Home Categories contemporary fiction Sea water is blue

Chapter 4 third chapter

Sea water is blue 张曼娟 3642Words 2018-03-19
For three whole weeks, I couldn't write the fairy tale "for Xiaotong", because I knew what he really wanted!It's not a fairy tale! The eldest sister and the second sister went to Hong Kong together. Before leaving, the eldest sister and Xiaotong talked a lot, and Xiaotong stopped crying. His precocious and melancholy eyes seemed to be no longer a child of seven or eight years old. "Do you love mom?" asked the elder sister. "Love!" he replied in a low voice. "Listen to my mother, take good care of my sister and love her, you know?" "I know!" He looked at the elder sister and asked earnestly, "As long as I am obedient, I can live with my mother, right?"

"Mom will come back to see you, and when you grow up, you can live with your mother..." "Oh..." Xiaotong lowered her head in disappointment. The eldest sister handed him over to me and told me to take care of him more. "I have loved him very much since I was a child, and I am most worried about him! He is too smart..." I nodded and held Xiaotong's hand: "I will tell my brother-in-law to let him and Xuexue go to Danshui to spend the summer vacation, and then send them back to Taipei!" However, the former "brother-in-law" and the current "Brother Lu" did not agree to my request. He said to me in front of the newly hired nanny, Ms. Gao, and the children: "The children have no mother, and I must strictly discipline them." , can't make them play wild!"

"Brother-in-law... Oh, brother Lu, don't you worry about me? I'm their aunt after all!" I laughed and said to him with a cold expression. He sat down and said: "It's not that you don't worry, it's just that they want to learn piano and painting. I have a plan to teach children!" He smiled confidently and continued: "You should have heard that children who learn piano will never going bad?" I stood there, feeling embarrassed and a little excited: "You won't list us as refusal households for your sister's sake?" "What are you talking about?! Little sister!" Brother Lu raised his eyebrows: "I just want the children to be good!"

Xiaotong held Xuexue and stood beside Miss Gao, his smiling face was tense, and he looked at us nervously and gloomyly.I took a deep breath: "I don't know if a child who learns to play the piano will turn bad, but I know that apart from the piano and painting, there is also care and love—with enough love, the child will not turn bad! " I didn't dare to look at Xiaotong, turned around and left Lu's house, closed the door, tears of grievance and anger poured out impatiently. A week later, the Lu family driver drove Xiaotong and Xuexue to Danshui.Brother Lu entrusted him with a letter, explaining simply that he was going to Hualien for a business trip for a few days, so he asked us to take care of the little brother and sister for a week.I caressed this and kissed that ecstatically; Xiaotong just stood stiffly, and when the driver drove away, he jumped up, shouting and laughing.From the small garden to the house, there was an atmosphere of excitement, and the frowning of the parents was swept away.After lunch, Xiaotong clamored to go to the beach to play.Seeing that the clouds were thick and it was about to rain, I didn't take them there, but Xiao Yiheng came on a bicycle, so I carried Xuexue, he carried Xiaotong, and the group of four drove towards the seaside happily.

The laughing and shouting along the way made me hardly have the energy to step on the pedal.When we got to the beach, the four of us took off our shoes and socks, rolled and kicked on the beach, and the sea water splashed our clothes.There was a thunderbolt in the sky, and big raindrops fell, and Xuexue screamed and threw herself into my arms.We were in a hurry to rescue the shoes and socks thrown on the beach, Xiao Yiheng carried Xiaotong on his back, held our hands, and ran to a long-abandoned bunker not far away.We got into the bunker, stepped on the soft fine sand, and sat down panting.This is a mysterious little world, where a faint light is projected in, and the thunderstorm is isolated.I hugged the quiet Xuexue beside me lightly, looked at Xiaotong, my eyes sparkled with excitement, and then looked at Xiao Yiheng, who also looked at me with a smile on his lips.

"At that time, I was older than Xiaotong, and you were younger than Xuexue. We often came here to play, remember?" Wonderful echoes swirl around - remember?remember? I smiled and nodded, and put Xuexue's head on my lap, he seemed to be tired, lying motionless.Xiao Tong lay on Xiao Yiheng's back, and he said, "Uncle Xiao! You like my little aunt, don't you?" Xiao Yiheng pulled him to sit on his lap, and said with a smile: "Xiaotong is indeed a smart child! How about you? Do you like little auntie?" "Of course I like it. I play the piano and draw pictures very obediently, so my father allowed me to visit my aunt, grandpa, and grandma." Xiaotong came to me and sat down next to me. He asked, "Auntie, can you Take me to my mother?"

I hugged him pitifully, and said softly: "Tonight, please ask grandpa to call mom, and you can talk to mom, okay?" "Good!" He said, "Actually, I often talk to my mother in places where no one is around. When my mother says that I miss him, he will know. One night, I really missed my mother, and then I fell asleep. I saw my mother coming, and he picked up the little bear on the ground for me. I called out to my mother, but somehow, I became my father. My father said that I had a nightmare again. I was not having a nightmare, but dreamed of my mother. ...." My nose was sour, and tears filled my eyes.Xiao Yiheng sat next to Xiaotong, and he said in a low voice:

"Xiaotong, your mother is not by your side. You have to live a good life to reassure your mother... Like Uncle Xiao's mother, she passed away very early, but I have grown up so much, haven't I? When I grow up, You can do what you want." Xiao Tong nodded, he looked at Xiao Yiheng, as if he understood.After a while, I lowered my head and said in a low voice: "But, I still miss my mother..." Xiao Yiheng hugged Xiaotong tightly, and he closed his eyes in pain: "I know, Xiaotong! I know!" I was moved and looked at them helplessly... An hour later, the rain stopped.The sun showed its face again, and the blue waves on the sea were shining.Xiaotong and Xuexue ran out bouncingly, Xiao Yiheng said to me at the entrance of the castle: "Last summer at the beach, what you saw was just a coincidence, I know he has become an obstacle, but don't just believe what you see What happened. I was at fault, and my fault was that I could have prevented a coincidence from happening, but let him happen."

