Home Categories contemporary fiction Director of Reception

Chapter 17 seventeen

Director of Reception 高和 7452Words 2018-03-19
The Golden Dragon Hotel at around 9 o'clock in the morning seemed a little deserted. Guo Wenying supervised the work of the waiters with her hands on her hips, pointing and telling the waiters to go back to work from time to time.Seeing Qian Liangliang, Guo Wenying greeted him with a smile: "Director Qian is here?" Qian Liangliang nodded at her, and was about to talk to her, but she turned her face away and scolded the waiter severely. : "What's going on, look, this horn, the most important thing is to wipe the horns clean, don't look like painting a beard for grandpa."

The waiter called Guo Wenying Huang's mother behind her back, and she trained the waiter just like Huang Shiren's mother.But it was also because of her strength that the waiter didn't dare to play tricks and work lazy.Her strength is fairness, scolding should be scolded, punishment should be punished, praise should be praised, reward should be rewarded, and she will never favor anyone, so the waiter obeys her again.Qian Liangliang asked her: "Manager Guo, how are you cleaning today?" He knew that this kind of kerosene mop was used to wipe the floor only during general cleaning, and the mop was usually wet with water for cleaning.

Guo Wenying turned around and smiled again, as if it was another person who yelled at the waiter just now: "Yes, today is a big cleaning, there are few customers these days, and the National Day is a peak time, take the time to clean up thoroughly. " Only then did Qian Liangliang remember that the National Day will be in a week. Once the National Day is over, the golden season for tourism is over.Autumn in the northern inland cities is like the morning dew, which disappears before you understand it, and then comes the long winter. Therefore, after the National Day, the number of guests received will be greatly reduced.Winter is about to enter, and the reception work will also enter the off-season.Qian Liangliang suddenly thought that it would be a whole year since he started working at the reception desk in two months. Looking back on the nearly one year, he was rushing to greet and send off, and all kinds of guests were like characters on a revolving lantern. You come to him and turn around, and after being dazzled, what is left in your memory is only a blur.And he himself was like an actor who was pulled onto the stage without rehearsal to make up the numbers. To the audience and the director, he was terrified and cautious. After the performance and the curtain call, he didn't even know what he was acting.Qian Liangliang returned to the office, and before he could sit down, his cell phone rang, and the displayed number belonged to Mayor Wang, so he quickly connected: "Hello, Mayor Wang?"

Mayor Wang seemed to be in a good mood, he laughed and said, "That's right, you can tell it's me just by looking at the number." Qian Liangliang habitually looked for a pen and a notebook to record.Record the instructions of the leader at any time, the first is to memorize, the second is for reference, and the third is to make the leader happy. This is the work experience taught by the secretary Lao Peng when Qian Liangliang first came to work in the secretariat.It's a pity that this experience has no effect on Lao Peng himself. He has been working as a departmental secretary for more than ten years.Mayor Wang seemed to be able to see what Qian Liangliang was doing through the phone line: "Okay, don't forget, it's very simple, when the food poisoning incident happened in your hotel when you were receiving the chief, please write an accident report and report it. The person responsible should have an opinion on how to deal with it, and if this matter drags on, we will have no way to explain it to the masses, and if it fails, it will be exposed to you.”

It has been more than a month since this incident, and the process of the incident is clear. It is an indisputable fact that Jin Ye should bear the main responsibility. The key is how to deal with her.According to Secretary Chang, this matter was a general work error, which did not cause any consequences. It should be criticized internally, as a warning, and it would be fine if it did not set an example.Judging from Mayor Wang's attitude today, Mayor Wang and Secretary Chang have different opinions. This matter has been settled with Secretary Chang, but it is far from over with Mayor Wang.Secretary Chang and Mayor Wang are like two millstones on a stone mill. They cooperate with each other to grind wheat into flour, and rub each other to wear down each other. One can imagine the feeling of being caught between them.Qian Liangliang knew in his heart that with the support of Secretary Chang, it was such a big matter that no one was killed and it did not affect the reception work. If he wanted to use this matter to do anything to Huang Jinye, he would simply use a feather duster to drive out the thieves.I thought so in my heart, but I still had to deal with Mayor Wang: "Mayor Wang, we must pay close attention to the investigation of the accident and report the handling opinions as soon as possible."

