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Chapter 31 31

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The next morning Juexin went to his grandfather's room to say hello, and his grandfather told him triumphantly that the marriage of the Feng family had been decided, and that it was going to be decided one day two months later, and asked him to go to deal with the exchange of Geng Tie first.Grandpa also showed him the almanac.He reluctantly agreed, and retreated, just as Juehui came in.Juehui looked at him and smiled mysteriously. Juexin had just returned to his room when his grandfather sent Mrs. Qian to ask him to go.He entered his grandfather's study and saw his grandfather angrily scolding Juehui.Grandfather wore a set of white silk shirt and trousers, and sat on a sofa.Aunt Chen was wearing a light-colored lake crepe shirt with rounded corners and wide sleeves, her hair was combed bald, and her face was covered with makeup. She was sitting on the armrest of the sofa with half of her buttocks, and was pounding her grandfather's back.Juehui stood in front of her grandfather without saying a word.

"It's the other way around! There's such a thing! Go and get me the second child!" Grandfather said loudly to Juexin with a downcast face when he saw him coming in, making Juexin bewildered. After the grandfather had spoken, he coughed loudly again.Aunt Chen stepped up to beat him on the back, while persuading him sharply: "Old man, why are you so angry. You see, at your age, it's not worth it to spoil your body because of them!" "Does he dare not listen to me? How dare he oppose me?" The grandfather took a deep breath, and then blushed and said intermittently: "He is not happy that I betrothed him? That's not okay! You must bring him back to me, Let me punish him!"

Juexin responded obediently, he already understood half of it. "This is all broken by the foreign school. I said not to send my children to the foreign school, but you always don't listen to me. How is it now! Even the second child has learned badly, and he actually rebelled. ...I said, from now on, the children of the Gao family are not allowed to enter foreign schools! Do you hear me?" He said and coughed. "Yes, yes," Juexin agreed. He stood there in fear, every word of his grandfather hitting his head like a thunder. Juehui stood next to Juexin, but his mood was completely different from Juexin's.Although he felt that the air was oppressive, he was not panicked.He is not afraid at all.He laughed secretly in his heart, thinking: "The paper lantern is about to be pierced!"

Grandpa's cough stopped, and he looked very tired, so he fell down and gradually closed his eyes.Aunt Chen fanned him lightly with a round fan to prevent flies from landing on his face.Brother Juexin still stood respectfully in front of him, waiting for his order.Later, Aunt Chen made a gesture to ask them to go out, and they walked out of the room lightly. After leaving the grandfather's room, Juehui was the first to speak. He said, "Big Brother, Second Brother has a letter for you. Go to my room and read it." "What did you say to grandpa? Why didn't you tell me first, and ran to him? You are so stupid!" Juexin complained to Juehui.

"Stupid? I'm going to let Grandpa know! I want to let him know that we are 'human beings', and we are not pigs and sheep to be slaughtered." Juexin understood that these words were addressed to him, and it sounded harsh and heart-piercing to him, but he had no choice but to bear it.He couldn't tell what was wrong with him.He knew that even if he explained to Juehui sincerely, Juehui would not believe him. The two of them entered Juehui's room. Juehui handed Juemin's letter to Juexin. Juexin hardly had the courage to read it, but finally read it: "Brother: I did something that no one in our family dared to do before. I escaped marriage. No one in my family cared about my future or my fate, so I decided to go my own way, and I did so resolutely. I will fight the old forces to the end. If you don’t cancel that marriage, I will not come back when I am dying. There is still room for redemption. I hope you will think of brotherhood and help me a little.

Juemin ×× day, three o'clock in the night. " After Juexin read the letter, his face turned pale, his hands trembled, and the letter fell to the ground. He murmured, "What should I do?" Then he said, "He didn't understand me too much." "What are you going to do? It's not a matter of understanding or not," Juehui said seriously. Juexin stood up suddenly as if startled, and said shortly, "I'll go get him back." "You can't find him," Juehui sneered. "Can't find him?" Juexin read the words vaguely. "No one knows his address."

