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Chapter 77 Planting Jade Records (4)

oath bird 张悦然 1041Words 2018-03-19
One day, Chunchi went down the mountain in the evening, leaving Xiaoxing alone in the hut.When he left, he heard the sound of the north wind blowing open the wooden door behind him, and Chun Chi felt sad for a while.She knew in her heart that she had been neglecting this child all along, but it seemed that there was no way to do it. She kept thinking, walking in the market place, that maybe they should move to the town.She doesn't need to be close to the atmosphere of the world, but night travel is always needed.She is always very contradictory about Xiao Xing: sometimes she hopes that he is lively and healthy, and sometimes she just hopes that he stays by her side.

When we came back, it was snowing heavily.This was the first snow she had encountered—of course, she had seen it before she lost her memory, so it was both strange and familiar.The snow was so heavy that it quickly blocked the road.Her eyes are blind, and it is even more difficult to walk on mountain roads in snowy weather. When she was about to get home, she heard a few howling wolves not far away. She carefully distinguished that the howling came from the direction of the thatched cottage.Her heart was seized at once.She knew what a wolf boy was.Among those fragmentary and nightmarish shell memories, the wolf boy was one of the most tragic stories.Xiao Xing must be more or less ominous, maybe he has been taken away by wolves...

The door was open.She went in and searched for night walks among the hay covered with beds.No.She can't find him.His heart cooled down, he must have been carried away by wolves.She slowly sat down in the haystack, and the wild fruit in her hand suddenly became very light.Her heart suddenly became very empty, nothing was important, and even the matter of searching for memories became very indifferent in an instant. After some time, she heard footsteps.She waited for the man to open the door and walk in, then said softly: "Zhong Qian, Xiao Xing is gone." Zhong Qian was coughing and brushing the snow off his body, and when he heard this, his cough seemed to be choked:

"Where did he go?" "The grass on the bed is messed up... I think the wolf has come." Chun Chi said weakly, her mind was in a mess.She didn't want to cry in front of Zhong Qian, so she turned around slowly. "Wolf?" Zhong Qian's voice trembled.He walked to the bed and looked at the messy hay. "I'll go out and look for it." He picked up the ax at the door, prepared the torch, and stepped out the door. Chunchi walked to the door, sat down and waited.From time to time she reached out to see if the snow was still falling.She was tormented by the inner panic and became exhausted.But she dared not fall asleep.She knew that once she fell asleep, she would see gurgling—she was waiting for her in her dream, and she would not let her go.

Thinking of the scene before Ruan Cong's death—she held onto Chunchi's wrist tightly and said, "Since you keep it, you must take good care of it"—Chunchi couldn't help laughing bitterly. It was almost noon when Zhong Qian came back from Xing Xing with his arms in his arms.Chun Chi heard the cry of the child from a distance, she stood up abruptly, and ran to meet her.Zhong Qian handed the child into her hands.The baby plunged into her arms, resting on her arm, and quickly fell silent.Seeing Chun Chi, Xiao Xing felt very at ease, and after a while, he fell asleep again.Chunchi heard the sound of a baby smacking its lips in sleep, and she felt that there was nothing more beautiful than this sound.After a while, he urinated, but he was still sleeping soundly. The wet bedding obviously hindered him, sticking to his body so that he couldn't turn over.Her hands were covered with his urine, and the warm breath flowed up her arms, and this winter was over like this.

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