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Chapter 21 Chapter 8.2

perish 梁晓声 9747Words 2018-03-19
The obese man finally finished "singing", but he didn't want to get off the stage. He clasped his fists in all directions to greet the men who cheered him, and scraped some kisses from the fat lips of the women who cheered him. littering... Reporter Ruan Sang said: "I know that fat man. He is one of Zhai Ziqing's circles. He was considered to be the least capable of making money. But he is also the least capable. He set up a trap to trap the most intelligent and capable. Zhai Ziqing's more than 300,000 yuan made Zhai Ziqing unable to be a big brother in that circle. He taught Zhai Ziqing a painful lesson that he will never forget. This is called "losing Jingzhou carelessly"! Now he has replaced him. It's people in their circle. And some women they care for. It has already responded to Zhai Ziqing's words, as long as you have a lot of money, you can sing well or well. A typical "pit friend" when they When it becomes more difficult to make money outside the circle, they will start cheating each other..."

"Can you tell me where Zhai Ziqing is now?..." "How do I know where he is now! I haven't seen him for a long time. I always follow the whereabouts of people like him!" "But, Dr. Yu told me, you must know..." "This guy! Don't listen to his nonsense, I really don't know. In my address book, I only record the phone numbers and addresses of people I am interested in at a certain period. Once I am not interested, I will simply cross it out. I have already I am no longer interested in Zhai Ziqing..." "Well, about him, no... I mean, about his home, is there anything else you can tell me?..."

"Family? He is the only living person left. What kind of family is there? I can tell you only one thing—his old mother is absolutely dead. His wife is absolutely dead. One of our newspaper Reporter, I planned to follow up the report, but our editor-in-chief said that the news report should not always be speculated around the lives of some "big money". I only listened to it at the time, and I was not interested in asking how they all died Yes. Nowadays, people's curiosity is weak... Hey, why don't you write an article for me?..." "Write what?" "Ready-made material, Zhai Ziqing! Don't you have the best content to write about him? I also serve as a guest editor for a publication. It's up to you. I will give you a high remuneration, one hundred yuan per thousand words. How about it? ..."

While talking, he kept looking at the getai frequently, as if he was afraid of missing some wonderful discovery... The obese man finally saw him from the singing stage, and blew him a kiss as usual... He immediately stood up flattered and clapped loudly... The other party beckoned on the stage, he left me, smiled reservedly and clapped his hands towards the other party... "Everyone, now, I would like to introduce a reporter friend of mine, a well-known reporter friend..." The other party hugged his shoulders kindly on the stage-seeing his smile, he seemed a little flustered for a moment...

I got up and left the small round table in a hurry, not forgetting to pay the waitress enough money for the two of us... I don't know why I have to go to the Songhua River bridge... A man passed me by, his gait and back looked very much like Zhai Ziqing... I stared blankly at the back, and finally shouted: "Zhai Ziqing! Di Ziqing, stop!..." The figure hurriedly strode forward... I decided it was him without a doubt. People are not allowed to chase and run across the Songhua River Bridge.Anyone who violates the law must be detained by the guards guarding the bridge.Otherwise, I will definitely run after it...

I watched as the figure passed the bridge head, folded off the roadbed, and disappeared into a miscellaneous forest in the weeds... I also passed through the weeds and rushed into the miscellaneous forest.Finally, I found the familiar figure again. Just as I was about to call out, a woman flashed out from behind a tree and walked towards the man.I am even more certain that it is Zhai Ziqing.Only Zhai Ziqing hugged a woman like that, kissed a woman like that—as if he wanted to stuff a woman into his chest, as if he wanted to suck all her internal organs through a woman's mouth... I rushed over and shouted: "Zhai Ziqing, you bastard! Give back the woman I love! Give back my son!..."

