Home Categories Internet fantasy Ghostbusters Intern 5·Mountain Night

Chapter 4 fourth quarter

The pig's snort didn't cause any reaction outside the door, it just made the ghost behind him fall down out of fear.I won't eat you, no matter how delicious you look.Bobo gave the ghost a disdainful look.He has made up his mind that he will never eat ghosts, and he will never make those who lie to him happy. I don't know how many days later, anyway, Bobo was already dizzy with hunger, and walked to the ghost several times unknowingly. If he hadn't been alarmed by the other party's loud begging for mercy, he must have bitten the ghost in a state of insanity. down. No, no, I can't eat it... By the way, eat other things, eat the floor, eat a hole and you can get out.

Half an hour later, Bo Erxiang, who had collapsed from eating too much dirt, was carried out of the room again for first aid. For the third time, Bobo ate the door panel wisely, and after eating a hole, he was still able to hold on, and got out of the hole, and it took a lot of effort for all the ghosts to catch him back. , was thrown into the house again, and this time a spell was pasted on the door. For the fourth time, Bobo's goal was the roof, and this time he finally succeeded completely. After digging out a hole in the roof, Bobo, who had been hungry for several days, found the canteen of the ghost messengers with his keen sense of smell.So, when it was time to eat, the ghost messengers who came to eat saw a boer elephant with a belly full of everyone's dinner, almost strangled, lying face up on the table with a big belly Struggling to turn over.

So for the fifth time, Bobo was thrown into a big iron cage. In this space of only half a foot square, he and three ghosts huddled together; they were so close, and when they were very hungry, it was hard to be careful. It will reach out to the ghosts. Bobo soon realized that after he was hungry, he might have eaten all these ghosts in his sleep—what else could he use to pass the time in this kind of prison and starvation days besides sleeping? !Bobo didn't know if those ghost messengers just wanted him to be like this, anyway, if he doesn't compromise, he won't compromise, but no!

So, Bobo started to gnaw on the cage.The cage must have been made of special materials, and even Bobo's pig teeth couldn't bite; after chewing for a long time, he only gnawed down some iron filings.No matter, just eat. Of course, this time it ended with Bobo being sent for rescue. Because of this Bo'er elephant that was so hard to grab, the ghost messengers and judges of the Highness were all very troubled. For some reason, this Boer Elephant not only refuses to eat ghosts, but also has a firm attitude, not eating soft and hard ones.I thought he was so young and so greedy, as long as he was locked up with ghosts and starved for a few days, he would naturally eat ghosts, who knew that the stubbornness of this Boer elephant was beyond everyone's imagination.

At the beginning, he persevered, and he did not give in after being hungry for nine days and nine nights. Later, he actually ate whatever he caught, and almost every time he collapsed due to poisoning.Bo'er is like a precious spirit beast. If he died here due to food poisoning, it would be difficult to write a report for the higher authorities... Just when everyone was worrying about Bobo, the four-eyed judge came up with an idea: "When we were fighting for his ownership, didn't there be one hall who was willing to exchange half a year's funds for him, why don't we just..."

Finally, the head of this temple agreed to the suggestion, and then, Bobo was sent to another place. It is said to be another place, but to Bobo, it is basically the same, no difference from before. First go to the palace and let him eat ghosts, if he doesn’t eat, he will be reprimanded; if he doesn’t eat again, he will be starved; Then, Bobo, who was beaten to the point of immobility, was sent to a third place. After that, the fourth place, the fifth place, the sixth place... Later, Bobo, who had been struggling with pain and hunger from beatings, found that he was free at some point.There were no tightly closed iron cages or doors, no hand that teased him with food but refused to give it to him, and no thorny whip that was swung at him thoughtlessly.

He came to a wilderness in the underworld, and he was alone, without ghosts or ghosts. Later, Bobo finally understood that he was thrown away. This awkward and useless Boer elephant was thrown aside like this, and no one cares about it.Although no one came to beat him and starve him, no one gave him food or a place to sleep. So, Bobo started to wander around freely, stealing when he was hungry, and sleeping when he was tired, how free he was.He quickly learned a big trick, which is to pretend to be cute to others. He found that his appearance can indeed deceive many people. All he needs to do is blink his eyes and smile sweetly at those soft-hearted ghosts Or blink pitifully, 90% of the things in the opponent's hand can be coaxed over.

However, Bobo rejected all those people's plans to take him back to be raised. He didn't want to be locked up again, starved and beaten again.To him, these ghosts are just objects that he uses to get food, and he doesn't care what they think after eating enough, it's good enough to show them a butt. Because of this bad and undisguised personality, generally speaking, after living in one place for a few days, he will be discovered by the surroundings, and no one will fall for him again, so Bobo had to change to another place. Restart his days of deceiving people for a living.

