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Chapter 4 Chapter 3.2

want to say 梁晓声 12769Words 2018-03-19
Of course, their cooperation was not without friction.For example, the gate formed by eight pillars staggered back and forth, according to the sketch design, is not what it is now.The eight pillars, no matter from any angle, are eight, and none of them can block the other.The boss has no problem with this point, and admits that the idea is very unique.But he didn't like those pillars that were unusually tall and short, and he didn't like that there were a group of long-billed or wide-billed, fan-winged or single-legged waterfowl on them. He frowned and asked the old sculptor: "It's not at the seaside, what are you doing with all those seabirds?"

The old sculptor explained patiently: "Those are not seabirds, but waterfowl. They will fly wherever there is water. Look, there are rivers winding around the resort!..." The boss said: "Anyway, it's all the same! It's good or bad. When people see some birds for the first time, they may leave a memory of the bird's place. Smash it, smash it, smash it all!..." So they were all smashed down, and according to his will, they were changed to the current archway-style door tops. There is also a tripod in front of the main building of Yingbin, with a height of 2888 meters; 2 symbolizes the 21st century, and 8, of course, means "fa".The whole body is gold-plated, and the sun shines, and the golden light is shining.That thing was not in the sketch, but the boss insisted on getting it out and standing there.

The old sculptor once persuaded with all his heart, saying that once that thing existed, it would be too inconsistent with the overall style of the resort, and he was afraid that it would give people a bad impression of worshiping power and money. The boss didn't think so, and asked confidently: "Who in the world doesn't worship power? Who doesn't worship money? A person who neither worships power nor money, can he still be regarded as a person? Especially men, firstly, they don't worship power, and secondly, they don't worship money. Then why is he still alive? I don’t ask for power, can I build a resort in such an ideal place? I don’t ask for money, so why should I invest such a large sum of money in it?..."

The two "old" cannot be said to go together, and the "old" who obeys can only be the old sculptor. On the day of ribbon cutting, more than 200 people from all walks of life came to congratulate.Cars arrived one after another, filling up a field as big as half a football field in front of the gate.In addition to the prominent figures in the province, many of the visitors were distinguished guests from other places.More than 20 officials from the provinces and cities were present.Zhao Huizhi didn't come that day, she said she was hosting a meeting.Gong Qimin didn't come either. His secretary said he went to inspect a factory.

A provincial official said with great emotion: "Even if the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government organize an event, it is not easy to convene so many people. The economic leverage is really powerful!" The old sculptor himself was also a guest wearing red flowers on his chest that day.He was very worried that people would say some merciless sarcastic words when they saw the gilded cauldron.Unexpectedly, when people saw it, they were full of admiration, and they all said it was great!So bold, so awe-inspiring!The tripod stood there, how could it be possible not to remember Jinding Leisure Resort?Its visual impact is too great and the impression is too deep.They also said that here and there the statues of figures in black granite, bronze or white marble paled in comparison.

The boss pulled the old sculptor aside and asked quietly, "How is it? Did you hear me?" The old sculptor's face turned red to the ears, and he felt ashamed. The boss smiled understandingly, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be depressed either. I won't think that the foreign things you make are bad just because I heard what they said. They are very interesting! Just look at them. Eye-catching! The things you made are good, and the big guy I want is also good. I want a tripod in my heart, so you made a tripod that is unparalleled in the world, isn't it almost unparalleled in the world? … "

The old sculptor thought to himself—the tripod, it is something that only existed in ancient China.I have never seen such a tall and large tripod unearthed anywhere; I have never heard of such a tall and large tripod built in modern times, so it is really almost the first tripod in China.If only China has something, if China is the first, of course it will be unparalleled in the world. The old sculptor replied solemnly: "I think it must be like that." The boss patted him on the shoulder again, and said happily: "What I think in my heart is, after all, just what I think in my heart. You made it out, and you made my wish come true! Moreover, I didn't think about it beforehand." Knowing what kind of tripod I want, the big guy you made made me understand that what I want is exactly that style! So, what other people say about its goodness is also about your level Well! Even more than half of the credit for this tripod should go to you!"

