Home Categories Internet fantasy Tavern No. 10 Judge

Chapter 31 Thirty-one, dull life

Tavern No. 10 Judge 白饭如霜 2999Words 2018-03-12
who am I? I'm Ding Tong, I'm 23 years old, I live in a small bungalow at No. 230-3, Yandun Road, City H. I have no job, no education, no parents, and I have a household registration and an ID card.Just after my 21st birthday, Xiao Lingdang's mother wanted me to try to be a taxi driver, so I went to take a driver's license test.Everyone in the Dongmen Vegetable Market and No. 10 Tavern knew me, and the pile of fighting cases at the police station was also full of gold. My resume is so simple, if I speak fast, I can say everything in one minute. But even if I can say all beards and all tails eighty times a minute, the people who ask me seem to have made up their minds and don't believe it at all.

It was the first time I heard Tu Gen asking me this question. I was standing upright on the hospital bed and had just regained a sliver of consciousness. The second time I asked, I was already able to move freely, but as a result, the treatment plummeted, and I couldn't sleep on the bed, so I was carried directly to a small dark room. The ultimate destination of criminals—interrogation in the small black room. The four walls are iron gray, and there is a small table in front of me, with a single naked lamp on top of my head.There are many shadows, eerie and scary, and full of oppression, just like what you see on TV.

The person who interrogated me was named Tu Gen. For three consecutive days, he met me at seven o’clock every morning. His hair was messy and he was always wearing a baggy blue shirt that seemed to have not been changed in a week. Even I thought he was It's a bit inappropriate to wear like this. Maybe he's homeless at all, works late into the night and then rolls over and sleeps under his desk.But judging from the attitude of others towards him, he played a very important role in the origin of the person who arrested me. He always walks in with a look that is about to die from overwork, sits down with a sigh, and then the second he starts to ask me questions, his mental state is lifted, his face is radiant from head to toe, and his aura Everything has changed.

I really don't know of anyone other than a junkie who can regenerate a tree so periodically. Maybe work itself was his aphrodisiac. At first he didn't talk to me about anything else, just patiently clung to the idiotic question of "who am I?"He asked me how Ding Tong was written, the origin of my name, and then switched to the situation of my patrilineal and matrilineal lines, and then started with any sentence I threw out casually, and over and over again grasped the details and inquired about the story. His memory and attention are amazing. No matter how long and upside-down my narrative is, he will never miss or forget any details. Explore new facts and directions.

I often choke on him, and then have questions like "how do you know I lost my virginity when I was nineteen". By the third day, I was ready to describe the shape of Job's butt to him, otherwise I really couldn't find anything new to talk about.From the point of view of knowing ourselves and the enemy, he understands me so deeply and comprehensively that he can beat all my cronies and friends. The only thing I didn't mention, and perhaps what Tu Gen wanted to know the most, was the ins and outs of his relationship with Qiwuhui. The reason is very simple, Qi Wuhui has no relationship with me, from the beginning to the end I was the bow that was forced by the Bawang, and the final result of the Bawang himself is none of my business.

However, once I start the narrative from the encounter with Spade in Tavern No. 10, I will inevitably involve Job, Morgan, Mimi, and even Little Bell, as well as the money in her hand to live a good life and give my mother medical treatment. Although I am a prisoner and I don't know the day and night here, deep down I still look forward to the day when I will return to No. 10 Yandun Road Tavern in the future.I want to sit on that chair in the middle of the bar, throw a dart to see who I can kill, and say to Job, "Dude, you don't even know what I've been up to." My gut tells me that if I speak out about their existence, this dream will be shattered forever.

Well, maybe the owner of Tavern Ten can change this sad outcome.In our minds, the owner of Tavern No. 10 is mighty enough to repel all invading enemies and solve any crisis, whether it is an earthquake or an alien, he can eat to death.The problem is that he is also a psychopath, maybe in a bad mood that day, he will simply side with the intruder. So, I decided to at least stand up for my class. Taking away the climax of the Qiwu Club, my life is very lacklustre.After being interrogated for three days, I completely lost the interest in speaking, and only had the strength to sit and roll my eyes and keep silent.

Tu Gen looked at me thoughtfully, and after a long time, broke the silence between us: "I have nearly thirty years of interrogation experience, from a personal point of view, I believe everything you said about yourself , are all true." I rolled my eyes and muttered: "The real one can't be fake, the fake one can't be real, thank you." It was a magical moment, as if two wolves were poised and holding their breath, preparing to pounce on a goat from different directions, secretly competing to see who would strike first and who would be left behind. Accidentally, the goat ran away, and both of us suddenly relaxed.

