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Chapter 26 Section 26

stupid flower 铁凝 2884Words 2018-03-19
After Sun Chuanfang left Baoding, he really went to Fujian soon, and then entered the Shanghai-Hangzhou area from Fujian.Finally, Xiang Xi was invited to leave his lamp and Taihu stone, and went with Sun Chuanfang.When Sun Chuanfang led the five southeastern provinces, Xiang Xi was the chief officer who guarded the Wusongkou Fortress at the southeast gateway for Sun Chuanfang. He was called the commander of the Wusongkou Fortress and awarded the rank of lieutenant general. Chideng lived a peaceful and prosperous life in Baoding. According to her father's instructions, she first finished elementary school in Langhu Street, and later entered Tongren Middle School in Nanguan, Baoding.Tongren is a church school run by Americans, and its curriculum and teachers are in a leading position.The school rules and school ethos try their best to adapt to the customs and customs of the Chinese nation, which can be seen just by looking at its school song.Tongren's school song was originally adapted from "Qing Yun Song" in the Yao and Shun era. The song sang: "The sky is overturned, the sun and the moon are shining, the spring wind turns into rain, and everyone is treated equally..." And its shield-shaped school badge and blue and white school flag , is unique in Baoding.The school’s interpretation of the school badge is: the shield symbolizes self-defense, and the four characters of Tongren Middle School in the middle mean that Tongren resists the old forces and creates new careers.The blue and white of the school flag symbolizes the sea and purity.

Tongren's simple and energetic school spirit, pragmatic and advanced curriculum, made it famous in North China for a while.In particular, its lively teaching concept, which advocates the all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty, is welcomed by the students in the school.In order to enable students to apply textbook knowledge to practice, the school specially set up factory workshops, set up special teams, invested in the purchase of various machines and equipment, and even purchased a few such rare items as movie projectors.On holidays, students can ride the school's bicycles, bring a projector, and go to the countryside in groups to show movies for farmers voluntarily.And boys can also voluntarily sign up to participate in some voluntary labor of repairing bridges and roads.

The life of the colleague stirred up the heart of taking the lamp. According to Xiangxi's design, Shunrong's care and school education, she naturally became a "new girl" in Baoding.For the convenience of activities, she also wrote to her father, requesting to buy a bicycle.Every Sunday, she and the screening team would cycle on the country roads. At first, Shun Rong didn't advocate riding a bicycle with lights on. She said that she couldn't understand the way a girl got on and off the car with her legs.Take the lamp and say, I can't go to the countryside in a foreign car to show a movie.Besides, cycling is also a sport, riding a rickshaw looks like a lady.Shun Rong said, you are the miss, your mother and I have never been a miss, so my daughter has to be a miss.In order to buy a bicycle, Shun Rong couldn't be persuaded to take out the light, so he wrote a letter to Xiang Xi.Xiang Xi quickly wrote back and agreed to the request to take out the lamp, and Shun Rong reluctantly agreed.

Xiang Xi supports the lamp to buy a bicycle, but does not support her going to show movies.Going to the countryside to show movies reminded him of those wandering entertainers who went to villages and temples to "leave the ground", and he was willing to keep the lights away from them.For this reason, he wrote to Chideng saying that he felt that the group of colleagues who studied medical care was more suitable for her.Xiang Xi also mentioned that in her hometown of Benhua, she also has an elder brother who is a doctor, and the elder brother is respected by the villagers in Benhua.Later, taking Deng Deng listened to Xiang Xi's suggestion and joined the medical team of colleagues.Because in the days of watching movies by bicycle, she had seen with her own eyes that there were many villagers who were sick but could not be treated.

Chideng gets along well with Shunrong in Baoding, and also gets along well with his two older brothers, Wen Qi and Wen Lin.Wen Qi and Wen Lin were already senior students in Xiguan Yude Middle School when they took up the lamp to study in junior high school.Wen Qi loves literature and art. He is obsessed with the veterans of the Yu School in Peking Opera. When he is interested, he even performs on stage as a fancier.Movies are one of the art forms he is obsessed with. There is a well-known movie star named Wang Yuanlong from Baoding who lives in Xiaojinxian Hutong in Baoding. This year, movies starring him are being staged all over the country.Wen Qi and Wang Yuanlong knew each other. When Wang Yuanlong went back to Baoding to visit relatives, Wen Qi took a lamp to visit Wang Yuanlong.Wang Yuanlong not only treated each other with courtesy and signed the book as a souvenir, but also accompanied his brother and sister to watch a movie at the Dongdajie Cinema.The sudden appearance of Wang Yuanlong in the movie theater naturally caused a disturbance. The electric lights in the venue suddenly turned on, shining all the light on Wang Yuanlong, and the lights also illuminated Wenqi and Qudeng.This made Chideng a little overwhelmed, and she finally hid behind the crowd by hiding from place to place.But this incident was something she would never forget, and it made her realize that such a glorious career still exists in the world.However, Wang Yuanlong's scenery didn't give Chideng a real envy. She didn't like this kind of limelight under the light.Once she wrote a letter to her father about this incident, Xiang Xi breathed a sigh of relief after reading the letter, and said in her heart, thank God, fortunately you don't care about lights.The lights in the cinema, the lights in the acrobatic booth, aren't they all lights.He was also secretly glad that his design and education for taking the lamp had achieved results. Taking the lamp was no longer the little girl who liked to climb up the ladder.