"You must know his address, you must! Tell me, where is he? Tell me quickly!" Juexin begged. "I know, but I will never tell you!" Juehui replied firmly. "Then you don't believe me?" Juexin said bitterly. "Believe in you, what's the use of it! Your 'non-resistance doctrine' and your 'surrender doctrine' will only ruin your second brother. In short: you are too cowardly!" Juehui said angrily, and he shouted in the room. Walk up. "I must go to see him, and you must give me his address." "I will definitely not say it."

"You will always say it in the future. Others will ask you to say it, and grandpa will want you to say it!" "I won't tell! No one will torture me in our family," Juehui said proudly.At this time, he only felt the satisfaction of revenge for a short time, and he did not think about the pain of others. Juexin walked out in despair.Presently he came back again.He wanted to discuss with Juehui a specific solution, but to no avail.He himself could not think of a compromise that both his grandfather and Juemin could accept. On this day, a small family meeting was held in Zhou's room, attended by Zhou, Juexin, Shuhua and Juehui.The situation is like this: Juehui is standing alone, and several other people are standing on the other side.Everyone unanimously advised Juehui to tell Juemin's address and asked him to find Juemin back.They said a lot of pleasant things, and even allowed to slowly try to cancel the marriage in the future, but Juehui completely refused.

Since there was no news from Juehui, and Juemin's conditions were unacceptable, Juexin and Zhou could only worry.They had no choice but to seek help from Keming, trying to delay the exchange of Gengtie for a few more days, so as not to let the old man know; at the same time, they sent someone out to find out Juemin's address. Yuan Cheng, Su Fu and even Wen De went out to inquire, but to no avail: Juemin hid well, and no one knew his address. Keming called Juehui to his study and lectured him righteously, but it was useless; it was useless to enlighten him gently; it was useless to persuade him eloquently.Juehui always evaded and said he didn't know.

Zhou and Juexin grabbed Juehui again, begging him to bring Juemin back, saying that all conditions can be agreed, as long as Juemin goes home first, and then discuss slowly.Juehui made up his mind, and he would never bring Juemin back without a reliable guarantee. Zhou scolded Juehui for a while, and finally burst into tears.Although she usually takes a laissez-faire attitude towards brothers Juemin, she is also concerned about their future.Now that the situation is serious, she doesn't want to see an unfortunate ending, and she doesn't even want to bear the notoriety.She is dissatisfied with Juehui's disrespectful attitude, and even more dissatisfied with Juemin's method of resisting her parents and escaping marriage, but she still can't think of a solution to the problem.

Juexin was in such a difficult situation and really didn't know what to do.He originally wanted to admit that Juemin's actions were justified, but he couldn't help Juemin; instead of being unable to help, he had to help his grandfather oppress Juemin, so that Juehui also regarded him as an enemy.If you can't get Juemin back, you can't deal with your grandfather; if you get Juemin back, you can't deal with Juemin; and in fact, he can't get Juemin back.Juemin is his brother, he also loves Juemin, and when his father died, he handed over his siblings to him, asking him to raise them instead of his father.Now that Juemin's affairs have become like this, how can he be worthy of his father?Thinking of this, he had no choice but to hide in the room and cry with Rui Jue. The old man will not know these things.He only knows that his orders should be obeyed and his face should be taken care of.As for other people's happiness, he will not take care of it.He only knows that Xiang Juexin wants someone.He often loses his temper, scolding Juexin and Keming; even the Zhou family was scolded by him. However, scolding is useless, Juemin did not show any sign of surrender.The pressure is also nowhere to be used because there is no one to be found.Things spread throughout the mansion.But the old man repeatedly ordered not to spread it outside. The days passed day by day.The old man is always angry.No one in Juexin's room smiled.Most of the people in the other room gloated and sneered secretly. One day Juehui returned home after having a secret meeting with Juemin in a certain place. With a painful heart, she said goodbye to her brother who was struggling desperately. He seemed to say goodbye to the whole bright