Home Categories contemporary fiction rose door

Chapter 117 one six

rose door 铁凝 1353Words 2018-03-19
Meimei, Xiaowei, Baomei, Zhuxi and Si Yiwen spent a common afternoon and a common evening in a common home.It's common, but no one needs to care about each other.If you want to eat, you can find it yourself, if you are sleepy, you can sleep by yourself, if you are not sleepy, you can wake up by yourself.However, it is common, a common day that can affect the whole family. Sister stayed up all night. Fish swim in the water. Before dawn, she got dressed and got out of bed without turning on the light. She took out the small canvas box she brought from Shicheng from under the bed, put all her own into it, and packed her sister's things into it. A fake military shoulder bag belonging to Xiaowei.She pushed Xiaowei to wake him up, as if Xiaowei was always ready to be woken up by his sister.

My sister picked up the small box, and Xiaowei took the army bag knowingly.They quietly went out of the house and out of the courtyard, and they still didn't say anything along the way. On the street, the first train passed by in the morning light. Many years later, Su Wei asked Su Mei: "Did you know that I was going with you that night?" "I must know." "But I don't know what happened that day." "You don't need to know." Su Mei said. "You're right. At that time, I didn't need to know anything, I just knew to follow you. It's like the song 'We will always follow you, and mankind will be liberated'."

"Don't sing nonsense." "Why don't you think my mother-in-law and Zhuxi didn't chase us?" "I guess they did." "Didn't catch up?" "They chase in order not to catch up." "Is it Zhuxi?" "It's mother-in-law." Sister carried the suitcase in one hand and Xiaowei in the other, and hurriedly walked down the street.The schoolbag slung across Xiaowei's shoulders slapped her calves uncontrollably, making her stagger.Only then did Sister realize that she was walking too hastily.She stopped and wanted to shorten the strap of Xiaowei's schoolbag, but when she saw Xiaowei's sweaty face, she simply put Xiaowei's schoolbag on her shoulder - she already had a schoolbag on her shoulder.

However, Xiaowei still couldn't keep up, and her younger sister had to turn around to urge her after walking a few steps.Gradually she turned the urging into scolding, but Xiaowei still couldn't keep up with her sister. They are going to the bus station, and today's bus station seems to be a goal that can never be reached.When they finally found the stop sign in the alternation of urging and being urged, yelling and being yelled at, the younger sister discovered that they had no money. A car came and stopped, Xiaowei crawled into the car door, and her sister dragged her back.Xiaowei looked at her sister in amazement, she didn't know why the sister and son searched for the bus station for a long time, but she couldn't get on the bus when it came.

"We have no money." My sister told Xiaowei, with tears in her eyes. There was drizzle in the eyebrows, but it brought out the pouring rain in Xiaowei's eyes.The elder sister said that she had no money, which of course is a great misfortune in the world that cannot move an inch.So what else to do but cry?Xiao Wei sat down on the curb, stomped her feet and cried loudly, as if saying that it was all your fault, what would you do if you had no money?Who knows where you're going, why do you have to go?ah?Why must go! Sister must go.She didn't shake herself to leave because she didn't have money, she didn't want to go back to that place again, in this life.Now she is like an animal crawling out of there, a "felted" unwelcome cat or dog in the process of shedding.

Fish swim in the water. Another car drove up and the door slammed open towards them.Xiaowei wailed and began to climb up the car again, and her sister hugged her waist again.This time Xiaowei broke free from her sister, and she rushed forward bravely.It was still early and the car was empty, so Xiaowei immediately ran to a seat that was out of reach of her sister and sat down. My sister had no choice but to follow the car with her hands on her shoulders. The door is closed. My sister's face was very red, but she didn't dare to sit in the empty seats everywhere.She didn't know what would happen if two poor people with no money got into the car.

A middle-aged female conductor came over and said "buy a ticket, buy a ticket", as if talking to herself, but also as if she was talking to them.My sister looked at Xiaowei, and Xiaowei also looked at her with a flushed face, as if she knew that she had caused big trouble for her sister. "Where are you going?" the conductor finally asked with a brow. "We..." Meimei stammered. "We're going to get on the train." Xiao Wei replied for her sister.She stood up from her seat staggeringly and walked to the conductor, with obvious tears on her face. "Fifteen cents," said the conductor.Maybe she didn't see any difference between them and the other passengers.

"We..." Meimei was still hesitating, blushing even more.
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