Home Categories contemporary fiction Muslim funeral

Chapter 35 Epilogue Moon Soul

Muslim funeral 霍达 2940Words 2018-03-19
Summer of 1979. The early morning mist drifted over the gate tower of the ancient "Boya" house, and the faint dawn reflected the two dark red gates. There are still mottled writing on the gate: Suizhuhebi, bright moon and clear wind. Looking up at the door of the house, Liang Bing had mixed feelings.It's been another thirty-three years since I left here!When I left home, my head was full of black hair, but when I came back, my temples were stained with frost.Thirty-three years, the four seas are drifting, and the world is lonely; mountains and rivers are separated, and fish and geese are boundless.But she can't really forget this home, where her daughter is.Every day, I look at my hometown across the sea, and every night I dream of calling the "new moon"!Calculating with one's fingers, the daughter has entered middle age and grown up, and everything the mother expected must have come true.Now my mother is an old man in her sixties, and if she doesn't come back, she's afraid she won't be able to see her daughter.Time to come back!

She stood on the bluestone steps, trembling with excitement. When she saw the white marble sign engraved with the words "key cultural relics protection unit", she felt hesitant and confused. She had no idea what had happened to this family, what was the current situation of this family... She raised her hand, her heart pounding. At last she slapped the brass ring on the door cymbal, as fast as her heart beat. After a sound of footsteps, the door opened. A slim young girl appeared inside the door, with fair skin, handsome face, bright black eyes and long eyelashes, looking at her in surprise.

"Xinyue! Xinyue..." She hugged the girl, this is the daughter she misses day and night! "Who are you? I don't know you!" The girl broke free from her in panic and shouted inside, "Mom, come here!" Liang Bingyu let go of her hand in a daze, oh, this is not Xinyue, Xinyue should be in her thirties.But she really looks like Xinyue, maybe she is Xinyue's daughter?I still don't know grandma! Of course this girl is not Xinyue, she is Chen Shuyan's daughter, Jielu, who is fourteen years old and looks like a new moon! Chen Shuyan heard her daughter's cry, ran out in a hurry, ran into Liang Bingyu who was walking in, and shouted in shock: "Mom!"

She thought it was the mother-in-law who had been "impermanent" for more than ten years was resurrected, or her soul came to visit her home! When Liang Bingyu heard this "Mom", her heart jumped out of her throat with excitement. The middle-aged woman in front of her must be her daughter! "Xinyue!" She rushed towards Chen Shuyan, "My new moon, mother is back!" "You..." Chen Shuyan was stunned, staring blankly at this old man who looked very similar to her mother-in-law but had a very different temperament, and suddenly remembered that after the death of her father-in-law, some people came to "condemn" her mother-in-law With overseas relations, my sister is still abroad... Chen Shuyan seemed to understand in her heart, "Are you... my aunt?"

"Xinyue!" Liang Bingyu held her in her arms with tears streaming down her cheeks, "Don't call me 'little aunt' anymore, I am your real mother! Mom misses you, misses you! Just call me mom!" Tears welled up in Chen Shuyan's eyes, and there was a huge wave in her chest! "Auntie, Auntie..." she said tremblingly, "I'm not Xinyue, I'm Tianxing's lover!" "Tianxing? Where is Tianxing? Where is Xinyue?" Liang Bingyu put down Chen Shuyan, and hurriedly ran to Chuihua Gate!She has arrived home. Since the sky is here, the new moon must be there too. The house has not been moved, and the daughter is inside!

"Auntie," Chen Shuyan wondered what to say to her.He could only answer irrelevant questions, pointed to the south room and said, "Go into this room, it's not ours anymore!" In the south room, Tianxing drooped his head, and was having breakfast with his son Qingping: crispy, sesame biscuits.After eating later, he and Shuyan had to go to work quickly, run their lives, and earn money.The two children go to school, Qingping is sixteen and is in high school, the younger sister is in junior high school, and the two brothers are in the same school, both in Huimin Middle School, where Tianxing and Xinyue both graduated from.

Looking at the aunt who came back suddenly, Tianxing was stunned and stupid, his face was gloomy like a bronze bump, his thick lips were trembling, and tears were shining in his eyes. Although the hometown is there, the world is full of vicissitudes.The home has become unrecognizable.Liang Bingyu walked into the south room of the inverted seat, feeling as if she had entered someone else's home, everything was so strange, "The only thing left is the inverted seat?" She murmured, as if asking a question, or talking to herself. Tianxing said nothing.I can't explain it to her, I can't talk about it!Are you talking about a house?Now the higher-ups are going to "implement the policy" and return everything to Tianxing and protect it as a "cultural relic".When I think of "protection", it is already in tatters.You can protect it however you like. If you don’t want Tianxing, two workers can’t earn a lot of money. They don’t have such a big expense. Five upside-down seats are enough. Whoever likes to live in the courtyard doesn’t matter!The jade that was confiscated from the house should have been returned, because the value of the cultural relics was extremely high, so they were given to the public at a discounted price, and Tianxing was given an astonishing amount of money as a reward for his "donation of cultural relics".No star!People who love jade are gone, so what's the use of money?Children and grandchildren do not rely on ancestral property, but rely on their own two hands to make money!

