Home Categories contemporary fiction hometown yellow flowers

Chapter 14 The second part of the devil is coming (4)

hometown yellow flowers 刘震云 4343Words 2018-03-19
The bandit leader Lu Xiaobal has been suffering from malaria for the past two days.Others who suffer from malaria lie in bed and sleep, but this little bald man who does not suffer from malaria loves to sleep, and has to move around when he has malaria.Whenever the bandits under his command were short of money, or felt that the food was not good, they would say: "Why doesn't the boss have malaria?" Lu Xiaotu is the son of the late deputy village chief Lu Heixiao.Lu Hei was timid, but this son was bold.Originally, Lu Heixiao and his wife already had six children, and they didn't want any more children, so the two of them didn't dare to go together for half a year.Half a year later, I finally couldn't hold it back anymore, and went to the same place once, and my wife became pregnant with Lu Xiaobald again. For this reason, Lu Heixiao beat his wife once:

"Why are you like a sow, you can't even touch it, once you touch it, something will happen!" The wife cried aggrievedly: "I also thought I couldn't have it, but who can control it!" Later when Lu Xiaotu was born, Lu Heixiao and his wife wanted to drown him in the urinal.But when he was about to drown, he saw two small eyes turning round, and didn't know how to cry, so his wife tentatively asked Lu Heixiao: "Do you want to keep him?" Lu Heixiao went up and slapped his wife: "×Your mother, stay here, bring it here and I'll strangle him to death!"

This slap set the wife on fire, and the wife said: "If you don't hit me, I won't keep him. If you hit me, I will keep him!" Lu Xiaobald was left behind.Lu Xiaobal already had six older brothers and sisters, and his parents didn't take him seriously when he stayed. He was hungry and full, and grew up with his brothers and sisters like a kitten or puppy.They sleep in the corner of the Kang in winter, and on the sand in the yard in summer.One summer, when everyone was sleeping in the yard, suddenly a strong wind blew up, and Lu Heixiao and his wife rushed to the house to hold the baby.After hugging for a while, I felt that the hug was almost done, so I also fell asleep on the kang.After waking up, I checked the child and found that something was wrong. One was missing, so I went to the yard to hug him again. Lu Xiaotu was still lying on the sand and sleeping, his nose, eyes and eyes were scratched.When Lu Xiaobal was five or six years old, he had a different personality from his elder brother and sister.When his parents lose their temper, the other brothers and sisters cry when they beat him, but Lu Xiaotu doesn't cry when he beats him, this is right for Lu Heixiao's temper.Since he can't cry, when things don't go his way, Lu Heixiao always beats him.He beat him until he was thirteen years old, one day Lu Heixiao beat him again, he suddenly pushed Lu Heixiao to the ground with his head, and whipped Lu Heixiao with the sheep whip, cursing:

"×your mother!" It startled Lu Heixiao, and he dared not beat him again, and sometimes secretly bought him biscuits to eat.The two became good friends after that.Sometimes Lu Heixiao went out to trade livestock and took him with him.At that time Lu Xiaobald suffered from malaria.He loves to sleep when he doesn't have malaria, but when he does, he goes out to ride a donkey.After riding the donkey around and sweating all over, the malaria was cured.At that time, Lu Heixiao was still the deputy village head, and the village meeting had to play gongs. Sometimes Lu Heixiao was too busy, so he asked Lu Xiaotu to play for him.For a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, there are a group of friends who are about his size in the village, and they go to the field to mow grass and herd sheep together in autumn.Stealing corn, burning edamame, and touching melons are all led by him.Sometimes several people would dig a small opening in a growing watermelon, shit in it, and then cover the small opening.There was a team in the village one year, and everyone in the village looked for a place to hide. Lu Xiaotu didn't hide, so he rode to the branch of a tree behind the village to watch people.An officer in the ranks spotted him and pointed at him with a whip on his horse:

"There's a rabbit hiding here!" Everyone laughs. The officer said: "Give you a grenade, do you dare to ask for it?" Lu Xiaobal slid down against the tree on his belly, took a small grenade, turned and ran.The officer shouted again: "Don't let it blow you up!" The team laughed again. With this grenade, Lu Xiaotu began to run rampant in the village.If anyone got into trouble with him, he would take a grenade and run to the other person's house looking for death and work, and wanted to die with them.It caused the whole family to surround him and say good things about him.When he was seventeen or eighteen years old, he would eat for nothing in the village.Except for Xu Budai, Sun Maodan, and Li Wenwu's house, he dared not go to anyone else's house.There are grenades in the waist everywhere.Sometimes in the middle of the night, I went to steal chickens with a few rascals.He was good at stealing chickens. When he went to the chicken coop, he grabbed the chicken's neck and the chicken couldn't make a sound.Then several people cook and eat together.When the Japanese came, they began to send husbands and money, and each family cooked locust leaves. A few people couldn't hide in the village, so they imitated the idea of ​​forming an alliance. They also killed a chicken, dripped blood into the wine, and several people drank it alone. After taking a bite, they ganged up and ran to Dahuangwa to join the bandits.When he first went there, Lu Xiaotu, like everyone else, was an ordinary bandit, following other small leaders to rob houses in neighboring villages, and robbing people on the road.Three months passed, and when he had learned all the tricks of banditry, he called a few brothers who had drunk chicken blood wine together, discussed it, and stole a few guns, a few bags of food, and a few bolts of cloth from the leader at night. With a few slivers of meat, he walked away, found another small soil bag and set up a hill, and became the "head of the family".After the leader found out, he immediately sent a dozen people to beat them, but he fell into their ambush again.Lu Xiaotu caught these old bandits and didn't kill them, but waited for meat and wine, and then sent someone to send them back.Seeing him like this, the old bandit leader also admired his ability, laughed it off, and never beat him again, allowing him to set up another cottage.After Lu Xiaotu became the "head of the family", he was different from other "heads of the family". Other bandits robbed people and cut them off at every turn. Lu Xiaotu usually gave his brothers a holiday and let everyone sleep, but when the food shortage was about to run out, Or when he had malaria, he took the brothers to get some food and drink, or when he recovered from the malaria, he took the brothers to sleep again.So his cottage is very quiet, with snoring noises day and night.In addition to taking turns to stand guard, the brothers are raised fat and big ears.The Dahuangwa bandits composed a song:

to fight Find Lao Shang; (Another bandit leader who likes to fight.) to suffer, Find Lao Chu; (Another bandit leader who is harsh on his subordinates.) To raise fat and find a little bald. Therefore, many people are willing to cast their hats on the road.After two years, forty or fifty people were gathered. Now, the kitchen in Lu Xiaotu cottage is about to collapse again.The few sheep that were robbed last time were only half skeletons left.Everyone's mouth is a little pale.I can't sleep well day and night.At this time, Lu Xiaobald suffered from malaria.When they heard that the "head of the family" had malaria, the whole cottage was as happy as Chinese New Year.Everyone gathered in Lu Xiaotu's room, gathered around his bed, and asked with a smile:

"Brother, do you have malaria?" Lu Xiaobald was trembling on the bed, his head was covered by the quilt, and he didn't speak. A bandit said: "Brother, don't lie down all the time, find a place to move around!" At this time, Lu Xiaobal kicked the quilt away: "Okay, find a place to do some activities, and watch this malaria outbreak!" The crowd cheered, and a bandit pouted and said: "I've been waiting for you for half a month!" Immediately, a literate little bandit lay down on the bed to cast lots.A dozen or so lots were drawn, with the names of a dozen or so surrounding villages written on them, and Lu Xiaobald was asked to catch them.It is also Lu Xiaotu's invention to draw lots to rob houses.At first, Lu Xiaotu didn't draw lots, and when he remembered which village was which, that village would be unlucky.Later he felt it was unfair.So I came up with a way to draw lots, and which village was drawn.This time he reached out and grabbed one, opened it and saw "Zhujiazhai" written on it, and everyone cheered again:

"Go to Zhujiazhai!" That night, Lu Xiaotu took a dozen or so bandits on the road to Zhujiazhai.The little bald Lu Lu asked: "Who is the rich man in Zhujiazhai?" A bandit familiar with Zhujiazhai said: "Zhu Tinglu, Zhu Tinglu!" Lu Xiaobal went down to rob the village at night, not the poor, but only the rich, which was also a rule he made.Because robbing the poor can't rob anything, it's a waste of time, it's better to rob a rich man, finish it early and go back to sleep.In this way, a dozen or so people arrived at Zhujiazhai and Zhu Tinglu's home.Zhu Tinglu was indeed a rich man, with thick and large doors and high courtyard walls.It was already midnight.Several people set up a ladder, Lu Xiaotu was at the top, and jumped in over the courtyard wall.At this time, a wolf dog rushed over suddenly, Lu Xiaotu hurriedly took out a sheep bone from his arms, and threw it over.The dog gnawed on the bone and said nothing more.Lu Xiaotu opened the gate, and a dozen or so brothers entered.Zhu Tinglu's family all fell asleep.A little bandit asked:

"Wake them up?" Lu Xiaobal waved his hand and said: "Don't yell, don't yell, don't delay other people's sleep, check to see if anyone is awake!" Another little bandit said: "Look, there are lights in the backyard!" A dozen or so people came to the backyard.Sure enough, the main room in the backyard was still lit.They tiptoed to the window, licked the broken window paper with their tongues and looked in, and saw an old man lying on the kang in the room.The old man is a fat, bald man, wearing a mandarin jacket, with his left arm around a young woman.He holds a pipe in his right hand.The woman only wore a flowery underpants.At this time, Lu Xiaobald became angry:

"Damn, he's so comfortable!" A little bandit said: "This is Zhu Tinglu, that woman is his little wife!" Lu Xiaobald said: "Dozens of men are bachelors, but he already has a concubine!" With a wave of their hands, a dozen or so bandits broke open the door and entered the house, startling Zhu Tinglu and his little wife.Zhu Tinglu is a person who has seen the world, knowing that the bandits are coming, although he is afraid, he still knows how to say hello.The little wife couldn't do it anymore, she was so frightened that shit came out and wet the pants.Zhu Tinglu said:

"Yo, I don't know brothers, come here, I'll ask the guy to make tea!" A little bandit cornered him with a knife: "Stop rambling, men don't drink tea, they want to drink human blood!" Another bandit used a knife to pestle the little wife's milk.The little wife screamed, and like a toad, she jumped behind Zhu Tinglu and hid. At this time, Lu Xiaobald got on the kang and went to play with the pipe.He doesn't know how to smoke opium, but just sees the fun of bongs and plays with them there.Seeing him playing with the pipe, Zhu Tinglu said tremblingly: "Grandpa, take a sip? It's fun, I'll make bubbles for you!" Lu Xiaobald said: "Take a breath and take a breath!" Just smoke at the bong.Unexpectedly, a puff of cigarette choked him and made him cough for a long time.After coughing, Lu Xiaobal became angry and asked: "It's the middle of the night, why aren't you sleeping?" Zhu Tinglu tremblingly replied: "I, I'm not sleepy!" Lu Xiaobald said: "I didn't want to come to your house. I came to play with you when I saw that you were not sleepy. Next time I will see if you are still sleepy!" With a wave of their hands, a dozen or so bandits moved their hands, lit torches, rummaged around the house and courtyard, picked up tickets when they met tickets, took cloth when they met cloth, took grain when they encountered grain, and took a few from the stables. horses, and drove a few pigs from the pigsty.People sleeping in other houses heard the movement in the yard and knew that bandits were coming, so they dared not light lamps or move.The neighbors heard it too, but they didn't dare to move.Only Zhu Tinglu followed Lu Xiaobald's ass and said: "Master, take less, next time I'm sleepy, next time I'm sleepy!" The little wife was also wearing shorts and ran after him in a daze, and was kicked by Zhu Tinglu: "×Your mother, I told you to go to bed early, you still have to smoke, look at the smoke!" At three o'clock, the brothers packed up their things.The cloth, grain, pigs, and cotton were all tied into knots. , on the horse.Doing this kind of work often has become a rule, that is to say, it is a matter of laughing.Seeing that the matter was over, Lu Xiaotu bowed his hands to Zhu Tinglu: "Master, I'm bothering you today! It's getting late, you should rest early!" Then he and a few brothers stepped onto the horse pack, beat the horse and drove away.Zhu Tinglu didn't dare to stop them, he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only watch them go.After they left, they squatted down on the ground and cried.At this time, the family members also got up and squatted on the ground crying with him.While weeping, a little bandit came back on horseback, pointed at Zhu Tinglu with a knife and said: "Where's the bong? Let's borrow our own for fun!" Zhu Tinglu had no choice but to point to the main room.The little bandit took the bong and walked away again. Zhujiazhai is thirteen miles away from Ma Village, the village of Lu Xiaotu's family.Every time Lu Xiaobal led someone to rob something, he would send someone to deliver some delicious food to his mother.Although Lu Xiaobal was naughty since childhood, he knew how to be filial to his mother.If it wasn't for his mother, his father Lu Hei Xiaozao drowned him in the urinal. Lu Xiaotu led his brothers to leave Zhu's village on horseback, and ran towards Lu Xiaotu's village as usual.When we arrived at the village, Lu Xiaobal said: "What are you giving my mother this time?" The literate little bandit said: "I sent food and cloth last time, so don't give them away this time. I think there is a baby pig among these pigs. It's a pity to go back and kill them. Let the aunt raise them!" Lu Xiaotu felt that his words made sense, so he nodded. Everyone untied the little piglet and was sent by the literate bandit. Lu Xiaotu and the other brothers rode back to Dahuangwa first. Early the next morning, the literate little bandit also came back.Lu Xiaobald asked: "How is my mother?" Literate Little Bandit says: "My aunt was very happy to see the little piglet. She said that our family has never raised a pig in my life. Now I have a pig. She said that I will raise it until the New Year and kill it for food!" Lu Xiaobal smiled, and asked again: "What else?" At this time, the literate little bandit took a look at everyone.Lu Xiaotu said to the other brothers: "Go share your things!" The other brothers happily went to share things.Only Lu Xiaotu and the literate little bandit were left in the room.At this time, the literate little bandit said: "I also heard from Wu Ge that the Japanese will come to collect flour on the fifteenth day." Lu Xiaobald said: "×His grandma is Japanese, and she can also rob things! How much has my family produced?" Literate Little Bandit says: "It's sixty catties. The flour I sent last time is almost finished!" Lu Xiaobald said: "Then you can send some more tonight, you can't let my mother go hungry!" The literate little bandit nodded.And said: "I heard from Fifth Brother that there might be a war in the village on the fifteenth day!" Lu Xiaobald's eyes widened: "Really, who fights whom?" Literate Little Bandit says: "I heard that the Eighth Route Army sent scouts!" Lu Xiaobal smiled: "Don't believe this, a few eight-way, definitely can't beat the Japanese!" At this time, the literate little bandit smiled: "It doesn't matter if he has fought, but I mean, after they finish fighting, let's go clean up the battlefield, maybe we can pick up two guns!" At this moment, Lu Xiaotu understood the meaning of the literate little bandit, touched his head and smiled: "You kid has a lot of tricks!" After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaobal lay on the bed and continued to fight his malaria.
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