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Chapter 32 Summer Typhoon.2

Yu Hua Selected Novellas 余华 11397Words 2018-03-19
"You really would rather die than submit." It was Wang Hongsheng who said. He heard their laughter, and the rain battered it as it floated to the window. "Beheading is nothing but wind blowing your hat." It was Lin Gang. He noticed their doors, which were all open.Why don't they go inside?Li Ying called again: "Stars." She appeared next to Lin Gang and the others holding an umbrella. He did not know when the child came to his feet. "This child is walking around." Hearing his mother's shout, the child put his index finger on his lips to signal Zhong Qimin to keep quiet. "Xingxing." Xingxing's hair was all wet.He bent down and wiped the rain from the child's face.His hands touched his clothes, which were also wet, and the child's skin had already begun to turn white due to the dampness. "Dawei." Li Ying began to call her husband.

Dawei's promise came from the simple shed. "Come out." Li Ying cried and cried.Immediately called again: "Stars." The voice of a piece of rain. The rainwater flowed continuously on the ground, and the plastic rain cloth kept shaking in the wind, and the rain hit it, making a dull sound.The voices of Wang Hongsheng and the others came in bursts. "Go out and stand for a while, too," she said. Wu Quan sat on the bed, his body was bent, and the sweat was flowing randomly on his face.He shook his head.She reached over and touched his clothes. "Your clothes are all wet." He saw that his hands had countless pale wrinkles as if they had been soaked in water for a long time. "Take off your shirt," she said.

He looked at the rain splashing on the ground.She reached out to unbutton his shirt.He said wearily, "Don't take it off, I'm tired even if I move now." Her damp hair covered half of her face.Her hands supported the edge of the bed, in fact it was her body.Her swollen belly made her lean back slightly.Feet hung under the bed, the pale skin on them looking as if they had separated from the fat inside.Like a piece of paper pasted on the wall indiscriminately, it is about to be blown off by the wind. The sound of Wang Hongsheng and the others outside came together with the sound of rain.The sound of Zhong Qimin's flute has been going on for a long time.The sound of the wind outside is very clear.Occasionally, the wind can tentatively blow in some, making the sultry plastic smell in the simple shed start to move, and there are a few comfortable gaps.

"Go out and stand for a while." She said again. He glanced at her, her tired appearance made him unable to bear to leave her.He shook his head. "I don't want to stand with them." Wang Hongsheng and the others had a bright voice outside.The sound of Zhong Qimin's flute had already left.Now it's free wind. "I also want to stand for a while." She said. They got out of the simple shed together, opened their umbrellas and stood in the rain, and the fresh air outside the shed came to their nostrils. "It's like getting up in the morning and opening the windows," she said.

"Stars." Li Ying's voice sounded particularly fresh at the moment. The stars appeared in the rain not far away, and the child walked with his neck curled up.When he passed by Zhong Qimin's window, he glanced there, and Zhong Qimin waved his flute at him. "Xingxing, where have you been?" Li Ying's voice was full of anger. He noticed that her legs were beginning to tremble.he asks: "Aren't you too tired?" She shook her head. "Let's go back." She said, "I'm not tired." "Let's go," he said.She turned around, took two steps towards the shed, and found that he hadn't moved.He said frowningly, "I really don't want to go back to the simple shed."

She smiled: "then stand for a while." "I mean..." he said, "let's go back to the house." "I think." He continued: "Let's go back to the house and sit for a while, just sit at the door, and then go there." He glanced wearily at the simple shed. There has been no abnormality in the monitor.This morning, the rain began to thin out, and the sky was no longer dull. Although the dark clouds were still rolling, the comforting pale color began to appear faintly. The mildew rain had lasted for three days.He looked at the sparse and fluttering raindrops at this moment, and insisted on the past thoughts in his heart: the earthquake will not happen.The rain on the street was rushing, he had told Gu Lin and the others that.The simple shed of the work propaganda leader is in the middle of the playground.The snow on the peaks of the Alps glistened against the blue sky.But he couldn't tell the work propaganda team leader that the earthquake would not happen, he could only say: "The monitors have been normal."