After hanging up on Mayor Wang's call, Qian Liangliang picked up the phone to look for Huang Jinye. Before Huang Jinye arrived at the office, he asked Zhang Xiaoyun from the main station to look for him.The matter of food poisoning cannot be delayed any longer. If it continues to be delayed, it will be difficult to explain internally and externally to superiors and subordinates. To this day, Second Brother Li is still yelling everywhere, saying that the food at the Golden Dragon Hotel made him run out of food and had diarrhea, and he almost lost his life. In the Golden Dragon Hotel.As soon as the chief left, the Municipal Health and Quarantine Bureau sent people to conduct an extremely strict and meticulous comprehensive inspection of the Golden Dragon Hotel. It was a commotion for three days, making the entire Golden Dragon Hotel feel ashamed and embarrassed.Golden Leaf mobilized all forces to provide food and drink to the quarantine bureau, and gave some gifts to each of the quarantine personnel, and the quarantine bureau issued a certificate that the hygiene management of the Jinlong Hotel restaurant was completely up to standard, and the food hygiene was in good condition. The food hygiene problem is the conclusion of an accident.However, even if it is an accidental accident, there must be an explanation, and the person responsible for the accident should be punished.Of course, the person responsible for the accident was the golden leaf, so Mayor Wang urged them to come up with a solution, which was actually to deal with the golden leaf.

Huang Jinye came, panting, with sweat dripping from the tip of his nose: "Director Qian, are you looking for me?" Qian Liang nodded, "Sit down and talk." Then he made tea and water for her. "What's the matter? I don't drink water, so tell me quickly." Huang Jinye sat on the sofa, and Qian Liangliang also sat on the sofa, with a coffee table between them. Qian Liangliang asked her: "Our loan from the bank is about to expire, is there any problem with repaying it?" Huang Jinye said: "No problem, the interest and principal will be returned to them all at once."

Qian Liangliang asked again: "The 500,000 is our car loan, is there any profit?" Huang Jinye said: "Yes, isn't the purpose of loans just to make money? We don't need loans at all for normal operations. Let me tell you, I let the finance department do the math. We earned this amount just from the batch of crabs." As he spoke, he raised a finger towards Qian Liangliang. "Ten thousand?" Qian Liangliang knew that she was talking about one hundred thousand, and deliberately gave her a chance to create a surprise, so as to reduce the heaviness and depression of the following conversation.Jin Ye is someone who doesn't create surprises, and said solemnly: "It's one hundred thousand." , must be more boring than Secretary Chang.

Qian Liangliang asked Huang Jinye: "You said you earned so much from that batch of crabs alone? How about other seafood?" Huang Jinye said: "Others are not very good, such as scallops, clams, etc. can't be kept, and the amount imported is small, and we basically use it for ourselves. There are also some dry goods, which we can buy and others can buy, and resell. The profit of the transaction is not high, and on the whole, it can earn 150,000 to 160,000 yuan." "The aftermath of the diarrhea incident is quite serious. The city leader urged us to come up with an accident report and an opinion on how to deal with the person responsible. What do you think we should do about this matter?" On to the topic.

Huang Jinye also suddenly understood the real reason why Qian Liangliang came to her, and said in surprise: "Why does Mayor Wang still remember this matter? I thought this matter was over. What do you think should be done? I think He wanted to take advantage of this incident to drive me down, and then let Qi Hong replace me, which indirectly meant giving Secretary Chang a bad look, and he always thought that I belonged to Secretary Chang." Qian Liangliang thought of Secretary Chang's opinion, and compared with Mayor Wang's attitude, he couldn't help but accept Huang Jinye's point of view. He himself didn't want to make this matter a big deal, and it wouldn't do him any good, no matter what Said that this was also a problem when he was in charge, and said: "I remember you said that the batch of crabs has been quarantined by the Health and Quarantine Bureau? Is the quarantine certificate still there?"