world.Home, in his view, is just a desert, or more can be said to be the base of the old forces, the base camp of his enemies.When he returned to such a home, he immediately went to find Juexin, and said to Juexin angrily: "Brother, are you willing to help the second brother? It has been a week." "What can I do?" Juexin said, spreading his hands in despair.Afterwards he thought to himself: "Now you are in a hurry." "So you're going to let things go on like this?" "Procrastinate! Grandpa said today that if he doesn't come home in half a month, he will be kicked out forever, and he will be declared in the newspaper that he is not a child of the Gao family," Juexin said distressedly. "Grandpa, does he really have the heart to do this?" Juehui cried out in pain, but he didn't lose his courage. "Why can't you bear it? He's getting angry right now!... And he plans to get married with the second sister at the same time, and make a decision at the same time." "Second sister's marriage? Who did grandpa promise the second sister to?" "You don't know yet? She was promised to the Chen family, but they haven't exchanged Geng Tie yet. It's the son of the Chen Ke family. The third father naturally approves of this marriage. He and the Chen Ke family are very familiar, and they are colleagues." The name of Chen Ke's family, Juehui, is too familiar.Lawyer Chen Kejia is still a second-class figure in the Confucian Church.Everyone knows that Chen Dahuzi is the best friend of Zhang Xiaotao, the second-class actress in Yuelai Tea Garden.He often takes Zhang Xiaotao in and out of his law firm.His "love affair" is much more.Juehui blushed with anger, and cursed loudly: "Chen Dabeard's family can still produce good people? I know that the son of Chen Ke's family had an affair with his father, and the girl was only willing to take her in when she became pregnant." "No, the second sister was promised to his brother. About the girl, I'm afraid it's a rumor from the outside world, and it may not be reliable. But it has nothing to do with us, anyway, someone else decides. And the matchmaker is Feng Leshan." "It has nothing to do with us? Do you have the heart to let the second sister marry into that kind of family? This means ruining the life of a lovely young man again. The second sister must be unwilling!" Juehui said angrily. "What can she do if she is unwilling? Anyway, someone else decides for her." "However, she is so young, she is only sixteen years old this year!" "Sixteen this year, and seventeen next year, you can get married very well. Your sister-in-law is only eighteen years old when she comes over! And she is young, so if she gets married early, she will be able to avoid resistance in the future!" "However, without asking for her consent, if she decides her fate in a daze when she is young, she will regret it for the rest of her life in the future. Don't they think of this? What a despicable act!" Jue Hui He even scolded. "Why are you so angry?" Juexin said painfully, "They only know that their will should be obeyed, so your second brother's resistance is useless." "It's useless? You say the same? No wonder you refuse to help the second brother!" "What can I do?" Juexin thought he was the most unfortunate person in the world. "Don't you remember how father handed us over to you when he was dying? Do you think you are worthy of father?" Juehui blamed Juexin angrily. Juexin didn't answer, he started to sob. "If I were in your position, I would never be as cowardly and useless as you. I want to make my own decisions and reject the Feng family's marriage for my second brother. I must do this!" "What about grandpa?" After a long time, Juexin raised his head and said this. "Grandpa's era is over. Do you want the second brother to sacrifice for Grandpa's prejudice?" Juexin buried his head again and remained silent. "You are such a coward!" Juehui scolded her brother like this, and walked away. Juehui left, leaving Juexin alone in the room.The room seemed very lonely, very dark, and the air weighed heavily on him.His doctrines of submission and non-resistance had lost their effectiveness; they could no longer be reconciled with the realities of the extended family.He even sacrificed his own happiness to please everyone, but the result still did not bring him peace and tranquility.He voluntarily took over the burden from his father and took helping his younger siblings as his goal in life, and he was willing to sacrifice everything for them.But in the end, he drove away one younger brother, and was called a coward by another younger brother. What words could he use to comfort himself?After thinking about it for