They were suddenly separated in surprise.They stood frozen for a long time, and then slowly turned towards me with fear... But it was a strange man, and a strange woman... The man glared at me angrily.Clearly, I saw his hands gradually clenched into fists... "Sorry, I got the wrong person..." I muttered and backed away... The woman was still generous, and softly persuaded the man: "Don't be serious with him, he didn't mean it..." He said to me again: "Why don't you leave? Hurry up!..." As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't wait to throw himself into the arms of that man...

I left in a hurry... "Money is strong sexual desire, abundant love, and life itself! It is the most real thing! It is the face and smile of the most beautiful woman! It is the soul of the most vivid man! The hand counting money is a show Graceful dance of fingers, what a joy to multiply the money you have!  …” I recalled that Zhai Ziqing once took me to this forest.His voice seemed to come from different directions from east to west, north, south, and all directions. It seemed to be a monologue-style dramatic poem in Shakespeare's classical style. It sounded so aesthetically pleasing...

As I hurried away, I turned my body in all directions.Here and there, the eyes on big poplar trees and small poplar trees are staring at me in one way or another... Except for Xiao Lei, I found all those men who had left me their business cards, and through them I also found some other people who knew Zhai Ziqing. But no one can provide me with his exact whereabouts.And no one could tell me how his old mother and his wife died.Some of them have been with him more, and they are considered or think that they have a close relationship; Talking about him is like talking about a strangely missing dog on a greyhound track in another country.As for the misfortune of his family, I think some of them have heard about some situations, but due to their different psychological barriers, they are unwilling to tell me if they know it.It does not rule out that some people are out of kindness, and I am afraid that what I hear will aggravate my sorrow.The reasons for the others I cannot and do not bother to guess.Of course, some people have nothing to say because they really don't care.Didn't even want to know.So it's not really clear.As one of them said—whoever is missing goes missing, and whoever dies dies as he pleases, and what does it matter to me?If you have the time to care, you might as well visit the stock exchange.Even if you don't play stocks, feeling the atmosphere of the scene is still a reward! ...

Of course, some people expressed their curiosity, interest, and shock in folk news and their strong interest in continuing to spread gossip.That's because they know nothing and have never heard of it.Instead, they asked me questions... There is only one person for whom I am grateful.He is a first-level teacher in a key middle school.teaching chemistry.A middle-aged man who looked serious and almost rigid. "Who told you to come to me and ask?" I said that several people asked me to come to him and ask... "You've been fooled. They're fooling you, and they're also trying to embarrass me once." - He stared at me and said expressionlessly, "Because I've never met Zhai Ziqing before..."

I could see he was telling the truth. I said dully, "I'm sorry to bother you for no reason. I've gotten nothing for five days—this is a city that wastes people's feelings..." "Well, let me tell you something plain - I loved her. I loved that Zhai Ziqing's wife. But it was three years ago. In the same city, a married man A crush with a married woman is not meant to be a long-lasting secret. After a period of turmoil we swore to each other never to see each other again. Our relationship didn’t develop to some extent. It was only a few trysts that people talked about so deeply. I think it may be for this reason that those people urged you to come to me for questions, but I am not ashamed in front of you. Surely you Have you seen her?..." I said, "I've seen..." "Isn't she the kind of woman that a man will fall in love with at the first sight, fall in love with, and fall in love deeply?" "Yes..."