Home Categories Internet fantasy Ghostbusters Intern 4·Two Ghostbuster Girls

Chapter 8 Chapter 8 The Winner

Looking at the colorful dagger at his feet, Ling Yan couldn't help exclaiming softly: "Flying sword..." She has never seen a flying sword with her own eyes. This kind of weapon is a legendary thing. It is said that only a few sects or families have a few in their collections, and it has always been kept secret.Their Ling family also has one, but no one has seen it except the patriarch and a few senior elders. Although I haven't seen this legendary weapon with my own eyes, I can still recognize its name at first glance. Whose flying sword is this?Is any expert just passing by here?Ling Yan was a little excited.Those who own Feijian are all senior experts, and it is not easy to meet one at ordinary times.Now that I have a chance to meet, and the other party is kind enough to help me, maybe I can take the opportunity to pay a visit. If I can get a little bit of guidance from such an expert, my ability will probably be greatly improved.

Ling Yan looked up at the woman again, and saw that she was already covering her left shoulder with one hand, and fled towards the passage leading to the top floor.At this time, Ling Yan didn't think about Feijian for the time being, but quickly chased after him.Only by getting rid of this evil spirit can I give the senior expert a good impression. She doesn't want the expert to make fun of her incompetence behind her back. Just when Ling Yan was about to chase into the passage, he heard a high-decibel scream from You Shaojing's mouth: "Evil ghost!" You Shaojing is here, did she choose to appear at this time?Ling Yan didn't want You Shaojing to take his chance in front of an expert who was watching from the side, so he quickened his pace and rushed forward.

As soon as she stepped into the door, she heard another scream from You Shaojing: "You, don't come here..." Then there was a series of ping-pong-pong sounds, but it didn't sound like a fight with an evil spirit.Then, You Shaojing's high-decibel female voice sounded again: "Ah...don't come here...get out...help...you don't touch me..." Hearing these lines, Ling Yan looked at a loss, did she meet a pervert?How can there be such a bold pervert?Didn't he get scared away by that ferocious ghost just now? Just as Ling Yan stopped, there was another long sound of "Zheng", and the flying sword rushed past her and rushed into the passage in front of her, so You Shaojing's screaming stopped abruptly.

You Shaojing was dying from crawling, and when she finally saw the door leading to the top floor from a distance, a figure rushed in from the top floor. So, looking at this woman with a ferocious face, her arms constantly stretched out, and her approaching, You Shaojing thought of a very serious problem - she was full and climbed the stairs for a long time to come here, what was she doing here? what?Is it just to stare face to face with an evil spirit?Didn't I send it to her door for her to call? Linglong Sword never came back after it flew away by itself. You Shaojing felt that it had found a chance to dump this idiot master, and the possibility of going to fight the evil spirits by itself was very high, so she didn't expect it to have the kindness to rush back to save her. Its sense of smell is sensitive enough to evil spirits, and it can find them by smelling evil spirits by itself.

Having said that, Zhong Xuekui exhausted all his mana, and could only infuse Linglong sword with mana for three attacks. These three opportunities were originally for You Shaojing to keep for protection. Now it seems that after encountering danger, these three opportunities may not be enough for Linglong The sword is used by itself, and You Shaojing's safety is not in the plan at all. Anyway, I'm just out of my mind, so I climbed fifty floors to die! Facing this woman with disheveled hair, distorted face, drooling mouth and fierce eyes, who brought out the connotation of "ghost" to the fullest, You Shaojing couldn't help cursing herself viciously.After Linglongjian flew away by himself, he still dared to come up, isn't this asking for trouble?At that time, as soon as Linglong flew away, I should have turned around and fled... I must have listened to Zhong Xuekui's nagging all the time recently, and was hypnotized unconsciously, thinking that I was some kind of ghost hunter!

Although You Shaojing felt regret and fear in her heart, she couldn't show it on her face. She knew that evil spirits also believed in the principle of deceiving the good and fearing the evil. If she didn't show timidity, the other party might be afraid and guard against her. If he rushes forward, maybe he can wait until Ling Yan rushes over.If she showed signs of fear, she would definitely clean herself up without a second of delay. You Shaojing then hypnotized herself to regard the person in front of her as Zhong Xuekui, Bobo who was making a fuss, a cat with a bed of cat fur, or... Anyway, she remembered all the hatred, and looked at the evil spirit with piercing eyes , a bit fiercer than the other party's murderous eyes.

