Home Categories Internet fantasy Ghostbusters Intern 5·Mountain Night

Chapter 17 Section VI

What else?Ghost bead, this thing has no other use except to cool down when the same kind approaches it - as the weather gets colder, You Shaojing has long since forgotten the function of the micro air conditioner.And... one of Bobo's baby teeth. Boer elephant's teeth, will this thing have any effect?This was given to her by Bobo. For some unknown reason, little Bobo has shown signs of growing up recently. Although his appearance hasn't changed much, it can be seen that he is fatter than before and has changed his teeth.He ate one of the two fangs he replaced, but he had to give the other to You Shaojing.You Shaojing looked at the teeth very beautifully, so after Bobo insisted on her accepting them, she hung the deciduous tooth as a pendant around her neck, but she only wore it as "ivory" ivory jewelry, and never thought about it. Is there any other effect on this thing.

Boer elephant's teeth should be useful, right? You Shaojing didn't know that Bo'erxiang's deciduous teeth were very precious. Boer elephants feed on ghosts, and their fangs can tear apart all spirits. It is not only a "weapon" for Boer elephants, but also a very precious material for refining flying swords.The deciduous teeth of Boerxiang are even more precious, because they are the things that condense the magic power of Boerxiang's parents, and they are the condensation of the power left by parents to protect their children.After the baby elephants start eating ghosts, they will start to generate their own strength, and their deciduous teeth will slowly fall out, which means that they have grown up and will start to rely on their own strength to protect themselves.

Bobo has always refused to eat ghosts, so his deciduous teeth will not fall out, and they will never grow up.But all this has changed because of an accident. Bobo, who accidentally swallowed the ghost bead, wanted to pretend that nothing happened, but his deciduous teeth betrayed him. He also didn't understand why other little Boer elephants would eat a lot of ghosts and accumulate a lot of energy before changing their teeth, but he only ate one ghost bead, and the deciduous teeth fell out?Why is this world so unfair! But complaining can't change the facts. Now, everyone knows that Bobo, who vowed not to eat ghosts, has eaten ghosts, which makes Bobo really lose his head—in fact, only Zhong Xuekui and Banlan know about it, and You Shaojing is in a state of ignorance. And who would laugh at him because of this; but You Shaojing's timely comfort, and the special care given to food during Bobo's tooth change, comforted Bobo's wounded heart, so based on the mentality of not owing this woman, Bobo put himself He gave You Shaojing one of his baby teeth - he would never admit that it was because he liked You Shaojing and gave it to her for her safety.

Because of Bobo's awkward personality, You Shaojing didn't know the real value of this baby tooth. When she got it, she was just a kind of female joy when she got ivory or something.Now she is holding this tooth and looking at it repeatedly. Did this tooth play any role? Yes, it must be it, this is the only thing on him whose purpose is unknown, and also the biggest difference between him and Ling Yan. You Shaojing made up her mind, quickly took off the necklace, and pressed it to Ling Yan's body. In her thinking, even if Ling Yan wouldn't wake up in response, at least there would be some improvement, but things were completely beyond her expectations.

Not only did Ling Yan not have a good reaction, but as if she had been shocked by an electric shock, her body bounced violently, and then violently twitched. There was even a roasted appearance on the part of her arm touched by Boboya. It was burnt in a deep black color, and it spread to the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye. You Shaojing quickly retracted her hand in panic, it wasn't this, this thing hurt her instead! Ling Yan, Ling Yan... You Shaojing hugged Ling Yan in a panic, and put those healing spells on her body.After a while, the twitching of Ling Yan's body gradually calmed down.

You Shaojing didn't know what to do next, she didn't dare to use things on them indiscriminately anymore, if she hurt them because of her ignorance, it would not be regrettable to make up for. Why didn't you listen carefully when you were giving beautiful lectures?Why do I usually get the knowledge about ghosts in one ear and out the other? If I have more knowledge now, maybe I won't fall into such a helpless situation. While complaining to herself, You Shaojing tried to turn her head.At this moment, a few "vines" were wriggling and quietly stretched into the door...

Ling Yan and Liu Han walked forward along the cave, except that the gloomy atmosphere was much relieved and the monsters disappeared, the surrounding scenery did not change much because of You Shaojing's spell, Ling Yan even felt that She was repeating the same section of the cave, because it was the third time she had seen the stalactite pillar that looked like a Yaksha ghost.Everything here is actually not big, but the same scenery is constantly disrupting the order and appearing in repeated combinations.If Liu Han hadn't found a mountain friend on the "roadside", Ling Yan would have begun to suspect that he was spinning around in a circular cave that repeated itself.

This mountain friend was wrapped in a stalactite stalagmite, his whole body was covered, only one head was exposed outside, and the water above the cave roof was still dripping down, and the water dripped on top of his head. The water dripped, and something stony appeared on it.Now a stoney layer had formed on the top of his head, sticking his hair together. The formation speed of the stalactites in the real stalactite cave is much different from that of coming here. If it takes a few days, this person’s head may be covered by a layer of stone shell. I don’t know if he is in reality will die too.