——I answered in a low voice, afraid that he might not hear clearly, and added: "She is such a woman..." At the same time, I was full of hatred for those men who encouraged me to ask him.After a woman dies, her death still hurts the scar on the heart of a man who once loved her, which proves how cruel and ugly some men are at heart... "You say that, I'm very touched..." He looked at me more closely.There was a worried expression on his face... He took out his cigarette... "Suck?..." "No, I've been smoking these days..." So he put the cigarette case in his pocket again... "If you don't smoke, I don't want to either..." From what he said, I knew that she was a talented woman in the Chinese Department of Nankai University back then.Later, he was a postgraduate student in the History Department of Beijing Normal University.Her supervisor wholeheartedly hoped that she would continue to study for a Ph.D., but for some reason, she suddenly became tired of literature and history.So she bid farewell to campus life and returned to Harbin to work as a reporter for a women's publication.Later, I also got tired of being a reporter, so I retired to become an editor.Later, I even got tired of the editing business, so I simply became a "communicator" that anyone with a degree would disdain... "How much do you know her?..." I say very little... "Do you know who her father is?..." I said I don't know... So he uttered her father's name... That name holds me in awe—albeit the name of a long-dead cultural figure...   "Do you know who her grandfather is?..." I shake my head... He uttered yet another name, and I was not only in awe but... I couldn't believe my ears... He asked me how I feel? I was stunned for a long time before I muttered four words—"I can't think of it..." "This is the last daughter of an ancient scholarly family. The last descendant of a cultural family. From Ming to Qing, to the Republic of China, to the early years of liberation, her previous generations, in the pages of culture and history, She left behind her footprints. Culture has brought her family all kinds of glory and misfortune. In different historical eras, it has brought her family different glory and different misfortune. Both glory and misfortune Recorded in different versions of historical books, it became a kind of inheritance imposed on her as if she had the obligation to inherit. And she didn't need such a huge inheritance at all, and she didn't want to shoulder the obligation to inherit it. This is probably the main reason why she finally got tired of history and tired of literature and even culture. Her combination with Zhai Ziqing was probably out of a rebellious passion. Although she didn't tell me so, it was just my personal speculation But I think there is some truth to my reasoning. A woman like her is unlikely to be a man's wife just because of his handsomeness and his money. She married him probably because she thought it was an escape from culture and The most thorough and simplest way of the double oppression of history. She is connected with her family, which means that she is a part of Chinese culture. It is a part of Chinese history. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why she has to be with a person Before the Cultural Revolution, a man with a junior high school education who only advocates the naked money law in reality, but despises history to the point of intolerable marriage. I don't know if this is a big mistake she made. I think if I am her, probably I will also have a rebellious heart. However, her rebellion paid too much price. Because she is more tired of the naked money law in reality than culture and history. Her soul has It has long been pre-ordered by Chinese cultural traditions... Whenever I think of her, I have an ominous feeling... A woman who is tired of culture, history, and the naked money law in reality, a woman like this, if It's okay to be a peasant woman, but she is not a peasant woman, so how can she live today?..." "She... died..." "And Zhai Ziqing's old mother..." "Actually, my real purpose of asking about Zhai Ziqing's whereabouts...my real purpose...is to know...how she died...I have asked so many people in the past five days, but...until now I don't know... ..." "died?……" "I didn't believe it at first, but this is already a fact..." At that time, we were standing under the basketball hoop on the playground.A physical education teacher is leading a class of students to run around the playground... He stared at me with wide eyes, stared at me, suddenly squatted down on the ground, curled up in a ball, put his head in his hands, and let out a cry that a man tried his best to suppress but couldn't hold back, crying so sad and so pathetic— —The male and female students who ran behind us looked back one after another... The physical education teacher also looked at us—he hesitated, then strode towards us.A few strong male students also came along... I think it's time for me to leave him and this middle school... I said, "I loved her too..." After finishing speaking, he turned around and left. Maybe I just wish I could tell him that honestly and honestly without actually saying it... Back at the hotel, I first booked a bus ticket back to Beijing in three days at the front desk.As soon as you enter the room, start packing your things.Pack your things and