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godfather 马里奥·普佐 6621Words 2018-03-19
Michael Corleone arrived late in the evening, and by his own orders no one was at the airport to meet him.He was accompanied by only two men, Tom Hagen and a new bodyguard named Albert Neri. The most luxurious room in the hotel was already ready, waiting for Michael and his entourage.Some of the people Michael needed to meet were already in the suite waiting for Michael to arrive. Freddie welcomed his brother with a warm embrace.Freddie was bigger, kinder, happier, and above all more playboy.He was dressed in gray satin of very fine workmanship, with various well-coordinated ornaments.His hair was well-cut, too, like a movie star; his face was freshly shaved; and his fingernails were freshly manicured.He was a completely different person from when he was transported from New York four years ago.

He leaned back in his chair, eyeing Michael with admiration. "Now that you've got your face trimmed, you look damn fine compared to before. Your wife has finally turned you around, huh? How is Kay? When is she going to come here to see us?" Michael looked at his brother and smiled. "You're very pretty, too. Kay was supposed to be here this time too, but she's pregnant again and has to take care of the baby. And this time it's business, Freddie, and I have to come tomorrow night or the next morning." Take the plane back." "You need something to eat first," said Freddie. "We have a very good cook at the hotel, and you can have the best meal you've ever had. Go, take a bath first, change Change your clothes, and everything will be arranged at that time, waiting for you to eat. I have arranged the order of all the people you want to meet. They are waiting nearby, and whoever I call will come.”

Michael said cheerfully, "Let's put Mo Green last, shall we? Let Johnny Fontane and Nino dine with us first. And Jessie and her doctor friend. And at dinner, We can talk all we want." He turned to Hagen and said, "Anyone else you want to add, Tom?" Hagen shook his head.Hagen knew why Fleet had not welcomed him as warmly as he had welcomed Michael.Freddie was a wretch in his father's opinion, so he rightly blamed the adviser for not getting things right.Hagen would have liked it, but suffered from not knowing why Freddie aroused his father's dislike.The old man never mentioned specific sad things.He just makes people feel that he is not happy.

It was past midnight when they sat down around the dining table in Michael's apartment.Lucy kissed Michael but didn't comment on his face, which was much more handsome after plastic surgery.Julius Siegel, after taking the liberty of perusing the corrected cheekbones, said to Michael, "The operation was brilliant, the stitches were excellent, and the sinuses feel all right?" "Very well," said Michael, "thank you for being so helpful." Everyone's attention was on Michael during the meal.They all saw that he was very much like his father in speech and manner.Strange to say, he received the same respect and the same awe in people's minds, yet he remained calm and tried his best to keep everyone uninhibited. Hagen, as always, wanted to stay in the unobtrusive position .The stranger they didn't know, Albert Nelly, was also a very dutiful, unassuming man.He had declared that he was not hungry, and sat down in an armchair by the door, absorbed in a local newspaper.

After they've had some wine and some food, they don't let the waiter come again.Michael said to Johnny Fontane, "I heard your voice is back to the same level as before. The old Johnny is back, congratulations! Congratulations!" "Thanks," John said.He was anxious to know why on earth Michael wanted to see him.What could Michael possibly ask of him? Michael made a speech to the crowd: "The Corleone family is considering moving their home base to Vegas. Selling everything in the olive oil business and moving here. The old man and Hagen and myself have After discussing this issue, we agreed that this is the future headquarters of our family. This does not mean that it will be done immediately or next year. It may take two, three, or even four years to prepare for it. Good job. And for now, that's just the basic plan. Our friend owns the majority of the hotel and the gaming property attached to it, and that's what we're going to base on. Mo Green will sell us his interest. In this way, the hotel and the gambling business attached to it may be completely owned by friends of our family."

