Home Categories contemporary fiction rose door

Chapter 22 twenty one

rose door 铁凝 1231Words 2018-03-19
They are getting closer. He was finally ushered into Si's house as her guest.After Mr. Si and Mrs. Si asked Tsinghua Zhiyuan's family background, they immediately showed normal indifference towards him; Hua Zhiyuan's current career increased their hostility towards him.After Hua Zhiyuan left, Mr. Si immediately issued a warning to his daughter. He warned her that if she had any contact with Hua again, they would immediately let her drop out of school. Si Yiwen seemed to have listened to his father's advice. But not long after, Mr. Si still ordered the housekeeper to go to Sacred Heart Girls' High School to complete the withdrawal procedures for his daughter.The reason was that someone told Mr. Si that Si Yiwen was still following Hua Zhiyuan, and was walking in his ranks.

Si Yiwen's being forced to drop out of school aroused her stronger sense of autonomy. At home, she angrily confronted her father. She seemed to have fallen from a free world into a kingdom of despotism.Only then did she realize that she was in love.A girl in love is always brave, she sent the maid at home to send a letter to Hua Zhiyuan.The gist of the letter was that she desperately wanted to see him now, and if he didn't come, she would even leave the world. He came at midnight that day.She greeted him in her boudoir.He said that he happened to come to see her too, because he was leaving the city to go to the countryside because of the drastic changes in the current situation.

The news he brought her was so sudden that she could only cry.She cried and only repeated one sentence, she wanted to go with him, even at the end of the world.He thought he shouldn't immediately take her to that bottomless pit that even he didn't know the depth of.He told her that one day he would come back for her because he loved her. It was raining outside, the endless patter of autumn rain. When they both felt compelled to separate, he opened the door himself. He opened the door.can't go. Because of the rain. In the pattering autumn rain, he would have nowhere to hide.he thinks.

She closes the door.He can't go.she thinks. Because of the rain. The pattering autumn rain will drench him into a drowned rat. There was also a rain in front of Si Yiwen now.If the current rain washed away the ties left to her by the dealer, then the pattering autumn rain when she was eighteen years old washed away all the family education she had received and her incomparable steadfastness as a girl. When the door that fell in the autumn rain opened again (she opened it this time), she saw him still standing at the door. It turned out that he didn't leave.He guessed she would open the door too.

It turned out that she guessed that he would not leave, and she wanted to chase him back. Maybe they both felt that there was something missing in their parting, if he was determined to come back from the country to fetch her, if she firmly believed that he would come back to fetch her. In the days when they were together in the past, he had kissed her many times, and she had kissed him many times.He hugged her many times, and she let him hug her many times.They all asked themselves what was the reason for that kiss and hug, it was love. For love, now he came to kiss her and hug her again.This kiss, this hug turned them all into fools of love.Is it not love now?certainly.But they clearly felt the difference from the previous love.

If the past act was a slowing down and penetration of love, now it is a kind of eagerness of love. In the past, a lively Hua Zhiyuan was kissing a lively Si Yiwen, but now a stiff Si Yiwen was being kissed by a stiff Hua Zhiyuan. They all sense a rigidity of themselves, and they don't know what this impatient rigidity of love is for. They suddenly became strangers. Perhaps the most familiar moment is when people love the most strangely, and that familiarity has to be paid for by a kind of strangeness. At that time, you would be afraid of yourself because of the strangeness. At that time, because of familiarity, you will feel that what you are most familiar with is still all the strangeness of yourself.

This is the combination of a strange you and a familiar you. They combined, and she appeared to be clumsily bearing an incomprehensible weight. They combine, and he shows resignation to dig a resignation. It's mutual assault and mutual sucking. It is pity for oneself and loathing for oneself.
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