sit down to smoke. I don't intend to continue looking for Zhai Ziqing's whereabouts.She died, his mother died.One of my unborn children also died.Then, all the relationship between me and him was really completely severed.Whether it's family affection, jealousy, resentment, mutual contempt, mutual envy, mutual dislike, it seems that all of them are meaningless all of a sudden, and there will be no reason to hold grudges from now on... I am obsessed with her, and then ask myself to love her with my heart, according to her wish, imagine that I love her like a cowherd who loves Zhinu, but I know so little about her, so little, so little!Little to nothing, especially when she was alive... I still thought I was a sentimental man who was good at understanding women and caring for women... That chemistry teacher knew so much about her, so much, so much!However, he and she failed to actually give each other love.Is it because there is a lack of "fate" between them? ... Did he regret it? What about her? Between him and me, how unfair the "fate" seemed to him! ... Who can use money to copy a woman who is worthy of a man's obsession and a man's love like the Cowherd who loves Weaver Girl?who? ... If this is completely achievable, I will make money like Zhai Ziqing, including selling my own blood, my eyes, my kidneys... selling everything I can sell and someone is willing to buy... Suddenly I also cried.Like that chemistry teacher, holding his head in his hands in sadness and sorrow... crying... The next morning, I was brushing my teeth when I heard a soft knock on the door. I bit my toothbrush and opened the door to see—it was Xiaoqin! I let her in immediately and closed the door.After rinsing her mouth, before she could sit down, she immediately asked, "How do you know I live here?..." She said: "I always feel that you will come back again, so I always ask some people about you..." "Xiaoqin, what do you know? Tell me quickly!..." "dog……" "Dog?... Sit down and talk!..." she sat down... She told me - 1993 was Zhai Ziqing's heaviest loss year.He was fined a large sum of money in Heihe, and was later cheated by people in his circle of more than 300,000 yuan.At the beginning of the year, I lost more than 100,000 yuan by "speculating" in US dollars, and at the end of the year, I lost more than 200,000 yuan by playing stocks.All in all he lost close to a million in 1993.His overall financial foundation has been shaken like never before.But the people in his circle still made a lot of money in 1993.He became the one with the least money among them.When they said some comforting words to him, he knew very well that they were actually gloating in their bones... "It's not that my uncle is suspicious. That's the truth. I know many of them. They often come to my uncle's house! Those people, if my uncle makes a lot of money, they will surround me Uncle, say something to my uncle about congratulations on getting rich. In fact, turning away, you must be jealous like strong alcohol. If my uncle loses a lot of money, they will surround my uncle and say something like 'stay If the green hills are here, I’m not afraid that there will be no firewood’. In fact, I’m secretly very happy. In those days, my uncle lost weight, couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and sighed and frowned all day long. You know that my uncle is a person who can stand things. I admire him, mainly because of this. But I could see that my uncle was a little bit overwhelmed. One day he said to me in a low voice: "Xiaoqin, money is not easy to earn!" I wanted to cry for him at the time. Then he heard that there was the largest dog market in the country in Shandong. He went there. Although it is a bit contemptuous to do that business, it can also make a lot of money. An expensive dog, a dog It’s worth tens of thousands! Big dogs give birth to puppies, isn’t it a huge profit? He spent more than 14,000 yuan to buy two big wolf dogs. My uncle said one is a pure German breed and the other is a pure Japanese breed. What are they called? 'Heibei' and 'Lingqing'. My uncle gave them cute names, 'Beibei' and 'Qingqing'..." Although Xiaoqin's clothes are not shabby, and can even be said to be decent, they are dirty enough.At a glance, it can be seen that it has not been changed and washed for many days.The hair is a little disheveled, the face has lost its former brilliance, and the eyes are not as bright and clear as before... "My uncle dotes on those two dogs! 'Beibei' and 'Qingqing' are calling back and forth all day long. He even vacated the balcony for them to use as a nest. 