The evil spirit was overwhelmed by her appearance, stopped on the steps seven or eight steps away from her, and looked down at her. The two sides stared at each other for a long time, until the evil ghost who was eager to escape heard the sound of Ling Yan's pursuit, and finally couldn't help but pre-emptively attacked You Shaojing with a loud cry. Seeing the woman jumping down in the air, You Shaojing's general demeanor disappeared without a trace, and she yelled: "Evil ghost, help me... You, don't come here... Help me..." This scream gave the woman infinite courage, and immediately increased the attack intensity by several levels.

Desperate and helpless, You Shaojing picked up a mop that was placed in the stairwell, and hit the woman thoughtlessly.But this kind of attack has no effect on a person possessed by an evil spirit; after a few strokes, the woman has already grabbed the mop, looked at You Shaojing with a sneer, and snapped it into two pieces. Such a thick mop can be easily broken, my neck must be... Seeing the other party staring at her neck, You Shaojing couldn't help but shouted again: "Help...don't come here...help..." Facing the girl who retreated in panic and yelled for help, what else could a ghost do?Of course, the woman possessed by the evil spirit responded to You Shaojing's call, and threw herself at her viciously.

You Shaojing retreated while dodging, just when the woman threw herself on her, and the self-defense charm prepared by Zhong Xuekui on her body emitted blue light and bounced her away, the Linglong Sword finally appeared in a grandiose manner. The Linglong sword shot from behind the woman, so fast that even You Shaojing, who was facing it, couldn't see clearly, let alone the woman.With a long sword cry, Linglong was nailed squarely on the woman's shoulder. The woman opened her mouth and let out a scream, and now her shoulders on both sides have been stabbed by Linglong one after another!You Shaojing doubts that this result was caused by Linglong on purpose, otherwise, according to Linglong's ability, she should be able to poke her heart out easily.Of course, that would also violate the rule of not killing humans casually!Now because the latter sword is heavier, even if the woman is possessed by an evil spirit, she can't pick up one arm, and the flying sword that frightens her is floating in front of her eyes, and she doesn't know what the flying sword actually is. Only the ability to attack again: the only thought in my heart is to escape, and the first choice of escape route is naturally the direction of You Shaojing, a seemingly harmless character.

The woman didn't have time to think about it, so she continued to rush in the direction of You Shaojing, but just after she ran past You Shaojing for a few steps, and was rejoicing that the girl looked bad but actually had no ability at all, she only heard "啪" With a sound, a ball of fire began to spread to the whole body along the spell that was slapped on her back. The woman tried her best to twist her body and looked at You Shaojing behind her in astonishment. You Shaojing was not polite either, and with a "snap" the charm she was still holding was directly stuck to her face.

