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  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
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Chapter 1 01

Home 巴金 2643Words 2018-03-19
The wind was blowing hard, and the snowflakes were flying in the air like torn cotton wool, falling in all directions aimlessly.There is a white road at the foot of the wall on the left and right, as if there are two wide sides for the stone road full of cement in the middle. There are pedestrians and sedan chairs carried by two people on the street.They couldn't fight the wind and snow, and they showed signs of shrinking.The snowflakes fell more and more, covering the sky white, falling in all directions, on the umbrellas, on the roof of the sedan chair, on the hats of the bearers, and on the faces of passers-by.

The wind played with the umbrella, blowing it in all directions, and once or twice even knocked it out of the hands of passers-by.The wind roared in the air, the sound was shrill, mixed with the footsteps on the snow, it became a strange music, this music hurt the ears of passers-by, as if to warn them: the wind and snow will rule the world for a long time, bright and beautiful The spring will not come back. It was already evening, and the lights on the side of the road hadn't been lit yet.Everything on the street gradually disappeared into the gray twilight.The road is full of water and mud.The air is cold.A hope that inspires the pedestrian who struggles on a quiet street—that is a warm, bright home.

"Third brother, hurry up," said an eighteen-year-old youth, holding an umbrella in one hand and the bottom of the cotton-padded robe in the other. A pair of gold-rimmed glasses. The younger brother walking behind was a young man of the same build and wearing the same clothes.He is a little younger and has a thinner face, but his eyes are very bright. "It doesn't matter, we'll be there soon...Second brother, today's practice results are considered your best, and you speak natural and fluent English. It's very good for you to play Dr. Li," he said in an enthusiastic tone, and immediately quickened his pace. It splashed on his trousers again. "It's nothing, but I'm more courageous," said elder brother Gao Juemin with a smile, then stopped and let younger brother Gao Juehui walk beside him. "You are too timid. You don't look like a 'black dog'. Didn't you memorize those few words very well yesterday? You couldn't recite them when you were on stage. If Mr. Zhu hadn't reminded you, I'm afraid you would still I can't finish reciting it!" My brother said gently, without any tone of reproach.Juehui blushed.He said anxiously: "I don't know why, I panicked when I got on the podium. It seems that many people are looking at me, I can't wait to say everything I said..." A gust of wind put him in his hand. The umbrella was blown and spun, he quickly shut his mouth, and squeezed the umbrella handle tightly.The gust of wind passed away immediately.In the middle of the road, there has been piled up snow that has fallen and has not melted. Looking at it, it is white, with layers of new and old footprints on it, often step by step, and the new ones cover up the old ones.

"I can't wait to recite the whole article without omission," Juehui continued with the words she had just interrupted; "but once I opened my mouth, I forgot everything, even the most familiar sentences I remember on weekdays. I can’t remember either. I have to wait for Mr. Zhu to mention one or two words before I can continue. I don’t know if it will still be like this when it is officially staged in the future. If I can’t say it at that time like now, I will be ashamed !” There was a serious expression on the innocent face of a child.Footsteps on the snow, soft, let out a relaxed cry.

"Third brother, don't be afraid," Juemin comforted, "Practice two or three more times, and you will remember it very well. Just do it boldly.... To be honest, Mr. Zhu adapted "Treasure Island" into a script , as long as the compilation is not good, I am afraid there will be no good results in the performance." Juehui fell silent.He is grateful for his brother's kindness.He was thinking about how to act that scene well, win the praise of guests and classmates, and please his brother.He thought like this, and after a while, he felt that he had gradually entered a strange realm.Suddenly everything before his eyes changed.Ahead was the hotel called "Admiral Pomberg," where his old friend Bill lived.He, the "black dog" with quack temperament, after losing two fingers and going through many accidents, finally found the trace of Bill, and the joy of revenge and inexplicable terror were intertwined in his heart.He was thinking about how to meet Bill, what to say to him, and how to accuse him of abandoning his faith, betraying his alliance and hiding the treasure, and losing his trust in the world.Thinking in this way, the English in the script that I usually memorized naturally came to my mind.He shouted joyfully as if awakened: "Second brother, I understand!" Juemin looked at him in surprise, and asked, "What's the matter? You are so happy!"