Day after day, more and more people know his true face, and fewer and fewer people are willing to be fooled by him.Bobo's life became difficult, so he had no choice but to change his strategy, taking stealing as his main source of income, which made the ghosts around him hate him very much, and almost became a street mouse that everyone shouted and beaten. Until one day, Bobo met an ugly guy who foolishly fell for him again and again. After being fooled, he still gave him the bed with a smile on his face, and even used all his salary for him. The stupid ghost who bought food was poor, and Bobo's life was considered stable.

Bobo knew that Zhong Xuekui had spent countless sums of money to raise him: if the Boer elephant could not be tamed, it would be left to fend for itself and no one would care about it. The strange thing is that a little ghost of low status picked it up privately. If you keep them, you violate the law and you will be punished.Raising spirit beasts privately is a crime that is neither too big nor too small.But even when the rumors were the worst, Zhong Xuekui didn't drive him away, didn't ask him to eat ghosts, and didn't ask Bobo to do anything he didn't want to do. Bobo likes to live with Zhong Xuekui, he is free, someone cares about him, and he is given delicious food and quilt, so he doesn't like You Shaojing—very disliked.It was because of the appearance of this woman that his comfortable life changed.Because of her, Zhong Xuekui even asked him to eat ghosts, and even asked him to be obedient.

The hateful You Shaojing is all because she is not good!And she is so eccentric! There was the sound of a key opening the door, and Bobo suddenly got up from his sleep. Just now he seemed to have had a long dream, dreaming of things he didn't want to think about when he was awake.But it doesn't matter, he can use the things You Shaojing bought back to comfort his heart hurt by the dream. Bobo rushed to the door at the first moment, staring at the door, ready to pounce on the bag in her hand when You Shaojing opened the door. The door opened, but it wasn't You Shaojing who came in. Mo Xiao held a lot of things that You Shaojing insisted on buying in one hand, and You Shaojing's terribly heavy schoolbag in the other. Just as he pushed the door open with his shoulder to come in, something bumped into him, almost causing him to throw everything away go out. what is this?By the way, it's that pig. Mo Xiao breathed a sigh of relief after seeing clearly the true face of the "hidden weapon".He also didn't understand how You Shaojing suddenly became fond of animals, they belonged to dogs and pigs, and kept so many pets.She lives alone and taking care of herself is not easy enough, and now she has to take care of these troublesome animals. Mo Xiao threw the things in her hand on the sofa, then hurriedly turned around and went out, helping You Shaojing in. You Shaojing was injured, her arms were wrapped with bandages and her legs were limping, she came in with Mo Xiao's support, and leaned weakly on the sofa. If it wasn't for Mo Xiao's presence, Zhong Xuekui would have screamed.How could she be like this?How did she get hurt?Is the injury serious?Meili also hurried to You Shaojing's feet, looking at her with concern. Mo Xiao thought the dog came to eat, so she kicked him: "Go, go, I don't have time to feed you right now." You Shaojing smiled at Ban Lan: "I'm fine, it's just that I was pulled down while riding." Of course, she also said this to Zhong Xuekui at the same time. "He said it's okay." Mo Xiao stared at her reproachfully, "In the event of a car robbery, why don't you hurry up and give them your bag? How dare you snatch it from them! It's a good thing you didn't fall on the roadside stones, otherwise your head would be dead." It broke!" "My living expenses for this month are all in it, give it to him, I'll drink northwest wind..." You Shaojing muttered. On the way to the supermarket after school today, You Shaojing ran into a car robbery group. When the other party reached out to snatch her bag, You Shaojing subconsciously made a movement to grab it back. Although the strap of the bag was broken and fell to the ground, she was not snatched away, but she was also taken down by the robber's high-speed motorcycle. People and cars fell to the side of the road.Her arm was bruised, bloody and bloody, and her foot was sprained, so she had to call Mo Xiao for help. Mo Xiao came to see You Shaojing's miserable situation, and then heard her describe what happened, she was really pissed off by her behavior of demanding money and life, and kept nagging all the way. You Shaojing's words went in with one ear and out with the other.She also knew that her behavior was too risky, but she couldn't react at the time. When she realized what happened, it had already happened.Besides, she just went to the bank today to collect her living expenses for this month, and it was seven thousand yuan. If it just disappeared like this, she would really be reluctant to part with it.If those speeding robbers had come after her yesterday, she might not have done it.
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