"Monitor?" Captain Gongxuan sat in the simple shed in agony, wiping the sweat from his bare shoulders with his hands. "Damn it, I haven't heard of monitors." He has been standing outside the shed in the rain. The work leader looked at Bai Shu, and asked suspiciously: "Is that clever?" Bai Shu told him that he had detected the Tangshan earthquake three days before. The work leader looked at Bai Shu for a while, then shook his head: "Can such a big earthquake be known in advance? What kind of monitor, it's just a joke." The simple shed of the physics teacher approached the trail.His wife's eyes drifted from the rain, making him pass as if through a sunlit wood.There has been no abnormality in the monitor, and he really wants to let the physics teacher know this.But the hand in the trouser pocket stopped him, it was a key that stopped him.

The raindrops in the air were thinning now, and a few sparrows flew over the street, their chirping suggesting some splendor, and the sun shining on the wet earth would be moving.There were sounds of pedestrians talking in the street. "I heard that the earthquake will not happen." Bai Shu walked over to their voices. "Earthquake alerts have been lifted for neighboring counties." The monitor has never been abnormal.Bai Shu knew where he was going right now, and he felt that everything was getting serious. The diminutive, middle-aged man commanded admiration when he walked down the street.There was no white tree in his eyes, but he saw Gang Chen:

"How is your father?" Later Chen Gang told Bai Shu: That man is the director of the County Revolutionary Committee. The scene in the open space of the county party committee compound seems to be a repetition of the school playground.There are many simple sheds of different sizes presented there.Still a camp under the Alps.Bai Shu stood at the gate for a long time, he saw them all standing outside the shed after the rain stopped, and they lifted the rain cloth. "That smell is too uncomfortable." Bai Shu heard a kind of joy in their voices that can only be seen on sunny days.

"The day is finally over." "It was a false alarm." Several young people were struggling to overturn the rain cloth of the largest simple shed to the ground.The short, middle-aged man stood aside and talked to a few people, and those who finished talking with him left quickly.Later, there was only a man in his thirties standing next to him.At the moment when the rain cloth was overturned, a patch of rainwater poured down brightly.They walked into a simple shed without a roof. Now the White Tree passed by, and came up to them.The director of the County Revolutionary Committee is sitting in a chair at the moment, stroking his knees with his hands.The man in his thirties was standing with a desk with a black telephone.he asks:

"Are you notifying the radio station?" The director of the Revolutionary Committee waved his hand: "Contact... again." Bai Shu vaguely heard the name of a neighboring county. The man shook the phone: quack quack quack. Is it a long-distance station?Next..." "Who are you?" The director of the Revolutionary Committee found Bai Shu. "The monitor has been normal." Bai Shu heard his own voice trembling towards the director of the Revolutionary Committee. "What did you say?" "The monitors... the seismic monitors are normal." "Seismic monitoring device? Where did you get the seismic monitoring device?" The phone rang.The man picked up the phone. "Hey, it's..." Bai Shu said, "Our school's earthquake monitor." "Your school?" "County middle school." The man said: "Have you cleared the alarm?" Then he put down the phone and said to the director of the Revolutionary Committee: "They have also lifted the alarm." The director of the Revolutionary Committee nodded: "All the alarms have been lifted." Then he asked Bai Shu: "What did you say?" "The monitor has been normal." "Your school? Are there earthquake monitors?" "Yes." Bai Shu nodded: "We detected the Tangshan earthquake." "There is such a thing." A smile appeared on the face of the director of the Revolutionary Committee. "The monitors have been normal. The earthquake will not happen." Bai Shu finally said what he had told Gu Lin and the others. "Oh—" the director of the Revolutionary Committee nodded. "I see what you mean. Earthquakes won't happen?" "No." Bai Shu said. The director of the Revolutionary Committee stood up and walked towards Baishu.He held out his right hand to him, but Shiroki didn't understand what he meant, so he withdrew his hand again.He said: "You did a great job, and I thank you on behalf of the entire county." Then he turned to the man and