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Chapter 30 30

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Summer vacation is here.These days, Juemin has more opportunities to be with Qin, and Juehui has more time to attend gatherings, conversations and work with young friends like him.New publications came out with new efforts and new readers.Things are going well. During the summer vacation, there is another big event in Gao's mansion. Mrs. Gao's sixty-sixth birthday is approaching. Keding was the first to advocate celebrating the day with grand ceremonies.He thought that a special sum should be set aside in the public account to prepare for the celebration.Keding even said emphatically: "Anyway, there is a lot of money that can't be used up. We have to collect so much rent every year. Liu Sheng came back from the countryside and said that this year's harvest is good. Although there is a military disaster, he can still charge a little more than last year. Spend more money. It doesn’t matter how much money you have!” The steward Liu Sheng’s words were heard by everyone.Ke'an very much agrees with Keding's proposition.Keming, who usually manages accounts, thought about it and agreed.He also reported this opinion to the old man, and drew up some specific measures according to his father's wishes.

The date is near.Gifts came flooding in one after another.People organized offices to receive gifts and distribute invitations.Many people were busy, and Juexin even asked the company for a week off because of this matter.Many electric lights were added to the mansion, and lights and festoons were decorated everywhere, and the decoration was very magnificent.In the area directly opposite to the main room inside the middle gate, an exquisite stage was set up with the threshold as the boundary. All famous actors in the city, whether they sing Beijing opera or Sichuan opera, were invited to sing three days of opera.In the hall outside the threshold, a place was surrounded by blue cloth curtains, which was used as dressing rooms for actors. In addition, two dressing rooms for famous dan roles were arranged in the small living room on the right.The repertoire was fixed, and he appeared to be an excellent expert in these matters.Ke'an also participated in this work.

During this time, everyone was busy, and everyone had their own duties, which only benefited Juemin and Juehui. Not only did they not do anything, but they often slipped outside.Only during the three days of official celebrations did they have to stay at home and had to be seen from time to time. During these three days, they gained experience that they had never had before.Although this home is an annoyance to them on weekdays, they still know it more or less.In the past few days it has completely changed its appearance.It has become a theater, it has become a market.There are people everywhere, noisy voices, and unnatural smiling faces.Even their rooms were temporarily occupied by more familiar guests.This place formed a small group, where a few blind men played the dulcimer and sang tunes like "Da He Shou"; there formed a small group, where a few blind men played the huqin and sang obscene ditties, The man sharpened his throat and tried his best to make a female voice, and the woman tried her best to pretend to be a man's thick voice; another place formed a small group, and everyone gathered around a curtain to listen to the special ventriloquist inside, because all the voices were coming out of the curtain. Nasty voices of men flirting with women, so inexperienced young people can't listen to it.

The play kicked off on the afternoon of the first day.Except for a few well-timed plays, most of the plays were not on the play list. This is not because the authority of the expert has been shaken, but because some distinguished guests temporarily ordered some more moving and interesting plays, and It was specially instructed to perform carefully and meticulously.So in Sichuan operas such as "Uncle Dabing Tiao" and "Osmanthus Flower Pavilion", in Beijing operas such as "Cuiping Mountain" and "Warning Wancheng" have been performed one after another, and they are performed more well in theaters. In more detail, at the point where the female guests and young people blush while the middle-aged and old people nod and smile, the third master Keming's footman, Wende with a loud and clear voice, appeared on the stage with a red wine bag in his hand. The note read aloud: "Master so-and-so or master so-and-so rewarded so-and-so person (danjiao) for a certain amount of yuan." So Danjiao, who received the reward, greeted and thanked the distinguished guest who gave the reward, and winked. , A satisfied smile immediately appeared on the solemn face of the distinguished guest.

But this is not enough to satisfy the distinguished guests.So after a play is over, the award-winning dan role has to pretend to step off the stage to accompany the distinguished guests.Ke'an's father-in-law, Mrs. Wang, took Xiao Huifang's hand and poured him wine.Keming's colleague, Chen Kejia with a beard, asked Zhang Xiaotao to cuddle up to him and toast him.Then laughter, shouts, and all kinds of vulgar ugliness, which even young people could not dream of, were performed at the table of the distinguished guests, and the servants who waited nearby whispered about them.The old man Gao sitting in front of the stage is the birthday star who has been celebrated by everyone in the past three days. He is sitting next to his cousin Mr. Tang and his old friend Mr. Feng Leshan.He saw all this and smiled with satisfaction.He turned his eyes back to look at the stage again, and he didn't turn his eyes away again, because at this time Zhang Bixiu, his favorite female role (that is, Ke'an's favorite), appeared: Zhang Bixiu was full of pearls and emeralds. Embroidered pink satin trousers writhed on the stage.The third brother Keming went to and from the banquet to entertain the guests with a smile, and even Juexin followed them.