The woman let out a wail that was not human, and then a white shadow flew out of her body and floated directly towards the floor, trying to go through the wall. You Shaojing was not slow to react at the critical moment, and with a wave of the remaining charm, it just stuck to the evil spirit.Then he began to continuously take out the spells from his pocket, and pasted them on the evil spirit one by one.She was afraid that the evil spirit would break free again, so she was not stingy with using the spells. It didn't take long for the evil spirit's spells to be comparable to those on You Shaojing herself. Under the attack of so many spells, the evil ghost uttered screams one after another, but how could it break free.The evil ghost tightly wrapped by the spell turned into a cold bead and rolled to the ground in an instant. ghost beads. Ling Yan, who had already caught up, gave You Shaojing a complicated look. Ling Jing said that she saw You Shaojing wearing a bracelet on her wrist—in fact, there were only two, this is Ling Jing’s exaggerated statement—a bracelet made of ghost beads. Not only did Ling Yan not believe this news, but the elders in the family also laughed it off. Because although the "raw material" of ghost beads is only common evil spirits in the world, evil spirits can only become ghost beads with the special techniques of ghost messengers.If they are mages and practitioners in the human world, they can only seal the evil spirits into magic vessels or spells, or use magic power to beat them back to the underworld.In short, people in Yangjian cannot turn evil spirits into ghost beads.Although ghost beads are very helpful for practitioners to cast down ghosts and eliminate demons, such things are generally not leaked out of the underworld, and most people in the underworld only hear the name but don't see the truth. Now that You Shaojing created a ghost bead right in front of her eyes, how could Ling Yan not be surprised? Ling Yan took half a step back, opened his eyes to look at You Shaojing up and down, but apart from a few self-defense charms of unknown origin and difficult to see through You Shaojing's body, he was completely an ordinary human being, even practitioners often Some breaths are hidden, but how did she use the magic of the underworld? This person is really hard to see through... "I said Linglong, don't you think it's too much to just leave me alone like this!?" You Shaojing saw Linglong sword flying around above the ghost bead leisurely, and couldn't help but feel a sense of dissatisfaction with this ghost bead. Fei Jian, with a repentant heart, complained a few words, "If I am eaten by evil spirits, what good will it do you? In the future, you will have to go back and be hung on the wall as an ornament!" Seeing You Shaojing staring at Feijian and sticking out her tongue to lecture, then the flying sword suddenly flew to her wrist, spiraling into a bracelet. Ling Yan secretly sighed, this flying sword is actually hers, did she manipulate the flying sword to save me just now? Seeing You Shaojing turned the flying sword into a bracelet and put it back on her hand, Ling Yan grabbed her and said, "Let's go, I heard the siren, the explosion just now alarmed too many people." After finishing speaking, he dragged her to Go up the stairs. "Climbing the stairs again!" You Shaojing called out. I just climbed up with great difficulty, and I have to go down again. Why don't you take the elevator after the matter is settled? "Are you an idiot?" Ling Yan gave her a sideways glance, "If the surveillance cameras leave evidence, see if they don't count it on the two of us? Do you want to be charged with injury?" Although You Shaojing could only see the woman on the ground here, Ling Yan knew in his heart that Chen Junle was still lying on the roof.If the police or the security personnel of the building came up and saw Chen Junle and the woman lying on the ground, although the evil spirits attached to them had been subdued, they looked very bad, as if they were alive or dead.Especially that woman, who was hit by a sword in each shoulder and is still bleeding.Of course, the Linglong Sword restrained its power when dealing with humans, but that wound looked much more terrifying than its actual damage to humans. Faced with this kind of scene, and seeing himself and You Shaojing standing next to him, no one would regard these two as suspects first, right? You Shaojing looked at the woman on the ground, then at Ling Yan, pointed to herself tentatively and asked, "The murderer? Me?" Ling Yan gave her a "of course" look.Her flying sword hurt people, so of course she, the master, should bear the responsibility, even if she doubted her, it would not be wronged. "Murderer, no, the suspect is... both of us?" You Shaojing stammered. Ling Yan's gaze told her: "Is there still a need to ask?" Oh my god... You Shaojing turned around and grabbed Ling Yan, and ran away.Now she was no longer dying to crawl, but ran in front of Ling Yan.She is different from Ling Yan, an extraterrestrial expert. She has been a top student since she was a child. If she is involved in a murder case, even if she finally confesses, she will not be able to restore her reputation for the rest of her life. After running several floors in one breath, You Shaojing suddenly stopped in her tracks: "Huang Ming? The woman just now wasn't Huang Ming. Where did Huang Ming go?" Ling Yan shook her head, she didn't know where Huang Ming had gone, but the evil spirit had been subdued, so she would be fine, right?If something happens, it's too late now. "We have to find her first!" You Shaojing said, turning around and running back. "What are you going to do?" "Ask Chen Junle