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Chapter 42 Trembling.3

Yu Hua Selected Novellas 余华 5855Words 2018-03-19
Zhou Lin nodded speciously, and Ma Lan asked him: "How many women have you stayed in an unfinished building, and it was on the sixth floor?" Nodding seriously, he said: "I remember, I stayed with a girl in an unfinished building, and I didn't expect it to be you." Malan smiled slightly, and she said to Zhou Lin: "Then You were only twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, and I was only twenty. You were a famous poet, and I was a girl who admired you. We sat together, on a high scaffold. The whole night I was Listening to you, I listened hard to every word you said, lest I miss a word, my admiration for you overwhelmed my admiration for you. You talked so much that night, and you said a lot of interesting things, your The topic jumps up and down, and after a while, you talk about another matter. After a while, you remember that you haven’t finished what you said just now, and you jump back, and you keep asking me: "Why are you talking?" not talking? "But after you finished asking, you started talking again. At that time, you had very long hair, and you waved your hands when you spoke, and your hair flicked back and forth in front of your forehead..." Ma Lan saw Zhou Lin in front of him. Nodding, she stopped and looked at him. Zhou Lin stepped in and said, "I completely remembered. Your eyes were shining at that time. I've never seen such bright eyes." Malan laughed, and she Said: "Your eyes are also very bright, twinkling."

Malan paused, and continued: "We sat together all night, you just touched me, and when you spoke the most excitedly, you put your hand on my shoulder. On my shoulder, you immediately shrank back. "You were so shy, you were too shy to hold me up as we walked up the scaffolding, you just kept saying, 'Be careful, be careful. ’ “We got to the sixth floor and you said, ‘We’re going to sit here. '" I nodded, and you squatted down, wiped off the plaster and gravel with your hands, and asked me to sit down before you sat down. "Later you looked at me and said repeatedly: "It would be great if you were a man, we wouldn't have to break up, you follow me to the hotel, or I go to your house, we can lie on the same bed, we can not stop Talking...'" You said that three times, and then you stood up and said it would be daylight in two hours, and that you should take me home.

"I just stood up and walked down with you, do you remember? There are already stairs on the lower three floors of that house, and the scaffolding below has been removed. When we get to the third floor, we have to go down the stairs inside, and there It was pitch black, you were in front, I followed behind, we couldn't see each other. In the darkness, I suddenly heard your rapid breathing, I had never heard such breathing, fast and heavy. I was surprised at first , Then I immediately realized what was going on. Once I understood, my breathing became short of breath. I felt that I would be hugged by you at any time. I was very scared and excited at the same time. I was so excited that I couldn’t breathe The breath is coming. As soon as my breathing is short, your breathing becomes more tense, thick and loud, and after I hear it, my own breathing is also faster and thicker..."

"We walked out of the house like this, nothing happened, we went to the street, the streetlights were shining on us, you walked in front, I followed, you walked for a while with your head down, and then turned to look Me, I walked over to you, and by this time our breathing had calmed down, and you started talking again." Ma Lan stopped here, and she looked at Zhou Lin for a while, and asked him, "Have you remembered?" Zhou Lin nodded, and he said, "I was very timid at the time." "Just timid?" Ma Lan asked . Zhou Lin nodded and said, "Yes, timid." Ma Lan said, "Should it be trembling?"

Looking at Ma Lan, Zhou Lin felt that she was not joking, so he thought about it seriously, and then said, "It's okay to say trembling, but I think the word nervous is more appropriate." After he finished speaking, he thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, I was still timid. At that time, if I was a little braver, I would hug you, but my whole body was trembling, and I stopped several times. Listening to you approaching, once I approached you You stretched out your hand and it touched your clothes. As soon as my hand touched your clothes, I startled myself. I immediately retracted my hand. I was completely confused at the time, and I forgot that I was going downstairs. I forgot that we would walk out of that building soon, I thought we would have to walk in the dark for a long time, so I was timid again and again, I thought there was still a chance, who knew that a light suddenly shone on my eyes, I found myself out in the street..."

