Home Categories Internet fantasy Ghostbusters Intern 7·Winter of Chaos

Chapter 7 end

Some wounds heal with time, others congeal into scars that never heal. The formed evil spirits were eliminated, but it took more than half a month for everyone's injuries to heal, and life seemed to be slowly returning to normal. Di Yunhao left quietly again, this time without leaving even a letter, leaving Mao Mao in a listless state, not even interested in meals.For his departure, You Shaojing had a premonition, but she didn't expect this person to be so straightforward, disappearing as soon as she said, without even saying hello. Ling Yan and Li Jianli will never come back, Di Yunhao is gone, Ling Ya has also returned to the underworld, except for the worried Mo Xiao who comes three times a day, You Shaojing has returned to the ghost messenger and dog in the wall. , The days when the cat and the pig lived together, but the atmosphere at home was much duller, and even Bobo stopped jumping up and down, and was lifeless all day long.

You Shaojing's winter vacation was spent day after day as a tutor, doing housework, and doing homework. She was constantly busy, but she always felt empty in her heart, as if a hole had appeared. "Ugh……" "Ugh……" Hearing You Shaojing's sigh, Zhong Xuekui couldn't help but also sighed. These days, You Shaojing's sigh has become a habit, and she would sigh unconsciously; if she persuaded her, she didn't realize that she was sigh. Zhong Xuekui knew that the deaths of Li Jianli and Ling Yan had dealt a great blow to You Shaojing. For a girl of her age, it was really unacceptable for her friends to leave suddenly like this. Zhong Xuekui didn't know how to comfort her, and the other one could The person who comforted her was also in a state of needing comfort.

Liu Han is very silent these days.On the surface, Liu Han is indifferent to Ling Yan's affairs, but in fact, he can't really be insensitive to the sincerity offered by such a bright and sincere girl.After Ling Yan's death, he blamed himself very much, thinking that if it wasn't for him, Ling Yan wouldn't have been there, and he wouldn't have died. Ling Yan's life is obviously not over yet, but in order to save a dog... Liu Han once asked her to be friends with You Shaojing, and asked her to help You Shaojing catch ghosts. Thinking about it now, it was as if he had been using her feelings and coaxing her. These thoughts made Liu Han feel guilty, thinking that he was the one who killed Ling Yan murderer.

Bobo also realized that the atmosphere at home was not good.In this incident, he realized more and more the importance of You Shaojing to him, so You Shaojing was in a bad mood, which made him full of worries, and he kept trying to cheer her up by nonsense, but after finding that his efforts were of no avail, Then he became depressed, depressed and listless all day long. A gloomy atmosphere settled in the home, and Zhong Xuekui felt that the air in the home was about to condense into a melancholy solid. Today's dinner is still going on in this atmosphere, You Shaojing feeds Zhong Xuekui, Bobo eats Haisai at the dining table alone, while Banlan and Maomao still chew a few mouthfuls indiscriminately, expressing that they have already eaten, and then return to their own food. Lie down in the corner.No one spoke, only the chewing sounds of Bobo and Zhong Xuekui echoed.

Who can eat in this situation? After Zhong Xuekui ate something to fill his stomach, he said he was full. "Alas..." You Shaojing sighed unconsciously again, and started to clean up the dishes, completely forgetting that she hadn't eaten yet. Just as You Shaojing was shuttling between the living room and the kitchen, a sudden change occurred in the room, a strange fluctuation appeared in the room, and it began to distort and expand.Zhong Xuekui was the first to notice this change, broke free and appeared in the room, staring nervously at the distorted space, and then Banlan and Bobo also ran to his side, staring there together.

The distortion gradually stopped, and two behemoths appeared in the room, looking at everyone. Both visitors are more than two meters tall, one has a long face with horsehair, and the other has horns and round eyes. This appearance is easy to recognize. "Niu Tau Ma Mian! You..." You Shaojing rushed out of the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife, and guarding Zhong Xuekui and the others, "What do you want to do? What are you doing at my house?" After that incident, she has been worrying about whether Yin Yin will know the existence of Zhong Xuekui and the others because of the disturbance. Now the appearance of this pair of bull-headed horse faces shows that Yin Yin is more capable of working than they imagined.Sure enough, it has been discovered. Is a new tragedy just around the corner?

"I came to Yangjian by myself, and it has nothing to do with others." "Shut up, this is my home, no one is allowed to come in without my consent!" Zhong Xuekui and You Shaojing shouted at the same time. "You don't want to take any members of my family away without my consent! If you dare to be violent, I will go to the Temple of the City God and sue you for destroying my private property!" You Shaojing knew that when ghost officers perform official duties, they must avoid destroying other people's property. Property, otherwise it will violate the law, so threaten them like this.

That bull head didn't accept this, he laughed and said: "Zhong Xuekui, I'm here to arrest you and bring you to justice." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to catch Zhong Xuekui. Bobo immediately jumped up and was about to attack him, but Zhong Xuekui held down Bobo, and said with a sad face: "Okay, one person does the work and the other person is in charge. I will go with you, but please let me have a few words with her." "What's there to say, they can't take you away!" You Shaojing screamed. "No, since they're here, how can I not leave?" Zhong Xuekui shook his head, he was mentally prepared for this day, and he put life and death aside, but he really couldn't bear You Shaojing.

You Shaojing choked up and said, "But if you go back, they will punish you!" As she spoke, tears fell. "The day I came here, I knew that I would be punished, and you have already helped me catch so many ghosts, I didn't come in vain! No one will force you to catch ghosts in the future, and you can live a peaceful life. Happy point, we will meet again after you die." "Maybe you have already been sent to reincarnation!" There are terrible punishments in the underworld, what will Zhong Xuekui do when he returns. "Then you will be a ghost messenger and come to me again." Zhong Xuekui himself was not worried at all.