what happened to Huang Ming!" You Shaojing felt very ashamed that she had forgotten Huang Ming just now. Ling Yan shook his head and followed her.She was also concerned about Huang Ming's affairs, but after all, it was something outside of the entrustment. The "Chen Junle was haunted by ghosts" incident she was in charge of had already been resolved, so there was no need to add more trouble.Besides, if something happened to Huang Ming, it would be too late to do anything now. There would be no room for evil spirits to harm people. If nothing happened, she would be safe from now on. Although she thinks so, Ling Yan can't just leave like this. Regardless of You Shaojing, after all, her family has various special channels. Even if she is really taken away by the police, there is still a way to escape safely, it just takes some talking. When You Shaojing returned to the top floor, the woman was still in a coma, and Chen Junle was already awake, shaking the woman in her arms.Of course You Shaojing and Ling Yan didn't know the relationship between the two of them, nor were they interested in knowing. You Shaojing strode up to Chen Junle and asked, "Tell me, where did you get Huang Ming?" You Shaojing didn't have a good impression of this man who first seduced the under-adult female students, and then empathized with others and betrayed his love. Chen Junle didn't say anything, she didn't mind extorting a confession by torture - anyway, judging from his current weak appearance, he would definitely not be a match for herself and Ling Yan. "Huang Ming... Huang Ming..." Chen Junle murmured, moving his lips, as if he couldn't remember who Huang Ming was. "Hey, I'm welcome if you don't tell me any more!" You Shaojing threatened by grabbing his collar. Seeing him like this made me angry, he must have done something bad to Huang Ming so he didn't dare to say it! "Huang Ming is...in the elevator..." Huang Ming is in the elevator? Ling Yan immediately understood that it was Huang Ming that Chen Junle was holding in his hand at the earliest time, and it was not until he got to the top floor that he was replaced by the woman now.She must have come up here by the elevator to wait for Chen Junle, changed into Huang Ming's clothes, and threw Huang Ming in the elevator.In this case, Huang Ming should have been discovered by the people below, and there is no need for the two of them to stay here. You Shaojing and Ling Yan turned around and ran downstairs, but before they got back to the stairs, they heard voices of people. "Someone is coming up." Ling Yan glanced at You Shaojing, "Find a place to hide!" But where to hide?The roof is empty, except for a huge cooling water tower, there is nothing. After much deliberation, Ling Yan decided to climb up there first.She pulled You Shaojing and pointed there: "Let's climb up... It's a pity that your invisibility talisman is gone, otherwise..." You Shaojing's flustered movements stopped suddenly, and she took out a few talismans from her pocket and said, "There are still..." Ling Yan scolded angrily: "You idiot!" He snatched it up and stuck one on his body. The moment their figures disappeared on the top floor, several figures also appeared at the entrance of the stairwell. The one walking in the front was Huang Ming, her hair was disheveled, her face was pale, and she was wearing a suit of office workers' attire. It seemed that the woman had changed her clothes at some point.Behind Huang Ming followed a few people who looked like policemen. When the group came to the platform, of course they saw Chen Junle and the woman first.The police immediately raised their guns nervously, yelling at Chen Junle to let go of the woman and surrender—after all, the explosion in the office was no small matter, who knows if there are other dangerous items on him? Huang Ming stared at Chen Junle, seeing that his attention was on the woman, he didn't seem to notice the arrival of himself and the police, so he walked towards him step by step.The policeman tried to stop her, but she struggled away.After several policemen rushed up to subdue Chen Junle and put handcuffs on him, no one stopped her anymore, and she was allowed to walk in front of Chen Junle. "Look at you, how did you get yourself into such a mess..." Huang Ming said something that no one expected. Chen Junle's eyes were fixed on the woman who was being carried away by the medical staff, as if she hadn't heard Huang Ming's words. Huang Ming looked at the woman and asked, "That's her? What can she give you?" Chen Junle finally reacted and shouted: "She can make me rich! I like her! She can give me everything I want!" The woman's intentions were all revealed. Huang Ming stared at him blankly for a while, then suddenly laughed loudly: "You are always so calm, even when you tell me such things...then you can fulfill your promise... "As he spoke, he took out a fruit knife from somewhere, and stabbed at Chen Junle. Chen Junle, who had become an important suspect, was guarded by two policemen. With their skills, it was naturally impossible for Huang Ming to stab Chen Junle. One of the policemen reached out and snatched the fruit knife from Huang Ming's hand. Another policeman stepped forward and grabbed Huang Ming's hand. "You said it yourself, if I lose it, I would rather die. Now why don't you keep your promise...why don't you die..." Huang Ming yelled frantically, trying to pounce on Chen Junle, but the policeman He hugged her tightly. After a while, the police began to evacuate, taking Chen Junle and Huang Ming away at the same time, but Huang Ming's hoarse shouts were still echoing. "Why don't you keep your promise, why don't you keep your promise...why don't you die..."
