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Chapter 30 The Kuomintang and the camp prostitutes (1)

Chinese Studies 李敖 12696Words 2018-03-19
This article has been "... (omitted--editor)" of China Friendship Publishing Company. I don't know what is worth omitting, so I can't say it.It’s not about attacking our authorities, but some sex-related texts and some facts. I also typed out the omitted parts according to the version of Yunnan People’s Publishing House, but I don’t know if the version of Yunnan People’s Publishing House has "... abbreviated" This is worth noting. You can compare them.I have always felt that Li Ao's being in Taiwan is his misfortune (Li Ao said that because Taiwan is too small, he has also grown up, which makes sense), and it is also his luck.

The title of this article was drawn up by me twenty-six years ago.Twenty-six years ago was 1959.On September 9th of that year, I went to the Fengshan Army Infantry School to receive the eighth training for reserve officers. I vowed to investigate the "Military Paradise" that had been rumored for many years as a special topic of concern for the suffering Chinese people.On March 3, 1960, I was assigned to the 42nd Artillery Company of the 49th Regiment of the 17th Division. , The garrison is located in Renwu Township, north of Fengshan, Kaohsiung County.The camp was extremely hot, and there were so many flies that I had never seen them in my life.In a room no larger than eight seats, I used five sheets of fly paper to stick flies, and I caught one or two hundred flies.Water is also extremely inconvenient. It is far away and unclean to use common people's well water.There are many bedbugs and mosquitoes, the toilets are far away, and you have to squat to eat... The customs and customs of the backcountry are all here.I am very happy to have the opportunity to stay away from the academy and face the Chinese people outside the vertical line, so I keep an eye out at all times and secretly keep records of events big and small.

On the fourth day after arriving in the 17th Division (March 7th), I investigated the "Military Paradise" for the first time. "Military Paradise" The so-called "military paradise" refers to military brothels, that is, camp prostitutes.Although camp prostitutes may have appeared in Chinese and foreign history, there has never been a unified brothel like the Kuomintang.When the Kuomintang was defeated on the mainland, it threatened hundreds of thousands of strong Chinese men. Fortunately, these strong men were not used as cannon fodder on the battlefield, but they were unlucky in Taiwan, Penghu, and Kinmen.Matsu and other islands became bargaining chips for the Kuomintang to bring disaster to the country and the people.The Kuomintang detains these people, saying that they want to counterattack and counterattack the mainland. They are not allowed to leave the army, so they have to go out in the wild during the day;Shooting wild cannons is to solve the problem of soldiers' sexual desires. The soldiers are too poor to visit ordinary folk kilns, and there is no distinction between soldiers and civilians, and it is easy to cause turmoil [Note 1].So the defeated generals of the Kuomintang got the nod from Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the defeated army, and set up a brothel dedicated to the defeated soldiers.On the day the order is issued, wherever the Kuomintang troops are stationed, there will be "Military Paradise" accompanying them. The family I investigated when I first served as a platoon leader in the 17th Division was one of them.

The full name of this "Military Paradise" is "Renwu Special Tea Room", and soldiers jokingly call it "Zoo".It sounds uncomfortable at first, but after the interview, I found out that this kind of joking actually has their basis. "Military Paradise" is a simple one-story house with the door in the center. After entering the door, there are billiard rooms on the left and right. All the soldiers are playing billiards. The smoke is full, the voices are noisy, and the air is very dirty, but the worse is yet to come. .There is a row of large photos (usually six inches) hanging on the front wall of the billiard room. Each photo is individually framed with a number on the frame for people to look up to.In the zoomed-in photos, there are girls with numbers but no names. Some of them are pretty, but they are not without rustic clothes.Most of them come from the countryside and mountains (and occasionally from other provinces), so the level of make-up is naturally not so good because of the environment.There were about ten or twenty photo numbers, some of which had a note under the frame saying "Leave on leave" [Note 2], indicating that the girl in question was in her menstruation period and was not able to receive customers.

On the wall where the photos are hung, there is a door. There are rules and regulations beside the door, and there is a ticket office. When buying a ticket, Brother Bing chooses the number on the photo, and after paying the money, he can buy a ticket for the girl with that number.In order to save some "value" for the officers who led the troops, the Kuomintang divided the "Military Paradise" into two parts, namely the "Officer Department" (also called "Officer Department") and the "Soldier Department" (also called "Soldier Department"). ) [Note 3].At that time, each ticket for the "Military Department" was 25 yuan, and each ticket for the "Soldier Department" was 10 yuan.Some are more detailed: for example, the "Military Paradise" in Kinmen is divided into three parts, 25 yuan per ticket for the "officer department", 20 yuan per ticket for the "non-commissioned officer department", and 20 yuan per ticket for the "warrior department". The ticket is ten yuan.Although the ticket prices vary, the fact that officers and soldiers gather together cannot be concealed.The man asked not to shake, but the woman refused

According to the "Entertainment Program Table for Special Tea Room Officers and Soldiers" hanging on the wall, the whole program is as follows: Read the rules of the tour room--purchase tickets (entertainment tickets) (tea tickets)--check the tickets and enter--choose the waiter--read the entertainment instructions--entertainment--cleaning--cosmetology--leave the room Ticket checking is the third procedure, that is, the entrance procedure.After entering this door, there is the so-called "health care room" on the left, which is a formal medical room.On the right is the "big teapot seat", which is the so-called Gui Gong.Guigong is nothing more than a hooligan, of course he is watching the prostitutes to prevent them from escaping.Going further inside, there are two rows of symmetrically numbered small rooms, five in each row, ten in total.Turn left at the end, and after crossing the "Old Bustard's Seat", there are ten same small rooms.

