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Chapter 39 39

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"As soon as Juehui left, our club became much quieter again.... Not long after Xu Qianru left, you are leaving again," the older member Wu Jingshi said with emotion at the newspaper reading office, and later One sentence is to Juehui. "Not only is it quiet, we lost a good helper," Zhang Huiru continued. Juehui was flipping through the newspapers on the table.Seeing the faces of these friends, he thought of the work and life he had done with them, the sincere comfort, sympathy, encouragement, help, hope, and happiness they gave him.These are all things he can't get at home.In the past few months, he has come to this place almost every day to meet these people. This place and these people have almost become indispensable in his life.It never occurred to him that he would leave them, but now he was leaving them to go far away.He felt ashamed, nostalgic, grateful.He thought: From now on, the newspaper reading office will still be open every day, members will still come every day, and publications will still be published every week, but it is impossible for him to participate in all these.He went, far away, and could no longer share sorrows and joys with these people, and he could no longer hear Huang Cunren's voice calling for monthly donations, and he could no longer hear Zhang Huiru's story of entering a pawnshop.Only then did he regret that there were too many impossible things.He said sadly: "I shouldn't abandon you and go away alone. There is a lot of work to be done at this time, and you are so busy. But I have never done any work at all. It doesn't matter if you don't have me."

"Juehui, why do you say these things! Your family environment is like that, you can leave early day by day. If you go down there, you will make great progress in both knowledge and knowledge. You will see us down below. A few friends who correspond, you will meet more new friends, and you will find more and more meaningful jobs. The New Culture Movement is much more enthusiastic than here, and Shanghai is more open, unlike our ghosts. Even women with haircuts can hardly get a foothold here!..." Huang Cunren continued encouragingly. "And you can often send manuscripts in Shanghai, you can provide us with better and fresher materials, more substantial and enthusiastic articles," Zhang Huiru interjected. "Yes, I must send manuscripts every issue. Regardless of whether the writing is good or not, I will send one every issue," Juehui said excitedly.

"We must communicate more in the future," Huang Cunren said. "Of course, I hope that I will be closer than you. I will feel lonely if I leave you. I don't know if I can find a new friend like you down here..." Juehui said regretfully. Zhang Huanru smiled and said, "We are afraid that it will not be easy to find a friend like you in the future." "This time I was able to leave, thanks to your help, especially Cunren, who has helped me a lot," Juehui said sincerely, and he looked at Huang Cunren with grateful eyes. Huang Cunren smiled gently.He said: "Joke! What a thing! You are in my position, you will do like me." He asked again: "Did all your luggage be sent to my house? You What else?"

"No more," Juehui replied.Later he explained: "It's not that I don't have nothing, but I can't bring more things. There are still many books that I haven't brought. My elder brother promised to send them to me by post in the future. I'm afraid that if I accidentally show my flaws and let my family know, A lot of trouble will arise. My luggage was smuggled to your house early in the morning." Then Juehui asked again: "Cunren, is the boat open after the day after tomorrow?" "I'm not sure, my relative will inform me. I hope the boat will leave for a day or two, then we can meet a few more times. And our friends from Liqun Weekly will give you a farewell party tomorrow," Huang Cunren Say.

"Farewell party? I don't think there's any need for it," Juehui declined. "It would be good to talk a little longer like this now. Why is there a farewell party?" "It must be a farewell party. We are about to say goodbye, and we should have a happy reunion. I still have money on me, so I don't need clothes," Zhang Huiru said, making everyone laugh. "This time, the public invited Juehui, and we all shared the money," Huang Cunren said with a smile. "Then I'll offer a copy too," Juehui said eagerly. "Of course you shouldn't come out," Wu Jingshi said.He continued to speak, but was interrupted by another person.Everyone looked up at this man.

This newcomer is Juehui's classmate Chen Chi, who is also a member of the weekly newspaper.He ran away angrily, blushing, and said as soon as he came in, "I'm coming to Yan!" "What does it matter if you come to Yan? You come to Yan often, so your name is Chi," Zhang Huiru laughed. But this man ignored him, and just said to Huang Cunren: "Cunren, I met your relative Mr. Wang on the street just now, and he called me to tell you: the ship change will leave tomorrow morning." "Why will it open tomorrow morning?" Juehui said in surprise, "Didn't you say it will open the day after tomorrow?"

"It's not human who lied to you! I clearly heard him say that it will open tomorrow morning." "Then they also said that they would give me a farewell party tomorrow," Juehui said disappointedly. "It doesn't matter, let's change it to today. It's late now, so we'll go to the restaurant. You may have to go home earlier to take care of other things," Zhang Huiru said enthusiastically. "No, I'm going back!" Juehui said anxiously.He thought of his two older brothers in the family. "You can't leave," several other commune members shouted in unison, "We won't let you go back."