Shortly after the people had left, two figures emerged—the time for the invisibility talisman had come. Ling Yan was tightly covering You Shaojing's mouth, while holding her firmly with the other hand.Seeing that people had left, he waved his hands and said angrily, "Why are you doing this? Do you want people to see you, an invisible person!?" It turns out that You Shaojing just looked at the scene in front of her and wanted to rush out to vent her anger for Huang Ming. If it wasn't for Ling Yan's sharp eyes and quick hands, she didn't know what would happen--think about it, a person who can only hear voices but see nothing suddenly Appearing at the crime scene, what would a normal person think... "But how could he do this! How could he treat Huang Ming like this!" You Shaojing said with tears.She knew how Huang Ming loved Chen Junle with all his heart, and she could also see Huang Ming's pain now, so she couldn't forgive Chen Junle's behavior, he was too much. Ling Yan looked at her, frowned and said: "What kind of good would a man who can fall in love with his underage students be? Huang Ming is just too easy to be fooled!" In her opinion, this matter is yellow It is clear that she is also at fault, who taught her that she has a problem with her eyesight, and she is so determined to fall in love with this kind of person! You Shaojing was very sad, she couldn't imagine how painful it would be for a person to be betrayed after giving so sincerely, why would someone in the world choose to betray so easily, and why would someone love others so sincerely... When she thought of Huang Ming looked a little crazy after being stimulated just now, and felt his tears rolling in his eyes.But Ling Yan seemed to take this matter very seriously, so You Shaojing didn't want her to see a joke, so she held back her tears and said, "Can we go?" Ling Yan nodded, the policemen below should have almost left by now.The two of them returned to the building together, but You Shaojing was surprised to see Ling Yan walking towards the stairs again... "Haven't the police already left? Why do you have to climb the stairs again?" "There are monitors in the elevator. Do you want others to know that you suddenly appeared from the top floor where the police checked and no one else?" "In no mood……" They ran down the fifty floors in one breath, and with the help of Ling Yan's magic to avoid the eyes of the security personnel, they finally managed to leave the building. You Shaojing sat down on the green turf by the side of the road all of a sudden, panting, and said to Ling Yan: "You, you, you masters, shouldn't you be able to fly over the wall? Why don't you, don't, don't show it Come out..." The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, she had personally experienced Zhong Xuekui's spell that could appear beside her from home in an instant, this spell was very practical, so she didn't understand why Ling Yan didn't use it.Even if you can't teleport, you can just jump off the stairs like in those movies. After running for a while, Ling Yan was panting and sweating, but he was far less exaggerated than You Shaojing. He stood by the side with his arms on his waist and said, "You swordsmen should still be able to fly with a sword, why don't you fly away?" ?” "Swordsman? Who?" You Shaojing followed her gaze to Linglong Sword, and said in disbelief: "Me? You let me? I'm an ordinary person, don't give me such an exaggerated title, I will be afraid... ...it's not mine, it's me... Well, I borrowed it... Don't talk about flying with a sword, I can't even run a few steps with a sword... Well, don't tell anyone about this About the sword..." Forget it, explaining is useless, Ling Yan thinks he is lying at all.You Shaojing looked at Ling Yan's expression, and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to explain to her that she was not a master, because Ling Yan's eyes clearly said, "Just make it up, anyway, I saw you through". Alas, what is it, but after walking up the stairs to the top floor of the 50th floor and climbing down again, why did I somehow become a master again? !Although this is already a great experience for You Shaojing. Forget it, the more you explain, the more unclear you will be. Anyway, if you get along with her, she will discover her true face.You Shaojing had never been so tired before, her whole body seemed to be loose, she sat there and didn't want to move. Ling Yan stood by the side and looked at her all the time, as if he finally made up his mind and asked: "Do you know why Chen Junle and that woman were both possessed by evil spirits, but in the end there was only one evil spirit who surrendered?" This is Ling Yan. The question that has always existed in Yan's heart, originally she didn't want to ask You Shaojing, but she couldn't help but want to confirm with You Shaojing whether You Shaojing is