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Chapter 58 Grinding the mirror to write down the que (7)

oath bird 张悦然 1808Words 2018-03-19
When the general was in a decisive battle with the camel, Gu Congming quietly left the camel's camp.She seemed to have a premonition of what was about to happen. She quickly passed through the dense jungle and ran towards the depths of the forest.She knew that there was a huge banyan tree there - the long and slender branches hung down and stretched infinitely until they plunged into the soil again and became a root.In a space of tens of meters, the trunks of the banyan trees stand one after another, forming a circle, like a circular house.She once saw beautiful peacocks here, and after the peacocks were captured by people sent by camels, the place was vacant.

She revisited the only place where she could find peace. Ruanling waited quietly in the depths of the forest, a smug feeling flashed in his heart: Not far away, two great men were having a duel.No one knew that this war was started because of her.Deep in her hidden heart, she even harbored a bit of desire to kill.Because of her, the island sheds rivers of blood, and every man who dies is a sacrifice to her, to prove her supreme nobility. Her life had finally reached its climax, its perfection. Even if you die now, you will have no regrets. After that, soon afterward, Gu Guang felt a sudden weakness happen to her.It was an unstoppable thing.Because she knows her own beauty so well, she has brought her beauty to the extreme.Eloquently, with so many people's blood to sing praises.The scenery that is too beautiful, the flowers that are too fragrant, and the pearls that are too bright are all dangerous. They will definitely disturb the surroundings and make people disturbed. In the end, God has to take them back from the world.

While taking a bath in a nearby pond, she found herself turning ugly.She touched her body and found it very strange, as if it belonged to another person. The war is long and everyone is suffering.The murmur in the banyan tree cave may be the luckiest, she is far away from fighting and is very safe.However, another kind of pain tormented her. There was a doubt in her heart, and this doubt was so terrible that she didn't dare to think about it.However, one sign after another was approaching, and she had no choice but to face it.A rash similar to Chunchi's appeared on her face, and her lower abdomen was swollen. Because she had no appetite, the wild fruits she picked were left until they all rotted.

A month later, periodic bleeding did not come to her.Her suspicions were finally confirmed.Fate once again teased her, and she was about to become a mother. The war ended shortly after.Rivers of blood flow on Lombok.Camel's mansion has been razed to the ground.Ruo Zhuo found the bodies of several children nearby. She knew them, they were the children of camels.Seeing those thin hands and feet folded in a pool of blood, she felt extremely uncomfortable, her lower abdomen contracted, and she began to vomit. She finally realized how serious her sin was. According to the people living around, Luotuo and several of his wives and concubines were captured by the general as captives.The common people look indifferent, life and death are impermanent, who cares who their leader is?

Only she cares.She was finally playing with fire, and she was connected with him in this life and could not be severed. No one knows where the murmur went.That legendary girl quietly disappeared like a ray of setting sun in the sky.Some people say that they saw her in the prison where the camels were held, and that was on the eve of the execution of the camels. She made him a meal.This is the first time she cooks for a man.She wanted to make wine for him, but couldn't wait any longer, so she had to exchange her satin clothes for a jug of wine from the farmer.She soaked some more flower petals in it, slightly softening the pungentness of the wine.

All ready.She wrapped herself up tightly, and went to the prison where the camels were kept with wine and side dishes.No one recognized her.She walked around the tight house again and again, there was no way.The sentence is tomorrow, and she can only make a last attempt.She knocked on the cell door and accosted the guard.Soon, they negotiated a deal: she agreed, and the guards would bring food and drinks to the prisoners inside. The once heroic and extraordinary leader is now lying sickly beside the iron railing. He strokes the sticky creases on the back of his head, life is like this loose skin full of decay.There were children and women waiting for him in the sky, watching (unfortunately he couldn't see them) like the stars in the night sky—he was looking forward to being on his way soon.

The camel fell asleep drowsily, and slowly woke up when he heard the sound of the haystack outside.The man's rapid breathing, mixed with the woman's subtle groans, splashed on his body like layers upon layers of ocean waves.He was caught off guard, opened his eyes, froze for a while, moved his body vigorously, put his face on the iron railing, and listened carefully. Outside, the woman seemed to be trying her best to restrain herself from making a sound, and her intermittent cry was full of worry.And the trapped beast inside was trembling all over, his legs began to weaken, as if he could no longer support the weight of his body, he finally knelt down slowly on the ground.The woman's thin voice hit his face like dense raindrops.thirsty.He opened his mouth wide, hoping to catch some water.He raised his body, grabbed the woman's voices in clusters, and pushed himself in.The voice was soft and warm, enveloping him gently.He leaned on the railing and swayed, and the sweat that rolled down slid into his mouth, which did not quench his thirst.

He couldn't calm down for a long time, until the outside was quiet again, the grass stopped making noise, and the woman stopped moaning.The guard staggered in, one hand still busy buttoning his coat. The guard looked at him contemptuously, then opened the cell door and put the food and drink at his feet.The cell door closed again. The camel was very tired. He picked up the wine jar, raised his head and drank a big gulp.His teeth were biting on a mandala bud, and the familiar smell washed away his thick blood.He lay flat on the ground, spread his limbs, closed his eyes, and chewed the petals in his mouth.

Big tears rolled down from his eyes.
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