill himself from the people, otherwise it is really a little way nothing. It's really all the tricks, but they didn't count, they didn't mean to play Infernal Affairs with you or steal the day. A mortar hit directly, blowing up the building outside the cell to pieces.I really admire the man who operated the mortar. If you accidentally miscalculated the range and dragged a dead Zhuge from the cell, how much will you be fined, my friend?

But Zhuge told me that was impossible, because there was actually a layer of tactical steel plates on the outside of the walls of the cell, which could not be pierced by ordinary shells. fingerprints.As for the intention of the mortar bombing, it was to blow up a road so that they could take a shortcut to get to the first floor of the prison and get on the bus. The so-called shortcut is to split a good building into six pieces at three corners, as if cut by a knife.Those three dear friends floated down from the gap between the two in such a leisurely manner, then the fuck surpassed the limit of human beings.What is an armed helicopter, what is an armored vehicle, what is an AK-47? That's the whole thing, it's chilling to the core!

And I changed my clothes in advance!The standard uniforms of those bastards in the Qiwu Club!The handkerchiefs in the breast pockets were of various reds and bright colours.I looked up at them, my eyes felt hot for some reason, and I quickly wiped them off. After they jumped out, Morgan also handed me a small box, which was red, and said with his signature smile: "Brother Judge, this suit is yours, and the third car below is also yours, so let's leave now." .” I thought to myself, after all, I don’t need to buy a dress when I marry Xiaolingdang.I held the box with mixed feelings, pulled him to think for a long time, and said: "I can't jump down, even though there is only the third floor here, I will die too."

He seemed to have just remembered this, and patted his head: "Oh, then I'll take the elevator with you, I know you're afraid of corpses." He sent me downstairs, and everyone sat in their cars, probably waiting for me.I tugged on Morgan's clothes and refused to let go. I didn't know what to do. I always felt that once I said goodbye to him and got in this car, my life and death would be unknown, and my whereabouts would be unknown. Six do not rely on. Adhering to the rigorous attitude of a scientist, he comforted me and said: "It's okay, things are constantly changing, you have to get out of your comfort zone, there must be temporary discomfort. Drag a bottle of three thousand dollars to drink, and you'll be fine in no time."

I said tearfully, "Really?" Morgan nodded more than 200 times at once: "Sure!" Then he patted my head, "You can get out of your comfort zone in prison, what a prospect." I still don't give up: "Why don't you come up and drink with me, or where are you going?" "I'm going back to Tavern No. 10, and I still owe Job a lot of money for drinks." "Damn it, you just participated in a shocking public prison robbery. Now you go back to the No. 10 Tavern and you will be arrested and shot a hundred times." He smiled and said nothing, Pluto got impatient at this time, got out of his car, came over to say hello to Morgan, then pushed me, and said very dissatisfied: "We don't change our clothes, so we don't want to change our clothes." The formation is all messed up, which is really annoying."

I was pushed directly into the car by him, and I sat perfectly in a squatting position, without even playing a single flick.My friend, you don’t forget to practice qigong while in jail?The car door closed silently at this moment, and through the window glass I saw Morgan waving goodbye to me, smiling, as if he didn't care about his dangerous prospect. I watched his figure fade and disappear in the rearview mirror for a long time.The Rolls-Royce is very quiet, and there is no noise from the outside world. Thinking of all the things I was still worried about this morning, this moment suddenly seemed like a dream.

The car drove for almost ten hours, and I put my head on the window glass along the way, looking at the picturesque scenery along the way.The other three cars drove evenly in front of and behind me, and none of them stopped to squeeze me and chat with me by the way. Entering the borders of Germany, many castles began to appear in the mountains and fields.We headed west all the way, the mountains in the distance were rolling and winding, the road was gradually winding, the roadside was full of dense forests, and the air was getting colder and colder. The last place we stopped was under a cliff, and there was a long winding mountain road slowly going up. Extend, into the depths of the clouds.At the end of the winding mountain road, that is, on the top of the cliff, an ancient castle rises from the ground, majestic and majestic, squatting majesticly among the mountains, reflecting the sky, which is exactly the same as the haunted place in the wilderness and ridge in the cartoon.

At this time, everyone got out of the car, Zhuge walked up to me, and expressed his appreciation for my gaze: "You saw it very clearly, this is the famous Evil Spirit Castle in German history. It is said that it was built in the 13th century. Anyone here Anyone who has lived there can live forever, but in the form of an evil spirit." He smiled at me, and after being kept in prison for a while, his complexion has improved a lot, at least the dark circles under his eyes are not so deep, he said: "What about you, Ding Tong? You want to live forever in the form of an evil spirit , or live a normal life and let it go?"