The layout of the small room is similar, a simple bed covered with floral sheets.There is a small dressing table next to the bed and the lighting is dim.After Brother A Bing entered, the door was closed, and as soon as the door was closed, a red light lit up beside the door, indicating "open for business".In accordance with Article 14 of the "Renwu Special Tea Room Youci Entertainment Rules": Each person is only allowed to entertain once, and each time shall not exceed 40 minutes. The overtime waiter may refuse it. It means that forty minutes [Note 4] actually includes the four programs of "entertainment", "washing", "face-lifting" and "leaving the room" in the "entertainment program table". ... (Omit--editor omits: the so-called "entertainment" includes undressing and sexual intercourse limited to one ejaculation, but disputes often arise.) The standard format of disputes is: a prostitute wants a soldier to stay on her for too long, and often As soon as Brother A Bing inserted it, she shook it wildly, they were all experts, after shaking it three times and two times, it was done.The rest of the time, prostitutes often steal time and sell it on the black market.According to the relationship between the prostitute and the bustard, the commission is drawn every 40 minutes. Since the prostitute is willing to pick up more, naturally everyone is happy, but Ah Bing is not happy!Gai Bingge spends ten yuan, it’s not easy to earn money... Embarrassed ejaculation, of course, is unpleasant.) Often the man asks not to shake, but the woman refuses, so disputes arise.Some soldiers are unwilling to reconcile, and the next time they come, they buy "Guangsilu" and other aphrodisiacs [Note 5], so that the prostitutes can't steal time and sell it on the black market, and feel pain both physically and mentally [Note 6].There are also soldiers who even steal a red bean popsicle, taking advantage of the prostitute's unawares, and suddenly insert it as revenge.In short, all kinds of disputes often emerge in endlessly.It can be seen that in the program list, the "entertainment" program is the most troublesome.

Veterans and young prostitutes kill each other ... (Omitted--editor omits: In the process of "entertainment", A Bingge uses military terminology as "incision". For example, sexual intercourse is called "cannonball"; "military paradise" is called "cannon position"; bed Those who ejaculate without being touched are called "air bombs"; those who ejaculate prematurely are called "instantaneous"; Above, it is amazing to write.) After the "entertainment" is over, it is "washing".There is no water in the small room, the door is always open, and the prostitute only wears a bra and underwear to come out, holding an old aluminum washbasin, and comes out to hold water.The soldiers who lined up at the door immediately screamed, some were fidgety, and some prostitutes flirted and flirted with them.As for the reason why they didn't put on their clothes before coming out, it was because they had no time to put on and take off because they had to pick up customers again and again.From this point of view, the situation of prostitutes is no different from that in the "zoo", or even worse than the "zoo", it is simply a "human flesh market"!I once had a poem "A Paradise in the Army" that said: "The human flesh market is really pitiful. Veterans and young prostitutes kill each other. Both buyers and sellers are weak, so there is a paradise in the army!" It describes these strange phenomena.

Because life in the military is monotonous and people are ignorant and boring, all kinds of "paradise in the military" naturally become the focus of conversation.In "Diary of a Reserve Officer", I recorded a Zhou Paifu, who was the best at this way, talking all day long, not in the scope of his lower body.He often recites the number of girls in the "Military Paradise" somewhere, how skinny and how... every treasure.He said that some prostitutes always have hidden traps [Note 7] for fear of getting sick.He will suddenly press the prostitute's lower abdomen, and the hidden cover will come out.He said his monthly military pay was spent on prostitutes and that he raped women while serving in the mainland.Listening to this kind of soldiers is really shocking and disgusting.There is also a platoon leader Zhou who is also fond of this method. All units are counted by the number of times they fired.After the military salary was raised, he said with a smile: "This time we have added six more guns!"

The focus of conversations like this has even been seen in the mouths of high-level military officers.Due to the shabby buildings of the "Military Paradise", the soldiers not only made noise while queuing, but even tried to compete to see the live erotic palace through the crack of the door.The regiment Changjiang Bailu found out about this, and he yelled at the meeting, saying that you have seen the live erotic palace, you will die badly on the battlefield in the future, and you will even be crushed to death by a car soon.Jiang Bailu was forty-two years old at the time, graduated from the 16th class of the military academy, the 10th class of the advanced class of the infantry school, and the seventh class of the participating school. He was from Hubei.The officers of the Kuomintang!