Looking at the boss, the old sculptor felt comforted and liked him more and more. For a moment, he felt that the boss was the only confidant in the world, and he was so excited that he couldn't speak... At the beginning of autumn, the garden is full of strange chrysanthemums brought here from other places in full bloom among the green grass and green trees.There are also many beauties, who serve drinks and walk among the guests attentively; or invite people to take pictures everywhere with smiles in twos and threes.Slender and graceful figure, delicate face, everywhere you look.And this beautiful situation made the men become unprecedentedly gentle, unprecedentedly refined, and unprecedentedly gentlemen.

It seems that the boss is indeed very positive about the sculptor's artistic achievements.During the banquet, he arranged the sculptor at the main table.In addition to himself, the sculptor, and a beautiful and mature girl in his twenties and eighteen years old, that is, his personal secretary, at the main table were several cadres from the provinces and cities.The big leaders left in a hurry after cutting the ribbon.They came here to cut the ribbon in the midst of their busy schedules to give the boss enough face; the small officials did not have the turn to sit at the main table; what remained were a few middle-aged and small cadres. They followed the instructions of the big leaders and represented them. Your support and attention, you must sit until the end of the song.

In the thank-you speech, the boss once again mentioned the old sculptor’s recognized artistic achievements with sincere and commendable words, expressing his full respect for art as a successful businessman in this province. , full of respect for the artist. The boss's speech of thanks ended with warm applause, followed by cadres of all ages and small groups reading the congratulatory speech aloud on behalf of all aspects of the province and city.When the last one spoke, the girl sitting next to the old sculptor lost no time in listening to the old sculptor: "Teacher, please say a few words. Our boss praised you so much just now. If you don't say a few words, it seems too much." It's inappropriate!"

As all readers know, in China, apart from educators, other people whose professional characteristics have something to do with literature and art are often referred to as "teachers" with full respect.The old sculptor is the vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and he is well-known throughout the country.He is called "teacher", that's even more justified!A few strands of girl's temple hair touched the old sculptor's cheek, which made the old sculptor's face and heart itchy.The faint scent of perfume emanating from the girl made the old sculptor feel passionate.The girl called him "teacher" so sweetly, and reminded him so intimately, the old sculptor, who was usually reluctant to stand up and speak in such a lively and extravagant occasion, felt that if he did not impromptu To say a few words, I feel too sorry for the boss, and I am too sorry for the considerate girl. When the middle-aged cadres who spoke last finished their reading, the old sculptor reached out to pass the microphone. The fact that the old sculptor was usually reluctant to speak did not mean that he was not good at speaking.How many people who are engaged in art are really not good at speaking?In our China, any individual, no matter how reluctant to speak, must have spoken countless times in his life.There is always no escape from declarative speeches!The old sculptor in his sixties used his special skill in speech, that is, the ability to make speeches that are often unavoidable. He stood up slowly and looked around, as if he was not good at expressing, clumsy and clumsy, so he had to say carefully-"Artists and business people seem to be two types of people who lack communication and understanding with each other .Artists have always been self-proclaimed, and don't look down on business people. They often mistakenly believe that no business is not evil. For example, as an artist, I have only read about it in books, newspapers, radio, and TV. I have heard the saying of "Confucian merchants". As for where the Confucian merchants are, I don't know where the Confucian merchants are. I didn't get to know each other before. Now Sansheng is fortunate to have cooperated with the boss of the "Jinding Group". I dare not say without cooperation. One partner knows—there is a Confucian businessman in the world! He is a real Confucian businessman! Where is Confucianism? Confucianism is there, he is not building a foundation for the