Home Categories contemporary fiction Sister head

Chapter 3 third chapter

Sister head 王安忆 6414Words 2018-03-19
The elder brother and the younger sister are not alike at all, not in appearance, but in temperament.The eldest brother is a bit rustic, and he has been wearing blue cloth clothes made at home for many years. The shoes on his feet are thick soles, with a layer of tire rubber on them. The uppers are round and the uppers are hard. The look of the year.There is always a red scarf tied around the collar, and the logo of the Young Pioneers Squadron Leader with two stripes pinned to his arm.He was a good student in those schools, if it wasn't for the dirt, he would probably have the "official accent" that girls don't like.Of course, there will be another standard for my family.The eldest brother's head is often badly shaved.Instead, he went to the barber's on the side street across the street, where they usually went, and the barbers knew each other.Although it is a small shop, it has been in business for many years. The masters are all old masters who speak Yangzhou dialect.Everyone knows how to pick people, because there is a female master among the masters, who is a housewife who worked during the Great Leap Forward.She is from Shanghai, but in order to show that she is the real story of hair shaving, she also speaks Yangzhou dialect, but this does not help her craftsmanship at all.Semi-big customers like the elder brother who are not picky and picky often fall under her knife.She shaved the elder brother's head like a standard countryman: the back was shaved blue, the top of the head was pushed up to form a peak, but in front of the forehead, there was a long lock of hair, which fell to the eyebrows. Actually, like a little girl's bangs.Think about it, with this hairstyle and the shoes on your feet, because you are tall, your cuffs and trousers are always a little hanging, and your body exudes a faint smell of bad goods.You can't believe that this is someone from Huaihai Road, but there are such people on Huaihai Road.Such a half-grown boy walked among modern men and women without looking aside, without any expression of inferiority.Instead, they are at ease.Like the eldest brother, holding a crumpled old book with the four corners rolled up in his hand, he went to find their good friend who they could talk to.On this road or in the houses in the alleys, there lived quite a few serious and mature children of this kind. Later, the eldest brother wore myopia glasses, student glasses with white edges, which made him look like a student who came to Shanghai Italian stranger.However, it is this outsider, if he stands with a real outsider, he will not look like an outsider at all, but will become an authentic Shanghainese.The glitz of the street flowed over him like water, leaving some traces.What are these traces?It is a person's knowledge, although it is not extensive, but it is enough for him to make a foundation.With this background, he can generally be calm and calm.

Within the scope of school education, my brother is a well-rounded person.His quick calculation participated in the competition in the district, and he also won the ranking. He is also a member of the flag team of the Municipal Children's Palace, and he likes model airplanes.In sixth grade, he made a ship, painted it, and it was beautiful.Mom and Dad put it on the chest of drawers as a display.The white ship, with its red stripes and bunting, did not match the petit-bourgeois hedonism of the room, but it brought an air of openness that gave the family fresh hope.The sister cherishes this ship very much. She uses a waste brush, dipped in water, and gently sweeps the dust on it, and the horns and corners are all cleaned.Her heart is not interested in this kind of toys, Meitou is not a person who likes toys, or she likes another kind of toys, which are authentic and practical, such as sewing machines, embroidery stitches, Wool needles, etc.However, this ship is different.There are wisdom and skills that my sister can't understand and master here, and it is from the hands of her family. She has a respect for it.

However, in the second year after my brother was admitted to middle school, the Cultural Revolution started and the school was closed.At this point, people haven't realized how things are going to affect their lives, and everything is calm.The younger sister and the younger brother still go to and from school, and the primary school has not yet closed.The elder brother is in contact with a few close classmates who are also from the Xiaoyao School. Today you go to my house, and tomorrow I will go to your house.Sometimes, my mother still leaves his classmates to eat at home.This family with very little social interaction welcomes my brother's classmates very much.The original boring life has changed a bit.Later, the elementary school was also closed, and the younger sister and younger brother also stayed at home.At this time, Meitou has become a competent little housewife, and she is responsible for everything inside and out, and she is very happy to take on her responsibilities.The supply of non-staple food is becoming increasingly tight. She gets up before dawn to buy fish to improve food for the whole family. Her mother is the opposite of her. Now it is the younger sister who planted the clothes, and the mother sits in front of the sewing machine to sew.Aside from the quarrel caused by forcing the younger brother to wash the dishes, the younger sister can completely control the housekeeping.Classes were suspended for a period of time, and elementary school continued to resume. My sister and my younger brother returned to school, but my elder brother graduated from junior high school during the suspension period, facing what to do next.There have been two classes of students assigned, and the policy is that the eldest son will take care of him and stay in Shanghai, or "two children draw one", that is, two children go and one stays.When discussing the whereabouts of the eldest brother, the parents also expressed more and more clearly that they would rather have their younger sister go out than to keep the opinion of the eldest brother.This topic has been brought up too much. Although the girl has not yet been assigned, her fate has already been decided.My mother bought a new cotton tire weighing seven catties with the remaining cotton tickets at the end of the year, and she would say: leave it for my sister to take when she leaves.Sister is still not unhappy, the families in this alley arrange their children's future in this way.Besides, sometimes, the parents feel dissatisfied with the younger sister, so they comfort themselves and say: the younger sister is fiercer than the older brother, so going out will not hurt you.In this way, the sister was praised. However, the result of the matter was precisely: the eldest brother and their graduates were very popular, and they all went to the countryside.

