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Chapter 2 second quarter

moulin rouge 梁晓声 10306Words 2018-03-19
He said mournfully, "Sister, when he whipped you, I wanted to bite his hand, but I didn't dare!" The young lady touched his head with one hand and said, "I don't allow you to do that to me. I just want to ask you one thing - is the reputation of Ziwei Village worthy of your child's protection?" Zhuo Ge didn't know how to answer.Although he has begun to secretly doubt whether the good reputation of this village that has been so kind to him is really worthy of its name, but when he needs to maintain it, he would rather maintain it... "Brother, you, you!"

——The little sister lifted his head from her chest with both hands, leaned over in the dark, stared at his face and said in a low voice: "I tell you, their good reputation of Ziwei Village is fake, fake! Baoshun It's not his father's seed at all! It's a seed borrowed by his mother stealing a man! It's not someone else who helps their Liu family carry on the family line, but the village chief who is serious all day long! After Baoshun was born in their Liu family, the village chief often came at night Baoshun's father is not happy that the village head is coming again, but Baoshun's mother is so happy! In order to make Baoshun's father ignore her and the village head's affairs, she took advantage of her sister's living here to encourage her husband and She kisses her sister, herself and the village head, in this big mansion, they work separately and covertly! Her man also steals other women, one of them is the wife of the village head! The village head is even more of a pervert. The female security director has also hooked up with her for a long time! These shameless things were all whispered by the Liu family when I was a child, and I overheard them with one ear and the other! Brother, brother! You Just because your Ziwei Village is kind to you, you can’t always believe in its good reputation! Your Ziwei Village has a good reputation, but there may be many shameless things hidden in it!..."

What the little sister said made Brother Zhuo's scalp numb and his body tremble with fear.He was terrified inside.I feel that what the young lady said are all the most rebellious and dangerous things. He muttered tremblingly: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, sister, please don't tell anyone else!" He suddenly saw a figure flashing past the window.The little sister also gave a timely "hush".He tiptoed to the window and peeked into the yard, and saw a figure standing in the yard for a while, listening to the movement outside the yard for a while, then running on tiptoe to the window of the Liu family's house, raising his hand Tapped on the window three times and coughed.From the figure, he saw that it was the village head "uncle" whom he had always respected and respected.After a while, the door opened, and the man from the Liu family came out with the quilt in his arms. After saying something to the village chief "Uncle", he went to the west wing...

At that moment, a temple in the nine-year-old boy's heart collapsed. he wept... A few days later, a reporter came from the village.It is said that he is a big reporter from the provincial newspaper, and he came here specially to interview how Ziwei Village raised an orphan in the village together.After the village chief waited, he naturally accompanied the reporter to Liu's house.Among the group of people, there must be a female security director. The village head pointed to Brother Zhuo and said to the big reporter: "This is the boy! Look at how strong he is! No matter which house he lives in, no one has ever treated him badly!"

So the big reporter asked him: "Brother Zhuo, is what the village chief said true?" Brother Zhuo lowered his head and replied, "What Uncle said is true." The big reporter couldn't understand what "uncle" was called. The man from the Liu family lost no time in explaining.Finally, he said: "Also call me uncle, call me woman aunt. We both love him like parents love their own son!" So the big reporter said with emotion: "This story is so touching. This story is so touching. It's really an ode to the beautiful nostalgia!... The hearts of the adults in Ziwei Village are beautiful. I am grateful to Dade for his young heart, which can also be called beautiful..."

The female security officer interjected: "That's right, Brother Zhuo is honest, he never lies!" The big reporter asked Brother Zhuo again: "Brother Zhuo, when you grow up, will you maintain the good reputation of Ziwei Village like your aunts, aunts, uncles, and uncles?" Brother Zhuo thought for a while and said in a low voice, "I'm willing to maintain now..." His words immediately won praise from the village chief, the big reporters, including the Liu family.Everyone said that it was rare for this child to be so sensible, and it was not in vain that the whole village took turns raising him...

