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Chapter 40 40

Home 巴金 2568Words 2018-03-19
Juehui only slept for three or four hours that night.He woke up before dawn, lay on the bed, and thought about it until dawn. It's time to go.He also wants to go to Qin with Juemin, so he can't stay at home for a while.Juexin walked them half a block. The street is very quiet.There were a few cooks carrying baskets to buy vegetables, a countryman who came to the city to pick up manure, and two peddlers selling breakfast snacks.The sky was clear and cloudless, and the golden sun shone brightly on the wall of the mansion opposite.Countless sparrows chirped non-stop on the branches of the locust tree, welcoming the rising sun.

"I'm going, brother," Juehui stopped in front of a small mansion, and said tearfully, "You go back." He held Juexin's right hand tightly. "It's a pity that I can't give you more," Juexin also looked at him with teary eyes and sighed. "You should take good care of yourself on the way and write more letters along the way." "I'm going," Juehui repeated these words, and squeezed Juexin's hand tightly, he almost forgot to say: "Don't be sad, we will meet again, we will meet again sometime ” He suddenly let go of Juexin’s hand, as if he had thrown the hand away, then turned around and left.In his left hand he still held the four bundled cans of ham.

He turned his head to look at Juexin two or three times, and Juexin stood in front of someone else's house and waved to him.Until his back faded to nothing, Juexin still stood there blankly and waved in the direction where he disappeared, but he no longer saw and didn't know. When they arrived at their aunt's house, the two of them went to Qin's window.Juemin first tapped on the glass window twice with his hand. There was the sound of Qin coughing inside.After a while of footsteps, the curtain was lifted, and Qin's face was exposed on the glass window.The hair is fluffy, and there is a sleeping look on the face.It turned out that she had just woken up.

Qin smiled at them, suddenly noticed Juehui's expression, and asked in a low voice in surprise: "Today?" Juemin nodded and said, "Now." She was taken aback, her face immediately changed, she tilted her head back slightly, and said in a low voice, "So fast?" Juehui hurriedly moved close to the window, raised her eyes to look up, and called "Sister Qin" two or three times in a low voice.He only had her face in his eyes, but it was separated by a layer of glass. "Are you leaving?" she asked suspiciously.Her gentle eyes kept shooting down, hovering over his face, as if looking for something. "When you get down there, you won't forget me. Will you forget me?" A sad smile appeared on her face.

"No. I think of you all the time. You know I will always think of you," Juehui shook her head slightly at her. "You wait, if you don't want to leave," she seemed to suddenly remember something, nodding her head and said to Juehui.Her face disappeared immediately. Juehui was waiting there.Jean reappeared quickly, still smiling. "I'll give you something. I promised to give you something before." She raised her hand and sent a piece of paper through the window.When Juehui picked it up, it turned out to be her recent photo.He looked at her again with joyful and grateful eyes.The curtains have been drawn.He wanted to stand still for a while, but Juemin urged him to leave.He called "Sister Qin" again, but he didn't seem to hear her answer.He glanced at the window again, and left resolutely.

Juehui and Juemin talked as they walked, and talked a lot along the way.When they reached the boat dock, Huang Cunren and Zhang Huiru had been waiting there for a long time. Zhang Huiru grabbed Juehui's hand excitedly, and said loudly, "Why did you come here like this? After a while, the boat will sail away." "No, we will wait for Mr. Gao," a middle-aged businessman next to him said with a smile. This is Mr. Wang, Huang Cunren's relative. Juehui had already met him, so he introduced him to Juemin. "Juehui, come and see your luggage," Huang Cunren said, leading Juehui to the cabin of the boat.Juemin also boarded the boat.

"I opened your bedding roll for you. You see, I've already laid out the bedding for you....This pack is the snacks and biscuits that brother Huiru and I gave you, for you to eat on the way," said Huang Cunren He pointed and said.Juehui just nodded. "Everything on the road will be taken care of by Mr. Wang, and you don't have to worry about it yourself. He will take you to Chongqing. The journey will be easier in the future. Don't forget to find my cousin when you arrive in Chongqing. He can help you," Huang Cunren said very Be thoughtful. The boat next door was hired by a bureaucrat. There were guards on board, and there were quite a few people seeing off on the shore.At this time, firecrackers were set off on the shore, and the boat was about to leave.

"Juehui, don't forget to write more letters and articles!" Zhang Huiru walked into the cabin and said, patting Juehui on the shoulder. "You need to write more letters," Juehui replied with a smile. "You three can go up, the ship is about to sail," Mr. Wang said as he entered the cabin, and he had said goodbye to his sender. So Juehui shook hands with Zhang Huiru and Huang Cunren, and accompanied them to the bow of the boat. "Second brother," Juehui knew that he and Juemin were about to part, so she held Juemin's hand tightly and said affectionately to Juemin, "Goodbye. When you are free, you should spend more time with Cunren and Hui If you keep in touch with them, they can also help you if you have something to do in the future." He said to Huang Cunren and Zhang Huiru: "I hope you will treat my brother like me in the future. You will understand him, he is a very good person."

"Of course, why do you say that? I am already very familiar with Juemin. I think he will definitely be willing to join the work of our newspaper," Huang Cunren said cordially and encouragingly. "Second brother, please agree," Juehui persuaded Juemin when she saw that Juemin was still hesitating. "Juemin, come on, we welcome you," Zhang Huiru warmly extended his hand to Juemin. "Okay, I agree," Juemin said after making up his mind, and reached out to hold Zhang Huiru's hand, and then shook hands with Huang Cunren.Afterwards he asked Juehui with attachment:

"Third brother, do you have anything else to say? I'm going ashore." "No more," Juehui replied, and then he changed his tone and said, "There is one more thing. When you see Jianyun in the future, please tell him. I will say hello to him. I don't have time to see him. He If you are not in good health, you should take a good breath." "Okay, I will definitely tell him. Do you have anything else to say?" Juemin said sadly. "And Mama Huang, I really miss her. You should treat her well." "I know, do you have anything else to say?"

"Sister Qin..." Juehui stopped after saying these two words, and immediately changed her tone and said: "No more," and then added: "I hope you two will come to Shanghai soon." "Take care on the way," Juemin said, and followed Zhang Huiru and Huang Cunren ashore. They stood on the shore, and he stood on the bow.He looked at them, and they kept waving. The boat started to move.It recedes slowly from the shore.It is turning.The figure on the shore gradually became smaller, and suddenly disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.Juehui stood at the bow of the boat, with their shadows still in his eyes, as if they were still waving to him.He felt that his vision was a little blurry, so he reached out and wiped his eyes.However, when he took off his hands, their shadows were no longer to be found. They, his brother and his two friends, just disappeared without a trace.Everything before seemed like a dream.He could no longer see them.What his eyes touched was only a piece of clear water, some mountain shadows and some tree shadows.The three boatmen rowed their oars and sang folk songs there. A new emotion gradually took hold of him, and he did not know whether it was joy or sorrow.But he knew perfectly well that he had left home.In front of his eyes is the continuous green water.The water just kept going forward, and it would carry him to a great unknown city.Everything new is growing there.There was a new movement there, a great crowd, and several enthusiastic young friends of his whom he had never met by letter. This water, this blessed water, would take him from the home of eighteen years to unknown cities and unknown peoples.As he thought this way, the vision in front of him dazzled his eyes, leaving him no time to mourn the life he had left behind for the past eighteen years.He turned his eyes back for the last time, said "goodbye" softly, and turned his head to look at the green water that flows forward forever and never stops.
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