Freddie's moon-shaped face grew worried. "Mike, are you sure you'll get Mo Green to sell his interest? He's never told me that before, and I know he doesn't want to lose the business. I really don't think he wants to sell his shares." Michael said confidently: "I plan to propose a plan to him, which he cannot refuse." The words were spoken in an ordinary tone, and yet had a chilling effect, perhaps because they were the old man's catchphrase.Michael turned to Johnny Fontane and said, "The old man is counting on you to help us get started. We've been told some entertainment would be a good way to attract gamblers. We want you to sign a contract and come every year." Five times, a total of about a week's work. We also hope that some of your friends in the film industry will also sign a contract like this. You have given them a lot of sweetness, and now you can invite them to come and enjoy it."

"Well," said John, "I'd do anything for my godfather. You know that. Having said that, there was a hint of hesitation in his voice. Michael smiled and said: With such a transaction, you will not lose money, and neither will your friends.You get dividends in the hostel.If there are other people you think are important, they can also pay dividends.Maybe you don't believe me, then let me declare that I am conveying the old man's words. " John quickly said: "I believe you, Mike. However, there are currently ten hotels and casinos attached to the hotels being built along the river. By the time you intervene, the market may already be saturated, and you may not be able to squeeze in." There’s already a competitive situation that’s already formed.”

Tom Hagen began: "Some friends of the Corleone family are funding three of these hotels." John understood right away: what he meant was that the Corleone family owned the three hotels, plus the casinos attached to them.In this way, of course, there will be sufficient dividends to divide. "I'll take on acting duties," John said. Michael looked back at Lucy and Juris Sigal. "I appreciate you," he said to Julius, "I hear you want to go back to cutting people up and the hospitals are keeping you from using their facilities because of abortions. I have to hear that straight away. In your own opinion, do you really want to give mouth a job like that?"

Julius smiled. "I do. But you don't understand the medical world, and whatever power you have has nothing to do with them. I'm afraid you can't help me in that regard." Michael nodded absently. "Of course. You're right. But some friends of mine, they're all pretty famous people, and they're planning to build a big hospital in Vegas. The town is growing fast, and the town planning is grand, Clearly need a big hospital. If you give them a good reason, they might let you work in the operating room. Heck, can they get a few surgeons as good as you to work in this desert? Or, half as good as you How many doctors can we find? We are actually helping the hospital. So, you wait, I heard you and Lucy are getting married soon?"

Julius shrugged and said, "When I saw that I had a future, we married." Lucy pouted and said, "Mike, if you don't build that hospital, I might die an old girl." They all laughed, all except Julius.Juris said to Michael. "If I take a job like that, there can't be any strings tied." Michael said sarcastically: "There is no string that binds hands and feet. I owe you a favor, and I want to pay it back." Lucy said softly, "Mike, don't take offense!" Michael smiled at her. "I'm not surprised." He turned back to Julius and said, "What you said just now was really a muffled thunder. The Corleone family once pulled the strings for you, do you think you are forced to do something you don't want to do? Then again, even if I hold the strings, so what? When you are in trouble, who else is willing to help you with your fingertips? When I heard that you want to turn around and be a When I was a surgeon worthy of the name, I put a lot of effort into discovering if I could help in any way. I found that I could, and I didn't ask you for anything in return. But you can at least consider us as friends. Personally, I think that whatever you would do for a friend, you would do for me. That's the thread I pull. You're free to say no, though."