At that time, Xiaoqin was locked in the miscellaneous warehouse and received a stern warning in advance... Brother Zhuo lived in Liu's house for almost a month, and before it was his turn to live in someone else's house, a man from Liu's family pulled him to him one day, stared into his eyes and asked, "Brother Zhuo, after you live in someone else's house, what will happen to you?" Will you tell others what you saw in our Liu family?" Brother Zhuo shook his head, his gaze still so trustworthy. The man from the Liu family went on to say: "Actually, I'm not afraid of you telling others. No one will believe you when you tell. Our Liu family still has a good reputation in the village. How do you treat Brother Zhuo? You You should have a mirror in your heart. I ask you to think about you. You are only nine years old, and it will be ten years before you can support yourself! You will still live in many, many houses in turn! If you leave one family and talk about the family, Who is willing to let you eat and live at home? Besides, who doesn’t want outsiders to know about the family? Can you understand that I entrust you purely for your consideration?..."

Brother Zhuo nodded silently. ... He had only lived in another family for more than a month when he heard that the precious son of the Liu family had died of illness after all.After that, he never saw his young lady again, but met the women of the Liu family many times.The woman cried when she met everyone when she went from Hedong Village to Hexi Village, saying that her baby son was kicked from the bed by Xiaoqin to the ground, fell and frightened, and died of a coma for several days.People's sympathy has always been easily won over by mothers who have lost their sons.So "Xiaoqin", a nice girl's name, seems to have become a footnote of the four words "ungrateful" in Ziwei Village.It has become a symbol of "catastrophe".Brother Zhuo was the only one in the village who didn't believe that his little sister Xiaoqin would kick the Liu family's precious son off the bed to the ground unless she had the guts of a bear.Even though he knew she didn't like Baoshun at all.But he was just a child, and he didn't have the prestige to defend his little sister, and he didn't dare, for fear that he would be associated with the word "ungrateful".Xiaoqin's notoriety taught the nine-year-old brother Zhuo a lesson, that is, he could never betray Ziwei Village, even if its good reputation within a hundred miles was indeed false...

Soon, the article of the big reporter of the provincial newspaper appeared in the newspaper.He sent several copies to the village, and the whole village rushed to pass them on.Including those men and women who can't read a few words, everyone is smiling, as if they have owned a lot of wealth that can be passed on to the next generation.In the age of material scarcity, honor is indeed enough to be regarded as wealth. No one noticed that Brother Zhuo had become taciturn since then.The nine-year-old boy no longer seems to intend to actively communicate with others and the world... It wasn't until he "entered" the Red Mill that he saw his sister Xiaoqin again.Many women came to the Red Mill that day.They laughed and laughed at him as usual.And he, as always, just kept his head down and pushed the millstone.Suddenly the women fell silent.He looked up strangely, and found that his sister Xiaoqin was standing hesitantly outside the door of his red mill with the edge of the basin on her waist.By calculation, she was already an eighteen-year-old girl, and she had obviously grown taller.At that time, the morning sun was shining brightly outside the Red Mill.Brother Zhuo looked at Xiaoqin outside the mill from the mill, but saw that she was bathed in the sun, but could not see her face clearly.He only felt that not only had she grown noticeably taller, but her breasts had also visibly protruded, and he felt that her figure was so slender and graceful that it moved his youthful heart.Her long hair was not braided.One bundle is scattered on the chest, and the other is scattered on the back.Her face was facing him, clearly, she was staring at him blankly.He found that the women were also looking at him meaningfully, he was flustered for a moment, and immediately lowered his head and started pushing the mill...

He heard the women say: "Why is the catastrophe dressed in rags? Doesn't he comb his hair or wash his face?" "Are you asking knowingly? Or do you really not know?" "really do not know." "The Liu family doesn't allow her to dress neatly. She is only allowed to comb her hair and wash her face at night. She was reincarnated with a bit of evil spirit in her life, so she is allowed to dress herself deliberately, and don't leave our Ziwei village on both sides of the river. Have men lost their minds?" "That's right! The Liu family did the right thing! We can't let that beautiful catastrophe ruin the hearts of the men in our Ziwei Village, and ruin the good reputation of our Ziwei Village!"