When my mother was sending my elder brother to the train station in Heilongjiang, she almost fainted from crying, and pushed her sister's hand to help her, and said very unreasonably: "My elder brother is gone, so you are in Shanghai!"The younger sister was not really angry at all, she thought with tears in her eyes: Fortunately, it is fortunate that grandma is not here, otherwise, how could grandma be able to stand seeing her brother go away!The eldest brother is not used to being close to his parents. When the mother expresses her love for her child in such a naked way, he shrank behind the car window embarrassingly, but tears fell from behind the white-rimmed glasses disobediently.People like them have always lived in a narrow range and held prejudices against the outside world. I really can't tell how much I hate and fear them.Although the eldest brother is a teenager and has been in contact with a little more society, he is equally at a loss.Amid the cries of life and death, the train started and left the platform.

At that time, in the school, the more eye-catching girls were those girls who were called "La San". He never knew how the word "La San" came about, it seemed to have become popular all of a sudden, and it was on people's lips.It specifically refers to those girls with problematic weathering, and later, it gradually expanded to some girls with outstanding looks and demeanor.Then, because of the title "La San", these girls with outstanding looks and demeanor are all suspected of being decency. The word "la three" is like a cut, it has a vulgar taste, it is of course critical, but it also has the meaning of coveting and playing, it is an obscene word.It is far less simple and lovable than the word "阿飞", although it is also disrespectful, but because of the rustic article "A", it becomes like a nickname, with a somewhat frank meaning. "La San" is even more insulting.The girl who was unfortunately called by it seemed to be bound by a kind of fate.This kind of fate is always entangled in the relationship between men and women. It seems that once she is called "La San", she will be surrounded by men.What's subtle is that who is "pull three" is actually not called by boys, but by girls.At that age, girls are more mature than boys. They are already little women, while boys are still ignorant.And, it seems, women have a better intuition than men about which qualities are in line with a man's secret taste.Their thoughts on this kind of trait are quite complicated. They think it is not good, but they can't help but envy it.This is not only produced in the psychology of the era of asceticism, it is almost innate in nature, it occurs in aesthetics itself, and it is a psychological state caused by two contradictory aesthetic standards.In this way, things started with the same sex, and then the opposite sex readily accepted it.Although they are ignorant, they have already noticed, and there are older boys.Although they are only one or two years older, they already have the appearance of men.As I said before, at this age, a little bit of age seems to be a generation away.These older boys always occupy the center stage of the school: the playground, playing ball games.The girls walked by the edge of the playground, they couldn't help lowering their heads and silenced.But sometimes it's the other way around, and the boys on the field stop moving.That is, a certain "La San" walked past the edge of the playground.

He was one of the little boys, the kind who would hurry away when he saw a girl.In front of the playground exuding a masculine aura, he also hurried away with low self-esteem.At this time, they were still in the period when they expressed their attraction to girls with disgust. When they were together, they never talked about girls, but talked about profound and boring topics such as philosophy and politics.It's a way for them to show their gender.Of course, they here refer to those students who are curious and intelligent.In such a poorly educated learning age, they have instead become active, active, and absorbing knowledge everywhere.They read a lot of miscellaneous books and exchange miscellaneous thoughts. When you listen to their quoting and quoting, you will wonder how many messy things are stuffed in their little heads.In people's eyes, they are just like children.There was a boy among them who was still wearing a blue blouse with the collar of his white shirt turned up. He didn't understand that only girls wore it that way.People talk about them with a look of disdain: the 70th class.Of course, this kind of disdain is only for boys and girls, so it is not so easy to be ignored.They are ignorant, and already feel the inequality with girls of the same age, as if they are one grade or even two grades lower than them.However, they are still sensitive to gender differences and attraction from the silence that suddenly falls on the playground when a certain girl walks past the playground.