I stood there, before I had time to chew his words, he moved away and left me there alone, on the beach, Xiaotong and Xuexue hurriedly picked up shells and put them on their ears. "Shells are the ears of the sea!" Xiaotong yelled loudly, while running to Xuexue: "Sister! Let's talk to mother!" "Hey, hey, hey! Mom—mother—." Xiaotong called. "Hey, hey, hey! Mom—mother—." Xuexue called. Xiao Yiheng stood upright, he suddenly pointed to the sky: "Look! What's that?" We looked up at the sky together, and a beautiful rainbow of seven colors spanned between the sea and the sky.

"Qiaoye—." Xuexue shouted in a thin, childlike voice. "It's not a bridge! It's a rainbow!" Xiaotong had a pious brilliance on his face: "Wow! So beautiful!" I looked up at the rainbow, the most beautiful thing after a thunderstorm. For a week, every night, the eldest sister talked with the children on the phone, and she often cried bitterly there.The night before Xiaotong was going home, he asked me to tell him a story. He told him the stories I wrote before, and my eldest sister told him all the stories. "Tell me a new one," he said.

"Yes! Tell me something new!" Xuexue echoed. "Okay!" I thought for a while: "Auntie told a story about the sea. Once upon a time, there was a family by the sea, father, mother and son. The son's name was Laibao..." "Why is it called Noble?" Xuexue asked suddenly. "Because he is the baby of mom and dad!" Xiaotong said. "That's right!" I went on to say, "Mom and Dad love Noble very much. Dad is a fisherman, and the fish he catches are big and fat. But another year, suddenly there are no fish in the sea, and Dad is very sad. Mom is also sad, because they have to send a big fish to the king every month, if there is no fish, the king will kill them all! Noble is really worried, he is a filial child, he can't look at his dear father Mother was killed! So, he went to the sea, wept as he walked, and begged the Sea Dragon King to give them a fish." "Can Sea Dragon King hear you?" Xiaotong asked softly. "Audible. Didn't Auntie tell you that shells are the ears of the sea? They inquire for the sea. So, on the third day when Noble went to the seaside, he suddenly saw an old man with a white beard. He asked Why did Laibao cry so sadly? Laibao told the old man that if they couldn’t catch any more fish, their whole family would be killed. Laibao said: “It doesn’t matter if I die, but Mom and Dad are old, they work hard You worked so hard to raise me, I must find a way to save them! "The old man was very moved, and praised Laibao as a filial child. He told Laibao that the beloved son of the Sea Dragon King died, so he was very sad, and he was unwilling to give fish to people. Laibao asked the old man what should he do? The old man asked Laibao if he would like to be the son of the Sea Dragon King? If Laibao became a prince, the Sea Dragon King would be happy and would give the big fish to the people. Moreover, after becoming a prince, he would eat well and dress well , much better than the current life. However, Noble is reluctant to leave his parents, he prefers to live a poor life. The grandfather has been persuading him that if he does not want to, their whole family will be killed. Noble thought for a long time , in order to save his dear parents, he agreed to go to the sea with his grandfather. The grandfather took Noble to meet the Sea Dragon King. The Sea Dragon King liked Noble very much. He treated him as his own son and lived the best life every day. Life, however, Noble has never been happy...." "Because he misses his parents very much." Xiaotong said suddenly. "Yes!" I paused, and then said: "Noble's parents caught a lot of big fish, and the king gave them a lot of money, so they can live a very good life, but their parents are also very unhappy. , because they couldn’t see Noble anymore. Mom was sick because she missed Noble. Sea Dragon King was very sympathetic to them. Let Noble go home and have a look. After Noble came home, Mom and Dad were very happy. Mom Never let Laibao go again, and her illness is cured. However, Sea Dragon King also misses Laibao. Finally, the grandfather thought of a way to let Laibao live in the sea for a month and at home for a month; , everyone felt very happy." The story says that after playing, Xuexue also fell asleep, and the moonlight projected in from the window, reflecting on her smiling face, a peaceful tranquility, I think, she will not have worries and troubles in her dreams.As for Xiaotong, his ecstatic eyes became clearer, and he asked thoughtfully: "Little aunt! If a person dies, can he still come back to life?" "I don't think so." I said with a smile. "Then... if I die, can I go where I want to go? Can I see who I want to see?" I froze, and immediately withdrew my smile: "Xiaotong! Why do you ask such a question? I don't know what happens when a person dies! But the living can't see the dead." "It's okay! The dead man has grown wings and can fly back to see his home!" "However, the living will miss him very much and will be sad! Sad..." "Really?" Xiaotong asked with a carefree expression. I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable, how can I talk to my child about this issue?And Xiaotong's expression and tone seemed to be very strange, and this feeling scared me.So, I urged him to sleep, and I lay down myself, ready to fall asleep.After an unknown amount of time, I heard Xiaotong calling me, I opened my sleepy eyes, and could hear the sound of the wind, insects, and the low barking of the old dog Lily, but none of the sounds were very real. "Little aunt! Can I not go home tomorrow?" "No! Aunt Gao came to pick you up early in the morning..." After a while, Xiaotong's voice sounded weakly: "Little aunt! When will I see my mother?" "You have to be obedient..." I replied vaguely and powerlessly, turned over, fell into a deep sleep, and couldn't hear any sound.
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