"The Liu family will marry her away as soon as possible!" "The Liu family has their own reasons for not marrying her off! Have you forgotten how little Baoshun of the Liu family died? Wasn't she overwhelmed by the evil spirit in her life? The Liu family would rather Raising her, I don't want her to conquer other people's sons in the world again!..." "Sigh, it's rare that the Liu family have such a heart to save all sentient beings!..." Brother Zhuo understood that his sister Xiaoqin had left because of too many people. For the first time in his life, this young man experienced a powerful loss... He often lies on the big bluestone in the river daydreaming that his sister Xiaoqin will be his wife one day.He wasn't afraid that the evil spirit she hit would overwhelm him, and he didn't believe those lies at all.He hoped that after she became his wife, he would still call her sister.He imagined all kinds of situations where he and his sister Xiaoqin lived peacefully and happily in the red mill, often like a fool, and often couldn't help laughing in vain; imagined that he caught half a bucket of small fish, Carrying it home, he saw her leaning against the door expecting him to come home, happily took the small bucket, cleaned up the fish quickly, and boiled a pot of delicious fish soup.What a happy day it was? If this dream cannot come true, he will not be fishing emotionally.He has transformed the red clay land so that he can grow vegetables with seeds next year.If this dream can't come true, he feels that no matter how much melons and vegetables are harvested next summer and autumn, he won't be able to be happy.In the boy's imagination, it would be a kind of joy only to pick seeds on that field and harvest together with his sister Xiaoqin... At this time, the young man missed his parents very sadly.If his parents were alive, probably his dream would not be difficult to come true.He thinks so, and at the same time he feels sorry for himself because he was an orphan since he was a child... The teenager often had his daydreams two years older.He is eighteen, and it's a pity that his "home" doesn't even have a small mirror.At first, it was entirely from the changes in women's attitudes towards him that he gradually began to realize that he was no longer a teenager.They didn't make fun of him as much as they used to.They all looked dignified before him.Their eyes no longer stared at him so unscrupulously as before.There seemed to be a kind of surprise in their eyes.The tone and tone of voice they spoke to him was no longer adult to child, but adult to adult.Be polite, so polite that it has a gentle meaning.And, for some reason, they themselves are often the first to become reserved, even shy.Sometimes when he looked at them innocently and smiled, they would actually blush slightly... This confused him quite a bit. One day, he accidentally saw a square, angular man's face on the bottom of a shiny copper basin where a woman held beans.It was the face of a very young man.Yes, even though he was very young, he didn't have the slightest impetuosity and impetuosity of a young man.The face looked so mature, so earnest, with a full forehead, full lips, thick eyebrows and big eyes.Not to mention how handsome he was, at least he was handsome.In short, it was the face of a handsome country boy. He recognized from the thick eyebrows and big eyes that the face on the bottom of the copper basin was his own face. He couldn't help turning his head to look at his left shoulder and left arm.The muscles of the shoulders are strong, the arms are thick, the hands are large, powerful hands.Then turn your head and look at your right arm and right hand, of course it is the same. He gave a dry cough.Full of confidence, its voice is loud and buzzing in the Red Mill. He realized that he was no longer a teenager, and it was no longer possible for others to see him as a teenager. He heaved a long sigh. Realizing that he was no longer a teenager, he couldn't tell whether he was happy or worried.He once hoped that he would no longer be a teenager, but he was afraid that he was already a man... That night, he took a bath in the river and rescued his sister Xiaoqin. He first saw the figure of a woman taking off her clothes under the moonlight and slowly wading into the river step by step.He didn't realize that it was his sister.No one came to this section of the river to take a bath before, let alone a woman.It is common for men and women in Ziwei Village to bathe in the river alone or together, including the elderly and children.However, safe river sections with clear water and shallow bottom have been demarcated long ago.And when he bathed in his own section of the river, he was always naked.He hastily hid behind the big blue stone, fearing that his naked appearance would be seen by the woman and frighten her with shame. It rained heavily a few days ago and the water was deep.The river water gradually reached the woman's legs, the woman's waist, and then the woman's chest... He was a little worried for her. He knew that if she took another step forward, the river would cover her head. He wanted to yell to tell her, but he opened his mouth, afraid that she would suspect that he was watching her take a bath, and that his kindness would be misunderstood as flirting with other intentions——he didn't yell out... Fortunately, the woman stopped moving forward, and stood there with her head down, washing her long hair...  