family; he is not collecting for himself Wealth; if he had to say that he was doing it for the family, then the concept of the family is very big in his mind, as big as our entire province. He is a child who loves his hometown infinitely. Heart, dedicate Jinding Leisure Resort as a gift to all the people in their hometown! The accumulation of wealth by Confucian businessmen is for the people of the world! In them, the thought of the benevolent and loving others is concretely and fully embodied. Yes Yes, the property owner and legal representative of this resort I know and understand is exactly such a Confucian businessman. I can cooperate with him, Sansheng is lucky, Sansheng is lucky..." When the old sculptor spoke, there was silence.Because people really want to hear what an important figure in the provincial art world has to say about Jinding Leisure Resort and its owner.A considerable number of people present had never heard of the boss's name before.Regarding the emergence of a resort with such good geomantic omens here, I have never received any information before, and it was only after I was invited to visit that I opened my eyes.The instigator of it is obviously not the kind of person who is well-known and likes to pre-hype everything, but must be a down-to-earth, unassuming person who likes to make things happen in one fell swoop... Many people have this in mind when they visit.After listening to the impromptu speech of the old sculptor, I feel that my opinion is further confirmed.And if people feel that their opinions are confirmed by other people's evaluation of something or someone, they will usually secretly feel a little complacent.Probably so. The crowd applauded loudest when the old sculptor's speech was over. Flattery words and money, one is kung fu, the other is blade. The flattery is kung fu, not Stephen Chow's Tathagata palm in "Kung Fu"; The moves of the "three righteous men" carry powerful hard kung fu, but are a bit like Fang Zubo's soft kung fu, and a bit like the piano magic kung fu of the two gangster killers. It is difficult to counterattack and parry. Money is a weapon you can see and touch.Since ancient times, it has been invincible.Although the world has developed into the age of missiles, missiles are of no practical use to deal with individual people alone.Even if it is used extremely cleverly, it can only blow up a person without a trace, but absolutely cannot turn a person's mouth into his own word of mouth willingly. An old sculptor in his sixties, until that day, the biggest remuneration he received was paid by the owner of Jinding Leisure Resort.That remuneration was more than twice the sum of all the remuneration he had received before.Such a considerable amount will ensure that he will spend his old age in peace, without having to look around for opportunities to make money; show. And this decided that he would either not attend at all.But that was not justifiable to him anyway.First of all, he couldn't convince himself if he didn't come at all.After all, he poured a lot of effort into it.If you don't come, how can you hear other people's comments!Artists care about hearing other people's face-to-face comments.Or, just sit there without saying a word, and don't open your mouth when anyone reminds or hints.If you do that, you will make the girl next to you feel ashamed and unable to get off the stage!So how can a glamorous girl embarrass others?And since I have to stand up and say something, it would be too unreasonable, too unsightly, and too unreasonable not to choose someone who pays me a large reward to listen to the words that are pleasant to my ear.Isn't the evil of the master's scenery the same as the evil of one's own scenery?Why do you have to spoil your own scenery as well as your master's?Besides, the master, didn't you already say a lot of things you like to hear in your speech? ... With the above thoughts in the mind of the old sculptor, his words could not be otherwise. The fact is that he was arranged to sit at the main table within the careful arrangements of the boss.The boss arranges his beautiful secretary to sit next to him, also out of overall deployment needs.The old sculptor thought he knew his boss quite well, which only proved that the old sculptor was quite simple after all.The boss knew the sculptor well, and he judged that as long as his secretary reminded him softly, he would not refuse to speak; he judged what he would say once he opened his mouth, and he was very sure of it. as expected. The boss's pre-emptive flattery; the boss's money knife that has penetrated the old sculptor's life; coupled with the boss's