Home Categories Internet fantasy Tavern No. 10 Judge

Chapter 7 Seven, natural induction

Tavern No. 10 Judge 白饭如霜 3351Words 2018-03-12
Outside the No. 10 tavern, there is a car parked silently. It is very big and imposing. It is a blue Bentley, the king's top version. Every inch of the leather decoration in the car is probably bigger than the dress I will wear when I get married in the future. Also clean. As soon as I saw the car, I jumped into the tavern, but before I could even take a step out, Spade grabbed me as firmly as a jack. I told him, no matter what I want to do, I strongly urge Job or Morgan to go with me. If something happens, at least they can hear my last words. But Speed ​​is very stubborn, thinking that Morgan and the others have nothing to do, and I have to go if I go today, or I have to go if I don’t.From the way he looks, if the others insist on keeping up with our team, maybe a team of killers with submachine guns will jump out of the Bentley's trunk and clean it up.

In the face of real might, I have never had integrity at all. I have been taught a simple truth by being on the streets for many years: people who know current affairs usually live longer. So I gave way for almost 70 kilometers, and drove all the way from Yandun Road to the outside of the city. Spade sat in the back seat with me, he didn't talk to me, he was looking at his fingernails with interest the whole time, and the driver didn't pass a fart the whole time.During the one-hour drive, I once had hallucinations, thinking that no one else needed to breathe except me, so I quickly coughed twice before pulling myself back from the horror of "Dawn of the Dead".

An hour later, the car drove into a villa area on the outskirts of Dongcheng, and stopped in front of the single-family villa No. 3235.I got out of the car and took a look. Even though it was late at night, the lights in this community were subtly covered and reflected, illuminating a feeling that dusk was approaching. It was quiet and leisurely, refreshing, and the design of plants and gardens was even more impressive. Entered the environment. I have never been to such a high-end place in my life.If you blindfold me and take me in, and tell me after you untie it, welcome to the National Super First-Class Scenic Area, I absolutely believe it and will not question a single word.

These judgments flowed through my mind, as if I had some deep attainments in the field of garden design, so naturally, I do seem to have a natural feeling for really good things.This feeling had never flooded my mind so clearly, and I began to think that maybe it wasn't a misunderstanding or a coincidence that Spade came to me. But what does he want me to do?Are you really going to the auction house? I asked him, "Where is this?" Speed ​​opened the door casually, and said, "Our small industry has more than 1,700 locations all over the world. This is not very beautiful."

The number of 1,700 conquered me. I instinctively estimated the price of the house in front of me and what Speed’s so-called beautiful place should look like, and then I officially entered the state of "rich and rich". Following Speed ​​into the villa's outer gate, I walked through a path paved with circular stones. I looked around. The courtyard was so large that I couldn't even see where the inner walls were at a glance, but there was no grass growing in it, and the ground was bare. , exposing the dark brown soil, a few small trees stand here and there in a corner, basically dead.This kind of desolation is shocking, especially compared with the beautiful and quiet outside the gate, it is completely two worlds.I instinctively showed my usual face of struggling in life, and I approached Speed ​​as I walked: "Hey, this house is very good, but the greening is not good, please let me fix it, I have a work permit! "

He glanced at me in surprise, and accelerated his steps. I guessed that it was a blatant refusal, and regretfully followed. At the other end of the path is the porch. When you go up the three wooden steps and open the door, you will be greeted by a strangely deep darkness.I took a step back subconsciously, and Spade grinned at me and bowed slightly: "Welcome to the humble house!" After saying that, he walked in first, and quickly disappeared in the room. After a while, a bright white A halo suddenly appeared in the depths of my vision, and I took a closer look, and another door opened there.

I muttered "crazy", shrank my head, and rushed in with my eyes closed, but in fact there was nothing dangerous inside. The empty corridor was connected to the white round door. Behind the door was a light, not a hell or heaven. A snow-white room with no decoration. The four walls look like walls at first glance, but they are actually super-large built-in display screens. Under the display screens, there is a long and narrow staircase-like display rack on which is placed a delicate and small host. I have no memory of what brand or model it is, they are all faintly flashing blue light.There is a circle of black leather sofas in the middle of the house, which can seat three or four people.

I just sit there.Speed ​​walked around the house and said, "This place has been in good shape for a long time, and all the equipment is outdated." Then he walked up to me, crossed his hips and sighed, "However, let's use it .” I was terrified immediately, and blurted out: "Use? For what?" He didn't answer, just looked at me for a long time. It's not the way people look at people, nor the way people look at dogs. If I have to compare it, I think it's very similar to the way a tomb robber looks at Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum. I don't know if it can be done, but I just want to open the door with a shovel. See what's going on inside.