He plunged into the bottom of the water and dived towards the shore.When he concealed himself as much as possible, he went ashore and dressed, and then looked up at the woman, she was gone.He thought it was impossible for her to go ashore and walk away in a blink of an eye, and his heart skipped a beat.Looking down the river, she saw that she was drowning! Her body was sinking and floating, and her long hair was floating leisurely like a black straw hat.When her head came out of the water, she didn't call for help, and her arms didn't struggle to slap her, as if she had left life and death aside... He plopped into the water and rescued her ashore. Under the moonlight, her skin all over her body looked fairer.Country girls don't wear bras, they just wrap their breasts with a piece of cloth and tie a knot in the back.There is no such cloth on her chest, she must have taken it off and held it in her hand when she washed her body, and it was washed away after drowning.Her breasts were completely exposed, full and taut and high.Her short panties have been swirled up to her knees by the river water.Her eyes were closed, her mouth was slightly open, and her wet hair lined her face.It was an oval face, although the eyes were closed, but the eyebrows were slender, and the ends of the eyebrows almost extended into the temples... Her naked body was lying on her back in front of him, like a delicious feast, just waiting for him to enjoy it. Only then did he realize that she was Xiaoqin. Her nudity is a great temptation to his eyes.Eighteen-year-old Zhuo Ge felt for the first time that a naked woman's strong attraction to him was so irresistible! And she was the woman he often dreamed of becoming his wife one day! An impulse to try His body was rapidly moving and expanding.That impulse was extremely wild! It seemed to be pushing him down to her again and again.He crouched beside her, unable to move.It seems that with just a slight movement, they will involuntarily rush towards her... He looked at her naked body completely dumbfounded. A resident bird flew up from the bushes, startling him greatly.He looked around guiltily for no reason, as if someone was secretly watching his every move. If someone finds out that Brother Zhuo is with her like this... Fear suddenly rose in his heart, he didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't dare to continue to stare. So he put one hand under her waist, gently lifted her lower body, and at the same time pulled on her panties with the other hand.Her skin was so smooth, soft and elastic that his hands couldn't help but want to touch her whole body.I especially want to touch her towering soft white breasts.He really did that... A long breath escaped from her slightly parted mouth.She snorted softly... He withdrew his hand, feeling very evil and guilty. He went down to the river again, swam to the other side, found her clothes, and swam back with one hand and the other. When he put her clothes beside her and squatted down to look at her again, she woke up and slowly opened her eyes. She didn't recognize who he was right away, she sat up in shock, and found that she was almost naked, screamed ah, instinctively curled her legs, clamped her arms, and crossed her hands to protect her chest... He whispered, "Sister, don't be afraid, it's me..." After she recognized him, she breathed a sigh of relief, her legs gradually stretched forward again, and her arms were less tightly clamped.At the same time, the hands hang down... "Brother, is sister drowning?" "Ok……" "You saved me?" "Ok……" Seeing his eyes glued to her chest, she instinctively crossed her hands to protect her breasts. "Where are my clothes?" "here." "It should be on the other side of the river." Under the moonlight, there was tenderness in her eyes towards him.When looking at people with her red phoenix eyes, she is born with a charming charm that seduces people's souls.He thought to himself that her eyes are so beautiful that they are unique in the whole village! "Turn around first and let sister put on her clothes." So he turned away obediently and obediently. "Brother, put on your clothes too." "My clothes are wet." "Wet to save my sister?" "Well, sister, why do you come here to wash?" "They don't allow me to wash in their house. They love me. The women also don't allow me to wash in the river where they bathe, saying that I will dirty that river..." "Then why don't you shout?" "What are you shouting for?" "When you are submerged, call for help." "It's easy to die... die early and reincarnate early, there's nothing wrong with it..." He stood up abruptly and turned back to her.At that time his eyes were full of tears. He said loudly: "Sister, you can't die! Once you die, I will have no relatives in this world!..." She got dressed and stared at him.Under the moonlight, he saw her look sad. "I'm eighteen this year..." "..." "It's time for me to marry a wife..." "..." "Sister, since I was sixteen I have dreamed of marrying you one day! Besides you, I, Brother Zhuo, are not satisfied with Seven Fairies marrying me! The Red Mill is our home! Intercourse is only for the sake of Ziwei Village! We love each other, have boys and girls, and live forever... Sister, you have to say something!..." "..." "You said you would marry me!" She threw herself on him all of a sudden, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kept kissing his face and shoulders... He hugged her waist with both hands, feeling his firm chest pressed tightly against her protruding breasts, as if he was comfortably pressed against a thick cushion filled with new cotton.His body suddenly