On the thigh, there are several purple marks Although they are both broken flowers and willows, among the broken willows, there is also beauty that can be distinguished from top to bottom.The age of the girls ranges from fifteen to sixteen to eight years old, and some are in their thirties. The older ones are not very good-looking, and sometimes the family is also occasional.I saw one, half-naked, leaning on the door alone, standing with a blank expression in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Brother A Bing queuing at the door of the other room. Because there is a minimum number of customers per day, prostitutes who receive too few customers will be punished.When I was doing research on "Military Paradise", one day I was copying the rules in a "Military Paradise", a young prostitute came over, secretly pulled my sleeve, and whispered: "Platoon leader, please buy a ticket anyway." , help me." I have always only done investigations and never engaged in women, so I refused.She asked, "Why doesn't the platoon leader buy a ticket?" To save trouble, my routine way of dealing with this situation was to smile and say, "The platoon leader's eggs are broken." But this time it didn't work.The young prostitute continued to pester her and refused to leave.She said, "Platoon leader, I'll show you something." As she spoke, she lifted up her skirt, exposing her thighs, and there were several purple marks on her thighs.She said: "I didn't pick up enough customers, and I will be beaten. The platoon leader, please buy a ticket anyway, and help me out." Shocked, I couldn't bear it so much, so I bought a ticket and gave it to her.She took the ticket, tears streaming down her face.When I turned to leave, she held me back and said in a low voice, "The platoon leader should sit in the room for a while. Otherwise, if they see it, they will think that I have offended the guests." I agreed.So I chatted with her in the small room for a while, and then came out pretending to have plastic surgery [Note 8]. The most striking thing about the prostitutes in "Military Paradise" is that they have the feeling of a "human flesh market" because there is a lower limit but no upper limit on the number of times they can pick up customers.It is very common for each prostitute to sell thirty or forty times a day on paid days or prescribed holidays in the army.Thirty or forty times is not considered skill, if it is sold more than fifty times, there will be a reward.I can't type the initials of cursive, sorry. 〕Balin's "Military Paradise" even held a big competition, and those who sold fast and many times (of course, they were more than 50 or 60 times), even set off firecrackers to celebrate.I really can't imagine: a person can't bear to wash their hands fifty or sixty times a day, let alone have sexual intercourse fifty or sixty times a day?But Taiwan's "human flesh market" under the benevolent government of the Kuomintang is like this! I often think: A poor girl is reduced to receiving customers fifty or sixty times a day. What the hell are the "Three People's Principles", "National People"... all of which mean nothing to her! ... (Omitted--Editor's omission: If I were her, if I couldn't escape the clutches of the old bustard, if I couldn't escape the fate of receiving guests, but I hope I could make fewer knots, that would be good. So, if I were her If the rule of the Communist Party can save me from receiving ten guests, I will welcome the Communist Party; if the rule of the Japanese can make me receive less than 20 guests, I will welcome the Japanese, I will welcome the Japanese, and I am willing to be a subjugated slave. These are the truth, so they are omitted.) All doctrines, leaders, countries, responsibilities, and honors are all fucking lies, all too far away, and for the weak and suffering, they are all bullshit, bullshit , Stinky shit!Hells have to believe them! Prostitutes "Exiled" However, the poor women in the "human flesh market", they are tortured all day long, if the gain is equal to the loss, it is another matter.In fact, that's not the case at all.They were brought to the "Military Paradise", and the commission for each pick-up was very limited.Take Kinmen's "Military Paradise" as an example. Because they were on the front line, they were paid better.The "Military Paradise" in Kinmen is managed by political workers and supervised by the unit in charge of the democracy movement of the Political Department. The waiters who serve in the "Military Paradise" are called military special employees. There are 250 such employees in Kinmen , The flow is scattered in Kinmen, Shanwai, Xiaojing, Chenkeng, Lieyu... and other places.But in the front line, there is no fixed field, so we have to send girls on business trips regularly, and return to the defense after completing the tasks [Note 9]!Most of these employees are from Taiwan. Some are 18 years old and some are in their early thirties. The average age is 23 years old.The two parties operate a contract system, signing an employment contract, every six months, and both parties agree that the contract can be renewed.During the service period, food and clothing are provided by the army, and the woman receives 70% of the business income. She