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Chapter 7 07

Home 巴金 6405Words 2018-03-19
On Sunday afternoon, Juexin went to the office of Xishu Industrial Company as usual, and there was no Sunday holiday there. He had just sat down and had a few sips of tea when Juemin and Juehui also came.They go to my brother's office almost every Sunday afternoon.As usual, they also bought a few new books. The business run by Xishu Industrial Company, which Juexin serves, has a small power plant attached to the storefront, which is dedicated to supplying electricity to the tenants of the storefront and the shops on a street or two nearby.The shopping mall is very large, and there are all kinds of shops in it. The company office is the renting office of the shopping mall, which is located in the shopping mall and manages the renting, charging and other businesses.The "Huayang Books and Newspapers Circulation Office" that sells new books and newspapers is also set up on the left corner of the back door of this shopping mall.Therefore, the bookstore has a closer relationship with Brother Juexin.

"This issue of "New Youth" arrived very rarely. When we went, there was only one copy left. It took a few minutes for someone else to take it away." Juehui lay down on a rattan chair by the window, Opening the sixteen-money magazine, he smiled and said like holding a treasure. "I've already told Boss Chen that every time a new book arrives, he should keep one for me anyway," Juexin was flipping through the accounts, and agreed nonchalantly when he heard Juehui's words. "It's useless to ask. There are too many people who want it, and most of them subscribed before. This time I only got three packages, and it will be over in less than two days," Juehui explained excitedly. He turned to a paper inside, Read it with relish.

"The rest will arrive soon. Didn't Boss Chen say that the parcels are already on the way? These three parcels are expedited," Juemin interrupted as soon as he sat down.He stood up from his seat again, took a copy from the desk, and took it back to his seat to read.He sat on the chair against the wall on the right. There were three chairs in this row, and two tea tables were placed in the middle.The chair he was sitting on was closest to the window, separated only by the movable round chair that Jue Xin used to sit on. None of the three spoke.The only sound in the room was the continuous, crisp sound of the abacus beads.The warm winter sun slanted in through the windows, but was blocked by the curtains of light blue foreign cloth.There were footsteps outside, and the sound of one pair of leather shoes stepping on the sandy dirt road was louder and clearer than the rest, and it was getting closer.People in the room could hear the leather shoes walking up the stone steps and entering the door of the office, so the blue cloth door curtain of this room moved, and a slender young man lifted the door curtain and walked in.All three people in the room looked up at him.Juexin called out with a smile: "Jianyun."

It was Chen Jianyun who came in. After greeting Brother Juexin, he took a copy of the "National Gazette" from the table and sat down on a chair next to Juemin.He flipped through the provincial news, put the newspaper on the coffee table, turned to Juemin and asked, "Is your school on winter vacation?" "The class is over, and the exam will be next week," Juemin raised his head, glanced at him, agreed lightly, and lowered his head to look again. "I heard that the Student Union is playing a play in the Wanchun tea garden today to raise funds for the establishment of a civilian school, isn't that true?" Jian Yun asked attentively.

Juemin raised his head slightly, and replied indifferently: "There are, but I didn't pay attention to them. It's not necessarily the Student Union, but maybe two or three schools." Things don't pay much attention.He goes to school every day and goes home after class.Next spring, he will act in a play at the entertainment fair. He will play the role of Dr. Li in "Treasure Island", and the British teacher appointed him to play the role. "Then why don't you go see it? I heard that it's "Lifetime Event" and "Puppet Family". I think it must be good."

"The road is too far. We are worried about the exam these days, and we have no intention of going to the theater," Juemin replied, this time without even raising his head. "I'd like to see it. Both plays are good," Juexin interrupted suddenly, turning the beads on his abacus. "Unfortunately, I don't have time." "Even if you're free, it's too late now," Juehui said with a smile as she closed the magazine on her knees after finishing reading the magazine's articles. Jian Yun buried his head again, silently picked up the newspaper on the coffee table, and flipped through it listlessly.

"Jianyun, are you still teaching at Wang's house recently? Why haven't I seen you for so many days? Are you in good health?" Juexin had finished the calculation, and suddenly noticed Jianyun's a little uneasy look, and asked with concern . "I caught a cold and fell ill for a few days, so I haven't seen you for many days. I'm still teaching at Wang's house, and I often meet Miss Qin." Jian Yun always called Qin "Miss Qin" no matter whether he called her in person or mentioned it behind her back. .He is a distant relative of Gao's family and Juexin's peer, but he is younger than Juexin, so he used to call Juexin to be "big brother" with brother Juemin.His parents were long dead.He was fostered at his uncle's house.After graduating from middle school, he was unable to go to school, so he had to find a small job to make ends meet: teaching English and arithmetic to the two children of the Wang family.The Wang family is Mrs. Zhang's relatives, and they live in the same mansion with Mrs. Zhang. He often meets Qin at the Wang's house.