Juemin and Juehui witnessed all these situations with their own eyes, and they were the only two who had a strong aversion to all of this.In this home, in this environment, they have become complete strangers.The noise and laughter around them seemed to be in a language they could not understand; the many creatures that walked, talked, laughed, shouted, and drunken seemed not to be their own kind.They seemed to know many faces, but when they looked carefully, they seemed to have never seen them before. Several times they even became confused, not knowing where this place was, nor what to do.The behavior of others has told them that they are completely unnecessary in this environment.But Keming and Juexin refused to let them leave here because they were needed to make up the numbers.The two brothers should remain at home and play the part of the theater.They were seated at a table of less distinguished guests, made smiling faces, raised wine glasses, and ate food, not like a human being, but like a machine.Juehui endured it on the first day, and had nightmares one after another at night.The next day he could bear it no longer, sneaked out once between breakfast and lunch, was ridiculed and then comforted by his new youthful friends, and found the courage to go home to a new indignity (feel Hui calls this an "insult").But on the third day he lost his chance to slip away.

Mei came here with Mrs. Qian. She was wearing bright light-colored clothes and plain skirts that she seldom wore on weekdays, and she often had a smile on her face. Rui Jue received her affectionately.They talked a lot.She leaves early at night.The next morning she sent someone to send a text message to Rui Jue: she was sick.Mei's illness is a real illness.During these days her illness deepened.Her face was a little sickly, but it seemed to add a kind of radiant beauty, which made even a little sensitive person feel sorry, knowing that this beautiful star was about to fall.But there are not many people in this family who feel this kind of regret.Juexin is naturally one, and he may be the one who cares most about Mei, but there are many invisible barriers between him and her (at least in his opinion), they can only look at each other from a distance, and exchange some silent words. language.They even avoid the opportunity to talk a few words in one place alone.Both of them thought that by doing so, they might reduce each other's suffering, but in fact it had the opposite effect.So he is losing weight day by day; she is also losing weight day by day, and she often vomits blood.Zhou also likes Mei, but she can't understand Mei's thoughts, and she can't give Mei real comfort.In fact, no one can give this kind of comfort, even Rui Jue, who knows Mei the most and has been very close to Mei recently, cannot give Mei real comfort.

Qin also came, slept in Shuying's room all night, and went home early the next day.She said it was uncomfortable.She's so smart, she can fake sickness.On the same day, she asked Zhang Sheng to secretly send a letter to Juemin, asking him to come to her home. Juemin got Qin's letter and immediately found an opportunity to sneak to Qin's place.He and Qin talked freely about each other's minds.He came out of his aunt's house, very happy in his heart, and walked back to his own house quickly.But unexpectedly, before he reached the door of the main room, he was seen by Juexin who was walking towards him, and Juexin asked him in a low voice: "You went to Qin's place, didn't you?" He was surprised , unable to say a word for a long while, finally nodded.

"I know, I saw Zhang Sheng deliver a letter to you in private earlier. I also know that Qin is pretending to be sick. I know about you," Juexin still whispered, with a smile on his face, it was a wry smile.Juemin didn't speak, but he also smiled, but his smile was a satisfied smile. Juexin looked around. Seeing Keming walking by, he put on a smiling face and said two or three words to Keming. After Keming walked away, he continued to talk to Juemin. His voice was still very low, but His countenance changed.He said: "You are happy, you can do what you want to do... I also want to see a person's illness, but I don't even have this freedom. She is so sick, but I can't go to her." She went to see her at home. She wrote a letter to your sister-in-law today. She also said that she saw that I was not looking well, and asked your sister-in-law to persuade me to relax. How do you think I can relax? I know she is so Time needs me, she...she..." He couldn't go on.