softened... But he still stubbornly demanded: "Speak, speak!..." But her body slumped in his arms.She put her face on his chest, and then kept kissing his chest... He cupped her face with both hands, and saw that her eyes were already full of tears. So he bent down and kissed her eyes.As if trying to swallow the tears from her eyes... So their lips kissed together, and they couldn't separate for a while... They fell on the fine sand on the river bank at the same time.The beach was warmed by the sun all day long, warming their bodies... These two, a man and a woman who secretly worshiped their siblings when they were children, are rolling on the warm sandy beach, passionately kissing and loving each other... The love between a man and a woman for the first time is touching, but also out of order.They are like two greedy kittens, and the other is a lively little fish, they both wish to swallow each other in one mouthful, and because the other is alive and kicking, they have no place to eat... In the process, her clothes peeled off of her again on the sand... She grabbed one of his hands, not allowing him to take off her short panties... There were several barking dogs in the village. Fluttering, another resident bird flew up from the bushes. They were all taken aback... "Don't be in such a hurry! My sister will be yours sooner or later. Since you want to be husband and wife with my sister, you will spend the rest of your life supporting us!..." "Then, after we become husband and wife, can I still call you sister?" "Okay." "What about you, what do you call me?" "I call you Brother Zhuo." "No...you have to call me brother..." "Okay. I'll call you brother as before..." "It's different from before. I used to call secretly, but now that I'm a husband and wife, I don't need to call secretly anymore. Call me whatever you want, but it's better than before!..." So they all smiled happily.Then they discussed how to successfully become a husband and wife. According to her, the matter is very simple, both of them need to register.She also said that even if she didn't register, she would come to live with him, and the people in Ziwei Village would have nothing to do with her! He said that would not work.It's not that simple.After all, he was brought up together by the villagers of Ziwei Village.It is a lifelong event, he has to do it so that all the people in Ziwei Village can't find reason. In the end, she was persuaded by him and agreed that he would go to the village chief first, begging the village chief to make the decision for them, and to talk to the Liu family.Because she is still a member of the Liu family in terms of status, and the Liu family couple are still considered her "adoptive parents"!Although he, like her, no longer considers the village chief a decent man. ... The village chief shook his head at Brother Zhuo's wish.It seems that his idea is the weirdest and most absurd idea in the world. The village chief said, "No, no! What a man you are, and what a woman she is! You two are not compatible!" "But we both would," he said. "What words!"——The village chief stared, "What words! Is this something you two can do if you want to! You were raised by our Ziwei Village from a child to eighteen years old. Who am I? I am a The head of the village! If an ordinary man or woman in our Ziwei Village is your parents, then I am your grandfather! Do I have no right to make decisions about your marriage?..." When mentioning Ziwei Village's great kindness to him, he immediately felt ashamed. "I...Uncle the village chief, am I here to ask you to be the master?..." "But I don't agree!" "But our Ziwei Village is unfair to her! We are a village that has been praised in the provincial newspaper, how can we believe that she is the granddaughter of the White Tiger Spirit?..." The village chief was startled for a moment, and then he spoke in an official voice slowly: "Well! As the village chief, do I believe that? Can you, brother Zhuo, specifically point out which person in our Ziwei Village believes so?  … ..." He was also taken aback by the village chief's question. He wanted to use some words to hint at the village chief, let the village chief understand that he knew about the village chief and the woman from the Liu family, and hoped that it would help the village chief change his attitude.But this thought stirred in his heart for a while, and he tamed it on his own. He didn't dare. "Well, since you have fallen in love with her, why should I forcefully stop her? But, I have to ask for the opinions of ordinary people in Ziwei Village, right? Your marriage, brother Zhuo, is not an ordinary marriage. Other people's marriages are different. It’s fine to be an advisor to your parents. If you want to, if your parents agree, no one can interfere. As you said just now, you have been a newspaper person since you were nine years old! The big reporter of the provincial newspaper has been I haven’t forgotten you! I still want to write a sequel about you and sing praises to our Ziwei Village! If your marriage is discussed, the good reputation of our Ziwei Village will be ruined! I, the village head, have failed in my duties. ! All the people in Ziwei Village will be depressed for generations!..." The village head taught people tirelessly, and he spoke a lot of persuasive words, which seemed to be based on emotion and reason.It seems to be so pious and thoughtful. Brother Zhuo had nothing to say for a while.He felt that the way the village chief looked at him was like looking at an ignorant child who was capricious on a whim. "Brother Zhuo, don't worry! Since Ziwei Village has raised you from a six-year-old child to eighteen years old, it will not fail to be responsible for you to the end! You are only eighteen years old, why are you so anxious? I can watch you fight for the rest of your life Single? Marriage between a man and a woman is a good match. Besides, the Liu family must nod, right? Then Xiaoqin was raised by the Liu family after all, right? If the Liu family disagrees, I will be a villager Even the ones who are long don’t dare to force it! Isn’t that considered snatching a kiss?