"You have no blood on your face, and you are much thinner. Your body is always weak, and you should take good care of it," Juexin comforted Jian Yun with sympathy. "Brother, you are right," Jian Yun said gratefully, "I know it myself." "Then why is your face always so gloomy?" Juexin asked with concern. Jian Yun smiled, but no one could see that his smile was forced.He said: "Other people say that, but I don't think so. I think maybe it's because of my weak health, or because my parents died very early." His lips trembled slightly, as if he was about to cry, But he did not shed tears.

"If you are weak, you should exercise more. It is useless to worry alone," Juemin raised his head and said disapprovingly.Before he finished speaking, footsteps suddenly sounded outside, and a female voice called out: "Big cousin." "Miss Qin is here," a gleam of light flashed across Jian Yun's face, and he whispered. "Ah, please come in," Juexin quickly stood up and responded loudly. At this time, the door curtain moved, and it was Qin who came in, followed by her mother and servant Zhang Sheng, but Zhang Sheng went out again immediately. Qin was wearing a light green lake crepe padded jacket with a green skirt tied underneath.The hair on the sideburns hangs over her ears, making her oval face look just right.Under the neat front bangs, between the two eyebrows and a slightly high nose, there is a pair of big eyes that are neither high nor low.They were so bright that they not only added to her smiling face, but the room seemed much brighter when she walked in.All eyes were on her.She followed her mother and greeted several people in the room with a smile.

Juexin also greeted their mother and daughter, Juemin and Jianyun quickly stood up and gave them seats, and they themselves sat on the two chairs facing the window.Juexin rang the bell again to call for two bowls of tea. "Mingxuan, I heard that Xinfaxiang has a lot of fabrics. I want to buy one or two. I wonder if there are any suitable ones?" Mrs. Zhang said to Juexin after talking with them for a few words. "Yes, there are many types, such as Maoge," Juexin replied without hesitation. "Then please accompany me to have a look, okay?" "My aunt is going to see it, so I'll just go with her. Shall I go now?" Juexin said, he stood up, looked at Mrs. Zhang happily, and waited for her answer.