Wen Lin is not as "lively" as Wen Qi. He was obsessed with English and history at school, and Western music outside of class.He had an automatic phonograph, and he had amassed a collection of records.Qudeng kept hearing the names of some foreign musicians from him. Wen Lin told Qudeng that Beethoven's third symphony was called and the sixth symphony was called.The leader of the Russian powerful group is called Mossorgsky.Saint-Saëns' "Death of the Swan" is not Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake".Wen Lin is reticent, prefers to think alone, and also likes to eat snacks on the street alone.Sometimes he would take Shunrong behind his back and go to the street to look for snacks together with him.A piece of malt candy, a handful of iron broad beans, and a bunch of candied haws with orange segments sandwiched between red fruits.Wen Lin eats and eats the lamp.Until Wen Qi and Wen Lin both went to Beijing to be admitted to university, Chideng was still nostalgic for the days when she was with her two older brothers.

Seeing Qu Deng's growth, Shun Rong sometimes seems at a loss.Without reprimanding the nanny and nanny, she seemed to be unable to do anything about taking out the lamp.Her clothing design for the lamp has also been opposed by the lamp again and again.That time she knew that she was going to meet Wang Yuanlong with Wen Qi to pick up the lamp, so she was very excited, because she herself was also in love with this Baoding-born movie star.She went to the Wanli Shoe Store in Tianhua Market on her own initiative and bought a pair of scarlet patent leather shoes for Qu Deng, who was so angry that Qu Deng almost turned on her.Usually, she took the initiative to put the silk flowers and wax fruits in the lamp room, and asked the lamp to be sent back to Shun Rong's room.Shun Rong saw that Qu Deng listened to records, so he also bought two "opera trays" for Qu Deng, one for the opera review "Little Mother Opens", and the other for the burlesque performance "Foreigners Laugh".She put them in a place forever.When Shun Rong tried to buy something for Qu Leng again, he said to her, "Mom, don't worry about this shopping from now on, I'm not a three-year-old anymore." Shun Rong knew My interest is not on the right track with fetching lamps, but I still can't help but eager to add things to fetching lamps.Shunrong is sincere about Chideng, the more sincere, the easier it is to get into an awkward relationship between Chideng and her.

Take the lamp is fifteen years old. This year Gan Yunlai passed by Baoding, he was ordered by his lord to visit Shunrong and pick up the lamp, and claimed that he would go back to Benhua.Picking up the lamp secretly made up his mind, and discussed with Shunrong, Mom, I also want to go to Benhua. Shun Rong thought for a moment, but did not answer immediately to pick up the lamp.In all fairness, she is not willing to pick up the lamp to go to the stupid flowers. She is willing to pick up the lamp like her, and also adopts a nihilistic attitude of turning a blind eye to that small loess village.Shun Rong has always turned a blind eye to Stupid Flower.Taking the lamp to see Shunrong was noncommittal, and he didn't immediately force Shunrong to make a statement.Gan Yunlai tells Qu Deng about stupid things behind Shun Rong's back from time to time.He said, let's just talk about the sky of the stupid flower, he has never seen a sky as blue as the stupid flower from south to north.I picked up the lamp and said that the sky in Qingyuan was quite blue, and I went to Qingyuan County in the south of Baoding when I picked up the lamp to show a movie.For Gan Yun, no, it's too close to Baoding.The countryside near the city has a lot of smoke and dust. "Also, do you know where the gate of Ye's house opens?" Gan Yun tried his best to emphasize "Ye's" when talking about the gate. "Yejia" made the heart pounding in the lamp.She seemed to realize that Benhua was also her home.Gan Yunlai thought so, and she should think so too.Perhaps for the sake of "Blue Sky" and "Ye Jia", the idea of ​​picking up lamps has been decided.She no longer waited for Shun Rong's answer, so she packed up her luggage.Shun Rong took out the lamp to organize her luggage, knowing that she couldn't stop her from being stupid if she wanted to.Thinking again, I am different from my daughter after all.Besides, if you ask the old man for instructions on picking up the lamp, the old man will definitely not object.It might as well show some openness.She said to Chideng: If you want to go and have a look with Uncle Gan, then go, and Uncle Gan will bring you back when he returns to Wusongkou.Shun Rong thought, could a new-style girl who grew up in a big city be really attracted by a small loess village?The old man misses stupid flowers, he was born and bred; taking the lamp is not born and bred.Within three days, at most seven days, she had to go back to Baoding.Thinking of this, she asked Gan Yunlai carefully: "Adjutant Gan, when will you return to Wusongkou?" Gan Yun said, "Master Xiang only gave me ten days off, and it has been three days since I said this."

Shun Rong is relieved. The next day, Shunrong called two rickshaws from the street, Gan Yunlai took the first one with luggage to pick up the lamp, and she and Chideng took the same car at the back, and crossed the gravel road of West Baoding Street Go straight to Xiguan Station. Take the lamp to go back to the stupid flower.
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