deployment of beauty tricks, at that moment, the old sculptor had the expected good response. Nowadays, who wants to listen to some officials' evaluation of private bosses?Isn't that almost becoming a kind of job content for some officials who are keen to rush to the market?Their status and their words often have a price secretly.What they say is something that needs to be considered and weighed over and over again.It is necessary to be worthy of their own social status, but also to speak tactfully, without leaving any excuses - is there any meaning in that?What's more, the big leaders left after attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony with excuses, and those who stayed to accompany them to the end were only half-sized characters.Whether you say it or don't say it, it's nothing more than a well-balanced cliché in such a situation, model words, what's there to listen to? The boss basically didn't hear a word of their speech.At that time, he was eating with chopsticks here and there.His secretary threw a wink at him, but he pretended not to notice, ignored him, and took what he wanted.To say that it is not easy to be a boss, there are so many people who come from various aspects, they are all invited as guests, and some of them have to beg in person or call again and again.It's the time for non-remuneration, and you have lost your etiquette. If you ask me for something next time, will they still bother you?Probably he was really hungry too, so he had time to stuff something into his mouth indiscriminately. When the old sculptor spoke, there was no need for the secretary girl to wink at him. He put down his chopsticks and consciously stuffed nothing into his mouth.That way, he listened very awkwardly, as if he was uncomfortable listening, like a low-key gentleman who doesn't like to listen to others saying good things about himself in front of his own face.He fidgeted and scratched his head; several times he tried to stand up, snatched the microphone from the old sculptor's hand, and diverted the topic elsewhere.But that's fake.He acted like that.Others, even the people at the same table, couldn't see that he was pretending.This proves that his pretentious skills are also quite deep.If no one saw that his pretending was not in line with the actual situation, there was still one person who knew it well.Only one person is his secretary Zheng Lan.Between her and him, that is understanding.The girl saw it immediately, and the girl cooperated in time without losing elegance.Whenever he seemed to stand up because he couldn't bear it, the girl gave him a tug.As soon as she pulled him, he sat down again.The movement of the girl to pull him is not too big.In view of all eyes, the action is too big, and others will feel that it is not what the secretary did.But it's not too small. If the action is too small, others can't see it, and they will doubt the boss. How is my personality.In our China, modesty has been one of the virtues since ancient times.A person with good personality, then he should be a humble person at the same time, shouldn't he?Since he is a humble person, shouldn’t he be humble when others comment on him face to face, almost with words of praise?If not, then wouldn't his personality quality be greatly discounted in the eyes of others?Nowadays, although the virtue of modesty has been questioned by young people, it still has the charm of virtue among middle-aged and elderly people!Young people generally have very little other capital except youth.If you continue to be humble, you may lose all your strengths and lose everything.Therefore, the virtue of humility, if it can be viewed as a virtue after all from the perspective of humanistic philosophy, it is hardly suitable for young people.The virtue of modesty requires people to have some capital worthy of being humble to set it off.And what young people generally lack is those, humility can't afford it, it is forgivable.That's another matter. Nine out of ten people who came to the banquet were middle-aged and elderly people; the boss himself was not young anymore, he was in his early fifties.So when the old sculptor stood opposite the boss and said how the boss was a respectable Confucian businessman, many people looked at the boss in unison, just to see how he reacted.And so, the boss seemed uncomfortable listening to it, and the reaction of wanting to get up and interrupt the old sculptor's words several times was very necessary for him.His secretary pulled him down several times, and it was very necessary for him to cooperate. Zheng Lan, who has a peachy face, is really a good secretary who knows