Juemin was very moved after hearing these words, and said: "Brother, you are suffering too much. I advise you to forget about Cousin Mei as soon as possible. You miss her so much, but you are suffering yourself, and you are thinking of her. , how can you be worthy of sister-in-law, don't you love sister-in-law too?" Juexin's face turned completely blue. He looked at Juemin with tears in his eyes, and he didn't speak for a while, and then suddenly said angrily: "She persuaded me like this, and now you persuade me like this! Everyone persuades me like this!" I....Your views are exactly the same as theirs!...What's the use of saying such things at this time?..." Before he finished speaking, he turned around and walked away.

Only then did Juemin realize that what Juexin expected from him was not such an answer.But how else could he answer his elder brother?He also remembered that Juexin spoke like this, and acted like that.He felt incomprehensible.There are mysteries everywhere in this family, and they are all mysteries that he can't solve.He stood there, using his blank eyes to see how the short clown and the tall danjiao on the stage (he recognized this as Zhang Bixiu, whom the fourth father liked) were flirting meticulously, and then looked at those smiling with satisfaction. spectators, the exalted, and the less exalted, and the not exalted at all, the multitude of spectators.He smiled contemptuously, and then completely forgot what Juexin said just now.He paced slowly, thinking of his own great business.So beautiful visions appeared one after another before his eyes. He has seen all kinds of things in the past and all kinds of things in the future. It is all about him and her.He is optimistic because she gives him courage and certainty.She already had complete confidence in him, not only in him, but firmly in her promise that she would not disappoint him.Things went well between him and her.In the beginning, after taking English lessons every day, they chatted about each other's temperament, aspirations and hopes, and gradually talked about various small things in each other's lives. Finally, each of them showed their hearts to each other and got mutual understanding.The bond between the two deepened to such an extent that each felt inseparable.From the gossip related to love affairs, he talked about love affairs between relatives and friends, about Mei and Juexin, and even about his own affairs.He remembered how she turned the pages of the book with one hand with her face down, blushing, pretending to be intentional or unintentional, and telling him how much she needed him, and she would not leave him to go to other places in the future.She also said that there were many obstacles in her future, how difficult her situation was, how lonely her position was, how she decided to walk on a new road desperately, how she needed someone like him who could understand her, comfort her, people who help her.The two of them already knew each other in their hearts, and they just had to say it verbally.Now that the opportunity came, he said what he had wanted to say for a long time but hadn't said it, and showed himself what kind of hero he was.He even said he would sacrifice everything for her sake.Then she also said something.Both of them can understand ten sentences by saying one sentence.They both have trust in each other, and they have confidence in the realization of their hopes.This time the conversation seemed to lift the curtain, and the important issue was settled.It happened today. The beautiful vision of future life also appeared, which is naturally very exaggerated.This phantasm dazzled his eyes and made him forget all possible obstacles.Standing on the stone steps in front of the main room, he saw the flirtatious characters on the stage again (they were no longer small clowns and tall dan roles, but a young student with thick eyebrows and a delicate figure and a petite female role. ), saw the audience still smiling with satisfaction, heard Wende chanting loudly on the stage: "Master Chen rewards Zhang Xiaotao with twenty yuan", saw Xiaodan on the stage smiling and asking the bearded man in the audience for a Ann, there was another contemptuous smile on his face.He felt that they were no longer a formidable obstacle to him.So he raised his eyes to look into the distance again, to see his ideal life, until someone patted him on the shoulder from behind. It was a very familiar hand, which brought him back to real life.He turned his head and saw his younger brother Juehui standing behind, looking at him and smiling.He asked, "You ran out too?" "Of course, it's hot and stuffy at home, and the noise is outrageous. It's no wonder I don't leave!" Juehui said with a smug smile, "You must have a good chance." Juehui has already seen from her brother's face everything. Juemin blushed slightly, nodded and said: "Our matter has been decided. The first step is no problem. We talked about everything clearly today. Now it's time for the second step..." Put on a contented smile.His not very sharp eyes revealed from behind the gold-rimmed glasses, turning on Juehui's face. A strange smile flashed across Juehui's face. It was a jealous smile. Although she tried her best to hold back it, it finally showed, but it was difficult for others to notice.He had a feeling he