Hearing Michael's words, Tom Hagen lowered his head and kept laughing.Ah, even the Don himself couldn't have been better. Julius blushed. "I didn't mean that at all. I'm very grateful to you and your father. Forget what I just said." Michael nodded and said: "Okay, before the hospital opens, you will temporarily be the medical director of the four hotels. You can find a set of staff yourself, and your income will also increase. You can find a time to discuss this issue with Tom." . Lucy, I want you to take on more serious tasks. There are many small shops in the hotel arcade, and your future task may be to coordinate these shops, mainly financial aspects. There may be many girls, we need Girls work in casinos, or something like that. That way, if Julius doesn't marry you, you can be a rich maiden." Freddie was sulking and smoking a cigar.Michael turned to face him and said softly: "Fret, I'm just an errand boy for the old man. As for what he wants you to do, he will tell you directly later. He will tell you directly. Quite rightly so, but I'm sure you'll have a job in the future that will make you happy. You've done a good job here, everybody says." "Then why is he so dissatisfied with me?" said Freddie in a complaining tone. "Is it just because of gambling? It's not my business, but Mo Green's business! What does he want, old man?" What do you want me to do?" "Don't worry about it," Michael said.He turned to Johnny Fontane and said, "Where's Nino? I look forward to seeing him again." John shrugged. "Nino is very ill. There is a nurse in his room who takes care of him. But here is a doctor who says he should be locked up on the grounds that he tried to commit suicide and that Nino will commit suicide!" Michael was really surprised, and said thoughtfully: "Nino has always been a really good guy. As far as I know, he has never done anything shameful or said anything arrogant. He just likes to drink." "Yes," said John. "The money just keeps coming in and he has a lot of lucrative jobs: singing, acting in movies. Now he's making $5,000 for every movie he's in. He spends money like hell. He doesn't think it's worth getting famous or having a family. In the past few years, I have been good friends with him, and as far as I know, he has never done anything wrong. I never thought that this dog would drink himself when he drank." Julius was about to speak when someone knocked on the door.He was amazed that the man in the armchair, the one nearest the door, was absorbed in reading the newspaper without opening the door.It was Hagen who answered the door.Hagen was almost knocked down as Mo Green, followed by two bodyguards, came striding in. Mo Green is a very good-looking bum, who was notorious as the "Murder Ltd" executioner in Brooklyn, New York in his early years.Later, he intervened in the gambling industry and went to the West to make a fortune.He was the first to see that there was a lot going on in Vegas.He built one of the first hotel-cum-casinos along the river.He still had a murderous temper, and everyone in the hotel was afraid of him, even Freddie, Lucy, and Julius Sigal.When they saw him, they avoided him whenever possible. His delicate face looked very hideous now.He said to Michael Corleone, "Mike, I've been waiting to talk to you. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, so I figured I'd run into you tonight. Let's hurry up and talk now, what do you think?" Michael Corleone looked back at him with friendly surprise. "Okay, okay," he said.He gestured to Hagen. "Tom, bring Mr. Green a glass of wine." Julius saw that the man named Albert Neri was looking at Mo Green intently, paying no attention to the bodyguard standing by the door.He knew that there was no possibility of violence, and it was impossible within the scope of Vegas.Violence is strictly prohibited.Because the violence is the death blow to the entire project of making Vegas a legal sanctuary for American gamblers. Mo Green said to his bodyguard, "Pick these guys out some chips and let them go home and gamble." He was apparently referring to Julius, Lucy, Johnny Fontane, and Albert, Michael's bodyguard. Neri. Michael Corleone nodded amiably. "That's a good idea." It was only at this moment that Neri got up from his chair and was about to go out with the others. Only Freddie, Tom Hagen, Mo Green and Michael Corleone were left in the house. Green put the wine glass on the table and said with uncontrollable anger: "I heard that the Corleone family plans to buy all my shares. What does this mean? I plan to buy all your family's shares too." Come here. You don't want to buy all my shares." Michael made sense.He said: "Your casino has been losing money and filling in the money earned elsewhere. There is something wrong with the way you operate, and maybe we can improve it when we take over." Green laughed wildly. "You bloody bastards, when you were in trouble, I gave you a hand and took Freddie in, and now you're trying to throw me out. That's what you're planning. I'm no one I can’t get out. I have many friends, and they are all willing to support me.” Michael was still calm and calm. He reasoned: "You took in Freddie because the Corleone family gave you a lot of money to help you complete the equipment for that hotel. In addition, they also provided funds for that casino, and