what to do and how to do it.Whenever the boss stood up, she pinched the sleeve of his suit with her thumb and forefinger and gave him a light tug.At that time, the middle finger, ring finger and little finger of her hand were curved or straight to varying degrees, presenting a very beautiful hand posture.Not only is it beautiful, such a hand posture is visually eye-catching and obviously visible.She didn't just pinch his cuff between her thumb and forefinger and pull him.The boss is a short and fat man, a man who is short but not too short, fat but not too fat, short but not thin, fat but not fat.He belongs to the kind of man who is solid and solid, as the saying goes, "five short stature, axle man".Even if he is already standing, if the girl pulls his cuffs, that action is almost a small action below the table, and many people can't see it.If others can't see it, they will completely lose the meaning and best effect of cooperation.The way the girl teased him was very unique.She first leaned her upper body back slightly, so that she would not block the sight of others looking at her boss.Then she raised one of her arms.Not too high, not too low.As a result, many people's eyes were immediately attracted to her.Then, her little finger curled up beautifully, and the hand with the fingers of the other four fingers just above her head gently stroked her hair—from top to bottom, from front to back, around the pinna after the stroke was over He moved towards her boss, and at the half of his sleeve, that is, at the elbow, he pinched and pulled gently with his hand in a beautiful posture.Such an inadvertently elegant and modest gesture made it clear to all those who were looking at the boss, no matter from which angle they were looking. The body language contained in her behavior is as follows: look, my boss is a very humble person, how can he bear others in front of everyone and in front of himself? What about words of praise to him?He couldn't listen anymore, didn't he stand up and want to interrupt the old sculptor and grab the microphone?But as a secretary, how could I not remind him not to do that?What a bad thing to do then!The old sculptor is also sincerely expressing his personal opinion on him!Special respect should be given to those who engage in art!He is also a person with artistic status and artistic status. It would be impolite to interrupt what he is saying.As a secretary, can I not remind my boss again and again?Then I am so remiss.Alas, alas, boss, boss, why are you so unmannered at a time like this?Why do you always try to interrupt others?Everyone's demeanor is a kind of demeanor that no matter what others are saying, whether they belittle themselves or praise themselves, they should treat them with a smile and listen attentively.Oh, boss, boss, don't stand up anymore, you have already made it difficult for me as a secretary! ... After the girl pushed her boss to sit down again and again, she still blushed and winked her charming eyes playfully at the tablemate, like a young mother because of the inappropriate behavior of her child who is not yet sufficiently educated , and embarrassed and ashamed in front of others. At that time, the other men at the same table, that is, those middle-aged and small cadres, all had a very good impression of the girl.What a secretary!People look good, and professional performance is also good.The combination of two good things is good, good, good.They look at the boss who looks like a man with axles for a while, and look at the girl with fancy looks for a while, and their psychology is a little unbalanced and a little jealous.They are all men, why is it forbidden to hire female secretaries once they become state cadres?This kind of prohibition is too inhumane!When can the humanities abolish it?How do those deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the CPPCC sympathize with state cadres?Why not ask this question, which is too inhumane to state cadres? They were thinking in their hearts, what exactly the old sculptor said, so they didn't pay attention to it.It is in line with such a Chinese phenomenon - what you say is your business, whether you listen or not is my business.It seems to be listening, but what I think in my heart is more my business. Such a Chinese phenomenon is still affecting more and larger people at various times and on various occasions. The boss saw that the senior cadres at the same table were not paying attention to what the old sculptor was saying. He didn't care if they listened or not. In his mind, they are actually of no importance, let alone have any important position. Those who directly affected