I rolled my eyes, thinking that this kind of question should not be asked.Become an evil spirit, can't eat steak or twice-cooked pork, the only entertainment is to float around every day to scare people, this kind of life is not big, you think I'm stupid. We walked up the winding mountain road on foot and came to the castle. I was panting like a reserving dog, but the three didn't even get their shoes wet.Along the way, I had countless questions in my mind to ask, but they pretended to be deaf and dumb looking at the scenery, and ignored me. In the end, my lung capacity was really unable to support me, so I consciously stopped eating. The castle is more majestic from a close view than it is from a distance, and to be honest, it is also more gloomy. The dark oak door is as tall as three of me. I thought I should at least shout sesame seeds or something, but they opened it slowly and consciously. A gust of wind blew out, and I shrank back. Pluto smiled, put his arms around my shoulders, and led me in. There is nothing left and right in the hall of the castle, except for a high platform in the center, which is made of long strips of bluestone, and there is a narrow ladder leading directly to it, smooth and seamless, with a height of more than ten meters. The lights on the high platform are shining, gathered in one place, so bright, For a while, I couldn't see anything clearly. It seems that I am the only one who has this problem. When I tried to build a "pergola" in front of my forehead to see clearly, Pluto immediately said to me kindly: "The prophet has come out, and I need to make an announcement." What? Then the prophet began to speak. "Qiwuhui has been looking for a judge for many years, and has suffered repeated setbacks. This role is related to the foundation and future of the entire organization, until the secret doctor discovered the candidate who is closest to our needs. After a six-month long struggle in No. 10 Tavern, Chicago, and Wittywolf After a series of tests, Ding Tong proved that he is qualified for this role with his original talent and character. Two minutes later, we will complete a series of procedures in the main hall of the monastery next door, and an hour later, there will be a grand coronation party in the castle garden." I was dumbfounded when I said this.Stop it, stop it, what does it mean that a esoteric doctor discovered me?I turned to the three people beside me, weighed it up, and guessed that Pluto would beat me up the most, so I rushed over, grabbed him and asked like a cannonball: "Who is the secret doctor? Mimi or Morgan? What did you say?" What do you mean by excavation? When did it happen?" He didn't blink, and looked at me with the same heart as he would look at a revolutionary comrade: "Well, our full-time secret doctor is Mimi Ya, but he often disappears from playing games, and he doesn't know where he is. Is he dead? There is no guarantee, so Morgan will occasionally take over. You know, when we don’t have a judge, we often kill the wrong person. Sometimes we need a doctor to treat him, and sometimes we need a doctor to dissect the body. This position is very important. Oh." If there is water in my mouth, I really want to spit it into his ears and eyes. When I think of Morgan calling me a brother, after drinking, he pats his ass and goes back to his private hospital to help him divide two corpses—well, this is really Kind of like his life.The problem is, you can't just betray me like this! The ancient book at Tavern No. 10, Lafite, the Chicago murderer's second-choice lottery jackpot, I admit that these are trials, but according to the Prophet, the whole thing turned out to be a game from beginning to end?The beatings I suffered, the suffering I suffered, the tears that the little bell shed, the sleepless days and nights in the cell, the battle of wits and courage, and the final zombie massacre show, were all for the sake of confirming that I am the god damn judge? I was angry, I was so fucking angry, I clenched my fists, my face was flushed, and the veins on my forehead were throbbing.Pluto saw that I was out of anger, and kindly reminded me: "Calm down, calm down, you have to think about it, who can you beat here?" Well, this is a wise saying. The prophet hadn't finished speaking yet, so he continued to chatter on the stage. I really don't understand what he meant. There are four people standing below, can't we just talk face to face?Speed ​​patted me on the shoulder, pointed to the sky above the high platform and said: "There are more than a dozen cameras and equipment for automatic simultaneous broadcast on the network. The video will be uploaded to our official website for all members of the Qiwu Club to watch." "The judge's confirmation has a decisive impact on the work of Qiwuhui in two aspects: one is the selection and evaluation of investment projects and the discovery and cultivation of agents; the other is the daily business operation of the rescue center for victims without revenge Supervision. "The existing investment projects under the umbrella of the Qiwu Club have reached the final stage of cultivation. Our agents have gradually become dissatisfied with our control and have united with foreign enemies in extreme ways to express resistance. Although through the hard