"Second brother, I only now understand the secrets of acting," Juehui said with a childish and smug smile. "I thought, as if I was the 'black dog' myself, so the words came out naturally, without me having to think hard." "That's right, that's exactly what acting is for," Juemin said with a smile. "Since you have understood this level, you will succeed.... Now the snow is very light, so put away the umbrella. With such a wind blowing, it is very difficult to open the umbrella." He shook off the snow on the umbrella , closed the umbrella.Juehui also put away her umbrella.The two walked side by side, with umbrellas on their shoulders, and their bodies were very close.

The snow has stopped, and the wind is gradually reducing its power.The walls and roofs were covered with thick snow, shining brightly in the gray twilight.Several brightly lit shops are interspersed among the mansions with black-painted gates, embellishing this lonely street, spreading a little bit of warmth and light on this cold winter evening. "Third brother, do you feel cold?" Juemin suddenly asked with concern. "No, I'm very warm, talking on the road, I don't feel cold at all." "Then why are you trembling?" "Because I'm very excited. I'm always like this when I'm excited. I'm always shaking and my heart is beating hard. When I think about acting, I'm nervous. To be honest, I really hope to succeed. Second brother, don't you laugh at me Are you childish?" Juehui said, turning her head to look at Juemin.

"Third brother," Juemin said to Juehui sympathetically. "No, not at all. I am the same way. I also hope to succeed. We are all the same. Therefore, even if it is a simple sentence from the teacher in class, no matter whoever hears it, he will be happy." "Yes, you are right," said the younger brother's body closer to the elder brother's, and the two of them walked forward together, forgetting the cold, the wind and snow, and the night. "Second brother, you are so kind," Juehui looked at Juemin's face and smiled innocently.Juemin also turned his head to look at Juehui's shining eyes, smiled, and said slowly: "You are also good." After that, he looked around again, knowing that he was going home, and said: "Third brother, let's go , turn the corner and arrive home.”

Juehui nodded, so the two quickened their pace and walked into a quieter street in a blink of an eye. The street lamps have already been lit, and in the square glass case, the light of the clear oil lamp looks even more lonely in the cold wind, and the shadow of the lamp post lies lightly on the snow.The few pedestrians in the street walked in a hurry: they left some footprints on the snow, and then disappeared silently.The deep footprints slept there wearily, and didn't want to move, until the new feet came to press on them, and they let out a low sigh, and were crushed into strange shapes, so in this endless white On the long street, there are no clear footprints anymore, there are only big and small black holes.

The mansions with black painted doors stood silently side by side in the cold wind.Two eternally silent stone lions crouched at the door.The door was open like the jaws of a monster.There is a black hole inside, and no one can see what is inside.Each mansion has gone through a long period of time, or changed several surnames.Every mansion has its own secrets.The black paint on the gates was peeled off and painted over again. Despite these changes, their secrets were still kept from outsiders.When we reached the middle of the street, the two brothers stopped in front of a larger mansion.They wiped their leather shoes on the stone steps a few times, shook off the snow on their bodies, and strode in with their umbrellas in hand.The sound of their footsteps quickly disappeared into the black hole.The previous silence was restored in front of the door.This mansion is the same as other mansions. There are also a pair of stone lions at the entrance, and a pair of large red paper lanterns hanging under the eaves, but there are a pair of large rectangular stone jars under the steps in front of the door, and a pair of wooden couplets hanging on the door wall. , Eight black characters in official script appeared on the red lacquer base: "National grace and family celebration, life is prosperous." Two gates were opened inside, and on each gate stood a colorful door god holding a big knife.

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