said, "Write down his name." Later, Bai Shu walked on the street where the rain was rushing.Word had spread through the town by then that the earthquake would not happen.Some people carrying stoves and bedding began to appear on the street, and they were the first to leave the simple shed and go home. "Bai Shu." He saw Wang Ling sitting on the steps of the movie theater. Wang Ling's whole body was soaked, and he looked at Bai Shu with a smile on his face. "Did you know?" Wang Ling said, "There will be no earthquake." He nodded.Then he heard the radio saying: "It is reported that the earthquake warning has been lifted in the neighboring county. According to the report of Bai Shu, the monitor of the earthquake monitoring station in our county, there will be no earthquake in the near future..." Wang Ling shouted: " Bai Shu, I'm talking about you." Bai Shu stood dumbfounded, the female announcer's voice slowly drifting in the air, then he walked up the steps and sat down beside Wang Ling.He felt a few large drops of water in the scene in front of him, and he reached out to wipe away the tears. Wang Ling shook his arm: "Bai Shu, your name has been broadcast." Wang Ling's excitement overwhelmed him, and he said, "Wang Ling, you should also come to the monitoring station." "Really?" I wonder if the physics teacher will agree with Wang Ling to come to the monitoring station. The simple shed of the physics teacher is just beside the road, and when he passes by, he will pass his wife's gaze.He once saw the image of her standing under a tree, the sunlight was not completely blocked by the leaves, but when it came to her, it was mottled.He saw how the shadow of the leaves moved serenely over her.Those shadows of happiness.At that time, she was smiling and said to the physical education teacher: "I can't." The physical education teacher stood by the sandpit and invited her together with the sandpit. The long-lasting moldy rain turned from sparse to terminating at noon of the day.When Zhong Qimin sat at the window and looked at the distant sky, the sky showed him the scene of chaotic clouds flying across.He once reached out his hand to touch the chaotic clouds flying over, and when he approached the mountain peak, dark clouds like black smoke swept up from the mountainside.Those behemoths floating in the air are actually as fragile and disunited as smoke, and their dissipation is doomed.In the clearing, Li Ying was calling for the stars again.It was always so easy for the stars to escape their parents.Lin Gang lifted the plastic rain cloth covering the simple shed, and said, "It's time to bask in the sun." "Where is the sun?" Wang Hongsheng believed it when he came out of the simple shed. "It was blocked by the cloud." Lin Gang said. He was right. "Open the rain cloth." Lin Gang shouted to Wang Hongsheng: "Get out the smell inside." Almost all the rain cloths of the simple shed were overturned to the ground, so Zhong Qimin showed a pile of tatters in the open space.Wu Quan's wife was standing in a simple shed without a rain cloth, and her swollen belly came into Zhong Qimin's view.Li Ying is shouting: "Xing Xing." "Stop barking." Wang Hongsheng said. "Let the kids play for a while." "But he's still a child." Li Ying always had a sad face. Music has escaped.Their noisy voices are the Japanese devils who crossed the Marco Polo Bridge.Music flees quickly.Zhong Qimin stood up from his chair. At this moment, the wind outside was blowing freshly. He wished he could be in the wind, surrounded by fields.When Zhong Qimin came outside, Dawei came back from the street: "Earthquakes won't happen anymore." The news he brought was exciting. "They all moved into the house." "Where are the stars?" Li Ying shouted. "How do I know." "You just know you're wandering around." "You'll just yell." A long argument would ensue.Zhong Qimin walked to the street.The quarrel between women and men is the most stupid voice in this world.The rain on the street was still rushing, and as he walked forward, he felt the water splashes open and wither one after another on his feet.Then he saw some passers-by with blankets on their shoulders and portable stoves. They walked under the dark clouds and rolling sky, with their children following behind. They seemed to be elated, but their elation could only slightly cover up their embarrassment.They are walking towards their home.Wang Hongsheng and the others are now withdrawing the bedding and stove from the simple shed and into their house.Earthquakes won't happen.He felt someone grab his shirt.Xing Xing stood beside him, the child's trousers and sleeves were rolled up high, this