Tu Gen's thirty years of interrogation experience is not easy to save, this kind of house will really shorten his life if he stays for a long time. He nodded, leaned back, even stretched, and said, "But..." I fucking hate the word "but", what bastard invented this word, it deserves to be sacrificed to God! "You said you were Ding Tong, an orphan, a gangster, living on Yandun Road, City H." I shivered inexplicably. For the first time in my life, I felt that these few keywords were so fragile and vulnerable. "We collected your photos, fingerprints, DNA, but couldn't find any information about you in any database. While you and I were here, our staff went to City H and did a lot of investigative work , no one can prove that a person like you ever existed."

These few words were like a thunderbolt hitting the middle of my brain, I immediately jumped up, opened my mouth to shout, but halfway through, I swallowed what I wanted to say.I immediately realized that this must be the work of the Qiwu Club, otherwise what kind of power can reach this level?Erase not only dead files, but living impressions as well. The feeling of my heart sinking to the instep of my feet is so real that I can't help but want to reach out and feel my pulse is still there.All the information about "Ding Tong" disappeared, and the only thing left for me was the identity of "Judge".This move is really thorough.

My reaction fell into Tu Gen's eyes.When I sat back on the chair heavily, my face was full of unimaginable shock and confusion.He then resorted to the big killer. There are a bunch of photos spread out on the table.I glanced at them, and they were all photos of me and people from the Qiwu Club. Judging from the angles and the expressions of the people in the photos, they were all candid or snap shots.There are those between me and Speed, those between me and Pluto, those between me and Zhuge... "It seems that you are very familiar with them." Find a completely uninformed bystander to see, and he will probably judge in the same way.There are quite a few photos of me and Pluto fighting the landlord. Who can say that I am not familiar with the cards? Damn it. "Where did you get these photos? Qiwu arranged for a secret photographer to follow us?" But Tu Gen was honest: "It has nothing to do with the Qiwu Club. You can see that the accuracy of these photos is not high, and they come from various cameras, guard posts, streets, traffic police mobile posts, and all kinds of forces chasing you." My good friends and I have really been to many places. There is a picture of me and Zhuge getting off the plane one after the other, but what happened to the picture of Doudizhu? "It was delivered anonymously by someone. The photo was put in an envelope, and the account number was written on the back of the envelope - we published the address and phone number, soliciting all information about the wanted persons of Qiwuhui, and there will be a big reward." I couldn’t breathe for a while, and I was enlightened, my friends, it’s not someone else who betrayed me, it’s definitely that bastard Job! But that's really his style.At this moment, when I think about the cause and effect together, my heart suddenly becomes cold. Tu Gen has been observing me, he keenly captured the uneasiness in my heart, and suddenly said: "Qi Wu will set up a trap to frame you?" I glanced at him hesitantly, and said, "No... no way." I vaguely thought of the scene where Pluto’s body was broken by a howitzer in order to protect me, and he was seriously injured and fled. I also thought of Zhuge’s calm demeanor, leading me to run thousands of miles without changing his face, and Speed’s nervousness. , but with unfathomable elegance. To be honest, in my opinion, those characters are completely demigods. They have a gross need to frame me? Tu Gen smiled: "Have you ever played chess?" "Chess? I watched others play chess in the park when I was free." "Sheche Baoshuai, do you know what that means?" "Car? Do I look like one? A pawn at most." Tu Gen shook his head: "If you were Ding Tong, in the eyes of the Qiwu Club, you wouldn't even be considered a pawn crossing the river. If you die, you'd be a square on the chessboard." "But you are the judge." I was silent. The second cousin's suit that Qiwuhui gave me was torn to various degrees of rags on the way to flee with Pluto.Since then, I guess I will never have the chance to wear such nice clothes again.When I opened that little suitcase and saw the suit, I thought happily that I wouldn't have to waste money on dresses when I got married. It really comes like a spring dream, and goes like a morning cloud, leaving only a sigh.Damn, at this juncture of life and death, the language center, please don't get nervous, okay? ! magistrate. From the first day when I ran into Speed ​​in Tavern No. 10, my life like a small stream was like being stepped on a sudden brake, and then turned around and went in an unimaginable direction. Nothing is real anymore, nothing can be real.
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