"There's one thing I don't understand..." Zhou Lin hesitated for a while and said, "It's the American heritage, I mean... what happened to her?" Malan said, "She has nothing to do with you." "It doesn't matter?" Zhou Lin looked at Ma Lan for a while, and then laughed loudly. He said, "Is this a person you made up?" It's true, she had that kind of connection with a poet too, only the poet wasn't you." Then Ma Lan asked him with a smile: "Who is that person who shouted 'Mom' you just said?" Zhou Lin also laughed. He touched his forehead with his hand and said, "I thought she was of American heritage."

Malan asked again: "Can you still remember who she is?" Zhou Lin nodded, while Ma Lan shook his head and said, "I don't think you can remember it, but even if you do, it's just a trick...how many women have you had relationships with?" "I can remember." Zhou Lin said, "It just takes a little effort." As Zhou Lin said, he moved closer to Ma Lan. He smiled and said, "I still don't understand. How did you know what I said?" Malan asked him, "Which sentence?" Zhou Lin said, "It's that clumsy sentence." "Sounding thighs?" Malan asked.

Zhou Lin nodded and said, "This sentence is also true." Malan said, "That's your own poem." Zhou Lin said: "I understand, there is one more..." "Let me hug you like a sister." Ma Lan said it for him. Zhou Lin laughed, and continued to ask Malan, "You said that American heritage has nothing to do with me, but this sentence... I really said it." Malan said, "You told it to other women." Zhou Lin asked: "How do you know?" Ma Lan said: "I don't know, I'm just guessing. Because someone said that to me. Men are all the same. They look different, but they are all the same in their bones. Some talk endlessly, full of compliments and admiration. , said, stretched out his hand, first touched my hand, then patted my head after a while, and then touched my face. There are also some clever ones, who talk in different ways, and it sounds like they don’t mean anything No, but every sentence is testing my reaction. I also met a person who hugged me as soon as he came up. I didn’t know him a second ago, but he seemed to be hugging someone who lived with him A woman who has been around for several years..."

Zhou Lin laughed, and he asked Malan, "So you think I'll say that too?" Ma Lan looked at Zhou Lin for a while, and said, "You have said even worse things." Zhou Lin said, "Don't lie to me." Malan smiled and asked him, "How many popular songs can you recite?" Zhou Lin was a little uneasy, he smiled at a loss, and Ma Lan continued: "It should be five or six years ago. During this time, you often used the lyrics of popular songs to seduce girls. This is indeed a means. For those ten Are eight- and twenty-something girls productive?"

Zhou Lin clasped his hands together and asked her inexplicably, "How do you even know this?" Malan said, "Did you live in Weihai in the summer six years ago?" Zhou Lin thought for a while and said, "Yes, it's in Weihai." Ma Lan said, "I'm also in Weihai. I saw you in a restaurant. You were sitting with a dozen other people. You talked loudly, and I sat down." I saw you at the table to your right, you were making a fuss together. At first I just thought I'd seen you before, but I couldn't remember where, and I kept looking at you, and you started watching too Me, just like this, we look at each other, and I try to think who are you? And you, start to seduce me, every time I turn my head to look at you, you smile at me." Until one of your deskmates When someone walked up to you with a wine glass and called your name loudly, I knew who you were. At that time, my heart was about to jump out. I never thought that I would see you in such a place six years later, you His hair was cut short, but his beard was long, longer than his hair.I must have looked at you in a daze for a long time, and you kept looking at me with a smile, your smile was more meaningful than before. "I know you didn't recognize me, or you wouldn't have looked at me like that, and you'd have stood up and come yelling, and you'd have said to me, 'Do you still know me? '" Instead of looking at me with a smile, I know what that smile means, and I'm a little surprised that you've got this look on your face years later. Then I got up and walked out, across the hotel It was not dark at that time, I stood on the embankment and looked at those people swimming in the sea, the rays of the setting sun shone on the sea, and there appeared red lights, undulating with the waves." Someone walked up to me, I knew it was you, I felt your head lowered to me, my heart was pounding, I didn't dare to look at you, it's not that I was too nervous, I was afraid to see you A smile on his face, the kind that seduces a woman.You stood beside me for a while, your head was so close to my face, I could feel your breath, you stood there for a while, and then I heard you say, "Should I be quiet? Go away?'" Your voice gave me the creeps, and I didn't see that you didn't want to see that smile, but you made me hear a voice that was worse than that smile.After a while, you pretended to be gentle and said: "Should I go away quietly, or should I stay bravely?" My whole body was tense, and you continued: "Don't you know now, Please look at the helpless wry smile on my face.'" I stood there with trembling hands, but you still said, "Although I don't say anything, even though I don't do it, you can't understand."'" Your sour voice It made my teeth sore, I turned around and walked forward, I don't want to stand with you anymore, but you followed behind me, you said: "Please give me a little more time and a little more greetings , don't take everything away.'" I couldn't take it anymore, and I turned to you and said, "Go away.'" Then I strode forward, with a sneer on my face, and I just Proud of letting you go. "Ma Lan stopped here and looked at Zhou Lin. Zhou Lin touched his face with his hand. He knew that Malan was looking at him, so he smiled nonchalantly. Ma Lan continued, "In just six years, you have became another person.Six years ago we were sitting on scaffolding on the sixth floor, you were so emotional, you laughed out loud all the time, and every word you said seemed to be shouted.Six years later, you smiled sourly and spoke sourly, full of Hong Kong and Taiwan lyrics.

