Home Categories contemporary fiction Two or three things

Chapter 52 See along (12)

Two or three things 安妮宝贝 1268Words 2018-03-19
That night seemed infinitely long, yet extremely short.We sleep for a while and wake up again.It will soon be bright. The way he made love to me seemed to want to use his body to explore an unreachable world deep in my heart.He later said to me that my soul, to him, was that moist and flourishing forest.He sees swamps and lakes and moonlight.But I know that I can't take it away and I can't possess it.So he was hard and sad. He wakes up when the sun shines into the room.Reach out and gently hold my hand.He said, have you ever fallen asleep?I said yes.I picked up the clothes that fell on the ground and put them on one by one.Go to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.He changed into a suit and tie.He's going to drive to work and I'm going home.

There has been some silence, and no more words.When I went downstairs, he drove me home first.The second ring road was blocked in the morning.I took out a cigarette to smoke, and he took out a piece of paper from his briefcase and folded a small cup for me to put the ashes in. I think his attitude towards me still seems uneasy.I have read the psychological analysis about one-night stands before. The attitude of a man after getting up in the morning basically determines the direction of this relationship.But I felt that Yanjian was hiding his true feelings. The car stopped at the gate of the apartment, and he wanted to take me upstairs, but I refused, saying, go to work quickly, it took a lot of time on the way.He nodded and said, take a good rest and I'll call you.

When I got home, I took a shower, closed the curtains, and lay down on the bed, sleeping in the dark. It will take a while to digest this swollen and full feeling.I know.He and I are both clean and temperate people. Even if we can confirm the argument, we will hesitate to think before making a choice.And the only clear thing in my mind is that if he doesn't call at this point, I will be silent about this matter.As if it never happened.Even I will remember. But at three or four in the afternoon, he called.Invite me to go to Huaxing Cinema to watch a movie at night. It rained intermittently at night.We bought movie tickets at 9:30 and went to a small Cantonese restaurant nearby for dinner.I ordered a bowl of rock sugar papaya. It was very hot and tasted sweet. Drinking it warm made me feel happy.The movie was very boring, and each other was quiet, not saying anything.After the show, he said he wanted to have a cup of coffee together, and I agreed.

In the coffee shop on the side of the cinema hall, he ordered a cup of hot milk for me.He said, you should go to bed early at night.At this time, we seem to have returned to the procedure of the fourth meeting.From the time we met, until now, there has been no physical touch, not even a handshake.The atmosphere has always been mild but slightly restrained. I fixedly looked at his face.With those big round brown moles on his face, this handsome man has infinite composure.I know he'll have something to say, as long as I'm patient enough.Also at this moment, I have a hunch that he is the only controller in the relationship between each other, and will determine the direction or time of this relationship.

He said there were some turning points in his life during this time.I'm planning to quit my job and start a law firm with someone else.This matter involved many personnel changes in the original firm, so the pressure was high. I said, then you have to be more cautious.There are always risks with new beginnings. I know.I have thought about it for a long time.I will start doing it when I think about it.He paused, did you have a good rest at home today. Have.I'm going to rewrite something. He paused and said, Liangsheng, come live with me. Is this another new beginning for you? He said in the morning you leave and I tried to keep myself from judging.But my heart, tell me slowly, I want you to stay.You told me last night that you went on a trip and thought you were going to die on the trip.I was sad to hear that.I want to change you.Good life.I want you to be normal, feel warm, and have no regrets.If you drink a bowl of hot soup and feel happy, you will smile in front of me.

I said, I have to think about it, see you. Let me hold your hand every morning when I wake up.Good life.This is the happiness I have confirmed.
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