Seeing Juehui's embarrassed look, Huang Cunren asked in surprise: "Why do you want to go back? Don't you want to have a meal with us? This time, I don't know how long it will be before we can meet again like this what!" Before Juehui could answer, several other members continued to say a few words of persuasion.Zhang Huiru started to put on the plank. He was strong enough to move the plank without much effort, and Zhang Huanru and Chen Chi also helped.Huang Cunren was sorting out the files. Seeing this situation, Juehui couldn't talk about going home anymore.He said with a wry smile: "Okay, I won't go." He silently followed his friends to a pub.He gradually felt selfless happiness among them.

When they came out of the tavern, it was already dark for a long time.The early autumn breeze brushed their feverish faces.Juehui felt a little chill in his blue-gray twill jacket.They stood under the eaves, looking at the crowded pedestrians on the street.Wu Jingshi was the first to walk up to Juehui and held out his hand to him, saying, "I have something to leave first. I won't see you off tomorrow morning, so let's bid farewell here. I wish you a safe journey." So the two shook hands.Juehui said one after another: "Thank you." After the two said "goodbye" each, Wu Jingshi disappeared into the crowd.After that, several people left one after another.Zhang Huanru also said goodbye and went back to school.

"Let's take you home," Zhang Huiru suggested, and the two small eyes on the red, triangular face stared at Juehui's face. Juehui nodded in agreement.The four of them squeezed into the lively crowd.But after walking two streets, Chen Chi turned and left again. They entered a quiet street.Dim street lights appear colorless in the moonlight.The gates of several mansions are just black holes.There are two or three shadows of big pagoda trees in the walls reflected on the silver-white stone slabs, each branch and leaf are distinct, never disturbed by people, and never blown by the wind, like a painting by a famous artist.