Mrs. Zhang said happily: "Are you okay now? Then go now." She also stood up and turned her head to look at Qin. Qin said with a smile: "Mom, I'm not going. I'll wait for you here." She also stood up and walked to the desk. "Alright," said Mrs. Zhang.Seeing Juexin lift the curtain to let her go out first, she stepped out of the threshold first.Juexin followed her outside. "Third cousin, what book are you reading?" Qin asked while standing in front of the desk, looking at the magazine in Juehui's hand. "New Youth," Juehui replied triumphantly, raising her head to look at her.He gripped the magazine tightly, as if afraid Jean would snatch it away.Seeing him like this, Qin smiled slightly and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't snatch it away." Juemin laughed and said, "Sister Qin, I have a new one here, just take a look." Juehui sat up, handed the magazine to Qin, and said one after another: "Look, look, lest you say that I regard the new magazine as a treasure later on." Qin didn't reach out to pick it up, she just said: "You guys read it first. After you finish watching, I'll borrow it home and watch it slowly." She said this to the two brothers. Juehui retracted her hand and lay down again to read a book.But after a while, he suddenly asked her with a smile: "Sister Qin, you are so happy today, has your aunt agreed to your business?" Qin shook her head and said, "I don't know why I'm happy. It doesn't matter if Mom agrees to my affairs or not. My affairs should be decided by myself, because I am just like you, and I am also a human being." She said Then he walked to Juexin's seat and sat down, casually flipping through the account books on the table. "That's right," Juemin praised from the side, "You are really a new woman!" "Don't make fun of me," Qin said with a smile.Suddenly her face became serious, and she said in another tone: "I tell you some unusual news: your aunt Qian's family has returned to the provincial capital." This is indeed an unusual news. "What about Cousin Mei?" Juehui sat up and asked with concern. "She's back too. She became a widow less than a year after she got married, because her husband's family treated her badly, so she went back to your aunt's house again, and this time she came to the province with your aunt." "How do you know so clearly? Where did you get the news?" Juemin asked in amazement, the pair of eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses opened round. "She came to our house yesterday," Jean whispered back. "Cousin Mei has been to your house? Is she still the same as before?" Juemin asked with concern. "She is a bit haggard, but she is not very thin, and she looks better than before. It's just that her eyes are watery, and they seem to contain a lot of things. I dare not ask her more questions, I am afraid to make her I remembered the past. She talked to me a little bit. What she talked about was Yibin’s customs and her own recent situation. She never mentioned her big cousin.” Qin’s voice became melancholy, and when she said the last sentence, she suddenly Changing his tone, he asked Juemin, "How does big cousin treat her now?" "Brother seems to have forgotten about Cousin Mei, he never mentioned Cousin Mei's name, and he is very satisfied with his sister-in-law," Juemin replied bluntly. Qin shook her head slightly, and said with a little sentimentality: "But Cousin Mei may not forget him easily. Just by looking at her eyes, I can tell that she still remembers Big Cousin to this day....Mom told me not to pass this news on. Tell big cousin." "Actually, it doesn't matter if you tell him. Cousin Mei and Auntie Mei won't come to our house, and they won't have a chance to meet each other. Brother has completely forgotten about that. After a few years, everything has changed. Besides, he and his sister-in-law The relationship is very good. What are you afraid of?" Juehui interjected. "I think it's better not to tell him. Since he has forgotten it, he shouldn't be reminded. How can Brother Baoding really forget Cousin Mei?" Juemin expressed his opinion carefully. "I think it's better not to let him know," Jean replied with a nod. Jian Yun sat on the chair in the corner of the room, his expression not very good-looking.He seemed to want to speak, but only moved his lips a few times, but no words came out.He looked at Qin's face all the time and listened attentively to her conversation.But Jean paid no attention to him.He looked at Juemin and Juehui with envy.At this time, the past events mentioned by Qin deeply moved him (there was another reason at the same time), and he couldn't help sighing and said: "If the eldest brother really married Cousin Mei, it would be a happy thing in the world." Jean gave him a gentle look, but then looked away again.But he seemed to have been blessed once, and he thought carefully about Qin's words: "Who doesn't think so?" "I don't know who was behind it at that time, which made my mother and my aunt conflict, and ruined the happiness of my elder brother and cousin Mei!" Juehui said angrily. "You don't know. I know. My mother told me. Even my cousin doesn't know," Qin said in a melancholy tone. With consent, it is said that she later took the horoscopes of her eldest cousin and cousin Mei to someone to sort out, saying that the fate of the two parties was incompatible, and they could not cooperate, otherwise the woman would die early. Therefore, she rejected the door. Marriage. In fact, there are other reasons. It turned out that one day she had a disagreement with her current eldest aunt at the poker table, and she thought she had been wronged, so she took revenge for her refusal to marry. The eldest aunt originally liked Cousin Mei, but in fact, because of you Who in the family doesn’t like Cousin Mei? The eldest aunt was very dissatisfied with the refusal of the marriage. Later, the news spread that the eldest cousin was engaged to Miss Li’s family, and your aunt was also very upset. The two of them fell out, and even Yu cut off contact." "It turns out that there is such a thing, we didn't know it before," Juemin said suddenly, "We didn't know that their marriage had already been mentioned. We only blame the father and the current mother for not understanding and not caring about the eldest brother's mind." Happiness. It turned out that they were wrongly blamed." "Yeah, who didn't want elder brother to marry cousin Mei back then? When we heard the news of elder brother's engagement, we always felt uncomfortable. We felt wronged for cousin Mei, and blamed elder brother for not being able to resist, so we agreed in a muddle. Later Cousin Mei didn’t come to our house, and soon she left the provincial capital. Later, the older brother took over his sister-in-law, and we all sympathized with Cousin Mei and complained secretly to the elder brother. It’s funny to say that we seem to be more active than the elder brother himself.... At that time We all thought it was natural for eldest brother to marry cousin Mei," said Juehui at the end, laughing unconsciously. "I'm