a long time, he wrote a very sincere letter to Juemin.In the letter, he faithfully dissected his own heart. He narrated his difficult position and sorrow, he narrated the friendship between their brothers, and finally he asked Juemin to look at his deceased father for the sake of the peace of the family. Come home immediately. He found Juehui, gave the letter to Juehui, and asked Juehui to send it to Juemin.Juehui read the letter, shed tears, shook her head silently, and still put the letter in the envelope. Juemin’s reply letter came, which of course was brought by Juehui, and there was something like this in the letter: “After waiting for a long time, I only got such a letter from you. To be honest, how disappointed I am! . . . Come back, Come back, you said this repeatedly... I am sitting in a small room right now, like a prisoner who escaped from prison, and I dare not even move, for fear that if I move, I will be caught and returned to the death row. Death row It is my family, and the executioner is my family. Our family unites to slaughter me, an orphan without parents. No one cares about my happiness, and no one loves me. Yes, you want me Come back, your problem will be solved as soon as I come back, you can get peace, and you have seen one more victim. Naturally, you are very happy, but from now on I will sink into the sea of ​​suffering.... Please stop Delusional, my terms are not acceptable, I will never come back. I have nothing left to cling to in our house, and I have taken with me so many painful memories that still ache my heart, and they often oppresses me and reduces my courage to go on. Yet I have love to support me. You may wonder why I have such courage this time. Yes, even I did not think of it before. Now I have love. I I understand that I am not only fighting for myself, I am fighting for the happiness of two people, and I will fight to the end for her happiness.... Brother, guess what I am thinking at this time? I am thinking about the garden at home, Thinking of my former playmates, I am thinking of my childhood. Help me, for my father's sake, for your brother's sake. Help me, even if not for me, you should be for her, for Considering her happiness, you should also help her. At least thinking about her happiness, you should also be moved. One Cousin Mei is enough to make people sad, I hope you don’t create a second Cousin Mei...” Juexin's tears flowed down his cheeks, but he didn't feel like he had fallen into an abyss.All around is darkness, there is no ray of light, and there is no ray of hope.He just mumbled a few words: "He doesn't understand me, no one understands me." Juehui watched from the side, both angry and pity.Not only did he read Juemin's letter first, but he also wrote certain words on Juemin's behalf.He expected that this letter would definitely move Juexin, and make him take up the courage to help Juemin.But now he heard such words.He wanted to blame Juexin, but what's the use of blaming?Juexin has become such a person, and he no longer has his own will. "This family has no hope at all, so we can just leave." Juehui thought in her heart.At this moment, not only is he not pessimistic about Juemin's affairs, but he also has another kind of thought. This thought has only begun to germinate now, but it may grow very quickly. These days, several people are living miserable lives because of Juemin's affairs.Juemin himself is certainly no exception.He lives in the home of his classmate Huang Cunren. Although Huang Cunren treats him very well and considerately, he hides in a small room all day long, cannot move freely, can't do what he wants to do, can't see who he wants to see, forever Tormented by hope and fear—this kind of escape life is indeed very embarrassing, and Juemin is a person who has no such experience. Juemin waited, he waited all day for good news.However, Juehui brought him only bad news.Hope was getting dimmer every day, but it was not completely dead, so he still had the courage to bear it all.At the same time, Juehui kept encouraging him with the words of final victory.Qin's love and Qin's image gave him great strength.He finally supported it.It never occurred to him to submit to the above. In the past few days, Qin really occupied his whole mind.He misses her all the time, and even dreams during the day, and the dreams are all about him and her.The more hope dimmed, the more he missed her; the more he missed her, the more he wanted to see her.However, he couldn't go to her place because his aunt was at home.Although the two of them live close to each other, they have no way to see each other, and even communication is not very