Huang Jinye asked: "Do I have to have that thing?" Qian Liangliang said: "It's not necessary to have that thing. I'm going to take this matter. I don't think Mayor Wang can do anything to you easily, but if I have that thing, I can talk easily. It was completely an accident, and no one can prove that it was those crabs that ate people up." Huang Jinye suddenly realized, and said that I will find out the quarantine report, if it is really not possible, let them make up a copy, it should be no problem.Qian Liangliang finally felt relieved after hearing what she said. The food inspection report was enough to prove that they were not responsible. Two days later, Golden Leaf quickly sent over the food quarantine report. Qian Liangliang looked at it and found that the quarantine certificate was genuine. Qian Liangliang didn't care at all. He believed that, as the general manager of Jinlong Hotel, it would not be difficult for Huang Jinye to find a relationship to make such a quarantine report.The key issue is that with this quarantine report, Golden Leaf does not have any direct responsibility.So he started to write the accident report. Qian Liangliang was a secretary. He wrote such a simple accident report with his hands. He first briefly described what happened, fully emphasizing that the accident did not cause any consequences or adverse effects. , and then analyzed the possible cause of the accident, and attributed the cause of the accident to a possible link in the cumbersome and complicated food transshipment process, and then firmly concluded that the materials they used had passed the municipal health and quarantine agency in advance. Therefore, there is no possibility of food hygiene problems in Jinlong Hotel.Finally, he said that no matter what the reason for this incident was, as the direct supervisor of the reception work, he personally bears the unshirkable responsibility, so he earnestly requests the superior to deal with him as necessary.This method of concretely shirking responsibility, taking responsibility in the abstract, avoiding substantive issues, and talking about general principles is the usual method used by leaders when they encounter problems. Qian Liangliang has worked in the Municipal Party Committee Secretariat for a long time, and he has even been a ghostwriter for the leaders. I am already familiar with this kind of trick, and now I am naturally handy in using it, and I can do it overnight. After the accident report was written, Qian Liangliang stapled the accident report and the quarantine certificate together and sent a copy to the Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary General of the Municipal Government. From the perspective of the administrative system, the reception desk is under the control of the Secretary General of the Municipal Government. However, he was under the dual leadership of the government and the Municipal Party Committee Secretariat, so he distributed the report to the Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary General of the Municipal Government.A few days later, the report sent to the secretary-general of the city government was returned, with the secretary-general's instructions: "Please clarify who is responsible for the accident and how to deal with the responsible person. Qian Liangliang also saw the words approved by Mayor Wang on it: "Read." From this he concluded that the opinion belonged to Mayor Wang. Although Mayor Wang only approved one word, it is conceivable that without Mayor Wang's clear opinion, the secretary-general would never dare to reply in this way. But the municipal party committee decided to The secretary-general called directly, saying that the leaders of the municipal party committee believed that the report was based on facts, and that they should take this accident as a lesson, carefully sum up the experience and lessons, and avoid similar accidents in the future. Qian Liangliang understood, and the municipal party committee The opinion is: this matter ends here. I also understand that the opinion of the city government is: the matter is endless. The attitudes of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government towards this matter were completely different. Qian Liangliang was the one who felt uncomfortable.Who dares to take the political responsibility of making the conflict between the municipal party committee and the municipal government public?If he discusses this matter everywhere, it will be tantamount to spreading disharmony between the municipal party committee and the municipal government. In that case, the nature of the problem will be more serious than the diarrhea incident.After all, he has worked in the Municipal Party Committee Secretariat for many years, so he knows the