…” The village head patted him on the shoulder and sent him out of the house with a friendly face. And from that day on, Brother Zhuo never saw Xiaoqin again.He went to wait for her by the river almost every night until midnight. He understood that it was the Liu family who kept her under strict supervision and did not allow her to go out easily. But he didn't know that the lecherous village chief himself has long had unreasonable thoughts about a wild lily-like little piano that is just blooming and tender, and he just waits for the opportunity to attack her!How could he be willing to give Xiaoqin to him so easily! ... In the blink of an eye, autumn arrives.Brother Zhuo is married!The happy day is the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.But the bride is not the Xiaoqin whom he wishes to call "Sister" all his life... The wedding was held on the flat grounds in front of the Red Mill.There were a lot of onlookers, including many men and women from neighboring villages who came to watch the scene. Brother Zhuo wears red flowers and the bride wears a red hijab. The two of them hold the red silk of their hearts together, facing a monument covered with red cloth. The old man who presided over the marriage waved lightly, and someone slowly tore the red cloth away... The old man who presided over the marriage said one word with an extremely solemn expression: "Read!" So the big reporter who came from the provincial capital read the inscription aloud: "Ziwei Village gave birth to Brother Zhuo, who lost his parents at a young age and became a weak orphan. The villagers love each other and raise them in rotation. Eat a hundred meals and wear a hundred families. Clothes, sleeping on the bed of hundreds of families, being loved by hundreds of families, and being cared by hundreds of families. Now Zhuo Ge is an adult, and several highly respected old men are also matchmaker. He married Zhang Jiang, a widow from other places. Long live. I hope that the husband and wife will honor the virtues of the village and swear to repay their hearts. Follow the rules, make the name of the village great, carry forward the style of the village, and maintain the reputation of the village..." Brother Zhuo looked at the stele anxiously, as if it was a specific benefactor, and also a symbol of the unity of strict father and loving mother.He seemed to be listening with bated breath to every word the big reporter read.In fact, the mind is empty, the six minds are wandering, all thoughts are lost, and it's just involuntary.Indescribable sadness was condensed in his eyes, but none of the people who were entertained by the lively atmosphere could see it. The old man who presided over the marriage asked him: "Brother Zhuo, do you understand?" He was stunned in a kind of dull stupor. "Brother Zhuo, do you understand?" "Oh... I understand, I understand..." The old man asked again: "Then, what do you have to say?" He timidly replied: "No, no..." He felt that the surrounding atmosphere was exerting more and more invisible pressure on him. The old man, who was serious and overly solemn, turned his face hard: "Huh? How can you have nothing to say?" Brother Zhuo suddenly muttered mechanically: "Yes, yes, I have something..." "Since you have something to say, then you can say it!" Brother Zhuo said incoherently: "Being a donkey and being a horse... I would like to be a donkey and be a horse. In this red mill, I would spend my whole life grinding mills for the whole village, serving as envoys of hundreds of families all my life, without being paid... If I had the slightest My son repented, and the sky struck five thunders..." The presiding elder Xinxin twisted his beard and nodded slightly... The onlookers, especially those in Ziwei Village, seemed to be greatly moved... An old woman wiped her tears and murmured: "What a kind and righteous child, you know how to repay your kindness..." The old man said again: "Brother Zhuo, your parents died early, so please pay respects to this monument! If you pay respects to this monument, you will pay respects to your parents and the whole village..." So Brother Zhuo knelt on his knees.Lianxin pulled the red silk, and the bride also knelt down. He fixedly looked at the stone tablet and said: "Master parents, today, the whole village is in charge. We have married our son and married a daughter-in-law. My son will be able to carry on the family line for our family. If you have spirits under the nine springs, you will never die again." You don't have to worry about your son. Together with your son, let's thank the whole village for their kindness and virtue!..." So he kowtowed to the stele.After a bow, tears filled both eyes.After the second worship, tears flowed down my cheeks.After three prostrations, his face was wet like washing, and he swallowed with sobs. His whole heart was cracked and broken in his chest. People were even more moved.Many men and