convenient.When Juehui came to see him, he wanted to write to Qin and asked Juehui to send it.But when she picked up the pen, she felt that there was too much to say, and she didn't know where to start, and she was afraid that the writing would not be detailed, which would make her even more anxious.He decided to find an opportunity to have an interview with her.Sure enough, this opportunity came soon, which Juehui arranged for him.In fact, Juehui didn't bother. He knew that his aunt was not at home, so he took Juemin to Qin. Juehui hid Juemin outside the door, and went into the room to greet Qin.He triumphantly said to her: "Sister Qin, I brought you some good things." Qin wore a white linen blouse, held a book in her hand, and lay reclined on the bed, as if about to fall asleep.Hearing Juehui's voice, she sat up quickly, put down the book, trimmed her hair, and asked listlessly, "What's good?" Like sleeping. "You've lost weight!" Juehui forgot to answer her words, but cried out involuntarily. "You haven't come to see me these days!" Qin smiled wryly. "What happened to the second cousin? Why didn't you even give me any information?" She said and stood up lazily. "How many days? Didn't I come to see you the day before yesterday? Look, I came here today, and I was sweating. Don't you thank me?" Juehui replied with a smile. He took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his forehead . Qin took a round fan painted with flowers on the table and handed it to Juehui, and continued to complain: "You have to know how long I have lived here! Tell me, what happened to him?" She opened her eyes. Eyes widened, revealing melancholy and anxiety. "He succumbed," Juehui didn't think of telling this lie when he came in, but at this moment a desire strongly tempted him, and he said this without thinking. "He surrendered?" she read painfully, and then said firmly: "I don't believe it!" This lie was not a serious blow to her in a short time. She was right, for at this moment another young man suddenly appeared in her room.Her eyes lit up immediately.She exclaimed in surprise: "You!" Whether the word "you" expressed doubt, surprise, joy, or blame, she didn't have time to distinguish.She almost jumped at it.But she stopped suddenly.She looked at him desperately, and there was a lot of meaning in her eyes. "Sister Qin, it's really me," Juemin said. He was full of sorrow and joy, although not to the point of crying and laughing, laughing and crying. "I should have come to see you a long time ago, but I was afraid of meeting my aunt, so I waited until today." "I knew you would come, I knew you would come," she said joyfully, tears welling up in her eyes.She looked at Juehui reproachfully again, and said, "Third cousin, you lied to me, and I know you lied to me. I believe he won't give in, and I believe him." "Who is he? Who is he?" A kind smile appeared on Juehui's face. He couldn't find a word to answer her, so he used this old saying to laugh at her. She is not blushing.Pointing at Juemin proudly, she said, "He is him!" She smiled contentedly.She looked at Juemin with loving eyes. This move of hers was unexpected by Juehui, but it made a good impression on him.he laughed.He looked at Juemin, and Juemin stood there proudly, thinking he was a hero because of her excessive praise. Only then did Juehui realize how wrong his previous guess was.He thought that the meeting of these two people must be very sad, there will be tears, there will be crying, there will be everything that a tragedy should have.Because this kind of thing is very common in their home.But now the facts are contrary to his conjecture.How these two people were supported by love and trust, and found hope and comfort in it, as if all obstacles could not separate them.They have been bound together by an irresistible force.There is no sorrow, no despair, but mutual trust, mutual trust that defies everything.At this moment, Qin and Juemin did perform this love scene in front of his eyes.This scene was like a ray of light in the dark world, giving him a hope. He believed that Juemin would never give in without his encouragement in the future.How easy it is for a young man with zeal to trust! "Okay, don't act anymore. If you have something to say, hurry up and talk, time flies," Juehui said to them with a smile; he asked again: "Do you want me to go out?" I found words to laugh at you." They smiled at him, didn't care about him, didn't answer him, just sat down on the edge of the bed holding hands, and chatted intimately.Juehui turned her back and picked up a book on the desk to read it. This is "Ibsen Collection", which has creases