Also because the Molinari family on the west coast kept Freddie safe. They helped you a little by taking Freddie in. The Corleone family owes each other to you. I don't understand you What's chilling about that? We're willing to buy your stake at any reasonable price you ask. What's wrong with that? What's unfair about it? Your casino is losing money. We're taking it over for your own good .” Green shook his head: "The political prestige of the Corleone family is not as good as it used to be. The godfather is sick, and you are being excluded by other families, and you are about to be kicked out of New York City. You think people here are easy to deal with, Mike, I warn you You guys, don't make such plans." Michael said softly, "Is that why you can slap Freddie in public?" Startled, Tom Hagen immediately turned his attention to Freddie.Freddie.Corleone blushed more and more with embarrassment, and prevaricated, "Well, Mike, that's all right. This guy named Mo doesn't mean anything, and he gets off sometimes. But he's still a friend of mine. Mo Brother, are you right?" Green became wary. "Yes, yes. Sometimes I have to kick people's asses to make the place look good. I get mad at Fred because he hooks up with all the maids and lets them go Absent from work, dawdling. The two of us argued a few words, and I taught him a lesson." Michael had no expression on his face.He said to his brother, "You've been taught a lesson, Freddie, haven't you?" Freddie glared sullenly at his brother.He didn't answer Michael's question.Green laughed loudly, and then said, "That bitch fucks with the maids, gets two of them to bed at once, and it's the old sandwich between two women and one man. I just have to admire you, Freddie." Hagen found that the sudden embarrassment left Michael speechless.The two of them look at me and I look at you.Maybe that was the real reason why the old man didn't like Freddie.The old man is extremely strict about the relationship between men and women.He would think that Fredela's indiscretion of two girls sleeping at the same time was a sign of corruption.In addition, it would be detrimental to the dignity of the Corleone family to allow themselves to suffer the humiliation of Mo Green.This may also be part of the reason his father chills him. Michael stood up from his chair and said in a refusal tone: "I have to go back to New York tomorrow, so let's consider a price." Green said unreasonably: "You son of a bitch, do you think you can get rid of me with these two strokes? I have killed more people than you, so many people that I can't count. I'm going to fly to Go to New York and talk to the old man, and I'll give him a solution." Fleet said to Tom Hagen nervously: "Tom, you are a staff officer, you might as well talk to the old man and persuade him." Only then did Michael pour all the chilling power of his sex on these two men. "The old man is semi-retired," he said. "Now I'm in charge of the family. I've relieved Tom of his staff. He's only representing me in Central Garth. He's moving the family here in two months so he can work as a lawyer. So , If you have anything to say, just tell me directly." No one spoke up.So, Michael said solemnly again: "Fret, you are my brother, and I respect you. However, you must not collude with anyone to fight against our family. I don't even intend to raise this issue in front of the old man. Say." With that said, he turned back to Mo Green: "Don't insult someone who wants to help you. You'd better spend your energy on studying why the casino loses money. The Corleone family invested a lot of money here, And we don't get paid accordingly. But even so, I'm not here to accuse you this time. I offer a helping hand, well, if you insist on spitting on a helping hand, it's It's your own business. I can't say anything more." He didn't raise his voice at all, but his words acted as a cooling agent on both Green and Freddie.Michael stared at them both wide-eyed as he walked past the table, wishing them both to get out of here.Hagen walked over and opened the door, and the two of them parted in dejection. The next morning Michael Corcanon had a message from Mo Greene that he was not willing to sell his interest in Brigade at any price, and it was Freddie who delivered the message.Michael shrugged and said to his brother, "I want to see Nino before I go back to New York." In Nino's suite, they saw Johnny Fontane sitting on the couch having morning tea, and Julius inspecting Nino in the bedroom. Michael couldn't help being surprised to see Nino like that.Nino was obviously broken: his eyes were dazed, his mouth was loose, and the muscles on his face seemed to be falling off.Michael sat down beside his bed and said, "Nino, it's good to see you alive. The old man often asks you." Nino grinned, the way he always grinned. "Tell him old man I'm dying. Just tell him that acting is more dangerous than the olive oil business." "You'll be fine," Michael said. "If you have any accidents that bother you, as long as our family can help, just tell me." Nino shook his head. "Nothing," he said, "nothing." Michael chatted for a few minutes and left.Freddie sent him and his entourage to the airport, but, at Michael's request, he returned without waiting for the plane to take off.
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