was the child's most proud of himself. Xing Xing told Zhong Qimin: "There is no one there." There were several plane trees where the child pointed to, and after the old man passed by, there was indeed no one there. The child walked over, his hands still tugging at Zhong Qimin's clothes.Zhong Qimin had to go over.After coming under the plane tree, Xingxing let go of Zhong Qimin, and pushed a few steps forward to open the door of a house. "There is no one inside." The room was dark.Zhong Qimin knew where the child was going to take him."I just came out of the house," he said. The child ignored him and walked in. Children are tyrants.Zhong Qimin also walked in.At that time, the child was walking up the stairs, which were long and winding stairs like an alley.Then some light fell, and then the staircase ended its extension.Turn right after going upstairs, the child is always in front and he is always behind.A very small hand opened a large door, and it was still the same small hand that closed the door.He sees furniture and beds.Curtains hang from both ends.Now the child's hair fluttered on the window sill, the sound of the curtain being pulled - rattling - rattling - the child's body stretched, his feet trembling with tiptoeing.Quack - quack - the curtains had a hard time moving. Ga - the curtains at both ends are close.The child turned to look at him, and the light from the gap in the curtain floated in the child's hair.The child slid down the wall and sat on the ground.Listen carefully for something, then say: "The sound outside is very soft." The child put his hands on his knees and watched him quietly.The child's eyes sparkle, the child expects what he already knows.He moved the chair by the door and sat facing the child. He should arrange his clothes first, and then he raised his hands to complete a few blowing movements.Finally, a deep apology: "Xiao didn't bring it." The child climbed up while leaning on the wall, his body was frustrated, and his hair was shaking in front of the window sill again.His face was turned away, his eyes probably just pressed against the window sill to look out.He turned his face, and it was bright all around: "I thought you brought it." Zhong Qimin said: Let's guess a riddle. " "Guess what?" The child's frustration began to fade away. "Whose house is this?" is a terrible riddle.The child's face turned away again, and his gaze at this moment was related to the sky, leaves, and wires outside.Then he turned back quickly, his eyes sparkling. The child said, "It belongs to Chen Wei." "Who is Chen Wei?" The child's eyes were very confused, and he shook his head. "I don't know either." "Very good." Zhong Qimin said: "Now change the game. You come over and walk to this cabinet...Let me think...Open the third drawer." The child's hand opened the drawer. "What's in there?" The child threw almost his entire upper body into the drawer, and then took out a few pieces of paper and a pair of scissors. "Great, bring it here." The child took it. "I'll make you a ship or an airplane." "I don't want ships and planes." "Then what do you want?" "I want glasses." "Glasses?" Zhong Qimin looked up at the child, and then started to make paper glasses. "Why do you need glasses?" "Wear them here." The child pointed to his eyes. "Wear it on the mouth?" "No, wear it here." "On the neck?" "No, wear it here." "Understood." Zhong Qimin's production has been completed, and he puts it on the child. "It's on the eyes." The paper covered the child's eyes. "I can't see anything." "How could that be?" Zhong Qimin said. "Take off your glasses and be careful... you look to the right, what do you see?" "Cabinet." "What else?" "Table." "Look to the left, what's there?" "Bed." "Look ahead?" "It's me." "If I walk away, what?" "Chair." "Great, now put your glasses back on." The child puts on paper glasses. "Look to the right, what's there?" "Cabinet and table." "To the left?" "A bed." "What's in front?" "You and the chair." Zhong Qimin asked, "Can you see it now?" The child replied: "I see." The child began to move cautiously about the house.It's really quiet here.A long strip of light hangs from the window.He once walked alone in the forest, the branches above his head were intertwined, the leaves covered each other, and the sky seemed fragmented.The child seemed to have opened the door, and he saw the door too.The sunlight danced on it, from one leaf to another.The child is going downstairs, jumping from one step to another.There is a slight cracking sound of leaves underfoot, and the soil is as soft as newly plowed soil. Zhong Qimin felt someone shaking his chair behind him.The stars