works six days a week and has a holiday on Monday. The working hours are from 8:00 am to 11:00 noon, and from 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm.The ticket price is divided into three classes: "Military Officer Department" 25 yuan (waiters in Kinmen Island can get 16 yuan, Xiaojinmen and other outer islands can get 17 yuan); Yingsheng gets 14 or 15 yuan); "Soldier Department" gets 10 yuan (waiters get 8 or 9 yuan).Although formally it is a contract system and mutual consent, but on the side of the prostitutes, if they are blackmailed by the old bustard and the turtle, they will not get much.Moreover, many of the prostitutes in the "Military Paradise" on the outer islands are private prostitutes caught on Taiwan's main island and forced to be sent to the front line by being "discharged into the army". Those who have been caught three times in a row as private prostitutes are the front line of "dispossession into the army").In the main island of Taiwan, the same is actually true. I can't see that the prostitutes in the "Military Paradise" on the island came voluntarily, and most of them were captured and sold.In "Diary of a Reserve Officer" dated March 30, 1960, I wrote that a hooligan "forced a woman to write a contract of sale for 16,000 and sell it for two years, otherwise she would not be released. This military paradise".It can be seen that this woman has escaped the fate of private prostitution, but she can't escape the "Military Paradise".Under the article on July 26 of the same year, I wrote: "A 19-year-old girl will be sold for 1900 first, then 2600, the third for 2300, and the fourth for 6600." , The result is a bad sore, what kind of society is this, what kind of personal protection is there? In such a situation where there is no personal freedom and they are bought and sold, who would believe that prostitutes still think that they can get a commission according to the rules? How dare they talk about money, if they can receive fewer customers, it is a blessing! Zhou Paifu put it bluntly: "Prostitutes are like garden shovels. People can rest, but working tools cannot. "Prostitutes are just "work tools" in people's eyes, and they have been reduced to "work tools". Do you still want to take a commission according to the rules? "Sold to a special tea room" Let me cite two newspaper clippings to see examples of such "paradise in the military" where there is no personal freedom.On December 25, 1960, "United Daily News" published: Daughter flees with her lover Father brings escorts to rob Bet first as an adopted daughter and then sold into fireworks Chasing from the South to the North · Soft Deceit and Hard Take 〔News from our newspaper〕Christmas Eve, in front of the Provincial Women's Association on Guling Street in this city, a number of unidentified gangsters used a taxi to drive away a couple. Because the murdered couple shouted "Help" on the street, nearby police officers The criminal team of the No. 7 Sub-bureau was immediately dispatched to protect the couple and arrested Li Zhigao, who was suspected of obstructing freedom. The rest of the gangsters had already fled by car.According to preliminary investigations, for example, this is a case where the biological father tricked his biological daughter under the age of fifteen into prostitution in a special tea room. Another young man helped his daughter escape from the sea of ​​suffering and went to Taipei to apply to the Provincial Women's Association for a mediation marriage. The case of a man trying to rob a woman and her lover.For example, the case is very tortuous, and the investigation is continuing, and the Pingtung Police Department is in contact with the arrest of the fugitive criminals. The heroine of this case, Li Jinlian, was born on May 20, 1946. She is still a little girl under the age of fifteen and lives at No. 8, Huiyao Lane, Pingtung City. According to her crying at the police station: She is the biological daughter of Li Zhigao, along with two younger sisters and two younger brothers. Because of her father's gambling addiction, she went bankrupt.In 1958, she was sold by her father to Lin Yuechai at No. 10, Banana Lane, Pingtung City to be her adopted daughter. Three months ago, her adoptive mother forced her to work as a tea girl in Chunxi Public Teahouse in Pingtung on the grounds that she was blind in one eye. Meanwhile, her father redeemed her with NT$7,500.His father went to pick up his daughter from his adoptive mother's house and said that he would "go home to eat and say goodbye", but who knew that he took her to a house surnamed Zhuang near a special teahouse on Jianguo Road in Pingtung. She lived in the Zhuang's house for a few days, and Zhuang lied to her that she was working as a teahouse in the teahouse. After Ms. Li left, her father bought her a suitcase and a four-dollar gold necklace, and the man surnamed Zhuang bought her a watch and a piece of clothing.After arriving at the special tea room, the surname Zhuang forced her into prostitution, and if she refused to accept it, she would be locked up. Ms. Li also said: Her number in the tearoom was "No. 11", and she was sold on October 25 this year. She had a key to the room, and she was in the same room with Miss No. 17.Because