really much smarter than herself. "What? Evil spirits are attached to both of them." "How is it possible? It is impossible for one evil spirit to possess two people at the same time." "I didn't say at the same time..." You Shaojing looked at her strangely. Some evil spirits can possess several people, but not at the same time, but when these people are not far from each other, he adopts the method of jumping between several people.Due to the delay of the evil spirit's possession, when it leaves a person, that person cannot immediately return to normal. The longer the evil spirit is possessed, the longer the person's spirit will be affected after the evil spirit leaves. longer.The evil spirit wants to control several people at the same time, as long as he has enough mana, calculates the time, and returns before the mind of the person he abandoned is freed from the control, he can control that person all the time, so that he can take turns Controlled several people.The more powerful the evil spirit, the more people it can control at the same time.This time, it is very likely that it is this kind of evil spirit. Although You Shaojing was not interested in the knowledge of ghosts, she couldn't stand listening to Zhong Xuekui's nagging like chanting scriptures every day, and remembered some of these common sense things.But after explaining to Ling Yan, she realized, why is she asking this?Anyway, it can't be that she didn't know, she must have come to test her own reality on purpose.Really, I was caught by her accidentally. "So that's how it is..." Ling Yan nodded thoughtfully, "Then how did you know that the railing on the twenty-fifth floor was tampered with?" Is there even a question?Look with your eyes!But You Shaojing stopped answering, and looked at her with an innocent look on her face: "Don't mess with me, anyway, I'm not the kind of person you think I am." Ling Yan knows that everyone has their own ability to suppress the bottom of the box, and will not say it casually for others to hear. She bit her lip, bowed her head to You Shaojing and said, "I admit that you won." Then she turned and left.Her pace was so fast, before You Shaojing behind her came back to her senses, Ling Yan had already disappeared around the corner of the street. What do you mean I won?What did I win?You Shaojing was at a loss. The street was quiet. At this time, there were no pedestrians or vehicles. After Ling Yan left, You Shaojing realized that she was alone on the street late at night. But she really didn't want to move, and she didn't have any strength in her body. I don't know where Huang Ming is now, will the police make things difficult for her?She obviously did nothing wrong, so why did the police take her away?She just loves and loves someone very much, and she just pays for him selflessly, what's wrong with that! why is this... You Shaojing always thought of Huang Ming's desperate, crazy, and painful eyes before he was taken away.At that time, she wanted to kill Chen Junle because she didn't want to live anymore... She was so sad, she must be extremely sad now... I don't know why, but thinking of this, You Shaojing's tears fell.She has never loved before, and she doesn't know what love is, but she knows that if she is betrayed by the person she loves deeply, she will also have the idea of ​​not wanting to live anymore... Why can a man do that? Why can he do such cruel things while enjoying such a pure love of a girl?Even if it's because of an evil spirit, if his heart is clean and if he is devoted to Huang Ming, no one will be able to separate them. You Shaojing wept while thinking about it, and felt that maybe this was considered lucky for Huang Ming, and he knew Chen Junle's true face through this incident, so he didn't have to continue to indulge in it.For things like feelings, the longer it takes to give, the greater the loss for the giver, right?Now I know, there is still time to cut the mess quickly, it is better than encountering such a thing after marrying him in the future. I don't know how Huang Ming can get out of the shadow of this matter?She doesn't have any relatives who care about her, and she doesn't seem to have any particularly good friends. Who will accompany her to comfort her at this time?What if she can't think about it alone and does something stupid... "You girl, You girl, You..." In a trance, You Shaojing seemed to hear a voice calling in her ears, and then she raised her head, and through her eyes blurred by tears, she saw a familiar yet unfamiliar face appearing in front of her. She looked at the other person's face that made people want to look at it again, and she was stunned for a while before she realized it. When she was about to say something, the other party spoke first: "What's wrong with you? What's the matter? What wronged you? Hurry up!" Tell me, I'll help you vent your