and dense circles in some places.He flipped through it attentively, only to realize that Qin had been reading "The Enemy of the Nation" by heart these few days.He thought she probably looked for encouragement and comfort in it.Thinking of this, he couldn't help smiling.He turned to look at her.She was talking vigorously with Juemin, the conversation was very intimate, and the kind smile made her face more beautiful, and it was no longer the haggard look before.He unconsciously looked at her twice more, envious of his brother in his heart.So he turned around and fanned himself while reading a book. After reading the first act of Enemy of the Nation, he turned to look at her again, and she was still talking to him.He went to see her after reading the second act. They hadn't finished talking yet. He read the whole chapter and went to see her again. They were still talking happily. "How? So many words!" Juehui began to urge. Qin raised her head to look at him, smiled, and turned her face to speak again. "Second brother, let's go, you have talked enough," Juehui urged again after half an hour. Juemin was about to answer, but Qin rushed to say: "Wait a little longer. It's still early, why be so anxious!" She held Juemin's hand tightly, as if she was afraid that Juemin would go away. "I must go back," Juehui deliberately insisted. "Okay, please go back, I can't keep your expensive feet in this cheap place," Qin said angrily.But when Juehui was about to go outside, she and Juemin called him back together. "Third brother, do you really want to leave? Don't you even want to help me with this little help?" Juemin begged sincerely. Juehui smiled and said: "I'm just joking with you, but you have left me too cold. Sister Qin, I've been here for so long, and you don't invite me to sit or talk to me. You have forgotten me when you have your second brother. " Both of them laughed.Qin smiled and argued: "I only have one mouth, how can I talk to two people at the same time? Third cousin, be more obedient, and let me talk to second cousin today. You have something to say until tomorrow." Enough," Qin comforted Juehui like a child. "Don't lie to me like that. I'm not as lucky as my second brother." "Third brother," Juemin called out, and was about to continue, but was stopped by Qin.Qin hurriedly said: "Your mouth is so powerful, I can't tell you. I just want to ask you if you like Xu Qianru, she is much better than me, she is a new woman! Do you want me to introduce you?" Her A sly smile appeared on his face. "Maybe I like her, maybe I don't. What does that have to do with you? You don't need to introduce her. It's not that she doesn't know me," Juehui said mischievously. He was very interested in this kind of debate. "You're right, I think so. Both of their ideas are very new and intense," before Qin answered, but Juemin seemed to remember something, and nodded to Qin with a smile, expressing his approval Views. Juehui naturally understood what they meant, smiled and waved his hands and said, "I don't want to follow your example, I don't know how to act." He turned his head, and his first thought was: "You are what I want!" But The second thought immediately came and drove the first away.The thought was: "I've killed a girl, I don't need love anymore." He just smiled, just smiled wryly. The conversation between Qin and Juemin finally came to an end.Now they have to part.Juemin really didn't want to leave this room.He felt that not only her, but even everything in this room was very precious to him.He hesitated.He looked at her, and he thought again of that little room, that lonely waiting life, and he had not the courage to go back there.But Juehui stood beside him.Juehui's urging eyes reminded him that he knew he had to go back there.There is no other way.As if anticipating that he was going to fall from the bright sky into the dark abyss, he said desperately, sadly, and somewhat struggling: "I'm going." But he couldn't move his feet for a moment.He wanted to say a few words to comfort her, but he couldn't find the right words in a hurry, so he said "Don't miss me".That's not what he meant, he was asking her to miss him all the time. Qin stood in front of Juemin, looking at him with watery eyes.She listened to him attentively, as if expecting something unusual to say to her.But he didn't.She waited for a long time, but he only said a few short words.She was disappointed, she was afraid that he would walk away immediately.She hurriedly asked to stay: "If you don't want it, just leave, wait a while, I have something to tell you." She grabbed his sleeve. He swallowed these words as good food.He stared