she couldn't bear the torture, she took the opportunity to escape at 3 o'clock in the morning on the 4th of this month, and lived in the house of her boyfriend Guo Shicheng for more than ten days. He promised to save her from suffering, and she promised her lifelong promise, but because of her ID card, etc., she was detained in prison. The tea room applied to the Provincial Women's Association for mediation on the 16th of this month, and was notified by the Women's Association the day before yesterday to come to Taipei together. At 4:00 p.m. yesterday, after mediation by the Women's Association, his father, Li Zhigao, and five or six unidentified men went out. When Li and her boyfriend Guo were dragged into a Jinshan taxi, Li shouted desperately, "Help me!", and turned to the No. 7 Sub-bureau for rescue and protection.The gangsters fled in a car, and one of them was Zhuang. Her father was arrested by the No. 7 Police Bureau because he was grabbed by Guo. The leading actor in this case, Guo Shicheng, is 25 years old, from Pingtung, a carpenter, and lives at No. 91, Gongyong Road, Pingtung City.According to what he said at the police station: his home is near the Chunxi Public Teahouse, and he met Li Jinlian at the Chunxi Teahouse at the beginning of October this year. Although Li is young, she is slim, gentle and beautiful, and they have a good relationship.Unexpectedly, Li Nv was sold to a special tea room. According to what he heard from Li Nv's uncle: Li Nv was detained in the tea room for one and a half years, NT$13,500, and then increased by half a year to two years. How much is not known.Li Nu escaped in the early morning of the 4th of this month due to the unbearable suffering of the dust.He lived at home for a few days. On the 16th of this month, he asked the Provincial Women's Association for mediation. The Provincial Women's Association notified both parties to mediate in the afternoon of the 24th of this month. The two came to Taipei the day before yesterday. After mediation by the Women's Association, the association asked him to pay NT$3,000 to Li Zhigao, and the two parties agreed to choose a date for marriage.Unexpectedly, when they walked out of the gate of the Women's Association, they were rushed by Li Zhigao and many gangsters in taxis. They wanted to drag them into the taxi and take them away. They shouted for help, and the nearby No. The two belts are protected. "After entering the tea room, you lose your freedom" Another example was published in "Reporting News" on November 26, 1962: Tea room set up lynching boss becomes devil king poor girl abused Fleeing barefoot to Taipei [Report from our newspaper] A young girl who was unwilling to live with her flesh and blood arrived in Taipei with bare feet on the evening of the 24th wearing a thin shirt and shorts after several days of eating and sleeping in the dew. Women's organs are under protection. According to You Adi, who ventured out of the fire pit, told reporters yesterday that in order to save money for her wedding, she was introduced to a special teahouse in Pingtung by a friend of her adoptive mother in Zuoying in December last year to work as a prostitute. She originally wanted to do it for only three months, but Unexpectedly, after entering the tea room, I lost my freedom. Younv also said that the boss of the teahouse hired a total of six guards, but never protected them, on the contrary, they were dedicated to whipping them. Younv said: The boss limits them to receive more than 20 customers every day. If any sister fails to meet the boss's requirements when checking out after closing, six guards will beat the prostitutes with a baseball bat in turn. When they were punished in the evening, they had to take off their clothes and pants, and they must not cry when they were beaten, otherwise they would suffer even more. Younu said that every sister in the tea room barely supported the guests even when she was sick in order to avoid the pain of flesh and blood. That is to say, try every means to drag the guest into the room.Therefore, many nearby residents dare not walk past the teahouse door after nightfall. You Nu said that they worked hard to make money for their boss every day, but they ate porridge for every meal. In this environment of beating and starvation, two sisters have lost their minds. On the evening of the 18th of this month, Younv could not bear it any longer. Taking advantage of the opportunity to pick up guests, she climbed over the wall and escaped from the tea room. She once asked for help from a passer-by, who gave her some money because she saw that she was pitiful. After being caught by the teahouse owner, he took the train and walked for several days before finally arriving in Taipei. When she arrived in Taipei, she was only wearing a single shirt and a pair of shorts, wandering the streets alone, and was found by a kind lady who gave her some clothes and sent her to the women's agency for protection.You Nu told the reporter yesterday afternoon that she hoped that the public security organs would clamp down on the illegal behavior of the special teahouse in Pingtung, so as to prevent more girls from suffering misfortune.After seeing these two close-ups of "Military