women could not help but wipe away their tears... Suddenly, there was some commotion in the crowd - it was Xiaoqin, who was dressed extremely charmingly, pushing from behind to in front of the crowd.She is brand new from top to bottom, from clothes to trousers to shoes, all bought with the money she collected herbs and sold.She wore all her "personal property" on that day.Her freshly washed face looked so fresh, her hair so neatly combed, so carefully braided in a large braid that hung dramatically across her bosom.There is also a large bright red wild flower on her temples, which makes her face even whiter.Her expression was as cold as ice, and she stared at the back of Brother Zhuo who was kneeling there... The women standing beside her avoided her with winks at each other, and fled elsewhere.Immediately a few men filled in and stood close to her. When Brother Zhuo and the bride got up, Xiaoqin screamed.All eyes were cast on her for a moment, and brother Zhuo also spotted her.The four eyes met, his eyes were stunned, and he quickly looked into the distance. The old man who presided over the marriage looked at Xiaoqin majestically and reprimanded: "What's your name?" She blushed and said angrily, "A man is grabbing my chest!" The women booed first.It seemed that they all thought that in this case, even in that case, a little girl should never speak out in public.Once she said it, the shame would all belong to the woman herself. And she knew it in her heart.Obviously, she wanted to say it out loud. But the men shouted after the women's booing: "you are lying!" "You are pouring dirty water on the good reputation of our Ziwei Village!" "Brother Zhuo is getting married, what do you want to do with your flirtatious dress?" "Isn't it likely that you want to seduce the bridegroom?" That's right, she was dressing herself up in a coquettish manner, and she also intentionally ruined the wedding scene to take revenge.Three points of the revenge was aimed at Brother Zhuo, and seven points were aimed at all the villagers of Ziwei Village. The father-in-law in the crowd twitched his cheeks with anger. The mother-in-law tugged at him and said viciously: "We are used to her! Let's go, let's go, what face is there to stand here!..." Xiaoqin stared at them dragging each other away, becoming even more reckless.She pointed to some men and said with a sneer: "Ziwei Village's good reputation is like a dirty pillow wrapped in flower cloth! None of you are good people! You, peeked at me taking a bath by the river! How dare you say no What about you? You met me on the mountain and teased me! And you! You once said shameless things to me, and I slapped you in the face!..." She shot arrows in her eyes, and finally looked at the village chief: "You big village chief with a fake face, I just don't want to talk about your deeds! Just save some face for you!..." The village chief stomped his feet angrily: "You, you...you are presumptuous!..." "Don't believe her nonsense! My husband is a gentleman! Little bitch! See if I don't tear your mouth open!..." The village chief's woman rushed towards her with her teeth and claws... Fearlessly, she slammed headfirst into the opponent, knocking him on the back.And the woman knocked over the long case again—the peanuts, melon seeds, cigarettes, candies, and steamed buns on the case were scattered and rolled all over the floor... The old man who presided over the marriage shouted: "What a brave girl! How dare you come here to disturb the wedding event of my Ziwei Village! Destroy the reputation of my Ziwei Village in public! Drive her across the river! Never cross the Ziwei Bridge again!" Come to the east of the village!..." That's what people seem to expect.So regardless of gender, they rushed up to her, spat and beat her... Wedding chaos. The bride quietly lifted her hijab, took a look, and put it down again.The bride grabbed Brother Zhuo's hand and said, "Let's go into the house!" Whether he wanted to or not, she dragged him into the Red Mill and closed the two doors. A new house has been partitioned in the Red Mill.The bride kept dragging Brother Zhuo into the new house.The new house has been arranged hastily, although it can't help but look shabby and dealt with, but after all, it has a sense of being a new house.A half mirror is hung on one wall, and next to the mirror is a New Year picture of Guanyin delivering a child.There is an old table and two old chairs, all of which are given to Zhuo Ge's kind villagers. As soon as the bride entered the new room, she groped to the edge of the bed and sat down generously. Brother Zhuo said anxiously: "I'm really sorry that I surprised you." At that time, he didn't know how old the bride was or what she looked like. But the bride said: "Don't surprise me, I've seen everything!" He struck up a conversation and said, "Really, I don't know which province and county you are from?" When he was speaking, he looked out of the window and saw that people had dispersed on the grounds of the mill.Some children from this village and other villages are scrambling to grab the peanuts and melon seeds on the ground and stuff them into their pockets. He also saw Xiaoqin.She prostrated herself on the ground, her braids were undone, and her clothes were ripped open, revealing her white shoulders.The shoes on her feet are missing... He heard his bride say behind him: "From now on, she will be your wife. Do you know, and what?" She spoke so nonchalantly, with a calm tone.
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