did not go downstairs.When he turned around, he saw no stars.The chair was still shaking.He got up and went to the window, the curtains were shaking.He opened the curtains, and saw the stunned passers-by on the street outside. They might be the last ones to evacuate from the simple shed, with the bedding and stove still in their hands.He opened the window, everything outside was still, it was the tranquility from the old city of Gaochang. At this time, someone shouted: "There's an earthquake." The news about the earthquake spread like snowflakes for many days, but what finally arrived was the tranquility near Turpan.Someone in the street started to run, that kind of panicked running.The tranquility just now was disintegrated, and he heard voices rising and falling, and the crying sounded very sharp inside.Zhong Qimin left the window and walked towards the door.When he walked past the chair, he reached out and touched it for a while, and the chair stopped shaking.The noise outside the window became louder.That's what earthquakes do, give you a brief moment of peace, and then everything is noisy again.An earthquake will not give you ruins casually, it is unwilling to give you long-term peace. When Zhong Qimin came to the street, there was a long stream of people walking on the street, carrying bedding and stoves.The previous evacuation has not yet ended, and a new evacuation has already begun.They will withdraw to the improvised shed.The streets were crowded with voices, and they were still panicking. In the evening, Zhong Qimin sat by his window.Someone came back from the street and told everyone: "The broadcast said that there was a small earthquake just now, and there will be a big earthquake later. Everyone should be vigilant." The straw mats on the bed were soaked.When the straw mat was just damp, there was still a warm smell of straw evaporating, and now the edges of the straw mat are covered with white mold spots, she slowly wiped them off with her hands, and she felt the mildew coming off with her hands. What appeared to be the stickiness of rotting food when touched. The continuous flow of rainwater has stopped the temperature rise in the shed.The rainwater under the feet flows in two pieces, and there are some inconspicuous splashes on the edge where the two pieces of rainwater meet, jumping around happily.When the rainwater flowed away, there were countless crystal stripes, shining like a glimmer of light.There is freshness and coolness hidden in the flow of rainwater, the kind of freshness and coolness that comes from a certain dawn in early autumn and covers the land. She has been enduring the vomiting that will break out at any time. She puts her hands in the clothes and uses her hands to isolate the skin of the abdomen from the clothes that have been soaked with water.Wu Quan had already vomited several times. When he bent down, his body was too low to bear. His hands were pressed tightly to the sides of his waist, and the trembling of his hands was horrible.The open mouth seemed hollow, and all the vomiting came out was noise and saliva, but no food.It was as if a file was rasping his throat, and the sound was creepy when he spit it out.The vomit rolled inside her, but she had to bear it.Once she vomits, Wu Quan's vomiting will be even more violent.She saw three crickets crawling on the plastic rain cloth opposite, and the three crickets were crawling in different directions.She seemed to see the fluffy hairs on the cricket's head. The cricket stretched and contracted as it crawled, leaving three bright traces on the rain cloth. The traces formed many arcs when they were bent. "It's better to die." That was the voice of Lin Gang shouting outside. He walked out of the simple shed, and the sound of his feet stepping into the rain was indistinct.Next came the slamming of the door.He went inside. "Lin Gang." It was Wang Hongsheng who came out of the simple shed. "I want to die." Lin Gang shouted from inside the house. She turned to look at her husband, Wu Quan had already raised his face at this moment, he seemed to be looking forward to the sound in the future, but what he heard was the sound of wind and rain and the tick-tock of the plastic rain cloth that had been going on for a long time.So Wu Quan lowered his head again. "Wang Hongsheng." The woman's shrill voice. She saw her husband's naked upper body covered with red spots.The red spot went all the way up, past his neck and up his face.When the nighttime moments reappeared, she heard the buzzing of swarms of mosquitoes.Mosquitoes came from the pouring rain and flew into the simple shed. She never thought that