work of the judge, we were able to Knowing that the instigators who really want to fight against us are not among the agents of the Twelve Financial Group, but their centrifugal tendencies are clear, the so-called 'sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat', we should take action as soon as possible to let go of the old and bring in the new." Both Speed ​​and Zhuge turned their heads to me and gave me a thumbs up: "Well done, judge." I sighed, and muttered to myself: "What do you say?" Pluto said indifferently: "Lord of Love." He smiled at me, "What you said to God of Love is telling us that people in the Twelve Financial Group can be manipulated, deceived, and used by others, but Don't they mean it? For us, that's enough." I snorted: "It's so simple? Why do you believe me? I betrayed the three of you." Zhuge said coldly: "Isn't this the purpose of feeding you all the secrets of the Qiwu Club at one time?" The reason for this is that you have a natural advantage, and we are not mistaken." "Fart, you are so awesome, why are you looking for a judge?" Zhuge patiently explained to me: "We are based on our understanding and trust in you, but Ding Tong, we can't have the time and energy to understand everyone, we just need a direct and accurate judgment." Pluto's gray eyes can actually be a little bit emotional when he is not killing people. He interjected, "Fortunately, those people are not the masterminds. To be honest, I watched those people grow up. I hope they are well unless it is absolutely necessary." I sprayed it out: "You watched them grow up? You Guigeng, my friend?" Pluto raised his hat and said solemnly, "Too old for you to believe." I sighed again.When I was at Wittywolf, the uninvited thought of stomach acid and morning wood every morning, a possibility that I desperately suppressed, turned out to be real.When I found out that the news I gave had Pluto and others arrested as scheduled, when I saw that the owner of the Twelve Financial Group was safe and sound, when I finally saw Cupid on the pasture where the wind was released, and heard her talking about the owner of the Twelve Financial Group... Step by step, I saw my situation, role and mission more clearly, and how the situation would change next.I can't control or predict where the wheel of fate is going to roll, but I have indeed brought my instinct to the extreme. It tells me what to say and what to do. Gao, Yueheifenggao (Damn, have you woken up in the language center?) Every moment, I stood firmly where I should be. I used to tense my nerves so alone, chewing on the taste of the word "judge" in the night when Wittywolf was so quiet that it could make people crazy.What do the people from the Qiwu Club want from me? Are they cheating and teasing me? Does the arrest mean that they have lost everything and I have lost everything? I actually have no idea. At that moment, I was like a blind man walking on a cliff, every step I took was a choice between life and death. I chose those two words that the Prophet said to me when he first met me: "We." "No matter what time, you are one of us." The contract between Qiwuhui and me does not need to be fingerprinted, nor does it need to be notarized by blood or signing a contract. The relationship between all of them and me is only a few months, but they dare to sacrifice their entire wealth. Forcibly entrusted to my natural instinct.To be honest, this is a bit of the demeanor of an ancient hero. Think about it: "General, Jing Ke wants to assassinate Qin, please use it first!" "Small matter, wait a minute, I'll get the kitchen knife." Although each of them is amazing, but this time, I am Jing Ke, and they are a group of dead men who are willing to borrow their heads. It's that simple. From this point of view, although I can't beat anyone, and I can't stay young forever, my essence of going all the way to the black is really the same as that group of perverts in the Qiwuhui. Everything I expected, worried, expected, doubted, laughed at, denied, feared, and longed for had happened vividly. The specific scene was completely beyond my imagination, but in the end, it was just like that.Just now when the prophet's first words on the high platform confirmed my long-term speculation, I was not so much angry at the time as I was venting my long-term anxiety. I breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt sore and limp all over, as if being sucked out of my life.The Prophet was still babbling on the high platform and talking about righteousness.This dead ghost, since he was not imprisoned, is still chattering right now, so I yawned. Pluto said: "Oh, he talked a little too much. To be honest, many agents of the consortium were probably betrayed by him. Hurry up, hurry up, and go to the building next door to sign the contract in a while. One percent of the market value of the Twelve Financial Group will be transferred to you and your wife's name." Speed ​​added fuel and vinegar to the side: "That's nothing, he probably likes the party in the castle garden, hey, Xiao Dingtong, the top ten of the American Top Model Contest come to serve the plate, are you happy?" I was stunned for a while, then shook my head and said to Pluto, "I want to go home."
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