stakes.How this matter ends can only depend on his personal wisdom.He decided to procrastinate as long as he can, and then find a way to solve the problem if he can't procrastinate. This day, as soon as I entered the door at work, I heard the phone ringing non-stop. Qian Liangliang hurried over to pick it up. It was Mayor Wang: "Director Qian, where are you? I thought you were in a hurry. It's over." Qian Liangliang quickly said, "I just came back from doing some business outside, what's the matter with Mayor Wang?" Mayor Wang said, "I'm at 168, come here." Qian Liangliang had no choice but to go to 168 to meet the mayor.He was a little afraid of Mayor Wang, and Mayor Wang kept procrastinating about running loose. He was afraid that Mayor Wang would pursue this matter.Mayor Wang is doing fitness exercises on 168, swinging his arms and kicking his legs, just like an athlete warming up before going on the field.Seeing Qian Liangliang come in, Mayor Wang continued to do his fitness exercises, and raised his chin to signal Qian Liangliang to sit down. Qian Liangliang felt that he was in a good mood, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Qian Liangliang asked Mayor Wang: "Mayor Wang, do you have anything to do with me?" Mayor Wang said: "I'm waiting here to serve the inspection team of the Provincial People's Congress. It's boring to be alone. Is it okay for you to come and accompany me?" Qian Liangliang smiled wryly in his heart. Sometimes these leaders really regarded him as a third escort, and he had to wait on him at all times when he was on 168, thinking so in his heart, but he said, "I'm coming over too." Mayor Wang snorted and said, "Director Qian, I used to think you were quite transparent, but now I find that you are also quite a thief. Can the main station not notify you when I come? You must be hiding from me on purpose. " Qian Liangliang said: "It's nothing, the main station really didn't tell me that you were here. But I'm really afraid to see you, and I'm afraid that you will ask about running loose again." Mayor Wang nodded with satisfaction: "It's still like a saying, what to say, especially to the leaders, it doesn't matter if you say something wrong, but you can't tell lies. By the way, when the chief came last time , what else are you hiding from me?" After much deliberation, Qian Liangliang couldn't think of anything to hide from Mayor Wang, so he said hesitantly, "Is there anything I can hide from the leader? It's nothing. Please remind me again, Mayor Wang, which one are you referring to?" aspect?" Mayor Wang didn't remind him, and asked directly: "You have the secretary of the chief, by the way, the surname is Jia, what's the relationship with Secretary Jia?" Qian Liangliang said: "Oh, you said Secretary Jia, how do you know what relationship I have with him?" "Not only I know, but Secretary Chang also knows. When Secretary Chang and I accompanied the chief to inspect that day, we all heard him call you Liangzi. You have nothing to do with him. Would he call you that when we just met? Liangzi is your little girl. name?" Qian Liangliang took offense as defense, and in turn praised Mayor Wang, saying: "Mayor Wang, you observe carefully, and your ability to analyze and judge is very strong and accurate. Don't try to hide anything from you. When we were young, we lived in Let’s play together, he is our leader, and I am his brother. I haven’t seen him for many years. I didn’t expect him to become the secretary of the chief. At that time, he didn’t want me to tell others that we knew each other in the past, because he was afraid that it would affect our work relationship. After he left I forgot about it as soon as I was busy. Besides, I didn’t think it was a big deal. People everywhere said that I and the chief secretary’s secretary used to be buddies. It seemed like I was bragging, so I didn’t tell anyone, it’s not that I’m hiding anything on purpose.” Mayor Wang nodded: "That's right, Secretary Chang and I were wondering why Secretary Jia called you Liangzi. Did you contact me again later? " Qian Liangliang said: "He left me his contact number. I called him once, and he said that the chief is very satisfied with our reception work, and he is very grateful for giving me the opportunity to call him when I come to Beijing." Mayor Wang stopped shaking his hands, thought for a while, and said, "Liangzi, hey, why did I call it that way too, I still asked Director Qian to say it casually. In this way, you can't break the connection with Secretary Jia, and prepare for a new year's greetings at the end of the year." Send this gift in person, and ask Mayor Jiang to accompany you when you go, maybe we will be able to use you, brother Jia, at any time. Don’t think that I personally want to ask