Paradise" intertwined with blood and tears, will we still believe that they are not "work tools"? Close-up--Juanjuan On September 17, 1960, "News World" published on the 38th issue of the 16th year Jia Yan's "Exploration of the "Military Paradise"", which once told a private prostitute who was "discharged into the army" to Kinmen. Close-up: Each waitress has a dedicated boudoir of similar size and different furnishings. There is a numbered green light at the front of the room. When it is on, it means that you are working, and the door must be closed. There is no lighted ten-tone fragrance boudoir in the room. Miss Juanjuan from No. 10× was leaning against the bedside reading a novel, when she saw the director-general bringing in the guests, she hurriedly got up in disheveled clothes to greet her.While she was busy making tea, I looked at the layout of this small bridal chamber - the most conspicuous thing was a huge double bed, which took up almost a third of the room, covered with exquisite big straw mats On the head of the bed, there are two embroidered pillows with mandarin ducks playing in the water. The unfinished "Debt of Love" is also placed aside, and the fancy brocade quilt is placed obliquely in the middle of the bed. On the silver hook, there is a wardrobe next to the bed. Two suitcases and shoe boxes are piled here and there. Next to the wardrobe is a new coffee table with many novels and magazines piled on it.The radio playing jazz music is also placed there; opposite the coffee table is a small round table with a few chairs scattered around it.The east and west windows are covered by thick blue curtains, and there are some colored photos of Chinese and foreign stars hanging on the four walls. The only one with a frame in those photos is a high school uniform with "× "Symbol and lapel pin for schoolgirls. Maybe I was fascinated by the picture of the female student in Duanxiang, and I didn't know how to pick up the fragrant tea served politely by Juanjuan.So she asked, "Does that photo look like me?" "Is that your sister? Much like you, but better than you..." "Is it younger than me? Of course the me two years ago is younger than the me now." She talked indifferently, as if talking about other people's affairs. "Oh, then why don't you study?" How could it not be surprising that a high school-educated girl would do it? "Sorry, Mr. Reporter, I have no news here, and I have nothing to say, unless you want to hear a girl's accusation of reality! My father died when I was seventeen, my mother fell ill from grief, and my younger siblings are all young. First of all, I dropped out of school to work to support the family. My monthly salary of 300 yuan was not enough to pay for my mother’s medicine. My relatives and friends also alienated us. My younger siblings couldn’t eat enough to go to school and didn’t have energy. So I lied to my mother and secretly used the money my parents gave me. I went to earn money to treat my mother, but because I was young and inexperienced, I was caught by the police and sent to Kinmen on the charge of private prostitution, but most of the sisters signed the contract voluntarily. "Whenever I am dominated by a customer who belongs to God's soul, I think about how to use the money that belongs to the devil. So whenever I am in pain, I comfort myself by enduring a moment of pain and getting a lot of money. Mr. Reporter , Don’t laugh at me as a money worshiper, but money can heal my mother’s illness, and can provide for the tuition fees of my younger siblings. What’s more, I can’t get so much money by doing other things so easily. "Every month I have to remit 2,000 yuan home. In order to achieve this amount, I try my best to satisfy the customers, so my tickets are sold more and more easily. When I first came here, I also secretly fought for seats in the dead of night. Later, I’m used to it. Maybe it’s because I’m numb, so I don’t cry often; besides, people who come to the Military Paradise are looking for happiness. They usually go out to exercise, work, and fight. The body and mind are tense, and they hope to get temporary relaxation and comfort here. , How could I have the nerve to let them infect the sorrow of my fate? "People who come to the Military Paradise come from various classes and types of arms. Soldiers are required to go to the Warrior Department, and non-commissioned officers also have a non-commissioned officer department. Most of the lieutenant-level officers come to our officer department. "It's not that colonel officers can't come. In the room next to mine at No. 10, there is a colonel team leader who must report every night. Officers above colonel can enter the advanced class if they want to entertain. It’s a foreign store owned by Shishishi Xinyang, because the house is high, and most of the people who go there are senior officials, so it has the nickname of senior class.” Officers entering the "advanced class" don't have to buy "entertainment coupons", they can also play tea circles, that is, they invite young ladies to come and have sex, make a cup of clear tea for 10 yuan, and they can be ecstasy for 15 minutes. The price is NT$30, and the more money you can get, the better. It is said that several senior officers of the general