'Beibei' likes to eat undercooked pork liver, 'Qingqing' "I like to eat beef that is neither fat nor thin. Grandma can't understand it. She always mutters and calls it 'evil breed', and doesn't know whether to call my uncle or a dog. She often raises a cane and shouts at the dog. How can two big dogs be afraid of grandma?" When grandma yelled, they bared their teeth. My uncle quarreled with grandma, and grandma got angry and shed tears. My aunt was afraid of those two big dogs. She moved to her own house. I grew up. I ran around all day to take care of my aunt and grandma. My uncle only took care of the two big dogs. It was cold. Another room was vacated for the dogs to live comfortably. The two big dogs, Like a pony, he ran from house to house, and ran from house to house. On New Year's Eve, 'Bei Bei' gave birth to a baby. My uncle was watching and couldn't care less about other things. The firecrackers set off by someone else’s house outside made a loud crackling sound! I cooked a pack of instant noodles for my grandma and ate it, and then hurried to my aunt’s. Later, the puppy was weaned and grew up, and my uncle once They were all sold. There were four in total. I didn’t ask how much I made. Anyway, my uncle was happier in those days. He didn’t sigh or frown. But the two big dogs lost four puppies all at once. , became very fierce, and wanted to bite everyone. A month or so ago, my uncle went to Shandong to buy dogs again. He said he would not buy big ones. He wanted to buy a few small ones. It would be more worry-free to keep them. Grandma would not Let my uncle go. My aunt won't let my uncle go. I also advise my uncle not to go. My uncle won't listen to anyone. I'll go..." Xiaoqin covered her face with her hands, unable to speak, sobbing. I said, "Don't cry, don't cry..."—I don't know what else to say. I poured her a glass of water.Her hands were shaking, but she didn't catch it.The glass fell to the floor, and the water splashed on her lap.It was the boiling water just brought by the waiter in the morning. She was wearing a pair of shorts. I thought she must have been burned. I grabbed the pillow cover in a hurry and rolled up the legs of her trousers until they were above her knees—as expected, both knees were hot red. up... I could only suck the water stains on her pants with my pillow, and ask, "Xiaoqin, does it hurt?"..." She didn't seem to feel that she was being burned, so she continued whimpering: "That day, my aunt was sympathetic to me and gave me the key to her own residence, and asked me to... go to rest for a day and sleep for a long time. She helped me Here...accompany grandma...grandma also sympathized with me and let me go...I just...go...I worked so hard for a while, as soon as I fell asleep...no...not on time... Wake up... the next morning, I came back... here... just... as soon as the door was opened... two big dogs rushed up... the dog's face... was full of... blood... scared me Once you close the door, you will...be limp..." Not only were the girl's hands shaking violently, but her entire body was also shaking.For a moment, her eyes widened, and it seemed that her pupils were also widening.From the depths of the two eyes, a huge afterglow of terror is projected.The more she trembled, the more she couldn't control herself, and she was about to fall from the sofa to the ground... The way she looked made me miserable.I couldn't help hugging her tightly, and kept patting her shoulder and back lightly with one hand. At the same time, as if comforting a frightened child, I just kept saying: " Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." "I'm sorry grandma, I'm sorry...my aunt...they were...bitten...dead...dead...by dogs..." I was horrified and wanted to cry without tears... Xiaoqin passed out in my arms... I carried her to the bed and hurried to invite the doctor from the infirmary of the hotel.After a few minutes my room was full of people, and everyone tortured me for a while with questioning looks... After people left one after another, Xiaoqin gradually regained consciousness... Xiaoqin told me in tears——according to the public security personnel who analyzed the scene, she was obviously in another room at the time.If she stays behind closed doors, she won't die.She must have rushed out of that room to protect the old man, and for a pregnant woman, besides taking two more lives, there is no other outcome... Another life is the fetus in her womb... That was also my child, a child who suffered misfortune before he was born... The little life that was originally living in the mother's womb very safely, waiting for the birth without anxiety, was bitten out of the mother's womb by two big dogs, and only a newly formed little hand was left after eating... I bang my head against the wall while listening, but I can't cry out, I can't cry, I feel that I'm being wrapped tightly like layers of cocoon clothes by a kind of creepy terror... Xiaoqin rolled