his career were not half-sized state cadres like them.In his arrangement, they were sitting at the main table, which was just an embellishment needed for the scene. As for the words of the old sculptor, he himself felt very comfortable in his heart, and his ears were very useful. O sculptor!People who engage in art!There are some famous people all over the country!He is also a vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference! Nowadays, ah, in China, if you want to count out a small group of people who are arrogant and unflattering, and they are chasing around in groups, you still have to search and find among people who are engaged in art. !There are not many people who are engaged in art.Some were attracted by the huge magnetism of the officialdom, and some were dyed by the huge dye vat of the market.But even if it is already rare, it still exists after all, and it is not completely extinct! The person in front of me who is talking good things about himself is the one who has been self-sufficient in words and deeds for decades! The boss thought to himself, how arrogant and self-confident he has always been, that is recognized by all the people in the province and even the whole country who know him as a sculptor!That is a consistent word of mouth! Ladies and gentlemen, let's listen to how a person like him who has been arrogant and arrogant for decades, commented on me, who you are not familiar with, don't know much about, and I haven't even heard of it before. businessman's bar. He is not the kind of person who speaks well of whoever pays him!It's not the kind of person who has a good impression of anyone who pays him a high salary!Isn't there that kind of businessman who also paid him a high fee and respected him like a master, but in the end the cooperation was extremely unpleasant and left a very bad impression on him?Didn't he criticize and derogate some businessmen in the newspaper without naming them, thinking that they are full of money, short-sighted, and stupid to collect money by any means? For the half-sized cadres at the same table, the boss thought that if they could play the role of a microphone, that would be enough. The ribbon-cutting activity went well from the beginning to the end. The old sculptor who cooperated with the owner of the resort spoke highly of the owner’s business quality-only to report such a general impression and general feeling to the big leaders they represent, The wishes and goals he entrusted to them will be fulfilled and achieved. In comparison, he cared more about how the other tables and the many distinguished guests reacted to the words of the old sculptor.Because what they represent is unofficial, and the reaction of the entire society, including the media, must not be underestimated.Times are very different.Straightening out the official relationship that directly affects the success or failure of his career means smoothing out several big state officials. For him, Louis is familiar with it like the palm of his hand.What's more, the so-called official impression, to put it bluntly, isn't it just the impression of a high official and the attitude of a high official?How many of the officials, half-aged and not young, really dare to disagree with the attitude of the high-ranking officials? Fortunately, the secretary cleverly cooperated with him again and again, and the old sculptor made a lot of enthusiastic and sincere praise speeches, which were almost interrupted but not interrupted at all. It's over. Really, rather than listening to the speeches of leading cadres, ordinary people are more willing to listen to what art people have to say about people and things.It is also a word of praise, as long as it is not too nasty, people's psychology is still easy to accept.People who engage in art often express their views on people and things in a very romantic way.When people think about it this way, they don't care too much about whether people who engage in art have exaggerated their views on people and things.Besides, what is true?Seeing is believing!They think that their eyes are really watching—the speech of the old sculptor is not a pre-arranged speech!It's not a kind of speech that is commonplace on the scene and slanderous!It was a kind of speech made by people who expressed their emotions without any mental preparation!A kind of impromptu speech when I got excited and had to say something!They neither resented his speeches of praise, but also generously believed that they were just too personal and romantic expressions, and they didn't care whether his words were appropriate or not, and whether his evaluation