rank.They also often go to the "advanced class". Among them, most of them go to the senior class for entertainment, and there are many people with wives and children at home. A senior official who was engaged in cultural work and paid homage to the colonel said: "As long as you don't forget your family responsibilities, and occasionally play on the occasion, that's my standpoint when I go to the senior class." In terms of age: unmarried people in their thirties are the most frequent visitors, Taiwanese officials in their twenties are less frequent, and officers and non-commissioned officers in their forties are frequent visitors to the military park.Some enlightened army commanders even encourage their subordinates to deal with "sexual" impulses in this area. It is said that going to the military paradise is also one of the reasons for permission to ask for leave. I listened intently to the confession of this strange woman who had gone through a lot of troubles, and I didn't pay attention to when the director-general bought hot steamed buns and brought a large pot of braised vegetables. They courteously persuaded them to stay, and Quan Qi and the director-general respectively took the guest and host seats, while Juanjuan and the civil officer sat on both sides.Juanjuan even took out a bottle of Kinmen sorghum from the tea table and said, "Good food and good wine. I hope that the reporter and the civil officer will not get drunk!" Juanjuan took a piece of white-cut chicken for me and put it on my plate: "Do you like this chicken drumstick?" The civil officer who had been silent all this time also said, "Don't think about how to write that article. If you have wine today, you will be drunk today." !cheers!" This high school girl, Juanjuan, is really the most famous person. I have never been to Kinmen, nor have I met her.But the officers of the 16th Division told me that whenever the Kinmen "Military Paradise" opened, everyone would rush to buy tickets for Juanjuan in order to "transfer a high school girl"!This phenomenon fully shows the mentality of soldiers with low self-esteem, and naturally deserves special attention. "No marriage allowed while in camp" The "Military Paradise" system was established in 1950. At that time, the purpose of the Kuomintang was to restrict the marriage of soldiers, so as to benefit the country and the people.This purpose can be seen in the "Regulations on the Marriage of Army, Navy and Air Force Soldiers During the Reconnaissance Period" promulgated by Chiang Kai-shek on January 5, 1952.Article 2 of the Regulations states: The soldiers of the army, navy and air force referred to in these regulations refer to the following items: 1. Serving officers, warrant officers and students. 2. Serving military civilian officers and technical sergeants in the army, navy and air force. Article 6 clearly states. Army, navy and air force personnel are not allowed to marry under any of the following circumstances: 1. A person who directly participates in a war or serves as an emergency defense. 2. Students who are in training period. 3. All military schools have received training education and distributed services for less than two years after graduation Years. 4. Persons under the age of 28, except for females. Article 8 states: Soldiers of the Army, Navy and Air Force are not allowed to marry during their active duty in the battalion, except those stipulated in Article 2. From this point of view, the general "marriage prohibition" of "army, navy and air force soldiers" has been clearly legislated.What's more, with their meager military pay, they can't even afford to get married [Note 10].Since marriage is strictly prohibited, a "Military Paradise" was set up to solve the problem of soldiers' sexual desire.The Kuomintang is wonderful, and its brain is very straight. The officials insist that there is only sexual desire, nothing else, and nothing else is allowed.Just look at the notices posted on the wall of the "Renwu Special Tea Room" by the political and military officers of the 17th Division, and you will understand: The Renwu special tea room entertainment regulations of the 1601st Army Army: (8) It is not allowed to take pictures with officers and soldiers. (10) Do not talk about love with officers and soldiers. Why are they not allowed to take pictures or talk about love?There is no other reason, but the Kuomintang's wishful thinking is limited to solving the problem of sexual desire!In addition, the Kuomintang is not allowed to do anything else. "Blood Splattered Tea Room·Death Case" However, the Kuomintang's prohibition does not mean that the soldiers obeyed. "Military Paradise, in addition to entertainment, there are still constant rumors of the "talking about love" incident [Note 11] and various atrocities that occurred due to "talking about love" [Note 12]. To give two examples. On November 22, 1963, "United Daily News" published: The murderous man killed two daughters and then committed suicide Obsessed with prostitutes, trying to monopolize Blood Splattered Tea Room·Death Case [Tainan News] At a special tea room at No. 119, Youai Street, Tainan City, at 7:40 am on the 21st, a client killed a prostitute with a knife, stabbed the manager's wife to death, and