These were actually not what Liang Bingyu cared about.She only asked eagerly: "Where is everyone in the family? Where is Xinyue?" What she couldn't wait to see was actually only Xinyue. "It's gone!" Tianxing suddenly let out a dull cry, and squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, "What you want to see, what you don't want to see, is gone!" "Ah?!" The bolt from the blue knocked Liang Bingyu unconscious! The round paper box in her hand fell to the ground with a slap, the paper box cracked open, and inside was a piece of exquisite birthday cake!Today is the fifth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, which is her daughter's birthday. She remembered it and arrived on this day. She never thought that her birthday would be a "famous festival"!

The majestic West Mountain is lush and green, as if paved with jasper or emerald. At the foot of the mountain, the jungle is dense, green and gloomy, and the branches are bent under the weight of numerous fruits, and the peaches, pears, and apples that are about to ripen hang down, as if they want to kiss the fertile land. This is the Muslim cemetery in those days.A human catastrophe also affected the dead, and the earthen graves and tombstones were all gone, leaving only this fertile land, which nourished abundant fruits every year. Through the gap between the fruit trees, Liang Bingyu wandered silently, stepping on the soft, faded yellow ground.

The remains and souls of Muslims will never disappear because of the disappearance of earth graves and tombstones, right?They live with this fertile soil, and this orchard.There is no sign on the ground, and no one will disturb them anymore. They will rest in peace in this green orchard forever. The book once used such beautiful language to describe the fascinating paradise of future generations!It is a paradise that does not exist in the world, where the sun is covered with thick shade, the ground is covered with fragrant grass, flowers are in full bloom, and the garden is full of fruits.Under the shelter of the green shade, the Muslims entering the Paradise neither feel the heat nor the severe cold.They picked the fruits in the garden at will, and drank the Liquan in the garden with silver plates and silver cups as clear as glass.There are many handsome virgins and dark-eyed virgins serving them, where no evil words and lies will be heard, and they will never suffer pain and disaster again...

Does the new moon already live in Paradise? Liang Bingyu wandered silently in the garden. Not far from her, she saw a tall, middle-aged man standing beside a tree for a long time, with a gloomy and sad expression.He stood there for a long time, staring at the ground in front of him, without moving.He held a violin in his hand.He looked like he was only in his forties, but his hair was already grey.He must have also come to "visit the grave" for his relatives, but the grave has not been found.Perhaps where he stands is where his relatives rest. Liang Bingyu didn't know the exact location of her daughter, but she was sure that her daughter was in this land and by her side.She silently walked through every inch of land in the garden, convinced that her daughter must have heard her mother's footsteps, must have seen her mother's piercing eyes, and must have heard her mother's call in her heart. She walked past the middle-aged man. The man didn't move, he didn't even look at her, he forgot everything in the world except the land in front of him, and the relatives he missed in his heart. He heard Xinyue's immature but depressed voice... "Mr. Chu, why did Lu Xun write "Qi Si"?" "Maybe, he wants to wake up the sleeping life..." "Why did Zhuangzi 'raise death' the skeleton five hundred years ago?" "Perhaps, it is for him to live again. Although life is difficult, life is precious after all. Zhuangzi believes that life should be like a juanpeng spreading its wings, soaring ninety thousand miles, breaking away from the clouds, and bearing the blue sky!" He heard a deep sigh, from above the nine heavens, from under the nine springs, from between the heaven and the earth, but actually only from his heart. Liang Bingyu walked over gently, only thinking about her daughter, just like that person. Twilight quietly descended on the cemetery, and the shadows of the trees gradually merged with the earth. The majestic black color filled the eyes, and the warm fragrance filled the garden. In the southwestern sky, a crescent moon rises, faint, faint, hazy, if there is nothing... Under the faint moonlight, beside the faint tree shadow, the soft and slow sound of the violin sounded, like weeping and complaining, like dream and smoke.The bow kisses the strings, telling a well-known story in the east of the world:. Liang Bingyu stood for a long time in the sound of the piano, her heart was conquered by the sound of the piano, crushed, like little teardrops, shedding on this land. In the sky, the new moon is hazy; on the ground, the sound of the zither is faint; between the heaven and the earth, the sound of the zither echoes for a long time, like the murmur of a clear spring, like whispering whispers, like silkworms spinning silk in spring, like a lone goose hovering... Finished at Fujiantang Bookstore on the night of August 29, 1987
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