"How can this city be so quiet?" Juehui thought suspiciously.He didn't want to speak, but raised his head and silently looked at the not-so-full moon sailing in the blue sky. "What a moonlight! The moon is as bright as water! The day after tomorrow will be the Mid-Autumn Festival," Zhang Huiru said in admiration.He then asked Juehui again: "Juehui, don't you feel nostalgia when you leave here?" Before Juehui could answer, Huang Cunren interjected, "Is there anything worth nostalgic about here? He will find a better environment if he goes down there!" "A few of my dear ones are here. How do you think I don't have a little nostalgia?" Juehui said these words with force.He meant these two friends, and several members of the family. They finally reached his home.A "goodbye" separated him from his two friends.He walked into the mansion, instead of going into his own room, he went straight to Juexin's room.Juexin and Juemin were talking there. "Brother, I'm leaving tomorrow morning," he said after a moment of hesitation. "Tomorrow morning? Didn't you say Mid-Autumn Festival, you're leaving the day after tomorrow?" Juexin's expression changed immediately.He pushed back his chair and stood up. Juemin also stood up in surprise, looking at Juehui's face. "The boat was temporarily rescheduled. The boat was chartered by Huang Cunren's relatives, so it was up to him to decide. I only found out tonight," Juehui said excitedly. "I didn't expect it to be so fast!" Juexin murmured to himself in disappointment while pressing the desk with one hand. "Then it's just this evening." "Brother," Juehui called out emotionally.Juexin had tears in his eyes, and turned to look at him.Juehui continued: "I wanted to go home early, and I could have a meal with you. However, they must give me a farewell party, so I will not come back until this time..." He swallowed the following words . "I'll go and tell Qin, she has something to tell you, I'm afraid it will be too late tomorrow," Juemin said as he walked outside. Juehui grabbed him and said, "What time is it? You still have to go to her house! Are you going to knock on the door? Don't spoil my business." "Then she won't have a chance to meet you," Juemin said disappointedly. "She will complain about me. She has told me several times." "We'll go to see her early tomorrow morning, I think we will have time," Juehui comforted Juemin when she saw Juemin's troubled face, but he still didn't know if he could go to see Qin tomorrow morning. "Have you packed your luggage?" Juexin asked with concern. "It's all ready, and it's all delivered. There are only three items: a bedroll, a wire basket, and a small box." "Have you brought enough clothes? Bring more, the weather is getting colder," Juexin asked with tears in his eyes.He looked at Juehui again. "That's enough, I'll bring a lot, don't worry," Juehui replied with a nod. "You brought too little food. I still have a few cans of canned ham in my room, which were given to me by others. I will find them and bring them to you," Juexin said. He walked into the inner room without waiting for his brother's answer. , holding out four cans. "Actually, I don't need this much anymore. There will be plenty of food on the road," Juehui said gratefully seeing Juexin bandaging the four cans for him. "It doesn't matter, it won't hurt to carry more, and I don't need it anyway," Juexin had already wrapped up the can, and put it in front of Juehui. "Let's deal with the travel expenses as we discussed last time," Juexin said to Juehui again, "I'll send you the money at the post offices in Chongqing, Hankou, and Shanghai, and you can pick it up yourself, and I'll post it tomorrow. The money I gave you yesterday is enough. Otherwise, I will give you some more." "Enough, I think it's enough. It's not convenient to travel with so many silver dollars. Fortunately, the journey has been peaceful recently," Juehui replied. "Yes, luckily the road is safe," Juexin said mechanically. Juemin also had a few words with Juehui. "Third brother, you should go to bed. You will wake up very early tomorrow and have to ride a wooden boat for several days. You should have a good rest," Juexin said gently. Juehui agreed vaguely. "From now on, you will be alone. You should pay attention to the cold, warmth, food and hunger. You have never paid attention to these things, but you are far better outside than at home. If you are sick, no one will take care of you," Juexin asked with concern. road. Juehui still agreed vaguely. "You should write more letters along the way, and I will send your book to you when you arrive in Shanghai," it was still Juexin's words. Juehui obligingly agreed. "You are in Shanghai, if you want to use the money, you can use it at ease. No matter what school you go to, I'm always in charge of helping you with your finances.Don't worry, with me at home, I won't do anything to you," Juexin continued, tears streaming down his cheeks. Juehui still responded vaguely, trying to suppress his grief. "It's good for you, you're going to get out of the sea of ​​suffering now, it's just us..." Juexin couldn't go on talking anymore. only eye. "Brother," Juehui called out sadly.Juexin didn't agree.Juehui walked up to him and called out again.Juexin took his hands off, glanced at Juehui, shook his head and said, "I'm fine, nothing, go to sleep." So Juehui followed Juemin out. "I want to go see Mom," Juehui said suddenly, seeing the lights in Zhou's room. "What are you doing to see your mother? Are you going to tell her about you?" Juemin asked in surprise. "It's not like that," Juehui replied with a smile. "I want to see her before I leave, maybe this is the last time." "Okay, you go," Juemin said in a low voice. "But you have to be careful, don't let her see the flaws." Juemin walked to his room, and let Juehui walk into the stepmother's room alone. Mrs. Zhou sat on the rattan recliner and chatted with Shuhua. When she saw Juehui coming in, she smiled and said, "You didn't go home for dinner today." Juehui agreed with a "yes" with a smile, and stood far away from Mrs. Zhou. "You've been running outside all day, what are you doing? You have to take care of your health!" Zhou said gently. "I'm in good health, and it's good to run outside more. It's much better than sitting at home and feeling idle," Juehui argued with a smile. "You always like to argue!" Zhou scolded him with a smile. "No wonder your fourth dad and fifth dad are talking bad about you again today. And the fourth aunt, fifth aunt, and Aunt Chen are all echoing. In all fairness, you are too stubborn. You are not afraid of anyone, not even me I can't control you... Strange, you and your elder brother were born to the same mother, but you two have completely different temperaments. Neither of you is like my sister. Your elder brother is too easy to obey, and you are too disobedient! I Said that neither of you can do anything!" Shuhua smiled at Juehui from the side. Juehui still wanted to argue a few words, but before he could say it, he swallowed it down again.He suddenly felt that he should say a few words of farewell to his stepmother, at least she would know how he was feeling at this time in the future.He took a step closer to her. Seeing Juehui's behavior and his hesitant expression, Mrs. Zhou asked kindly, "What's the matter with you? Are you here to discuss with me about studying in Shanghai again?" This sentence reminded Juehui, and he remembered Juemin's warning.He thought it best not to talk too much, so as not to reveal his flaws.He forced a smile, and replied straightforwardly: "It's nothing, I'm going to sleep now." He looked at Zhou's round face twice, then looked at Shuhua again, then turned and walked away up.When he walked out of the room, he seemed to hear what Mrs. Zhou said to Shuhua about his strange temperament.He thought painfully: "We probably won't have a chance to see each other again! When I go out, I'm like a bird out of the cage, and it won't fly back home." He walked out of the room, walked into the main room, and saw two golden boys and girls made of paper standing in front of his grandfather's spirit.Under the electric light, a pair of candles on the altar table formed two large black candles.On the two low benches behind the white cloth veil was my grandfather's brand new painted coffin, and the false grave had just been removed.Aunt Chen and Mrs. Wang's conversation came from grandfather's room.Wang Shi suddenly burst out laughing, still her usual fake and empty laugh.He turned around and took a look at the door of his grandfather's room, which was hung with a white cloth curtain, and then his eyes fell on the tablet of his grandfather's tablet: "The imperial tablet of the former Qing Dynasty, Tongfeng doctor, Xiankao Gaogong tabooed the spiritual tablet of the king of Dunzhaifu." He wrinkled brow. "This is slavery at work again," he said just now, and was about to pick up the clip to hold the candle, when he heard footsteps, he turned his head and saw that Su Fu had walked in. "Third young master, wait for me to coerce you," said the servant with a few short gray beards. "Why is there no one? The incense is almost gone," Juehui said. "There is no order from above, so everyone can dodge if they can," Su Fu replied with an apologetic smile.Juehui walked out of the main room without saying anything.
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