afraid it wasn't love at that time. The two of them were just about the same age and compatible in temperament. So after parting, the elder brother didn't feel very sad," Juemin explained. "You are really!... Isn't the eight words 'equal age, compatible temperament' not enough at that time?" Juehui asked back. "Alas! Alas!..." Jian Yun sighed alone in the corner of the room. "Jian Yun, what's the matter with you? You are sighing alone!" Juemin asked in surprise. Jian Yun didn't answer, as if he didn't hear it. "He's always like this," Juehui said with a smile. The eyes of the three people were all focused on Jian Yun's face.Jian Yun lowered his head, but immediately raised his head again, his dark eyes looked at Qin's face timidly.Qin didn't avoid it at all, but his eyes immediately averted.He just shook his head and said, "You don't understand elder brother. You don't understand. Eldest brother will never forget Cousin Mei. I have already seen it: elder brother often misses cousin Mei." "Then why don't we see any signs from him? He seldom even mentions the name of Cousin Mei. According to you, doesn't it mean that the more love you have in your heart, the colder you will be on the surface?" Juemin raised this question. He himself thought it was a strong rebuttal. "It's not a question of should or shouldn't. I think it's a fact, and sometimes even he himself doesn't understand it," Jian Yun explained. "I don't believe it!" Juehui said firmly. "I think so too," Qin said earnestly; "I thought that such a thing would never happen. This is an aboveboard thing, and there is no need to hide it. Since the heart is warm, how can it be so cold on the surface? " Jian Yun seemed to have been hit hard, and his face suddenly turned blue.His lips trembled slightly, his eyes drooped, and he bowed his head without saying a word. Qin noticed Jian Yun's expression, stood up and asked in surprise: "Mr. Chen, how are you?" Jian Yun raised his head to look at Qin's face, and there was a puzzled expression on his face.Then he smiled.His eyes lit up, but they were still gloomy.So the smile disappeared again.His complexion quickly darkened. Brother Juemin's eyes followed Qin's and fell on his face.The three of them saw the change in his facial expression, but could not understand the reason for the change. "Mr. Chen, you don't look good. Are you uncomfortable?" Qin asked sympathetically. "Is there something embarrassing for you?" Jian Yun looked embarrassed, he looked at Qin's glowing face, but couldn't find a suitable word.His tongue also became dull, and with difficulty he uttered the following words: "Nothing, nothing. I have nothing on my mind." He shook his head, and added: "My mind is so poor that I can't always express myself." He smiled sadly. "Mr. Chen, why are you always so humble? We often meet, but we can't compare to outsiders," Qin said gently. "It's not modesty, I really can't do it. Compared with you, I always feel that I am too far behind. I don't deserve to be with you." Jian Yun's face turned red, not because of shame, but because of his sincerity , excited conversation.He was afraid that others would not believe these words, so he said them with special force. "Don't say such things, we don't want to listen. Let's talk about other things," Qin suddenly changed the subject, and said to Jian Yun in a tone that seemed to be commanding, but also sympathetic. Juemin didn't say anything beside him, his eyes sometimes fell on Qin's face, and sometimes looked at Jian Yun's face.He listened carefully to their conversation, and sometimes showed a smug smile.Juehui opened "New Youth" and read again, not paying attention to their conversation. Jian Yun's facial expressions are constantly changing, and it is difficult for people to guess what he is thinking in his heart.Jean's "we" seemed to make him sad. "Miss Qin, let's talk about it another day. I'm leaving. I have other things to do," Jian Yun said as he stood up suddenly and wanted to go outside. Qin looked at him in surprise, but said nothing.It was Juemin who said, "Wouldn't it be better to sit down for a while? It's also good for everyone to talk together. Brother will be back soon." "Thank you, I'm going," he replied resolutely after a moment's hesitation.He nodded to them and walked out. "What's on his mind?" Qin asked Juemin, with a puzzled look on her face. "Who knows about him!" Juemin replied briefly. "He must have something on his mind, otherwise why did he become so weird! He seemed to be better before," Qin said in a deep voice. "Yes, he has become more and more eccentric recently. Probably because his environment is not good and he receives more stimulation, he becomes eccentric," Juemin said. "I really want to be nice to him. But every time I see him, I want to talk to him a few more words, but he closes his heart," Qin said sincerely, as if she was justifying someone.Seeing that Brother Juemin didn't answer, she continued: "He keeps his mind on himself, lest others see his secret. How do you think others can get close to him? He sometimes sees me, and I take him seriously. When talking, he tried his best to avoid it, as if he was afraid of something." "Perhaps the so-called sad people don't have arms, but it's a pity that he was born in the wrong era," Juemin said mockingly. "But he sometimes reads new books," he added. "What does he do?" Juehui suddenly closed the magazine, patted her knee and called out. "People like this are everywhere now, can you manage them all?" The three of them were silent for a while.A strange face came through the door curtain, looked around, and said to himself: "Master Gao has gone out." The face disappeared. Qin suddenly remembered something, and said to Juemin seriously: "My business has been decided. Now I can only work hard to prepare for my homework. I want to tutor you in English, will you agree?" "There's no reason not to!" Juemin said happily. "But the time..." "You can do whatever you want, naturally at night, and we all have classes during the day.... I don't think it's best to start right away without waiting until the beginning of school next year." "Okay, I'll go to your house later to discuss it carefully. Auntie and the others are back." Juemin added the last sentence because he heard the voice of Juexin and Mrs. Zhang talking outside. Sure enough, Juexin raised the curtain outside and let Mrs. Zhang come in first, and then he also came in.Zhang Sheng walked last, holding a bag of things in his hand. "Qin'er, let's go back, it's getting late," Mrs. Zhang said to Qin just after sitting down and taking a sip of tea.Seeing that Zhang Sheng was still in the room, she ordered, "Take out your things first." Zhang Sheng agreed and went out.After a while Jean and her mother walked out too.Juexin sent them to the entrance of the office, but Juemin and Juehui sent them all the way to the back door of the commercial mall. They saw their mother and daughter sitting in a sedan chair before returning to the office.
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