there would be such a loud noise when the mosquitoes flew. "Don't come out." It was Wang Hongsheng's voice. "Why don't you let me out." It was his wife. "I'm doing it for your own good." "I can't stand it either." She began to cry. "Why do you leave me and go back to the house alone." I'm doing it for your own good. ' he began to growl. "Go away." The same roar.He may have held her back. She heard a very crisp sound, and she thought it was him slapping her. "Okay, you—" Crying and fighting sounded at the same time. She turned her face away and saw her husband looked up again. There was a loud slam of the door, and then the door was kicked and smashed. "I don't want to live anymore—" There was a long cry, and the cry whizzed past in the rain.She seemed to have fallen to the ground.The door was slammed.She carefully discerned the sound of the door, and she guessed that she hit it with her head. "I do not want to live." The crying suddenly became short. "You--rogue--" The wife calls her husband a hooligan. "Wang Hongsheng, open the door quickly." It was someone else's voice. The crying began intermittently, with the sound of rain flying in the middle.She heard a door was opened, it should be Wang Hongsheng appeared at the door. The sound of the flute appeared at Zhong Qimin's window.The sound of the flute is very long, like the morning wind blowing along the river.That fool keeps blowing the flute.The name of the fool was given by Wang Hongsheng and the others.That day Lin Gang was standing under his window, and Wang Hongsheng snickered beside him.Lin Gang yelled upstairs: "Fool." He actually poked his head out. "Dawei." Li Ying shouted. "Where are the stars?" Dawei seems to have been out for a long time.His reply was exhausting: "I didn't find it." Li Ying cried heartbroken: "What should I do?" "Someone saw him the afternoon before yesterday." Dawei's voice was low and weak. "It is said that Xing Xing wears pieces of paper in his eyes." The sound of the Xiao was interrupted.How could the sound of the flute be interrupted?In the past three years, the sound of the flute has been constantly appearing.Just like this rain, it always entangles them.On those fine nights, Wu Quan's snoring wafted out of the open window, and Zhong Qimin's flute wafted in from there.She lay between the two sounds, and she was able to sleep well. "He was walking down the street wearing a piece of paper," Dawei said. "What can we do?" Li Ying's cry was weak. She turned her face away, and her husband had already lowered his head.He was peeling the skin on his hands that had wrinkled from the damp right now.Small pieces of pale skin were peeled off.Has peeled off several layers, and once he does that he can't stop.His hands were in tatters.She looked at her hand, which was swollen as if it had been soaked for a long time, and she did not peel off the layer of skin that was actually dead.If she does this, her hands will be the same as her husband's.A cricket was crawling on the bed frame where the husband's left leg rested.The cricket began to bend, and the fattest part in its middle could bend freely.Its head was already resting on her husband's leg, which was covered with red spots.The cricket climbed up and stretched and contracted on her husband's leg.A bright trace stretched from the bed frame to his leg, and his leg was connected to the bed. "Cricket," she called softly. Wu Quan raised his head numbly and looked at her. She said again, "Crickets." At the same time, she pointed to his left leg. He saw a cricket.He stretched out his left hand, trying to pinch the cricket, but failed because the cricket was too slippery.He changed his mind, slapped his fingers against his leg, and the cricket rolled into a ball and fell, and was washed away by the rain. He stopped peeling the skin from his hands, and said to her: "I want to go back to the house." She looked at him: "I want to go back too." "You can't." He shook his head. "No." She insisted on her own idea. "I want to be with you." "No." He refused again. "It's too dangerous there." "That's why I want to be by your side." "No." "I'm going." Her tone was very gentle. "You should think about him." He pointed to her swollen belly. She didn't make a sound anymore, watching him leave the bed, stood up with great difficulty, his legs stepped into the rain, and then bent over and walked out.He stood outside the shed for a while, the rain hit his upturned face, his eyes narrowed.Then she heard a splash of water, and he walked away. The sound of Zhong Qimin's flute floated in the rain again.He likes to sit by his window, the sound of his flute is as long as the