He saw that I was a little itchy and wanted to beat him, Speed ​​turned around and took a remote control from the display rack behind him, and pressed it in the air, all the display screens suddenly flashed at the same time, forming a huge light array, Almost blinded me instantly. Then the flash fades and a picture appears on the monitor. It was taken from the front, the overall close-up, middle-aged, but must be well maintained, and the body shape is not out of shape at all.When the photo was taken, he might have bought something from the supermarket and was about to go home. He was wearing gray sports pants and a white polo shirt. Fangzheng's face was slightly tilted, as if he was greeting someone next to him. There was a soft smile in his eyes, a deep smile The nasolabial folds spread all the way down from the sides of the nose and disappear near the corner of the mouth. Her skin is darker, but it is obviously a healthy black that was deliberately tanned on the beach.

I took a casual glance and expressed displeasure at traveling so far to see a picture of a man. Speed ​​had no sense of humor, ignored me, and just pressed another button on the remote, and the panorama receded, and more came pouring in, a mosaic of images of all shapes and sizes that took over the entire space. display screen. All are photos of the man just now.He was in a meeting in formal attire, got into the car with a briefcase, and had a meeting or a meal with people. In addition, there were a large number of semi-nude photos of him reading a book by the swimming pool while basking in the sun.He laughs, he frowns, he looks serious or frivolous, he eats, naps, walks, stares... There are at least a thousand or two thousand pictures, if you read them one by one, you can almost piece together this man's life into a whole very quickly, because There are too many details and too vivid, which makes people feel very familiar, almost like witnessing their neighbors coming and going every day.

But what does this man's life have to do with me? Speed ​​shook his head: "It has nothing to do with you." He looked down at a piece of paper and read in an emotionless voice: "Steve Singer, white male, forty-five years old, logistics businessman, multi-millionaire, born in San Francisco, living in Chicago, married for twelve years, has two children, a boy aged seven and a girl aged three, the highest degree is a master of business administration, graduated from the University of Chicago." Before I could ask any questions, he waved his hand, and the images on the monitor scattered like a herd of tame deer, and another set of photos floated from the depths of the white screen. This time it was finally more eye-catching - it was a woman, and she was a beauty.An extremely perfect body, proportioned like a sculpture or an idol, as said in "Men in Black 3", all the models turned out to be aliens, she does seem to come from another world, her beauty is out of touch with reality. "Vivienne Shaoen, a white-Asian mixed-race woman, 23 years old, has a ten-year modeling career, and is now a contracted fashion designer, born in Japan, now living in Chicago, unmarried, no fixed boyfriend, no children, the highest His education is high school, and he has undergone micro-plastic surgery on his nose." Of course, there are more photos and videos of beautiful women, and her life is quickly flowing on the screen in detail. I am very sorry that I did not see her nude photos, otherwise I would heroically jump up and ask for ten seconds to freeze Even longer - at least something to soothe my frightened heart today. Speed ​​stared at me: "Do you see clearly?" I was still yearning for the beauty's smiling face and refused to breathe a sigh of relief, but an ominous premonition snaked up my knees, then to my tailbone, and finally settled on my shoulders, making me shudder and my heart burn like fire.I clenched my fists instinctively, retracted my body, and unexpectedly assumed a fighting posture, and my adrenal glands immediately went to work. I guessed right, I didn't like a word of what he said next. "Find out which of these two deserves to die," he said. There was no waiting for a second, it was as if the reaction button was preset, and as soon as I pressed it, I immediately exploded: "Fuck, you think I am God!" Guess the rocks, scissors, cloth, jade, jewelry, Yuan blue and white, guess or not, all of them will be burned, so what? !At worst, it's all about money—it's not my own, although I'm naturally in a bit of debt, and other people's things are also distressed. But this is a living human life, with flesh and blood, a wife and children, and a future, and I haven't even killed a chicken. Speed ​​shrugged: "You don't need to do it." "I don't kill Boren, Boren died because of me, have you read the book, sir?" He was unmoved: "The damned man died for his sins, and it has nothing to do with anyone." He waved again, and the dim screen lit up again. This time it was no longer a human being. No longer a real person. They were soaked in blood, or broken into many pieces, and they all died tragically.There was a pair of eyes that impressed me deeply, they were wide open as if they could not rest in peace, looking straight at me from the screen, full of lifeless anger. "This is a serial murder case in Chicago from August last year to March this year. The murderer specifically targeted the elderly living alone at home. The property and cash in the victim's home were not touched, not for robbery. From the first case Judging from the methods used, the murderer is not a habitual offender, but kills purely for fun, and then grows up in repeated crimes again and again." I was taken aback: "Did those two people do it just now?" Speed ​​corrected me: "One of them did it." My throat was dry: "How do you confirm?" "After careful investigation, we have investigated everything related to these two people. You don't need to know the specific situation, you just need to believe our conclusion. Between these two people, one of them must be the murderer."
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