In fact, they have already begun to pay attention to girls, just because they are shy and refuse to talk.They are guided by the eyes of older boys, and driven by the natural force in their hearts, they mostly pay attention to the girls called "La San". These girls almost all look older. Like looking up.They have not yet matured physically and mentally, and have not yet developed desires. They just simply feel their extraordinary and outstanding qualities and admire them in their hearts.Even, everyone still has their own single love. The one he had a crush on was the one known as "La San of the 70th Class".Since these students all entered the school according to the area of ​​residence after the abolition of the entrance examination, in fact, he and the "La San of the 70th Class" lived almost on the same street. He lives on the busy main Huaihai Road, while he lives on the smaller Hengma Road that intersects with Huaihai Road.Although they live so close, they seem to have never seen it before, but now, it is different.When going in and out, he often walks across from the "La San of the 70th Class", or walks the same way.Of course, as long as he knows her, she will not pay attention to him.She is always with her girlfriend, girlfriend, he always calls her female companion in his heart, female companion is a girl with a very plain appearance and expression, and he also knows where she lives, it is in a children's clothing store on the corner of the street Upstairs, he also named her "Foilers," which are all from Maupassant.A term that appears in Chekhov's novels.Sometimes, seeing the two of them walking by the side of the playground together, the senior boys who were playing on the field kept silent and waited for the two of them to approach. They were obviously aware of this waiting, so their attitudes became more reserved.He secretly ridiculed her female companion in his heart as a "fox pretending to be a tiger".In fact, her female partner is likely to be unaware of the change in the surrounding atmosphere.The person who can calmly accompany an outstanding girlfriend is either insensitive or broad-minded, and her female partner is more like the former type of girl.Therefore, it is even less likely to make such a sharp reaction.He hated this female companion very strangely, and was mean to her very unfairly and unreasonably.For a while, his attention was not on his admiration for "La San of the Seventies", but on his hatred of her female companion.What kind of psychology is this?For immature little boys, their admiration is also wrong.

"The 70th class puller" is not in the same class as him, but just in the same class.Therefore, it should be the same age as him, and this year is fifteen years old.She is tall, about 1.68 meters tall.Because of the flat shoulders, high waist, and long legs, it looks taller than it actually is.Her facial contour is European-style, her eyes are sunken, and the angle of the bridge of her nose is not good enough as usual.It looks a bit abrupt from the side, but because the cheek lines are also curved, there is a concavity under the lower lip, just like Europeans. The protruding jaw corresponds to the somewhat sharp nose shape.Her frontal face is slightly wider and shorter, but it is not a square cheek, but a horizontal oval.It sounds ugly, but it's actually quite beautiful.Later, he watched the Italian movie star Sonia Loren's movie, and he remembered the face shape of "La San in the 1970s", which is the face shape of Sophia Loren, but the lines are much softer and more delicate, which is an oriental sentiment. . "La San of the 1970s" has a darker complexion, which may be conscious. She always wears clothes in shades of purple, which gives her complexion a rosy tinge, which has a strong color effect.Sometimes he happened to be going in the same direction as her, and he came within five or six paces of her, as if walking in her shadow.

At that time, he was about 1.60 meters tall, but he had already started to grow inward, and he was a little fat, which made others and himself doubt whether he would grow taller.In fact, he grew ten centimeters very slowly and reluctantly, and then stopped growing.He has a big head, a very white face, and a pair of myopia glasses under the broad and full forehead, but he is not the kind of boy who would be nicknamed "four-eyed dog". "Four-eyed dogs" are generally thin-faced, weak, pale, somewhat distracted, timid, and children wearing glasses, who are used to humiliation.His nickname is "White Turtle". "White turtle" is a common name for geese in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.In Shanghai dialect, "gui" is pronounced as "ju", so it is "white black horse".It sounds like it is no longer in the shape of a goose, but another more abstract animal, but it must have the two characteristics of being white and fat.He was wearing a navy blue khaki school uniform with an unbuttoned neckline and a slightly open neckline to make him look more chic. Under his feet were a pair of cloth shoes with black plastic soles and elastic bands.He dragged himself on the ground, but took big steps, and he always maintained a strange posture.That is, the body leans forward to the left, the left hand is obliquely inserted in the trouser pocket, and the right hand is swung, as if swimming sideways in the water.This is how he walked in the shadow of the "Lasan of the 1970s".