then set it on fire with gasoline. house, the shocking murder of suicide.The house that was set on fire was quickly extinguished without causing a disaster. The murderer, Guo Fengxiang, was 48 years old, from Shandong, and used to work in a hospital in Tainan.More than a year ago, he met Wu Qiuxiang, a prostitute in a special teahouse on Youai Street. Wu Qiuxiang was a 21-year-old woman from Kaohsiung City. The murderer Guo Fengxiang was very obsessed with her. For more than a year, Guo gave all his savings to Wu Nv in exchange for Wu Nv's favor.It is said that within this not-too-short period of time, Guo Zeng intended to marry Wu Nu as his wife, and Wu Nu was a woman in the field of love and moon, and had no intention of committing to life for life. About four or five months ago, Guo and Nv Wu agreed to stay together with Nv Wu again on a Saturday night, but it happened that Nv Wu had a funeral at home and went home to take care of it. Guo failed to meet Nv Wu that night. The woman avoided him deliberately, feeling very unhappy.After Wu Nv came back, Guo turned against Wu Nv, twisted Wu Nv and beat her badly, leaving her covered in bruises. After Guo Yu returned to the hospital, he committed suicide by swallowing pesticides. Fortunately, his colleagues found out and saved his life. After that, Guo Fengxiang became angry and hated Wu Nv to the bone. He often went to the special tea room to make noises, and threatened to kill Wu Nv to vent his hatred. Ge Shukai, the administrator of the special tea room, was afraid of accidents, and whenever Guo went to the tea room, he reported the case to the public security agency, which made the public security agency feel troubled, and finally managed to transfer Guo to a hospital in Taichung, hoping that nothing would happen. After Guo arrived in Taichung, he still often came to Tainan to look for Wu. Every time Guo Fengxiang returned to Tainan, the teahouse was extremely nervous and reported to the public security organs, but the public security personnel had nothing to do with a client who was not causing trouble.At around 3:00 p.m. on the 21st, Guo came from Taichung again. As usual, he wanted to find Wu Nv to stay with him. The person in the tea room told him that Wu Nv was gone. Yang Meiyu, the prostitute on the 7th, asked her to stay with her, and paid 40 yuan for the night, saying that she would come back to spend the night. At 9 o'clock that night, after Guo returned to the tea room, he invited the prostitute Yang Meiyu into Room 17 and spent the night quietly.According to Ge Shukai, the manager of the tea room, Guo Fengxiang appeared to be very kind when he came this time, and he did not see any signs of murder, so he did not report the case.Yang Meiyu, a prostitute who lived with Guo, also said: "I didn't see Guo murderous. When Guo came, he only carried a paper bag with a shirt off, and he didn't see him with a knife."二十二日早上七点钟,郭就起身,在院子里转了一个圈,重又回到住宿的十七号房间,拿着纸包就走,但没有几分钟,听见有人喊叫杀人了。 被杀死的妓女吴秋香,住在二十八号房间,早上起来到对面楼上的厨房去洗脸,据三十一号的妓女在窗子里看见的情形,郭凤祥发现吴秋香之后,紧跟上楼,先以双手扼住吴女的脖子,随后即持刀行凶,被刺杀的吴女,开始喊了两声,接着就倒下去,这时候所有的妓女及嫖客。或奔逃、或紧闭门户不敢外出,只见郭刺杀吴女之后,手提利刃,全身血淋淋地自楼梯上走下来,进入该茶室的办公室,此时管理员葛树楷之妻郭碧玉(二十四岁,屏东人)正在办公室里吃稀饭,郭进入办公室之后,拔刀就杀,葛郭碧玉就在毫无挣扎下,死在郭的刀下。 郭于第二次行凶之后,又进入该茶室经理的卧室,所幸室内无人,郭即将一些书刊堆放在经理的沙发床上,摸出身上预藏的一瓶汽油,泼在床褥上,开始点火,企图焚屋,幸火势刚燃起时,警四分局康乐派出所的两个警员据报后赶抵现场,喝令郭凤祥把刀放下,惟此时郭似已疯狂,持刀向两警员逼近,两警随手拿起了凳子,准备抵抗他的袭击,就在此紧张之际,郭突然举刀向自己的胸部及腹部猛刺两刀,当场毙命。 在同一时间,消防车亦赶抵现场,将火势迅速扑灭。 南部地区某单位人员及台南地检处检察官黄昭熙事后均赶到现场,由法医林日详验尸,经检验:妓女吴秋香,身中十六刀,喉管割断,两乳部刀创均深达内脏;管理员之妻葛碧玉,被刺六刀,喉管亦断;凶手郭凤祥自戕三刀,均告死亡。 据治安单位研判,郭凤祥行凶,似为预谋。他于二十一日下午三时许到该茶室投宿,经告吴女不在,即另寻对象登记陪宿后离去,似即外出寻借凶刀及汽油,翌晨在发现吴女之后,认为吴女及该茶室都在欺骗他,以致刺杀吴女之后,再杀管理员之妻,然后纵火焚屋,假如在郭凤祥寻吴女陪宿如愿,获一宵温存,或翌晨不发现吴女,或可免掉这一场凶案的发生。"女服务生被勒毙" 另一个实例是一九六四年三月一日《自立晚报》登的: 特约茶室演血案·女服务生被勒毙 蔡月娥娇美个个留情 难独享风流引动杀机 凶手为谁·尚待追缉 〔本报讯〕北市信义路四段三张犁派出所对面特约茶室,于昨晚十时三十分许,发生服务生被人用麻绳勒毙藏于床下的谋杀案件一起,北市警六分局及宪兵队会同有关单位,都赶到现场调查,并将谋杀现场之房间封闭,等候地检处及军方的检察官到场启封验尸。至于凶手为何人?办案人员已获有线索,相信即可缉获。 被谋杀的女服务生名叫蔡月娥,十七岁,北市人,住在抚远街,在三张犁军中特约茶室充当女服务生,她的编号是十四号,这个茶室普通的身份是不得进入。 据悉:蔡月娥是于昨日晚上接了一个客人入室后,至十时三十分许尚未见蔡女走出房门,管理的人非常怀疑,当启门入内时,发现蔡女已被人用麻绳勒毙藏于她自己房间的床下。该茶室除了向警六分局报案外,并向其管理单位报告,复将蔡女被杀之房间封闭。 今日上午,记者赶至现场时,该茶室的两个大门关闭,禁止任何人等出入,茶娘们亦都关在自己的房间,不准外出,在现场的人是宪警单位的治安人员及有关单位的负责人。他们都拒绝记者的采访,所以真正被杀之内幕不详。读者仅知被谋杀的蔡女长得很美而且活泼,爱她的人很多,被杀之原因,可能是蔡女朝秦暮楚,对任何人都留下了情种,因而偏偏遇上了一个"情圣",这位男子因为不能占有,故设法谋杀。全案之侦破工作,现正进行中,料凶手不久即可逮捕到案。 像上面这两则刀光血影的"军中乐园"大特写,是非常普遍的。大陆来台的军人们,离乡背井,感情没有寄托〔注十三〕,惹出感情纠纷,常常走极端,强迫同归于尽。自"军中乐园"成立以来,这样子"殉职"的老少妓女,可真大有人在呢!一九五五年十一月二十六日《新闻天地》第十一年第四十八号登有陈文清"军中春色",文中"PX和军乐园"一节中说:"对于单身军人的生理需要,军事当局早已做了适当的措置。军营附近的地区,现都设有军乐园,园里蓄有受医生照料的年轻姑娘,做单身官兵排遣寂寞的临时伴侣,付出低廉的费用,就可获得一次安全而兴奋的满足,而且官兵一视同仁,绝无争风吃醋的情事发生。过去在大陆那种军民间的男女纠纷,也因之完全消除"云云,是报导得不正确的,事实上,"争风吃醋的情事"不但发生,并且还大发生特发生呢! "励我士气" "军中乐园"在编制上,实际是军方指点、民间承包性质。虽然是沿军方派管理员、民间担任干事的架构,但在军民之间,谁大谁小、谁主谁宾,事涉内幕与红包,也就实未易言。我在那拔林"军中乐园"看到这么一个镜框: 郭拨林特约茶室开业留念 励我士气 陆军八四四二部队敬赠 究其措辞,实在耐人寻味。但是,我又搜集到陆军五六五二部队的一张(49)威克字第二四六八号令文(一九六0年十二月二十六日),由部队长发出,受文者是"第三科",内文是: 一、查仁武特约茶室因违背规定,经核定于十二月二十九日停业一天以示惩戒,在该日严禁本部官兵前往娱乐。 二、希遵照并饬属遵照。 三、副本送仁武特约茶室管理员。 究其措辞,却又官样十足。总之,主持"军中乐园"的军方政工人员与民间承包商之间,经常有可疑弊情存在,形成原因,和国民党对"军中乐园"讳莫如深不无关系。我是博学多闻的人,但在台湾出版的书刊里,直接提出有"军乐园"字样的,我只在一九六一年一月一日《军事杂志》第二十九卷第四期楼雄飞"岗上琐闻"中,见过一次,原文如下: 基地康乐中心、戏院与福利社的建筑工程已近尾声,不久前,部队长心血来潮,指示增建"军官沙龙"(军乐园)一所,同时像维纳斯一样美丽标准的侍应生,也正在物色中,向来有"山龙困水"之称的光杆们,稍待时日,均可大快身心了。
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