wind, blowing from that window, Wu Quan has already entered the house, he must not lie down on the bed, he is too tired, he can't even talk now all tired. "Dawei, go out and look for it again." Li Ying cried and begged. He'd better move a chair and sit by the door.He will. Dawei stepped on the rainwater and walked away. The sound of a door opening.Then came Lin Gang's voice. "It's too much in the house." His voice was frustrated. Lin Gang walked towards the simple shed stepping on the rainwater. Wu Quan was already sitting in the room, and he couldn't stand the room, he was too nervous sitting in the room.He would feel the corner of the room shake suddenly. Wu Quan appeared at the door of the simple shed, and he looked at her palely. In the middle of the night, the sound of Zhong Qimin's flute drifted in the rain.The sound of Xiao is like a sail sailing in the sea, floating in the dark distance.The rain beat on the rain cloth as always, the sound of rushing water rose from the ground, and the wind whizzed past.Mosquitoes swarmed around the shed, taking off and landing on his bare chest.They lack the order they should, landing and taking off are chaotic, and they bump into each other from time to time.Then he heard a panicked sound over the humming noise.The wife has fallen asleep, and her breath is like the waves of the lake, swaying away—this should be the scene of the past, those nights when there was no rain, and the moonlight shone in through the window.Now the loud sound of mosquitoes has drowned out the sound of his wife's breathing.The straw mat under his body was steaming with traces of moisture, and the moisture floated to his face, making him smell the warm and rotten breath.It's the smell of fluffy rice after it's rotten.Not spoiling of fruit or spoiling of meat.After the rice is rotten, it will appear blue and yellow intersecting colors. He sat up from the bed, but his wife didn't move.He felt the flurry of countless mosquitoes flying away from his body.A chaotic hum.He stepped his feet into the running water, and a coolness rose spontaneously and quickly reached his chest.He shuddered.When He Yongming's body was fished out of the river, it was already white and swollen.It was a hot summer noon.They put him under the shade of a tree, and the mosquitoes flew in groups from the grass, occupying his whole body in an instant, and countless spots appeared on his swollen body.Someone approached the corpse.Countless mosquitoes quickly escaped from the corpse and danced in a panic.This is also the scene just now.I'm going back to the house.He sat like that for a while, and he wanted to go back to the house.He felt a mosquito fly into his mouth as he inhaled.He wanted to spit out the mosquitoes, but it was very difficult.He stood up, and his body touched the rain cloth, which was cold.The rain outside hit his naked upper body, which was very comfortable and a bit cold.He saw a man smoking a cigarette standing in the rain. The man seemed to be holding an umbrella, and the fireworks flickered on and off.There was no light in Zhong Qimin's window, and the sound of flute floated out like a ghost.The rain was violent. I'm going back to the house.He walked towards his house.The door of the house was open, and the place looked darker than elsewhere.That place can be walked in.The water on the ground made a splashing sound, and the water blocked his feet, making it very heavy when he walked out. I am already home.He stood at the door for a while, the southeast corner was dark, and his eyes felt empty.It had writhed there, it had cracked there.Now there is nothing. Why am I standing at the door?He groped forward, a chair blocked him, he moved the chair away, and walked on.He found the banister of the stairs, where the bed was placed at the north end of the upper floor.He walked up the stairs.It seems that something is about to happen, and there has been a lot of noise outside for a long time.That thing seemed important, but what was it?Why can't I remember?Not long ago, I knew it, and I still said it.But now I can't remember anything.There are no stairs, and the feet don't have to be lifted so high, which is too strenuous.The bed is at the north end of the house, there is nothing wrong with walking there.That's the bed, it's hard to the touch.Now sit on it, it's a bit soft to sit on, take off your shoes, go to bed and lie down.Why can't I take off the shoes? It turns out that the shoes have already been taken off.Well now, you can lie down.Why is there no sound of running water underground, did you not hear it?Now I hear it, the rain is splashing on the ground.The wind was so strong