"Actually, when we were sitting on the scaffold together, you were already seducing me. You told me repeatedly that it would be nice if I were a man so that we could lie on the same bed. I was very innocent at the time, I I don't know what you really mean when you said this. I didn't understand until later, that is, a few years later, but it didn't affect my admiration and admiration for you. To this day, I still like you at that time, and I always I remember you waving your hands when you spoke, and your long hair flicking in front of your forehead." Malan paused, and said, "This is a good memory." Zhou Lin turned to look at Malan, and said : "It's really beautiful." Malan continued: "It's not so beautiful later." Zhou Lin stopped looking at Ma Lan. He looked at his leather shoes. Ma Lan said, "We met again later, two years after we met in Weihai..." "We met once again?" Zhou Lin was a little surprised. "Yes." Malan said. "That is to say, four years ago, in a poetry composition class, you came to give us a lecture. At that time, you no longer had a beard. You stood on the podium with your eyes flicking back and forth, looking absent-minded. This is my first time. The second time I heard you speak poetry, the first time you faced hundreds of thousands of people in the theater, this time only 30 people listened to your voice, you spoke weakly, yawned three times in the middle, and often forgot What to say, just ask us: "Where did I say it? '" After the lecture, you didn't go home, but spent the middle of the night in the dormitories of our creative class students, of course, in the dormitories of female students. I passed by the corridor twice and heard you talking with Several female voices laughed together. At eleven o'clock in the evening, when I was going to bed, you knocked on the door. "You walked in with a slight smile, closed the door yourself, and when you saw me standing by the bed, you waved your hand and said," sit down, sit down. '" After I sat down, you sat on the bed opposite me and asked me: "What's your name?" '"I said:" My name is Malan. '" You asked again: "Where are you from?" '" I said: "Jiangsu people. '" You nodded and stood up, reached out and twisted my face, and said at the same time: "The little face is very beautiful. ' "And then you walked out." "Later..." Zhou Lin asked. "Did we meet again after that?" "Yes." Malan replied. "When?" Zhou Lin asked immediately. Malan smiled and said, "Now." Zhou Lin didn't smile, he looked at the window, the opened curtains hung heavily on both sides, the light outside the house was still hanging on the glass gloomyly, through the glass, he saw that the color of the sky outside was getting darker. Ma Lan stretched her arms upwards, she took off a sweater, and then straightened her hair with her hands. Seeing some beads of sweat on Zhou Lin's forehead, she said, "Take off a sweater." Zhou Lin wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hands, shook his head and said, "No, it's okay." Ma Lan said, "Why don't you turn off the electric stove." Speaking of which, Ma Lan stood up and was about to unplug the power plug. Zhou Lin stretched out his hand to block it, and he said, "I'm not hot." Looking at the red fire on the electric stove for a while, Zhou Lin turned his head and said, "Should I leave?" Ma Lan looked at him and said nothing, Zhou Lin smiled at her, and said, "Actually, I shouldn't be here." After Zhou Lin finished speaking, he looked at Ma Lan, but Ma Lan still didn't speak, Zhou Lin said again: "I don't know that I have seduced you three times... In fact, I have not changed in my bones, I am still the same long-haired man who sat on the scaffold twelve years ago ...reciting a few popular lyrics, stretching out your hand and twisting your face is just a joke...why don't you speak?" Malan said, "I'm listening to you." Zhou Lin looked at the red electric stove for a while, and asked Ma Lan, "If this is the case, why did you let me come?" Seeing Malan smiling but not answering, he answered by himself: "Want to see how I seduced you for the