"I don't want...you don't leave now..." You Shaojing wiped her tears. She was a stubborn person who didn't want to cry in front of others, but now she couldn't hold it anymore. "I've done it to myself, you'd better live a good life..." Zhong Xuekui said while winking at You Shaojing - Bobo and I have to go back, but there are still Banlan and Maomao, the underworld probably doesn't know One of them is the reincarnation of Liu Han, and the other is the successor of a ghost master with sorcery. Now you must make sure that the two of them do not reveal their identities. "I won't do anything. I didn't do evil when I came to the underworld. Maybe there will be rewards." Zhong Xuekui tried his best to comfort her, "I promise, even if I am thrown into reincarnation, I will not forget you, I will came to find you."

You Shaojing cried so hard that she couldn't utter a word, how could the underworld be so unreasonable, how could it be so unreasonable?They don't catch the evil spirits if they run away, but Zhong Xuekui will be punished if he catches them. It's so unfair, so unfair! At this time, the space in the house was once again distorted, and everyone found that the surrounding environment had changed. They became standing in a classical room. A man stood beside Zhong Xuekui looking at the bull's head and horse face, and said in a calm voice: "I am Liu Han, the former general of the Ten Prisons. This ghost messenger was bewitched by me to sneak into the world. You take me back, and I will explain to the king myself, let him go!" "Liu Han, you're crazy..." It's not enough to have himself and Bobo, he will jump out by himself! Liu Han glanced at Zhong Xuekui, and still said: "All the responsibilities should be borne by me, you arrest me!" "No, he is my dog, you are not allowed to touch him, or I will sue you for robbing my private property..." You Shaojing yelled hysterically. "Let me go with them. I just want to go to the underworld to see if I can find Ling Yan. I have a lot to say to her." Liu Han said very calmly. "You're talking nonsense, Ling Yan wouldn't ask you to find her like this." "Then I have to go too, maybe even if I receive a more severe punishment, she won't dislike me." Liu Han smiled lightly. "That's not the problem at all..." While they were arguing, the horse-faced man who hadn't spoken all this time suddenly rushed up and hugged Liu Han tightly: "Liu Han, Liu Han... I finally saw you again...you really want to come to me Do you really think so..." Liu Han's acquaintance?It's easy to have acquaintances, You Shaojing just breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that something was wrong, looked at the crying Ma Mian and asked: "Could it be, you...you...are..." "It's me, it's me..." Ma Mian pulled off the horse mask, and immediately changed from a tall and burly horse to a slender girl. "Ling Yan...you didn't die...no, you came back to life. No, you really died...you died...I really...I miss you so much..." You Shaojing yelled incoherently, Went up to hug Ling Yan, and cried on her shoulder, "Ling Yan...I'm sorry for you..." "I'm fine, I'm fine now." Ling Yan felt very ashamed of his reckless hugging Liu Han just now, and hurriedly used the action of hugging You Shaojing to cover up himself. "You have become a ghost messenger! I have been worried that your soul will be hurt." Liu Han was also embarrassed by her actions just now, but he was very happy to see her, so he asked without words. Ling Yan nodded. "That's great, I'll be a ghost messenger even after I die, and we'll be partners at that time!" You Shaojing pulled her and said. If Ling Yan becomes a ghost messenger, she will always be in the underworld. This is more comforting to You Shaojing than if she entered reincarnation and became another person in the vast crowd. "I don't want a partner like you!" Ling Yan looked at You Shaojing with a wry smile. "That's right, her partner is me!" the snubbed Niutou said angrily. Only he is not one of his own, how to deal with it?When You Shaojing was thinking about how to kill the cow, the bull's head also took off the hood, and his body shrank suddenly, turning into a little girl. "Lingya." "Ya Ya." "Ono girl." Zhong Xuekui, Liu Han and You Shaojing yelled together. "So it's you two dead girls, so you were trying to scare us on purpose just now, right?" You Shaojing was the first to react, rolling up his sleeves and pressing towards Lingya, Bobo also screamed, and turned towards her aggressively Approaching. Ling Ya immediately hid behind Zhong Xuekui, and said with a smile: "Someone was crying so hard just now... It's all Ling Yan's fault, why can't you stand his beauty trick so quickly! Let You Shaojing cry a little longer." "I'm not crying." "There are still tears on my face! Don't deny it." "No!" You Shaojing wiped her face vigorously. "How did you become ghost messengers? Didn't the underworld find out about our affairs?" Liu Han asked everyone to sit down. Only he could bear the way of sitting on the ground in the Han Dynasty. Others were lying, lying, and standing in various poses. . Suzuya has been a ghost messenger for hundreds of years.It's not difficult to pass the exam and find a job. Ling Yan just died, so how could it be impossible to be a ghost messenger so soon? Everyone was curious. "Don't worry, people in the underworld didn't find out about your matter." Ling Yan didn't have Ling Ya's mentality of keeping a secret. As soon as Liu Han asked, she said, "Because Sister Yaya and General Li colluded with some officials to make this The credit for eliminating the two formed evil spirits was put on me, so I was immediately selected as a ghost messenger and received a lot of rewards, and we used those rewards to bribe, so I was sent to be the ghost messenger of this city... " "Wow, then you can sit back and relax in the future!" Thinking of having her own people in charge here, You Shaojing suddenly felt much better. "Besides, I told Li Baiyi that Ling Yan is Liu Han's fiancée, so they kept stuffing magic weapons into Ling Yan's hands, hehe, I won't be afraid of any evil spirits in the future..." "Ling Ya..." "Why are you blushing? General Liu didn't deny it... General Liu, don't turn into a dog, explain this clearly..." (End of "The Ghostbusters Intern")
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