that it swayed the raincloth wildly.The sound of rain hitting the rain cloth, tick-tock, has been going on for a long time.Mosquitoes swarmed and buzzed, landing and taking off on his chest.The straw mat under him was evaporating a trace of moisture, and the moisture floated to his face, and the rotten breath was very warm.It's the smell of fluffy rice after it's rotten.Not spoiling of fruit or spoiling of meat.After the rice is rotten, it will appear blue and yellow intersecting colors.I'm going back to the house.I can't move my limbs, and my eyes can't move. In the morning, the rain was sparse.Zhong Qimin sat down at the window, listening to the sounds from nature.The wind blows freely in the air, coming from the distant fields, passing through the three ponds, puckering the water there, and shaking the leaves along the way.He once heard a group of children arguing in the distance one morning, and the leaves had the fresh tone of children when they swayed in the morning wind.The sounds of children can be associated with early morning.The wind blows through the window.Wind is the most persistent sound in nature.Such early mornings are rare.The news of the impending earthquake came early, followed by moldy rain, and then a morning as peaceful as this one.Such an early morning repelled coughing and footsteps, and the swipe of the broom on the concrete floor.Wang Hongsheng said: "He is too nervous." He coughed twice. "Otherwise nothing would happen if he jumped from the second floor." "He jumped headfirst and hit the stone slab again." They are always standing together and chatting under the window, they will never understand that the sound cannot be squandered casually, so music will not be born in their chattering, as soon as the music meets them, it will go away.Yet their chatter was milder than that of the women.As soon as they came to the window, a flock of sparrows and a flock of ducks passed by at the same time, and this passage was always continuous.Dawei walked down the street in that dark raincoat.In the afternoon three days ago, Xing Xing never came back after he put on his paper glasses and went out. Dawei walked hunched over, as he often came back like this.Li Ying stood in the rain and watched her husband go away. She didn't hold an umbrella, and the rain hit her face.This morning she suddenly stopped crying. He saw Wu Quan's wife coming out from the open door, but she didn't come out from the simple shed.Her swollen belly made her swinging her legs very vulgar.She walked past him through the window. "What is she going to do?" Lin Gang asked. "Maybe go find someone." It was Wang Hongsheng who answered. They are still standing below.The tranquility of the morning doesn't always go well.He once lay on the bank of the Daning River one morning, and the silence around him made him clearly hear the flow of the river, the sound from nature. When she came back, she was pushing a trolley, and she kept pushing the trolley to the door of her house and stopped.Then go inside.Her distended belly made her manners appear to be very difficult.It was even harder when she came out of the house, she was holding someone.She can still walk with a person in her arms.Someone went up to help her.They put the man on the cart.She re-entered the house, and they stood by the cart.He saw the face of the man lying in the cart facing him, and he saw Wu Quan's face through the morning drizzle.那是一张丧失了表情的脸,脸上的五官像是孩子们玩积木时搭上去的。她重又从屋里出来,先将一块白布盖住吴全,然后再将一块雨布盖上去,有人打算去推车,她摇了摇手,自己推起了板车。板车经过窗下时,王洪生和林刚走上去,似乎是要帮助他。她仍然是摇摇手。雨点打在她微微仰起的脸上,使她的头发有些纷乱。他看清了她的脸,她的脸使他想起了一支名叫《什么是伤心》的曲子。她推着车,往街的方向走去。她走去时的背影摇摇晃晃,两条腿摆动时很艰难,那是因为腹中的孩子,尚未出世的孩子和她一起在雨中。 不久之后那块空地上将出现一个新的孩子,那孩子摸着墙壁摇摇晃晃地走路,就像他母亲的现在。孩子很快就会长大,长到和现在的星星一样大。这个孩子也会喜欢箫声,也会经常偷偷坐到他的脚旁。 她走去时踩得雨水四溅,她身上的雨衣有着清晨的亮色,他看清了她走去时是艰难而不是粗俗。一个女人和一辆板车走在无边的雨中。在富春江畔的某个小镇里,他看到了一支最隆重的送葬队伍。花圈和街道一样长,三十支唢呐仰天长啸 一片红色的果子在雨中闪闪发亮,参差其间的青草摇晃不止。这情景来自最北端小屋的窗上。 街道两端的雨水流动时,发出河水一样的声响。雨遮住了前面的景色,那片红果子就是这样脱离了操场北端的草地,在白树行走的路上闪闪发亮。在这阴雨弥漫的空中,红色的果子耀眼无比。四天前的这条街道曾经像河水一样波动起来,那时候他和王岭坐在影剧院的台阶上。那个下午突然来到的地震,使这条街道上充满了惊慌失措的情景。当他迅速跑回最北端的小屋时,监测仪没有出现异常情景。后来,霉雨重又猛烈起来以后,顾林他们来到了他的面前。 就在这里,那棵梧桐树快要死去了。他的脑袋就是撞在这棵树上的。顾林他们挡住了他。“你说。”顾林怒气冲冲。“你是在造谣。” “我没有造谣。”“你再说一遍地震不会发生。” He didn't speak. “你说不说?”他看到顾林的手掌重重地打在自己脸上。然后胸膛挨了一拳,是陈刚干的。陈刚说:“你只要说你是在造谣,我们就饶了你。” “监测仪一直很正常,我没有造谣。” 他的脸上又挨了一记耳光。 顾林说:“那么你说地震不会发生。” “我不说。”顾林用腿猛地扫了一下他的脚,他摇晃了一下,没有倒下。陈刚推开了顾林,说:“我来教训他。” 陈刚用脚猛踢他的腿。他倒下去时雨水四溅,然后是脑袋撞在梧桐树上。就在这个地方,四天前他从雨水里爬起来,顾林他们哗哗笑着走了。他很想告诉他们,监测仪肯定监测到那次地震,只是当初他没在那座最北端的小屋,所以事先无法知道地震。但是他没有说,顾林他们走远以后还转过身来朝他挥了挥拳头。当初他没在小屋里,所以他不能说。 一片树叶在街道的雨水里移动。最北端小屋的桌面布满水珠,很像是一张雨中的树叶。四天来他首次离开那间小屋。监测仪持续四天没有出现异常情况。现在他走向县委大院。
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