out of bed, knelt down, hugged one of my legs, and begged: "Uncle, anyway, there is no one in his house, and he is alone in the madhouse. You are the only one he is close to. If you can make the decision and let me serve him, I guarantee that he will enjoy more happiness than in the madhouse. You can make a written statement with me on his behalf! Betting hundreds of thousands of yuan in the madhouse is better than fulfilling my Xiaoqin! Willing to be a cow and horse for him for the rest of his life ... I will never regret it... I will never think he is crazy! Half of it can be yours! If you come back in the future, if you praise me... I will serve you willingly! My family is poor...very poor...that way My family has also been lifted out of poverty, and life is hopeful! Uncle, please show mercy! I kowtow to you..." She kowtowed... That night, I let Xiaoqin live in my room.In the middle of the night, like a wild ghost, I was walking blindly all over the city, wandering around. I really want to howl from my chest - like a ghost, like a wolf... The next morning I went to the mental hospital alone to visit Zhai Ziqing.I don't know why I still want to visit him.Like everything inexplicable that happens to everyone, inexplicable.It seemed that there was an invisible rope tied to my body, and the other end was in his hand. He dragged me section by section towards the pier of his last life, making it impossible for me not to go... What I saw was no longer the handsome, handsome, confident Zhai Ziqing who was once called "Brother Hua" by some men and women around him... He was wearing a white and blue-striped hospital gown with baggy trousers and a short top.Shaved bald, the head is long here and short there, obviously shaved so-so... He looked dazed, his eyes were wandering, and his nose and saliva were dripping. The nurse said it was caused by medication. I said, "Ziqing, let me come to see you..." He stared at me for a long time, there was no reaction on his face, and he was still in a daze... The nurse asked from the side: "Zhai Ziqing, don't you know him?..." He shook his head.Immediately laughed wildly.Then he sang loudly and repeated a sentence-"but always laughed at me for having nothing..." While singing, reach out to me... I asked the nurse, "What does he want?..." The nurse said, "Smoke." I immediately took out a cigarette from my pocket, but he was about to take it away, but the nurse stood between me and him, and said to me solemnly: "This is not allowed, the hospital has strict regulations, and visitors are not allowed to give cigarettes to patients casually." Suck……" I looked at him apologetically, so I had no choice but to pick up the cigarette again... The nurse said to him: "Since you don't know the person who came to visit you, go back to the ward!" A person who still has 500,000 to 600,000 people can't even smoke a cigarette... A burst of great sorrow boiled my heart like salty boiling water... After pushing him into the ward, the nurse said to me, "You were the first to visit him..." I said, "Maybe the only one..." The nurse said: "He is a seriously ill patient here, and he often has seizures. Once the seizures occur, several people will not be able to treat him. Therefore, I dare not give you too long visiting time..." I said: "Understood..." When the nurse sent me away, she said, "Don't worry, no matter how the price rises, his money will be enough for him to live comfortably in a mental hospital for half his life. We will treat him as a special patient and enjoy the treatment of a cadre above the bureau. In terms of life, he will never Wronged him..." I said: "I don't worry..." It seemed to me that, despite his madness, he seemed to recognize me.Because the moment I saw him being pushed into the ward by the nurse, there were tears in my eyes... I said--I was probably the only one who visited him--that was a very arbitrary statement.Because outside the gate of the mental hospital, I ran into Xiao Lei. "It's you?……" She still looks like a fashionable girl, holding a little moon baby in her arms. I said: "He won't know you anymore, he doesn't even know me..." She said: "I asked him to see his son, whether he knows me or not, this is also his son. I gave birth to him. According to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, at least he should have partial inheritance rights..." I smiled wryly and said, "Xiao Lei, don't mess around—how could this be his son? If so, you should have been an obvious pregnant woman in Heihe, but you weren't..." She stared at me for a moment without saying a word, and said word by word: "Don't make up nonsense, when did you and I meet in Heihe?" At this time, two men got out of a private car and walked towards me step by step from both sides... I looked