him to do something, I am For our Jinzhou City. Finding projects, asking for policies, approving investment, the most important thing is to solve the problem of water disputes with neighboring provinces. If there is no one at the top, everything will be easy to handle. Secretary of the chief, this is the best He is inconspicuous, but has real power and great energy. Through him, he can directly report problems to the chief, and through him, he can also directly exert influence on the administrative department. Considering that our ready-made is here, this relationship must be seized and some capital invested. You are the head of reception, as long as you settle this relationship for us, you don’t have to do anything, and I will believe that you have the greatest credit.” One of the characteristics that can be called buddies between people is that even if they haven't seen each other for many years, they still look like they just drank together and bragged together yesterday after meeting; the second characteristic is that there is no utilitarian purpose between each other. If it is mixed with utilitarianism, the relationship will become sour, just like an old soup that has been stewed for a long time, and no additional seasoning can be tolerated.Therefore, Qian Liangliang cherished the relationship between him and Secretary Jia when they were young, and never mentioned it to anyone. He did not expect that Mayor Wang and Secretary Chang would be aware of the details. Judging his relationship with Secretary Jia.The difference is that Secretary Chang kept his secrets and pretended not to know anything. At least he hadn't asked about Qian Liangliang so far, but Mayor Wang was impatient to use this relationship.However, Qian Liangliang had no objection to Mayor Wang's attempt to use his relationship with Secretary Jia, even though it was blatant utilitarianism.Because he believed that Mayor Wang really wanted to serve Jinzhou City through Secretary Jia, not for his own profit. "Okay, I'll get in touch with him in a few days." "What are you going to do in a few days? Keep in touch at any time. Even strangers who walk around often become acquaintances, and relatives who don't see each other all the year round become strangers." Mayor Wang was a little impatient, which made Qian Liangliang feel funny, so he said: "Mayor Wang, do you think that people are like us, who can chat for a long time by answering the phone anytime and anywhere? It's easy to handle when the chief is not here. At that time, they basically didn't answer calls from outside, and they were often away from Beijing, running around with the chief..." "It's not easy to deal with. Just get him a mobile phone. Just get the one in Beijing. If you want the best one, I'll sign for reimbursement." Qian Liangliang thought to himself, as long as I tell him to get a mobile phone for him, he will immediately know what I want to do. The people around the chief may have seen this kind of thing a lot. I told Mayor Wang about my thoughts.Mayor Wang didn't give up: "What's the matter, you can call him first to test it out, then do it for him in your name, let him buy it himself, and send the invoice, and write your name on the invoice. I'll sign for reimbursement. Don't be stupid, if someone else does this kind of thing for him, he dares to accept it, but if you do it for him, he promises to accept it. Why? You are buddies who grew up together, if you don't believe me, try it." Qian Liangliang said with a smile, "Mayor Wang, you are offering bribes." Mayor Wang also scolded him with a smile: "It's easy for you to say, come and try to be the mayor. Which mayor doesn't want to pay bribes? The worry is that there is no way to do it. In addition, it is also bribery, the key depends on the purpose What is it, let me tell you, I don’t want to be an official, and I don’t want to make a fortune. I just want to make it easier for us in Jinzhou City to have a relationship foundation. If I want to be an official and make a fortune, I don’t need to give it to you That big brother Jia bribed him, it’s useless to bribe him, he’s too far away from me, I can’t reach him.” Qian Liangliang said: "I know what you mean, if I do my best, it will be done, and if it can be done, it's up to me." "If you have 1% hope, you have to put in 100% effort. This is my principle. Also, the reception of the inspection team of the Provincial People's Congress should be done well this time. We can't let the officials take it seriously when they see it too much. You have dinner with me tonight." Qian Liangliang said: "No problem, such a big head of the central government has received it, the Provincial People's Congress..." Before he finished speaking, Mayor Wang interrupted him with a "hum": "You, the