fourth time?" At this time, Ma Lan took his words and said: Look at how you acted on the spot for the fourth time. " Zhou Lin laughed loudly after hearing this, and after he finished laughing, he stood up and said, "I should go." He walked towards the bed, took two steps, turned around and asked Ma Lan, "By the way, there is one thing I want to go to." Ask me why you didn't say we were sitting on scaffolding when you wrote to me twelve years ago." Ma Lan replied, "I thought you would remember my name when you saw it." Zhou Lin nodded and said, "I understand." Then he said again, "I should go." Seeing that Ma Lan was sitting on the sofa without moving, he asked her, "Aren't you seeing me off?" Malan looked at him with a smile, and he also looked at Malan with a smile. Then he turned and walked to the bed, and he looked at the bed. After a while, he turned around and said to Malan, "Malan, come here." Ma Lan looked at him on the sofa, and he said, "Come here." Then Malan stood up, walked to the bed, Zhou Lin stretched out his hand Pointing to the two down jackets on the bed, Ma Lan saw her down jacket lying on her back with both sleeves stretched out, looking very stretched, while Zhou Lin's down jacket was lying on the side, and one of Zhou Lin's down jackets was lying on the side. The sleeves are placed on the chest of the Malan down jacket. Zhou Lin asked: "Have you seen it?" Ma Lan laughed, Zhou Lin reached out and hugged Ma Lan, and said to her, "This is the fourth time to seduce you." Malan smiled and said, "Your clothes are seducing my clothes." That afternoon, when Zhou Lin and Ma Lan were lying on the bed, Zhou Lin saw a dusty blue button on the window sill. The button was not shrunk at the corner of the window frame, but in the center of the window sill.It was covered with dust in such a conspicuous position, Zhou Lin thought that this window hadn't been opened for a long time, half a year?Still a year? There was once a body that leaned against the windowsill for a long time, and the buttons were left behind when the body left.Buttons are always closely connected with the body. Zhou Lin saw a section of female body blocked by blue buttons. When the button fell off, the clothes lifted up and a section of body appeared, just like the trunk exposed after the leaves were blown by the wind. Ma Lan said to Zhou Lin: "I want to see your face." Zhou Lin raised his face, and Ma Lan told him that she wanted to see his face not now but when he was most excited.She said that she had never seen the look on a man's face when he was most excited. When those men had an orgasm before, she pointed to the left and right sides of her neck and said, "Either bury your head here, or bury your head." On this side." Zhou Lin supported his body with his hands at that time, and he asked Malan, "Why do you want me to do this?" Malan smiled and said, "Because you will promise me." After that, they didn't say anything. They communicated with each other physically on the dusty bed and quilt. That bed hadn't been slept in for at least three months, and it was an old-fashioned wooden bed that creaked. crunching sound.After a while, Zhou Lin, who had buried his head on the left side of Malan's neck, propped himself up, raised his head and shouted, "Look at my face." Ma Lan saw that Zhou Lin's eyes were closed tightly, and his face was crooked. He was panting with his mouth half-opened, and there were slight murmurs in the panting sound.After a while, Zhou Lin burst out laughing. His head drooped down and was buried on the left side of Malan's neck again. He was shaking from laughing, and Malan hugged him and giggled too. The two laughed together. It took a full five minutes for him to calm down slowly. After he stopped laughing, Zhou Lin asked Ma Lan, "What did you see on my face?" Ma Lan said, "You look miserable, but you are actually very happy." Zhou Lin said: "I use pain to express joy." "This is trembling," Malan said. "I see the shudder in your face." "Thriller?" Zhou Lin said. "I see."
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