was too high, people unconsciously In between, it has been greatly affected. Businessmen like "Confucian merchants" are rumored a lot in China, but in fact there are very few businessmen.Now, that day, one appeared in this province!A businessman who can truly be called a Confucian businessman.An old sculptor in this province who has been proud and self-contained for decades, with his personal experience and deep impression, proved that the owner of Jinding Leisure Resort was a hermit in the city before, so they didn't hear much about it. The unremarkable boss in the past is a businessman worthy of the word "Confucian businessman"... People believed the words of the old sculptors.At least believe in the words of some officials, and more than believe in the words of some media.Nowadays, when some officials say good things about a certain businessman, even if he is really a dutiful businessman, a Confucian businessman, people's inner thoughts become complicated.It is just the opposite, true Confucianism is also difficult to Confucianism.And what if the media praises businessmen?The direct thought of most people is-cheesy!Hate the poor and love the rich! The prolonged applause of the people was quite heartfelt.That was in a way drummed up by their own ears and their own eyes.Their ears have long lost sight of genuine words.What they saw in their eyes was a Confucian businessman who was not very good-looking, and obviously not very educated, and basically had no good temperament to speak of. In the early years, we Chinese had no good impression of business people like the boss of Jinding Leisure Resort, and often even looked down upon them.They often involuntarily think of their less-than-dignified "beginnings", for example, they may be people like "brokers" and "brokers" in earlier years; or worse... Nowadays, quite young businessmen have appeared, with a particularly good image, good temperament, good self-cultivation and good education, and even foreign-educated businessmen with foreign backgrounds such as foreign masters, foreign masters and doctors have gradually emerged. Our common Chinese People, so I feel that those businessmen from bad backgrounds in the past are cuter. This is not enough to prove how weird we Chinese are. In fact, between successful people who have only one or two points that make us have to admire or even sometimes feel jealous and successful people who are first-class in all aspects, no matter whether they are successful Whether a successful businessman or some other successful person, in the minds of people of the same gender, it is doomed that the former is more likely to gain our favor. Those who have all the good conditions in the world, those who can handle all the good things in the world and benefit greatly, are disgusting and hateful in the eyes of people of the same sex.Sometimes it really makes people of the same gender look angry, only in the eyes of the opposite sex is it glamorous... "This boss is a nice guy, look at him, he's honest and honest!" "That's right, unlike some other bosses who just made a name for themselves and accumulated assets worth tens of millions, they act like a tycoon, wishing they could put their tails up in the sky." "Have you noticed? Just now when the vice chairman of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles said a few good things about him, he couldn't sit still. If his secretary hadn't teased him a few times, he would have grabbed the microphone to prevent others from finishing their speech. La!" "Why didn't you see it? Just because of this, I have a crush on him!" The applause subsided; the old sculptor sat down; the people at the other tables whispered and talked for a while. The boss stood up again, but his secretary stopped him.He took the microphone from the old sculptor, and said somewhat at a loss: "Our beloved old sculptor gave me a lot of compliments, what can I say? I can only say , Ashamed, ashamed! In addition to being ashamed, what else can I say? Tell me that I can’t say anything! So let me show my hand and sing a song for everyone! In fact, my singing level is better than my businessman’s. The level is much better!..." After saying that, he roared with a bull-like voice: Sister, you boldly go forward, Don't look back! ... His singing level is really hard to praise, but his courage is commendable, not to mention how devoted he is to singing, full of emotion and confidence.Although every sentence is out of tune, every sentence is deafening. After shouting the last sentence, his round, dark face turned purple. There was another burst of warm applause, mixed with laughter. The atmosphere