blankly at her excited face, and his eyes looked into her eyes through the glasses.His lips moved slowly, and he said the following words with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't leave." His smiling face was almost like a crying face, and Juehui thought he was really crying. Qin felt that Juemin's gentle eyes were caressing her eyes and her face, as if saying: "Speak, speak! I will pay attention to what you say, whether it is a word or a sentence. ’” She wanted to find something to say that would comfort him forever, something he would never forget, but she couldn’t find a word worth listening to.She looked at him, anxious.She was afraid that he would turn around and leave.She still held on to his sleeve.She no longer chooses words.When she thought of something, she said it immediately, without thinking about whether it was necessary to say these words, or whether they had anything to do with him. "Qian Ru said that Wen and the 'Old Miss' in our school are going to Beijing to study. They really can't bear this environment. Their families also blame them for not cutting their hair," Qin began to say, she did not He didn't explain to Juemin who Wen and "Old Miss" were, as if he was already familiar with these names and nicknames.Juemin, however, listened attentively, as if feeling great interest. "I'm afraid Qianru has to leave too. Her father was attacked because of her affairs. He was very angry and said that he would resign from his position in the Negotiation Department and take his daughter to live in Shanghai or Nanjing." These are also Qin's words. , Juemin still listened attentively. "Sister Mei has been very ill recently. She vomits blood every day, but not too much. She keeps it from her mother, and she must not let me tell people that she doesn't want to take medicine. She said that the extra day she lives is just the extra day she suffers." It's better to die early. Her mother is busy visiting guests and playing cards all day long, so she doesn't care about her. On the contrary, the eldest cousin often thinks about her, sending her medicine and things. I finally found a chance yesterday to take her away. She told her mother about her symptoms. Her mother became anxious. Sister Mei may be right, but I can’t watch her die. Don’t tell my eldest cousin. She told me not to let my eldest cousin know that she vomited blood. about it.” These are also Qin’s words.She suddenly noticed that Juemin's eyes were filled with tears, and the teardrops began to flow down the cheeks behind the glasses.His lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.But she already understood.She was about to say something more, but a sudden, nameless sadness overtook her and quickly overwhelmed her.She said a word or two, then swallowed again.She was struggling, and finally burst out a cry: "I can't go on!" So she stepped back a few steps, covered her face with her hands, and let the tears flow freely. "Sister Qin, I'm going," Juemin said sadly, he really didn't want to go, but at this time he had to go.He hadn't expected that their happy meeting would end in sad tears.But both of them cried.Many words and many things are ended in crying, no matter how much they call themselves new youths, brave youths. "Don't go! Don't go!" Qin took off her hand covering her face, reached out to Juemin, and cried out sadly. Juemin was about to rush at her when Juehui grabbed his arm.He stopped and silently turned around to look at Juehui.Juehui didn't cry, her dry eyes shone with a strong light.Juehui turned her face back, telling him to go.He felt that Juehui had a good idea.He turned his head and comforted Qin with his sad voice: "Sister Qin, don't cry, I will come again, our residence is so close, I will definitely come to see you when I have a chance... I am going back, take care, Wait for my good news." He followed Juehui out with a heartbeat, leaving Qin alone in the darkened room. Seeing them leaving, Qin chased them out. When she reached the door of the main room, she stopped, leaned against the door frame, and watched their backs attentively. Juemin and Juehui walked to the street, and there seemed to be Qin's crying in their ears.They didn't exchange a word, just strode along.They were approaching Huang Cunren's house when Juehui suddenly stopped in the street and said to Juemin in a loud voice: "Your affairs will be successful, you will be victorious. We have made enough sacrifices." He paused for a moment, and said in a firmer and almost cruel voice: "If there is still a need to sacrifice , then let them be sacrificed once.”
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