had never felt before.He also loved Qin in secret, no matter how he told Juemin before that he loved her like a sister, no matter he loved another girl, and this girl sacrificed her life for him, no matter who How can he hope that his brother's love affairs will go smoothly and make Qin his sister-in-law? Once he hears that the person he loved has been taken by another person, he still has to be jealous.However, this is only a momentary matter.Immediately his feelings changed.He secretly blamed himself for having such a concept of love, and he was ashamed that he had such thoughts about his brother's affairs. "Be careful, don't be too optimistic!..." Juehui said these two sentences at first, when he was still more or less dominated by jealousy, although in fact there was some truth in what he said. "Everything is not a problem," Juemin, who was in high spirits, was not at all depressed when he heard Juehui's words. He also said, "You are usually brave, why are you worrying so much now?" Juehui heard Juemin speak so honestly, knowing that her brother didn't know her other thoughts, she smiled and said, "You are right. I wish you success." He inadvertently turned his eyes to the other side of the stage, The gongs and drums on the stage were deafening. Several naked men turned somersaults there, and then there were two or three colorful faces fighting there. The grandfather sitting in front of the stage was smiling and talking to a gray-bearded man next to him. The guests talk.Seeing the face full of freckles and wrinkles and the red nose like a sausage, Juehui felt extremely angry. He immediately clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said in hatred: "He is here!" "Which one?" Juemin asked in surprise, he hadn't noticed the guest talking to his grandfather yet. "Feng Leshan, that executioner!" Juehui said, pointing in that direction. "Speak softly, you are not afraid of being heard!" Juemin hurriedly stopped Juehui. "What are you afraid of? I was about to be heard. Didn't you just talk about being brave?" Juehui sneered. Juemin couldn't think of words to comfort his younger brother for a moment. When he was in trouble, the savior came.However, what the savior brought was not good news, but Juemin would not know it at this time.The saviors are the two sisters Shuhua and Shuzhen. "Second brother, Aunt Feng Jiaxin is here, do you want to go and see?" Shuzhen happily pulled Juemin's sleeve and said to him with a smile. "Aunt Feng Jiaxin, I don't recognize her, why did I go to see her? That's strange!" Juemin said in surprise. "Isn't she Wan'er?" Juehui asked, and he immediately understood. "Here she is, where is she now?" He said the words as if digging a man out of the grave. "There is no one else in my room, should you go and see?" Shuhua said with a mysterious smile. "Okay," Juehui replied and followed Sister Shuhua away.They left Juemin there because he said not to look. "Wan'er is really not worth it. It's a pain in the Feng family. The old man likes her, but he has a bad temper and can torture people. When the old woman loses her temper, even the old man is afraid of her. She always uses Wan'er as a punching bag!..." Shu Hua chattered along the way, as if he was very satisfied with knowing so many things. Three people entered the house, and it was not that there was no one else in the room.Ruijue is one, Shuying is one, Qian'er is one, Xi'er is one, and there is Cuihuan, the three-bedroom girl, and the girl with delicate features and long face, Wan'er.She was better dressed than ever, with heavy makeup and long earrings.It's just that the face is a little haggard.At this time, she was talking to Qian'er and Xi'er about her life in Feng's house, and Ruijue and Shuying heard tears welling up in their eyes. Wan'er's seat was right next to the window, facing the door diagonally, so she saw it as soon as Juehui came in.She quickly stood up, closed the small folding fan in her hand, made a smile and called "Third Young Master" before bending down to pay her respects. Juehui nodded, and quickly returned the gift with a bow.Seeing that she was still standing and refusing to sit down, he said with a smile: "Please sit down, you are welcome. You are now the new aunt of the Feng family and our guest." He was also very sad, and he thought of Mingfeng . Wan'er blushed, lowered her head and remained silent.Rui Jue, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, looked at Juehui reproachfully, and said gently, "Third brother, she feels bad, you still have the heart to laugh at her." "I didn't mean to say that," he argued.He suddenly remembered what Qian'er told him in the garden, that he only had good feelings for Wan'er, he sympathized with her, and wanted to do a good thing or say a good word to her.He then said to Rui Jue: "You still have the nerve to talk about me! When she comes back today, you don't invite her to go to the theater outside, and everyone stays in the room and sheds tears. Isn't this a joke?" "Third brother, I can't say enough about you, I don't see how powerful your mouth is!" Rui Jue said pretending to be angry, and shook the round fan in his hand a few times.Shuhua and Shuzhen laughed beside them. "You can't talk about him, let me tell!" Shuying continued.Seeing Wan'er still standing, she said to her, "Wan'er, just sit