became lively for a moment, and even the half-sized public servants at the same table let go of the restraint they had been holding on to as public servants for a long time, and shouted in unison—— "it is good!" Amidst applause, laughter and applause, there was a female reporter in her thirties who was unattractive among women and no one knew whether she was married (although the ratio of unmarried men and women in China is 1:4, four men and one woman, but It still requires extraordinary moral spirit for a man to decide to marry a woman with such looks.) He couldn't help but say with extremely emotional fluctuations: "I like him! I must fucking interview him!" The men and women around were all dumbfounded by her gaffe and her sentence "I'm fucking". But she didn't care about it, and ran to the boss's table together, holding a pen in one hand and a notebook in the other, and couldn't wait to shout: "I want to interview you! I want to interview you! You conquer me so much!" The boss laughed loudly and said: "I don't accept interviews. I never accept interviews. I don't need to make a name for myself!" - He took a glance at the business card presented by the female reporter with both hands, and said seriously: "You hold your hand high, and your pen is a good example. , don't publish my name in your gossip tabloid and sell the crap about how my idea got rich!" Seeing the female reporter rolled her eyes from being choked, she didn't know what to say for a while, so she put her arm around her shoulder and said loudly, "I'm sorry, I'm a rough person, I like to be straightforward. If you I can't get used to it, please bear with me! Eat and eat, you don't want to feast on such a sumptuous feast, why are you in such a hurry!" The female reporter had never been rejected so unceremoniously, she was very embarrassed, tearful, almost crying. "Please, please, please return to your seat first, return to your seat, I will accompany you to eat something. Hey, do me a favor too!" So he took the female reporter on his arm and walked to her seat together. 立刻有人拖过一把椅子,表示欢迎地请他坐下。 老板一落座,抓起双筷子,这样那样,就不停地往女记者碗里夹,并且说:“同志,有点儿雅量行不行?别那么满脸不高兴的样子!你要是非想完成点儿什么采访任务呢,那你一会儿就去采访我小蜜!我那点儿经历,她一清二楚!……” 说时,还惴惴地怯怯地扭头朝他女秘书那边看了一眼。 举座愕然,因了他背后说他的秘书是他“小蜜”;还因他既背后那么说了,又不由得惴惴的怯怯的那一种模样。 他却正色道:“诸位别笑,真的。全方位服务的女秘书,那还不是小蜜吗?世上男女之事,没有一个情字,还不就那么回事儿?一旦有了个情字,那可就不是件一般的事儿了。我俩之间,好事多磨,一言难尽,一言难尽!我这人好色,但我专于一色。身边有一美女,眼中再不见世上万千佳丽!我这人心里想什么,嘴上说什么。对于我,不能说完全没有什么藏着掖着生怕别人知道的事。有。很少。所以,大家别见怪。我感激她,没她在我困难之时,举步维艰之时,抚慰我,鼓励我,鞭策我,我早不辛辛苦苦地干这干那了!图什么呀?我还愁钱不够花的么?是她一再对我说,我有能力为咱们省的商界争光,把事业做得更大更好……” 他又扭头朝女秘书那边望了一次。 他的眼,也像女记者刚才那双眼似的,泪盈盈的了。 他擎杯道:“来来来,诸位,干一杯干一杯!为好人一生平安!为天下有情人终成眷属!……” 于是别人纷纷举杯,都与之杯杯轻撞,都重复他的话。而且,各自饮过之后,都一致以看着一个好人的眼光看着他了。 是啊是啊,大家都这么想,多好的一个男人啊!多好的一位老板啊!那么口无遮拦,那么直来直去!那么有一说一有二说二!那么的,那个那……用时下的话来形容——有透明度! 不是好人的人能那么有透明度吗?敢那么有透明度吗? 能像他那么有透明度敢像他那么有透明度的男人,能不是一个好男人么?先甭管他是不是一位老板!岂止好,还蛮可爱的呢! 老板放下酒杯,环视众人,压低声音又说:“我不坐回去了,不想陪那几位官员了。跟他们坐一块儿,吃也吃不好,话也不知该如何说。我不坐回去,他们也不必相互拘着身分了,我也自由了不是。我就坐你们这儿了行不行?” 那话,说得真挚劲儿的!可怜劲儿的!简直像一个被父母逼着去上什么文艺班的不情愿的儿童,试图寻求到体恤自己的叔叔阿姨们的袒护。 就座此桌的,除了女记者,其他几位皆六旬以上老人。最年长的,是除了女记者而外的第二位女性。她年纪看去可以做老板的母亲,女记者的祖母了,却面色红润,精神焕发,一头银丝,烫出恰到好处的微波。她端坐着几乎没怎么开口说过话。别人说话时,她那双比许多年轻人的眼还清澄的眼里,投出沉静又睿智的目光,默默地表情亲善地望着对方。她和他们皆是“明日黄花”。他们是省里各厅市里各局离休了的一二把手,有的还是公检法系统的前任老领导。至于她,前年过世了的老伴儿,曾任省安全厅的厅长;她本人是大学里离休了的法理学教授。在她退休以前,全省就她这么一位法理学教授。在本省公检法系统,老太太门下桃李数代。 她和他们,都不喜欢同桌的女记者。这么说也不太正确,正确的说法应该是——他们对某些小报专以贩卖八卦新闻为能事的现象,那是颇为反感的。这也难怪他们。从前他们都是一天不吃饭没什么,一天不读报不行的人。从前他们所读的报和现在的报太不一样了。现在他们也都是天天读报的老人,读完了就来气。整版的广告使他们来气;大幅的明星彩照使他们来气;标题挑逗的花边绯闻使他们来气;鸡零狗碎还偏要哗众取宠地报道成这个“内幕”那个“内幕”的“新闻”使他们来气;连对腐败的揭露批评,也使他们看了来气。因为他们作为国家干部时,都是堪称官品清白的。怎么一拨一拨没完没了地总有腐败分子啊,所以他们来气。亦忧。忧国。忧党。他们对小报的八卦现象既然如此反感,对本省最为八卦的一份小报的记者,自然是不大容易喜欢得起来的。除了老太太望着女记者的目光还算和蔼些(那是她身为教授的修养对她的要求),他们都是不愿拿正眼瞧女记者的。这也有女记者本身的问题。女记者嘛,女的嘛,不修边幅,给人的印象邋里邋遢,开口就是他们听起来很不着调的话语,还指间夹着烟大口大口地吸……非让他们全都表现出喜欢她的样子,也委实太难为他们了。女记者也看出了自己是不被喜欢的,再怎么说她也是一名记者,很敏感的。她本打算干脆离开这一桌,转移到别的桌去的。她也不情愿和些六旬以上的老人们坐在一桌啊。坐到别的桌去,兴许会碰上一下子就对自己产生了好感的人士呢!她心存侥幸地这么想。可是望来望去,哪一桌也没空位专等她转移过去。她也打算一走了之,可这盛宴的场面,又吸引住了她,使她不甘一走了之。她本能地觉得今天会有意外的收获,但究竟是什么样的收获,会使她意外到什么程度,却又茫茫然难以测之。她一直尴尴尬尬地坐在那儿,也使同桌的几位老人尴尬。 老板高调大嗓地拒绝采访的话,老者们全都听到了。他本来就是要说给众人听的,他的目的是达到了。否则,既然是俯耳说话,又何须那么的高调大嗓呢? 老者们全都听到了他的话,就全都对他心生出又一种好感来。因为他说出了他们早就想说而注定了越来越没机会可说,即使有什么机会可说别人们也将大不以为然的话。有人当众使一家八卦小报的记者下不来台,这是很使他们快意的事。而那个人还是这么排场的一次盛宴的主人,尤使老者们快感。又听他说了刚才那番话,也就是那番不愿坐回去相陪几位半大不小的干部的话,他们对他业已形成了的初级阶段的好印象,一下子膨化了,状态变大了,并且一下子跃上了高级阶段。竟不愿在自己操办的盛宴上和自己请来的官儿们坐在一起,多可爱的一位老板啊!可爱得多么与老板之众数不同啊!他们对坐在主桌的几位半大不小的官儿们,那也是颇不以为然的。不以为然于对方们理所当然的样子。论资格,对方怎么能与他们相比?论职位高低,他们现在如果还操权握柄着,那差不多都是对方的顶头上司。但他们毕竟卸职了,所以主桌就只能由对方去占据着了。对此他们是毫无怨言的。他们明了场面上的规矩,也都是涵养挺高故而十分可敬的老者。但没有怨言是一回事儿,半点儿都不失落那是另外一回事儿。失落不失落,往往与涵养无关,而是人头脑里的一种天生会这样或者会那样的化学反应。化学成分天生起反应,人的后天涵养能奈其何呢?
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