head of the central government, have received the reception, but what about the staff? They all ate so much that they had diarrhea, so I have the nerve to say so. By the way, this How are you going to deal with this matter?" Qian Liangliang secretly blamed himself for being mean-spirited. When he mentioned the matter of receiving the head of the central government, it was like reminding Mayor Wang to pursue this matter, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "The accident has been thoroughly investigated, and we have submitted the report... " Mayor Wang was upset: "Don't mention that report. The cause of the accident is obvious. You don't need to analyze it. The Public Security Bureau and the Health and Epidemic Prevention Bureau have a conclusion. The question is who is responsible for the accident? If there is nothing wrong, it will be nothing. In short, who will pay attention to food hygiene and reception safety? What should I do next time this kind of thing happens again? Do you think I have trouble with someone? What do you want to do when I seize the opportunity? .No matter what I do, I will never get in trouble with a small department-level cadre. This is not aimed at anyone, do you understand?" Mayor Wang's series of question marks mixed with saliva was like a sudden storm, and Qian Liangliang was dizzy. The mayor made such a severe criticism, he was very frustrated and confused, and couldn't help but said: "Mayor Wang, I submitted the report to the municipal party committee and the municipal government respectively, but your opinions were inconsistent. I don't know whose opinion to follow. manage." Mayor Wang asked: "What is the opinion of the municipal party committee?" Qian Liangliang then said the city committee's approval opinion again. Mayor Wang pulled his face and remained silent, but it could be seen that he was also very breathless. Sure enough, he opened his mouth and said: "Now I don't care what the city committee approves. Don't worry about the city government's reply, I'll just ask you personally, what's your opinion?" Qian Liangliang said: "My opinion is what the report said. The investigation of the accident is clear. From the current situation, the cause of the accident is caused by poor food preservation conditions. Even so, as the leader in charge of this work, I am willing to Take responsibility and ask your superiors to punish you. Besides, Golden Leaf is also strictly in accordance with the work procedures. Who would have thought that the frozen food in the cold storage has passed the health inspection and can still eat bad stomachs? So I think education is the priority. Lord is better." When he said this, Mayor Wang's gaze was like a bayonet, staring into his eyes, as if he wanted to pierce his eyes and see his internal organs.It is often said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, but that is just a description that is close to nonsense. The soul has no windows, even if the soul does have windows, people will put curtains on the windows to prevent others from peeping.For a while, Qian Liangliang regarded his eyes as a fascination for his soul, looked into Mayor Wang's eyes frankly, and said plausible and plausible words, but felt nervous in his heart. He secretly regretted that he finally got involved with the secretary and the mayor. In the political vortex of his family, it is estimated that Mayor Wang will put him in another book from now on. Mayor Wang grinned, and the smile lines flashed across the black and fat face, so that Qian Liangliang had no time to decipher whether the smile was a mockery of disdain or a tolerant understanding.However, Mayor Wang's words made Qian Liangliang heave a sigh of relief: "Director Qian, if I hadn't seen your attitude towards the little waiter who scalded you just now, I would have doubted whether you were telling the truth. You I'm still a kind person, forget it, since this matter is difficult for you, I won't force you, lest you think that my old Wang is too harsh. You can handle this matter, no matter how you are in charge, I will Lao Wang can't directly deal with a department-level cadre, but he must remember that he must learn his lesson seriously and this kind of thing must never happen again. By the way, you can take care of that matter, and let me know any news at any time. " Qian Liangliang was a little confused: "What is it?" "Secretary Jia, you, Brother Jia." Qian Liangliang quickly said: "Don't worry, can't I do my best?" Mayor Wang went to the guest room to visit the head of the inspection team of the Provincial People's Congress. As soon as he left, Qian Liangliang felt relieved. It seemed that the diarrhea incident had finally come to an end.
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