at them left and right, then looked at Xiao Lei and said, "It's because my memory is not good, I made a mistake..." Without waiting for them to approach me, I turned around and walked away... On the way home, I passed the Jihong Bridge, and I got off the taxi. When we were young, we used to wait together at the foot of the bridge for a chance to "play tricks". Wooden" adaptation of the villain's book, returned to the old man who opened the villain's bookstore... The old man who claimed to be knowledgeable about physiognomy once made a very good prediction about Zhai Ziqing's life, which made me secretly jealous... A train passed under the bridge, spraying out a burst of wet fog—in the fog, Zhai Ziqing in his childhood, youth, and youth smiled shyly and friendlyly at me like a girl, and he watched silently. I seem to have many longings, longings, ideals and goals in life, and I am planning to confide to me calmly... The mist cleared, and his phantom disappeared—the mist left only a layer of wet drops on my face... I want to wipe, but I'm too lazy to wipe... A man approached me mysteriously, and peddled in a low voice: "Do you want a tiger penis? Absolutely genuine, more aphrodisiac than anything else..." After entrusting layers of human relations and going through a series of cumbersome procedures, before leaving Harbin, I retrieved some sealed items from the relevant departments.There are her clothes, the calendar from last year, the handicraft nude in the frame, the hand-bound poetry collection, and the silver fox coat.Also, the old man often played with two walnuts in his hand when he was alive.Two walnuts that grind each other until they are so bright.The silver fox coat took a lot of talking and twists and turns, and finally I had to write a document, saying that I bought it for my wife and left it at Zhai's house last year... I gave Xiaoqin all her clothes and silver fox coat.Tell her that the silver fox coat is completely buyable.In addition, I lent her fifteen thousand yuan in cash.I think this can be regarded as returning Zhai Ziqing's money in a disguised form... As for whether Xiaoqin should go back to her hometown or continue to stay in the city to find another way out, I don't think I can worry so much... I returned to Beijing with a few souvenirs. The wife looked at the handicraft naked girl in the frame and said, "It's so beautiful! Did you buy it?" I said, "Yes, I bought it." The wife looked at the wall calendar and said, "It's a pity that it was last year. Couldn't this be bought as well?" I said: "It was hung at a friend's house. I like it, so my friend kept it for me until this year..." Wife said: "I like it too! It's worth saving. This page is the best!" So, that woman with one knee brittle, holding a shield in one hand and a short sword in the other, naked and covered in rusty armor, indifferently and calmly preparing to fight to the death, has been fixed on a wall of my house since then, as if A glamorous patron saint who exorcises evil spirits... Only that collection of poems was hidden among my few souvenirs without letting my wife find out... I gave two walnuts to my mother. Mother asked: "Is your aunt still in good health?" I said, "Okay, it's tough." The mother asked again: "Ziqing's daughter-in-law, is she also a good woman?" I said, "Yes. He is a nice person and looks good too." Mother played with two walnuts in her hands, thought for a while, and said slowly: "Life is a little bit fair..." I fell ill and lasted for more than three months.For more than three months, he hardly left the house. One morning I opened my eyes and looked at the calendar with my breath held in astonishment—it was blank! ... I moved my eyes slowly, and then looked at the handicraft photo frame, but it was also——blank! ... My wife was extremely surprised by my appearance, and asked me what was wrong? I pointed to the wall calendar, and then to the photo frame... The wife turned her head to look, and asked even more strangely—you brought them all back, what's wrong? I jumped out of bed and dug out the book of poetry—it was blank, not a single word! But the wife took it, but she was able to read the poem on it... That day I was completely speechless and unable to speak... My wife took me to the hospital - and the doctor didn't think I was sick at all... In my eyes, that calendar, that photo frame, that book of poetry—still remains blank... I gradually regained the ability to speak.But in the human words that he uttered, there are strings of grotesque jiliwala among them... So a friend invited a qigong master to my home... The master concluded that my grotesque chatter was "cosmic language"... From now on, I feel that there is something possessed...
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