down, don't be polite to him." At this time, Juehui had found a stool and sat down, and Wan'er sat down silently.Shuying said to Juehui again: "The outside scenes are not interesting at all, the male guests are not shy, they always play scenes that dirty their eyes. The chances of Wan'er coming back are not many, she wants to talk about private affairs with Qian'er and the others By the way, I have been separated from her for a few months and I miss her very much, so we arranged to meet here. They were talking just right, but you interrupted. Let me ask you, what are you doing here as a young master?" "In this way, you want to drive me away. In fact, I will leave. It's stuffy and hot here, and there are many people crowded together. What's the good!" Juehui said, but he was not ready to leave yet. "Third brother, you said go, why are you staying here again? Don't be complacent, someone has already proposed marriage to the second brother, and it will be your turn next time," Shuhua interjected, her words were quick, and finally The news leaked. "Propose marriage for the second brother? Which one will propose marriage for the second brother?" Juehui asked in surprise. "It's Feng Leshan, talking about his grand-niece, who is the same age as the second brother, but has a big temper," Shuhua replied with a smile. "A few months younger than the second young master," Wan'er went on to explain, "the appearance is still Zhouzheng." "It's that old bastard again," he cursed angrily, getting up and saying: "I'll go tell my second brother!" He said and walked outside, and turned his head to look at Wan'er, as if looking at someone who was about to say goodbye forever.He saw Wan'er talking to Qian'er and the others in a low voice, and he also saw Shuhua and Shuzhen smiling strangely at him.He also said in his heart: "I'm going to tell my second brother right away." He seemed to have got a very important news. He came out of the room, and had just reached the stone steps in front of the upper left room when he was disappointed.He saw Juemin standing next to his grandfather and Feng Leshan. Feng Leshan was fanning his big golden folding fan while asking questions to Juemin with a smile. Juemin actually answered obediently. "Why should you be polite to that person? You talk to that executioner! You don't know that he is your enemy, and he is destroying your love!" He blamed Juemin secretly in his heart. The news finally came to Juemin.Juehui told him, and Juexin was ordered by his grandfather to seek Juemin's opinion.In fact, the so-called asking for opinions was not what my grandfather meant. My grandfather was just giving an order. Juexin also believed that his grandfather's orders should be obeyed, although he did not agree with his grandfather's decision. This was of course a big blow to Juemin, but he was not intimidated.His answer was simple, he just didn't want to.He said: "My marriage should be decided by myself. Now I am still young, and it is time for me to study. I don't want to start a family." He still had many things hidden in his heart that he did not say. "If you decide on your own, it's not good to tell grandpa. I think you can tell grandpa with your young reason. But in our family, it's not too early to get married at nineteen. I also got married at nineteen. In From Grandpa's point of view, this is not a reason," Juexin said hesitantly. "Then from your point of view, there is nothing you can do," Jue-min said angrily. "I'm not saying there's no way," Juexin quickly argued, but he couldn't say the rest. Juemin stared intently at Juexin's face, as if he wanted to see through Juexin's heart.He remembered one thing, and he said forcefully: "You don't remember what you said to me this afternoon? Do you want me to repeat your tragedy?..." "But grandpa..." Juexin defended himself with his grandfather's words. He felt that Juemin's words were good, but his grandfather's orders must be obeyed. "Don't mention grandpa anymore. I want to go my own way," Juemin interrupted before his brother could finish.He went back to his room at once. Although it was late at night, he still refused to sleep.He discussed with Juehui for a long time, and the two brothers agreed on the following method: resist, and flee if the resistance fails, in short, never give in.Juehui tried his best to encourage Juemin, firstly because he sympathized with Juemin, and secondly because he wanted Juemin to set an example in this family and open up a new path for him and their brothers.So Juemin excitedly wrote a short message to Qin immediately, and planned to put it in a book for delivery the next morning.The content of the letter is as follows: "Qin: No matter what you hear about me, please don't believe it, because someone proposed marriage to me now. I have promised to give myself to you, and I will never take it back. You trusted me , I hope you trust me to the end. You see how I fight bravely! See how I win you! Juemin. " Juemin read the letter aloud twice, and proudly said to himself: "This is an important souvenir in the history of our love." He showed it to Juehui again, and said, "How is it?" "What a knight in the Middle Ages!" Juehui read the letter, and praised it sarcastically, and couldn't help laughing inwardly. He thought, "Let's see how you fight." As soon as the old man's birthday