anger...don't be like this...why are you crying, tell me quickly? Are you hurt? What's wrong? You're talking...you're scary..." "What's wrong with me?" Seeing Zhong Xuekui's worried face, You Shaojing was in a daze.Wiping his cheeks, he realized that his face was full of tears. "I... by the way, just now I seem... I seem to remember Huang Ming and Chen Junle at that time...their agreement in the laboratory, when Huang Ming graduates from university, they will officially be together and never separate again, whether it is Age, family, and status can't affect their love...I heard their agreement with my own ears, I really heard it...I can testify for them..." You Shaojing couldn't help but fell down again as she spoke. Tears came, "Why did he forget it himself, obviously he said that..." It turned out to be because of the teacher-student relationship.Zhong Xuekui breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't her own accident. Zhong Xuekui grew up in ancient times and grew up thinking of heaven, earth, monarchs, relatives and teachers. He could not accept the love between teachers and students, and this kind of thing happened again. It can be said that he is good to Huang Ming and Chen Junle. They didn't like it, so they comforted You Shaojing and said, "Okay, it's not a big deal, it's not worth your crying like this." But You Shaojing is different from him. Only her age can understand the yearning and longing for love of a flower girl, as well as all kinds of beautiful fantasies.Huang Ming was the same age as her, and You Shaojing witnessed Huang Ming's love with her own eyes, saw her fall in love with a man ten years older than her, saw the vows between them, and saw her dedication and hard work for this man. Love, even You Shaojing secretly envied.But now things have become like this, the originally touching love affair has completely become another thing, and this thing is so ugly and disgusting, it makes people feel uncomfortable when they think about it.Why?Why can things change so drastically in an instant, why can they be so thorough and heartless when they betray their lovers and vows...why, why... You Shaojing bit her lip, but tears rolled down her face.For her, this is the first time in her life that love does not only represent the dreams and beauty of girls, but also contains betrayal, cruelty, viciousness and exploitation... Huang Ming is so pitiful, Huang Ming is so pitiful... "Zhong Xuekui, why are you men so cruel..." You Shaojing grabbed the beautiful boy in front of her with both hands, and shouted loudly: "Why, why..." Zhong Xuekui was baffled by her, and said in a panic, "I...I didn't, I won't, I promise, I won't..." What happened?This kind of thing has nothing to do with me. I said earlier that the teacher who seduces the students is not a good person. It is she who wants to believe that love has no identity. Why is she taking it out on herself now? You Shaojing stared angrily at Zhong Xuekui, looking at his clear eyes with blankness and aggrievedness, all kinds of feelings came up in her heart, and she simply threw herself on him and burst into tears. After Zhong Xuekui was hugged by her, his whole body became stiff immediately, he could neither comfort You Shaojing, nor had the courage to push her away.Hearing You Shaojing's constant sobbing, Zhong Xuekui felt that he should do something, or imitate the people on TV to muster up the courage to hug You Shaojing's shoulders or something.But when I felt her tears fall on my shoulders, felt her arms, her chest touching my body... "Touch!" You Shaojing fell to the ground because she lost her support, and Zhong Xuekui's figure had disappeared from her front. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Zhong Xuekui came out from behind her, apologizing desperately, and said, "It's so late, a good girl shouldn't stay outside, let's go home quickly..." "I can't walk anymore, you can rest here with me..." "It's okay, I'll take you away!" Zhong Xuekui patted his chest and promised, and immediately took action. He was really walking with You Shaojing, Zhong Xuekui supported You Shaojing with a huge talisman, he pushed and ran all the way under it, he didn't even dare to look at You Shaojing's face again. "Zhong Xuekui, if only all the men in the world were as honest as you..." You Shaojing smiled through tears.A man like Zhong Xuekui has both rigid and distorted aesthetics. If he can find a girlfriend, he should be thankful and match that face.That kind of betrayal of a lover shouldn't happen to him, right? Zhong Xuekui acted as if he didn't hear him at all, and ran even faster, but You Shaojing couldn't help but see that his neck was completely red. This person is really...the type who doesn't have to worry about playing tricks at all... There are such men in this world...
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