Ling Yan stepped forward to check, and found that the other party was in a state of unconsciousness just like the mountain friend in reality, which seemed to be very different from the state where she and Liu Han were still awake after they came to this space. "If we lose to those phantoms, it will become like this." Liu Han saw her hesitation, so he explained to her. "Get him out? What will happen?" Ling Yan knew that her strength and experience were not comparable to this man, and now it was important to save people, not the time to take care of her self-esteem, so she sincerely asked Liu Han for advice.

Liu Han shook his head: "I think we can't get him out now, or he may die... Let's leave first, and we can talk about it after we find the other two people and the root cause of this place." Ling Yan also thought so, she removed a lot of the stone things from the man's head and neck, so that the man's head was exposed more, so that he would not be completely covered by these stone things after they left. Liu Han watched her do this all the time, and didn't help or object. It wasn't until Ling Yan finished that the two started to move on. "Senior Liu..." Ling Yan thought for a while, and adopted such a title; although this Liu Han is not very old, Ling Yan always feels that he is a senior, "If this is not reality, look at this What is the cause of everything?"

"I haven't experienced such a thing, so I don't dare to talk nonsense without looking at it." Liu Han was very modest, but he didn't refuse the title "senior", "Then, what do you think?" Ling Yan shook his head: "I've never seen such a thing." She knew that Liu Han didn't know everything, but she didn't want to say more. Ling Yan is very depressed now, among her peers, she has always been outstanding, but since she met You Shaojing, everything has changed.First, the stupid-looking You Shaojing made her feel inferior in every way, but now this Liu Han, who may be You Shaojing's master, has even affected her understanding of her family and the strong.With such abilities, is he really human?Is he the incarnation of a powerful thousand-year-old demon? Liu Han walked in silence for a while, then turned back suddenly and said: "I have seen a magic weapon that can create hallucinations before. It allows the user to create a real illusion, and even under the control of the master, it can make other people's spirits disappear. Pull it in. That was a long time ago, I don't know if there is such a magic weapon in the world now..." long, long ago?You said a long time ago, at most thirty years ago, right?Unless you're really a thousand-year-old demon.But of course Ling Yan would not say that, but asked: "Do you think we were pulled into such an illusion?" Liu Han nodded: "It's possible...but it's very strange. If that's the case, the owner of the magic weapon can change everything in the illusion at will, so why use those phantoms to deal with us... Does he want to play a game of cat and mouse with us? ?” Everything just now was just a game?So how strong will that "master" be?When Ling Yan thought of this, he felt heart palpitations. "But it's still not right. If that's the case, the monsters he created should be exactly the same as the ones we remember, not the fake ones just now..." Liu Han seemed to be answering, and also seemed to be talking to himself. "Then how can we return to reality?" Ling Yan asked the question he was most concerned about. Liu Han pursed his lips and smiled wryly, then began to walk forward again at a faster pace. Even he couldn't tell, Ling Yan felt even more uneasy. Liu Han's uneasy mood was completely different from Ling Yan's, he was very excited now. How many years, how many years has he not walked with his feet, spoken with his mouth, or fought with his hands?How many years has he not used his own appearance to face everything around him? He didn't expect that in this illusion, he could appear as "himself", and even his mana and clothes were exactly the same as what he was used to before; in a trance, he seemed to have gone back in time, Back to the time when he was the general of the underworld. But Liu Han also understands that he can only exist in this illusion in this way, and he will disappear with the illusion in a short time and return to the four-legged body.It doesn't matter, even if it's only once, let me fight the enemy upright again!As long as I use my own appearance, I am not afraid to face any enemy, so what if this environment is stronger, let it be stronger! Thinking of this, Liu Han's pace became faster and faster.He knew that it would not be long before You Shaojing would call Zhong Xuekui, and the two of them would solve the problem together from the outside reality - that would undoubtedly be much faster.However, pride made him unwilling to solve the problem after Zhong Xuekui's half-toned ghost messenger and You Shaojing's little girl. Even in the illusion, he would do better than them. After walking a little further, You Shaojing's talisman had lost its effect, and the surrounding scenery began to become gloomy again, and those monsters reappeared in the front and rear again, pushing towards the two of them.The ones they eliminated just now also reappeared, including the dragon-headed monster. "According to our agreement." Liu Han said, with a long roar, he rushed towards the monsters, and saw that his hands and feet flew together, and those ghosts were often crushed under his hands. Ling Yan stared dumbfounded at Liu Han rushing towards the dragon-headed monster just like that, and in the same way, that monster rushed towards Liu Han in the same way - smashing the other monsters all the way.Maybe they are really the enemies that are most familiar to each other, and they are so familiar to each other that Ling Yan couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. Ling Yan could tell that Liu Han didn't use spells at this time, but only relied on his body and martial arts to fight.This discovery surprised Ling Yan even more. Before this, she never thought that such martial arts and such characters existed in the world.Even if he is a thousand-year-old demon, it is really terrifying to cultivate to this level.
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