passed, Juemin's marriage was formally proposed.Feng Leshan entrusted someone to be a matchmaker, and the old man naturally agreed.Since Mrs. Zhou is a daughter-in-law on the one hand and a stepmother on the other, it is inconvenient for her to make another opinion.In fact, she did not object to the old man's decision.Only now did Juexin feel that the problem was serious.He knew that as soon as the matter was decided, it would be a big mistake, and another young life was ruined.object?He didn't have the courage to oppose his grandfather.Considerations result in recourse to superstition.He waited for his grandfather to invite the fourth wife's father, Mrs. Wang, to be a big matchmaker to ask for Miss Feng's horoscope, and find a fortune teller to read it together.He hoped to get an "unlucky" answer from the fortune teller, and he even planned to bribe the fortune teller.However, the result was exactly the opposite of what he had hoped for. The combination of the two horoscopes is: a husband is honorable and his wife is expensive, good luck and great fortune.Zhou's heart was even more touched.What Juexin originally thought would be useful to him has now become his enemy.Holding the comment written by the fortune teller, he secretly laughed at his own stupidity, and at the same time grieved for Juemin's future.He would have liked to tear up the note full of nonsense, but he lacked courage.Then he sighed and said, "I've done my best." He thought that was all he could do. All these things were done in secret, and Juemin himself didn't know anything about it.In the Gao family, this kind of thing has always been done in secret.Instead, the person involved became a puppet that could not be interrogated.Moreover, those who used to be puppets now come to make others puppets.It has always been so, and it will always be so: this is the view of the old man and his kind.However, they misunderstood Juemin anyway, because Juemin is not a person who is willing to be a puppet. Juemin is completely different from his predecessors. He is very concerned about the progress of his marriage. He is not shy at all to ask around, and at the same time, Juehui is there to help him.He, Qin and Juehui almost formed a small group, often discussing the steps and strategies of the battle together, such as how to cancel this marriage, how to publicly announce his relationship with Qin, and so on. The first step in the battle was to express his attitude to the eldest brother, who replied that he could not make the decision; he asked the stepmother to cancel the marriage, and the stepmother said that the grandfather was the decision.As for his grandfather, he couldn't speak directly.He can't find anyone who can help him.In this home, the grandfather seems to be everything.Juemin won't get sympathy from others.A few days later, things got worse, and it was inconvenient for him to go to Qin's house often.Although my aunt sympathized with him, she couldn't and didn't plan to help him. At the same time, in order to avoid suspicion, my aunt advised him not to come to Qin often.Because someone in the Gao family has already rumored that Juemin's behavior was instigated by his aunt, saying that the reason why his aunt instigated him to oppose this marriage was to marry Qin to him.Qin cried because of this incident. The first "round" was a complete failure.Juemin began to adopt the second strategy, which was to threaten outside that if the family did not respect his opinion, he would take the last resort.Naturally, these words would not reach grandfather's ears, so it was still useless. Finally, Juemin got the news that the Gengtie would be exchanged, and it was decided on the auspicious day.At this time, it was only two weeks away from my grandfather's birthday. Juexin also explained Juemin's opinion to his grandfather, and his grandfather immediately retorted angrily: "I say it is right, who dares to say it is wrong? What do I say? So, what to do!" Juemin walked alone in the garden for several hours. He asked himself: "Should I surrender? Or should I fight to the end?" At this moment, he hesitated a bit, because after deciding what to do, there was no room for redemption.Escaping, leaving the family, there are many difficulties in the future.How to live in the future is a big question.He doesn't have to worry about food and clothing at home, but what if he goes outside?What do you live with?He didn't have the slightest preparation in advance.Things should have been decided immediately, but he hesitated. He only went to Juexin to discuss.He got to the point right away, and asked, "Is there any room for redemption?" "As far as I can see there is no other way," Juexin said gloomily. "Have you tried your best?" he asked desperately. "yes." "So what do you say I should do now?" "What should you do? I know what's on your mind. But I really can't help you. I advise you to obey your grandfather. We are born in this era, and we are only qualified to be victims," ​​Juexin lamented slowly. Said he was almost on the verge of tears. Juemin sneered and said two sentences in succession: "What a non-resistance doctrine! What a bowing doctrine!" He walked out of the room without looking back.He thought to himself: "Let's discuss it with the third brother!"
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