The "La San of the 70th Class" obviously knows that she is attracting attention, so her regular expression is to lower her eyes and frown slightly, showing boredom.Sometimes when encountering bold gazes face to face, she would turn her head slightly, even if she lowered her eyes, she could still see her rolling her eyes.The drooping upper eyelids were slightly creased, and her mouth moved as she rolled her eyes.As a result, her goddess-like face suddenly flashed the movement of a mortal and became vivid.He has also seen her smiling. She and her female companion were walking side by side on the road. They separated abruptly to the two sides and bent down. Her two black and thick braids were thrown to the side of her cheeks. .He didn't see her smiling face at all, but her lively figure made him stunned.He almost stopped walking for a moment, but looked at them in amazement, and saw her small half profile, with the shaggy braids nestled against her cheeks, her shoulders shaking.He walked between the two of them, and it took him a long way to realize that it was him they were laughing at.Just think about it, a big man with a pair of glasses on his head, turned sideways, with one hand in his trouser pocket, the other waving, walking straight.

Since he lives on a street, the life on this street is quite open, and he can almost see her daily life, so he can often see her in a quite life-like form.In the morning, I took the soybean milk pot, the lid of the pot was buckled on the pot in reverse, and a few fried dough sticks were placed on it, just like that, walking in a hurry.Once, she flattened her palm and held two milky white cakes side by side.This posture is unavoidably a little stiff, but she is not, she still walks gracefully.These trivial everyday details did not erode her beauty at all, on the contrary, she made them elegant.This kind of elegance is not due to a special understanding, it's just because it's just some normal little things.The girls on this street all have such accomplishments to some extent, they can naturally reconcile the glitz with the homely.However, others cannot make this quality so aesthetic as her, "La San of the 70th Class". At that time, there was another incision-like word, which was also circulated in the school like "La San", that is, "finalize". The word "knock" has the sound of "chao" in Shanghai dialect, and this word has a vulgar air. "Finalize" refers to a man and a woman in a relationship, and because of the vulgarity of the word, being in a relationship here becomes an unruly act.This kind of incision always has a hint of obscenity, which stimulates the curiosity of young people.The classmates in the class, mainly girls, whispered to each other, and it was said that someone had "finalized".He heard a phrase in his ear, "La San of the 70th class" was also talking about "finalizing".The men and women in their class don't speak, they go in and out like strangers, turning a blind eye to each other.However, the girls are less shy about him.His big head, and his fat whiteness, make people pay little attention to his gender.It's not that I don't think he is a boy, but I think he is a fun kid.Unlike the two boys in the class, who had stayed behind in elementary school, so they were a few years older and developed earlier. They were in the classroom, and the girls were obviously much more restrained.But not to him, he is his, they say theirs.Although they did not speak, their attitude was more casual.At this time, they were separated from him by a corridor, and they put their heads together, and said mysteriously, one of them just blew into his ears: "The 70th class Lasan" has been "finalized".The next time, when he saw the "La San of the 70th Class" again, he felt a sense of admiration: she had already had a fresh experience that was not at all for him.Her beauty became meaningful, and she vastly surpassed those of her age and sex. A worker propaganda team stationed in the school came from a heavy industrial factory on the edge of the city.Some of them are old workers who speak Subei dialect.The other part is young workers who have just entered the factory. Most of them are assigned to the big factory after graduating from technical secondary school or technical school. In fact, they are also students who have just left school, but they have entered the leadership class.Because they are educated and young, they are more enthusiastic about factional struggles in the school than the old workers, and they occupy positions in the leadership team of the three-in-one combination.When these students of the 70th class entered the school, the movement situation in the school had stabilized, and the senior students were assigned to leave the school one after another, either to the countryside or to the factory, and the campus was full of freshmen like them.I have not experienced the baptism of the Cultural Revolution, and I have not read any serious books, so I am a bit muddled.At this time, the Workers Propaganda Team lost its direction in its work, not knowing where to go.After a period of research and discussion, it was settled on the campaign of "shocking against unhealthy social atmosphere".They have a general meeting today and a small meeting tomorrow, and then they set out a group of key impact targets and call them together to start a study class.The targets of these attacks are determined according to the gossip in the campus, so those girls who are called "pull three" are all included.In this way, except for two or three boys who came in on the grounds of fighting in groups, the rest of the class were all girls. "La San of the 70th Class" is also among them.
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